Jospt 2008 0302
Jospt 2008 0302
Jospt 2008 0302
RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2
INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A3
Impairment Function-Based Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4
Examinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8
Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A11
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A17
For author, coordinator, and reviewer affiliations see end of text. ©2008 Orthopaedic Section, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Inc, and the Journal of
Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. The Orthopaedic Section, APTA, Inc, and the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy consent to the photocopying of
this guideline for educational purposes. Address correspondence to Joseph J. Godges, DPT, ICF Practice Guidelines Coordinator, Orthopaedic Section APTA, Inc,
2920 East Avenue South, Suite 200, La Crosse, WI 54601. E-mail:
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 37 | number 1 | january 2007 | a1
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : A C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e
region; most noticeable with initial steps after a period of inac- to support the use of manual therapy and nerve mobilization
tivity but also worse following prolonged weight bearing; and procedures to provide short-term (1 to 3 months) pain relief and
often precipitated by a recent increase in weight-bearing activ- improved function. Suggested manual therapy procedures in-
ity are useful clinical findings for classifying a patient with heel \en]^mZeh\knkZechbgmihlm^kbhk`eb]^%ln[mZeZkchbgmeZm^kZe`eb]^%
pain into the International Statistical Classification of Diseases Zgm^kbhkZg]ihlm^kbhk`eb]^lh_ma^ÖklmmZklhf^mZmZklZechbgm%
and Related Health Problems (ICD) category of plantar fasciitis ln[mZeZkchbgm]blmkZ\mbhgfZgbineZmbhg%lh_mmblln^fh[bebsZ-
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
and the associated International Classification of Functioning, tion near potential nerve entrapment sites, and passive neural
Disability, and Health (ICF) impairment-based category of heel mobilization procedures. (Recommendation based on theoreti-
pain (b28015, Pain in lower limb; b2804, Radiating pain in a cal/foundational evidence.)
segment or region).
?DJ;HL;DJ?EDIÆIJH;J9>?D=0 Calf muscle and/or plantar fas-
In addition, the following physical examination measures may cia-specific stretching can be used to provide short-term (2-4
be useful in classifying a patient with heel pain into the ICD months) pain relief and improvement in calf muscle flexibility.
category of plantar fasciitis and the associated ICF impair- Ma^]hlZ`^_hk\Ze_lmk^m\abg`\Zg[^^bma^k,mbf^lZ]Zrhk+
ment-based category of heel pain. (Recommendation based on times a day utilizing either a sustained (3 minutes) or intermit-
moderate evidence.) tent (20 seconds) stretching time, as neither dosage produced a
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
a2 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
7?CE<J>;=K?:;B?D; Ikhob]^Z]^l\kbimbhgmhiheb\rfZd^kl%nlbg`bgm^kgZmbhgZeer
Ma^HkmahiZ^]b\L^\mbhgh_ma^:f^kb\ZgIarlb\ZeMa^kZir:l- accepted terminology, of the practice of orthopaedic physi-
lh\bZmbhg!:IM:"aZlZghg`hbg`^ühkmmh\k^Zm^^ob]^g\^&[Zl^] cal therapists
practice guidelines for orthopaedic physical therapy manage-
ment of patients with musculoskeletal impairments described Ikhob]^bg_hkfZmbhg_hkiZr^klZg]\eZbflk^ob^p^klk^`Zk]-
bgma^Phke]A^ZemaHk`ZgbsZmbhgÍlBgm^kgZmbhgZe<eZllbÖ\Zmbhg ing the practice of orthopaedic physical therapy for common
of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF).22 musculoskeletal conditions
Ma^inkihl^lh_ma^l^\ebgb\Ze`nb]^ebg^lZk^mh3 <k^Zm^Zk^_^k^g\^in[eb\Zmbhg_hkhkmahiZ^]b\iarlb\Ze
therapy clinicians, academic instructors, clinical instructors,
