Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS and GSM
Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS and GSM
Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS and GSM
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The vehicle tracking system using GPS and accurate and reliable location tracking, while the GSM
GSM is a technology that enables real-time tracking and network provides reliable communication between the
monitoring of vehicles. The system uses a Global vehicle and the monitoring device.
Positioning System (GPS) and a Global System for
Mobile communication (GSM) to track the location and Overall, a vehicle tracking system using GPS and
transmit the data to a central server. The GPS module GSM module is a powerful tool for businesses and
on the vehicle receives signals from satellites to individuals who want to improve the security and efficiency
determine its precise location, which is then transmitted of their vehicles. It can help to reduce costs associated with
to the server using the GSM network. The system also theft, improve response times to emergencies, and optimize
includes features such as geo-fencing, speed monitoring, routes for increased productivity.
and real-time alerts, which improve vehicle security and
reduce the risk of theft. This abstract provides an II. METHODOLOGY
overview of the vehicle tracking system using GPS and A vehicle tracking system is a technology that enables
GSM, its functionality, and the benefits it offers to the real-time tracking and monitoring of vehicles. The
vehicle owners and fleet managers. methodology for developing such a system involves several
Keywords:-GPS steps. The first step is to determine the requirements of the
technology,GSMtechnology,ArduinoUNO,Location data system, including the type of vehicles to be tracked, the
level of accuracy required, the frequency of updates, and the
I. INTRODUCTION type of user interface. Once the requirements are defined,
the appropriate technology can be selected. GPS and GSM
A vehicle tracking system using GPS and GSM modules are commonly used for location tracking and
module is an advanced technology that allows individuals communication, respectively. The design and development
and businesses to monitor the location and movement of of the system involves selecting and integrating the
their vehicles in real-time. This system relies on the Global hardware components, programming the microcontroller,
Positioning System (GPS) to determine the precise location and developing the user interface. The system acquires data
of a vehicle, and the Global System for Mobile from the GPS module, processes it, and communicates it
Communications (GSM) network to transmit this location through the GSM module. The data is stored locally or
data to a remote server or device. remotely and can be accessed through a user interface, such
as a web-based application or a mobile app. The system is
The system can be used to track a single vehicle or an tested and optimized for performance to ensure that it meets
entire fleet of vehicles, and provides a range of benefits such the requirements of the user.
as improved security, better vehicle management, and
enhanced efficiency. The GPS technology allows for