CETD-II Tutorial 7
CETD-II Tutorial 7
CETD-II Tutorial 7
Use Appendices from Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
(8th ed.) by Smith and Van Ness
Q. No. Question
1 a) Assuming that carbonated water contains only CO 2 (1) and H2O (2), determine the
compositions of the vapor and liquid phases in a sealed can of “soda” at 25°C if the
pressure inside the can is 5 bar. Assume H1 = 1670 bar at 25°C.
2 The following is a set of VLE data for the system methanol(1)/water(2) at 333.15 K:
P (kPa) x1 y1 P (kPa) x1 y1
a) Find parameter values for the Margules equation that provide the best fit of G E / RT to
the data, and prepare a Pxy diagram that compares the experimental points with curves
determined from the correlation.
=( A 21 x 1 + A 12 x 2 ) x 1 x 2
GE A ' 12 A ' 21 x 1 x 2
RT A ' 12 x 1 + A ' 21 x 2
A ' 12 A ' 21
ln γ 1= ln γ 2=
( ) ( )
2 2
A ' 12 x 1 A ' 21 x 2
1+ 1+
A ' 21 x 2 A ' 12 x 1
3 The excess Gibbs energy for the system chloroform(1)/ethanol(2) at 55°C is well
represented by the Margules equation, G / RT = ( 1.42 x 1 +0.59 x 2 ) x 1 x 2. The vapor
sat sat
pressures of chloroform and ethanol at 55°C are P 1 =82.37 and P 2 =37.31 kPa
Assuming the validity of Modified Raoult’s law, make BUBL P calculations at 55°C for
a liquid-phase mole fraction of 0.50.
For comparison, repeat the calculations using gamma/phi formulation of VLE with virial
coefficients: B11 = -963, B22 = -1523, and B12 = 52 cm3.mol−1. Assume the Poynting factor
as one for both the species.