=^l\kb[^^ob]^g\^&[Zl^]iarlb\Zema^kZirikZ\mb\^bg\en]- students, interns, residents, and fellows regarding the best
ing diagnosis, prognosis, intervention, and assessment of current practice of orthopaedic physical therapy
outcome for musculoskeletal disorders commonly managed
by orthopaedic physical therapists IJ7J;C;DJE<?DJ;DJ
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
address impairments of body function and structure, activ- should they be construed as including all proper methods of
ity limitations, and participation restrictions associated with care or excluding other acceptable methods of care aimed at
common musculoskeletal conditions ma^lZf^k^lneml'Ma^nembfZm^cn]`f^gmk^`Zk]bg`ZiZkmb\neZk
clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made in light of
B]^gmb_rZiikhikbZm^hnm\hf^f^Zlnk^lmhZll^ll\aZg`^l the clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic
resulting from physical therapy interventions in body func- and treatment options available. However, we suggest that
tion and structure, as well as in activity and participation of significant departures from accepted guidelines should be docu-
the individual mented in the patient’s medical records at the time the relevant
clinical decision is made.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
<hgm^gm^qi^kmlp^k^Ziihbgm^][rma^HkmahiZ^]b\L^\mbhg% diagnostic categories based on International Statistical Classifi-
:IM:%Zl]^o^ehi^klZg]Znmahklh_\ebgb\ZeikZ\mb\^`nb]^ebg^l cation of Diseases and Health Related Problems (ICD)23 termi-
for musculoskeletal conditions of the ankle and foot that are nology would not be useful for these ICF-based clinical practice
\hffhgermk^Zm^][riarlb\Zema^kZiblml'Ma^l^\hgm^gm^qi^kml guidelines, as most of the evidence associated with changes in
were given the task to identify impairments of body function levels of impairment or function in homogeneous populations
and structure, activity limitations, and participation restric- blghmk^Z]berl^Zk\aZ[e^nlbg`ma^\nkk^gmm^kfbgheh`r'MablZi-
tions, described using ICF terminology, that could (1) categorize proach, although less systematic, enabled the content experts to
patients into mutually exclusive impairment patterns upon search the scientific literature related to classification, outcome
which to base intervention strategies, and (2) serve as measures measures, and intervention strategies for musculoskeletal con-
of changes in function over the course of an episode of care. ditions commonly treated by physical therapists.
interventions and supporting evidence for specific subsets of Mabl`nb]^ebg^pZlblln^]bg+))1[Zl^]nihgin[eb\Zmbhglbg
patients based upon the previously chosen patient categories. It ma^l\b^gmbÖ\ebm^kZmnk^ikbhkmhFZr+))0'Mabl`nb]^ebg^pbee
pZlZelhZ\dghpe^]`^][rma^HkmahiZ^]b\L^\mbhg%:IM:%maZm be considered for review in 2012, or sooner if new evidence
a systematic search and review of the evidence related to [^\hf^lZoZbeZ[e^':grni]Zm^lmhma^`nb]^ebg^bgma^bgm^kbf
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a3
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Methods (continued) Ma^HkmahiZ^]b\L^\mbhg%:IM:Zelhl^e^\m^]\hglnemZgml_khf
the following areas to serve as reviewers of the early drafts of
B;L;BIE<;L?:;D9; <eZbflk^ob^p
Individual clinical research articles were graded according to <h]bg`
\kbm^kbZ]^l\kb[^][rma^<^gm^k_hk>ob]^g\^&;Zl^]F^]b\bg^% >ib]^fbheh`r
Hq_hk]%Ngbm^]Dbg`]hf!MZ[e^*[^ehp"' F^]b\ZeikZ\mb\^`nb]^ebg^l
Evidence obtained from high-quality randomized controlled
I Lihkmliarlb\Zema^kZirk^lb]^g\r^]n\Zmbhg
trials, prospective studies, or diagnostic studies
Evidence obtained from lesser-quality randomized coordinators to edit this clinical practice guideline prior to
controlled trials, prospective studies, or diagnostic submitting it for publication to the Journal of Orthopaedic &
studies (eg, improper randomization, no blinding, < 80% follow- Sports Physical Therapy.
In addition, several physical therapists practicing in orthopae-
III Case controlled studies or retrospective studies dic and sports physical therapy settings were sent initial drafts
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
IV Case series of this clinical practice guideline, along with feedback forms
V Expert opinion
feedback forms from these practicing clinicians described this
=H7:;IE<;L?:;D9; :gÊZ\\nkZm^k^ik^l^gmZmbhgh_ma^i^^k&k^ob^p^]ebm^kZmnk^Ë
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
tions made in this guideline will be graded according to guide- hkmahiZ^]b\iarlb\Zema^kZiriZmb^gm\Zk^Ë
lines described by Sackett19Zlfh]bÖ^][rFZ\=^kfb]Zg]
Z]him^][rma^\hhk]bgZmhkZg]k^ob^p^klh_mablikhc^\m'Bgmabl 9B7II?<?97J?ED
fh]bÖ^]lrlm^f%ma^mrib\Ze:%;%<%Zg]=`kZ]^lh_^ob]^g\^ Ma^ikbfZkrB<=&*)\h]^Zg]\hg]bmbhgZllh\bZm^]pbmaa^^e
have been modified to include the role of consensus expert pain is M72.2 Plantar fascial fibromatosis/Plantar fasciitis.23Hma^k%
opinion and basic science research to demonstrate biological or secondary ICD-10 codes and conditions associated with heel
[bhf^\aZgb\ZeieZnlb[bebmr!MZ[e^+[^ehp"' pain are G57.5 Tarsal tunnel syndrome and G57.6 Lesion of plantar
GRADES OF RECOMMENDATION STRENGTH OF EVIDENCE \h]^lZg]\hg]bmbhgl%pab\aZk^nl^]bgma^NL:%Zk^0+1'0*
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
a4 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a5
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
FH;L7B;D9; tar nerves while traveling through the tarsal tunnel. Both the
Plantar fasciitis is the most common foot condition medial plantar, lateral plantar, and their respective nerve
treated by healthcare providers. It has been estimated that [kZg\a^l\Zg[^ln[c^\mmh^gmkZif^gme^Z]bg`mhÊmZklZemng-
ieZgmZk _Zl\bbmbl h\\nkl bg ZiikhqbfZm^er + fbeebhg :f^kb- g^elrg]khf^'ËMablbg\en]^lZl^\hg][kZg\ah_ma^eZm^kZe
cans each year and affects as much as 10% of the population ieZgmZkg^ko^%Zelhk^_^kk^]mhZlÊ;Zqm^kÍlg^ko^%Ëpab\a\Zg
over the course of a lifetime.48Bg+)))ma^?hhmZg]:gde^ also be entrapped.17Ma^k^Zii^Zklmh[^ZgZgZmhfb\Ze\hg-
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
counts for 15% of all adult foot complaints requiring profes- tendons and plantar fascia as the foot aged.
sional care and is prevalent in both nonathletic and athletic
ihineZmbhgl'MZngmhg^mZe54 conducted a retrospective case- Ma^fhlm\hffhglbm^h_Z[ghkfZebmrbgbg]bob]nZel\hf-
control analysis of 2002 individuals with running-related in- plaining of heel pain diagnosed as plantar fasciitis is near
cnkb^lpahp^k^k^_^kk^]mhma^lZf^lihkmlf^]b\bg^\^gm^k' the origin or enthesis of the central band of the plantar apo-
Ma^rk^ihkm^]maZmieZgmZk_Zl\bbmblpZlma^fhlm\hffhg g^nkhlblZmma^f^]bZeieZgmZkmn[^k\e^h_ma^\Ze\Zg^nl'Hg
condition diagnosed in the foot and represented 8% of all occasion, individuals will complain of pain and symptoms in
bgcnkb^l' ma^fb]&ihkmbhgh_ma^\^gmkZe[Zg]%cnlmikbhkmhbmliebmmbg`
into the 5 slips.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
II ly understood and is multifactorial. Riddle et al48
determined risk factors for plantar fasciitis in a
III same insertion as the central band of the plantar
_Zl\bZ3 ×^qhk ]b`bmhknf [k^obl% Z[]n\mhk aZeen\bl%
nonathletic population using a matched case-control design
Zg]ma^f^]bZea^Z]h_ma^jnZ]kZmnlieZgmZ^'F^]bZe\Ze\Z- ngbeZm^kZeieZgmZk_Zl\bbmblf^mma^bg\enlbhg\kbm^kbZ'Ma^Zn-
neal branches from the tibial nerve innervate the plantar heel thors concluded that the risk of plantar fasciitis increased as
iZ]'Ma^mb[bZeg^ko^]bob]^lbgmhma^f^]bZeZg]eZm^kZeieZg- Zgde^]hklb×^qbhgkZg`^h_fhmbhg]^\k^Zl^]'Hma^k_Z\mhkl
a6 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
that increased the risk of developing plantar fasciitis in this the morning with the first steps after waking or after a pe-
lmn]rihineZmbhgp^k^li^g]bg`ma^fZchkbmrh_ma^phkd]Zr riod of inactivity.
on the feet and a body-mass index of greater than 30 kg/m2. Bg lhf^ \Zl^l% ma^ iZbg bl lh l^o^k^ maZm bm k^lneml bg Zg
While ankle dorsiflexion, obesity, and work-related weight antalgic gait.
bearing were reported to be independent risk factors, reduced Ma^iZmb^gmpbeenlnZeerk^ihkmmaZmma^a^^eiZbgpbeee^ll^g
ankle dorsiflexion appeared to be the most important.48 with increasing levels of activity (ie, walking, running), but
will tend to worsen toward the end of the day.
In a recent systematic review examining risk factors Ma^ablmhkrnlnZeerbg]b\Zm^lmaZmma^k^aZl[^^gZk^\^gm
II associated with chronic plantar heel pain, Irving et
al24 reported a strong association between a body-
change in activity level, such as increased distance with
walking or running, or an employment change that re-
mass index of 25 to 30 kg/m2 and a calcaneal spur in a non- quires more time standing or walking.
Zmae^mb\ihineZmbhg'Ma^rk^ihkm^]Zp^ZdZllh\bZmbhg_hkma^ Bgfhlm\Zl^lma^iZmb^gmpbeebgbmbZeer\hfieZbgh_laZki%
development of plantar fasciitis with increased body-mass localized pain under the anteromedial aspect of the plantar
index in an athletic population, increased age, decreased an- surface of the heel, with paresthesias being uncommon.
de^ ]hklb×^qbhg% ]^\k^Zl^] Öklm f^mZmZklhiaZeZg`^Ze chbgm
extension, and prolonged standing. Irving and colleagues24 Pain in the plantar medial heel region; most notice-
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
foot posture and dynamic foot motion are of inter- associated ICF impairment-based category of heel pain
est because the high incidence of plantar fasciitis in (b28015 Pain in lower limb; b2804 Radiating pain in a seg-
runners has been anecdotally attributed to repetitive micro- ment or region).
tala37 as well as Wearing et al58 have assessed dynamic foot In addition, the following physical examination measures
motion retrospectively in both runners and walkers with may be useful in classifying a patient with heel pain into the
plantar fasciitis. Both studies reported no differences be- ICD category of plantar fasciitis and the associated ICF im-
tween case and control groups, but the sample size evaluated pairment-based category of heel pain (b28015 Pain in lower
in these studies were small. limb; b2804 Radiating pain in a segment or region).
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
Clinicians should consider limited ankle dorsiflex- :\mbo^Zg]iZllbo^mZeh\knkZechbgm]hklb×^qbhgkZg`^
B ion range of motion and a high body-mass index in
nonathletic populations as factors predisposing
of motion
patients to the development of heel pain/plantar fasciitis. Ma^pbg]eZllm^lm
Based on long-term follow-up data in case series :?<<;H;DJ?7B:?7=DEI?I
comprised primarily of patients seen in an orthopaedic out- Ma^_heehpbg`]bü^k^gmbZe]bZ`ghl^laZo^[^^gln``^lm^]_hk
patient setting, the clinical course for most patients was posi- plantar heel pain4,83
tive, with 80% reporting resolution of symptoms within a <Ze\Zg^Zelmk^ll_kZ\mnk^
12-month period.34,60 ;hg^[knbl^
:?7=DEI?I%9B7II?<?97J?ED Lh_m&mblln^%ikbfZkr%hkf^mZlmZmb\[hg^mnfhkl
The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is made with IZ`^m]bl^Zl^h_[hg^
II a reasonable level of certainty on the basis of a clini-
cal assessment alone.4,5,8,10
the plantar surface of the heel upon weight bearing after a
period of non-weight bearing.
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a7
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
While the majority of the studies reviewed There are no activity limitation measures
I for this guideline have utilized the Foot Function
Index (FFI), Foot Health Status Questionnaire
V specifically reported in the literature associated with
heel pain/plantar fasciitis—other than those that
!?ALJ"%hkma^?hhmZg]:gde^:[bebmrF^Zlnk^!?::F"Zl are part of the self-report questionnaires noted in this guide-
_ng\mbhgZehnm\hf^jn^lmbhggZbk^l%hgerma^?::FaZl[^^g ebg^Íl Hnm\hf^ F^Zlnk^l l^\mbhg' Ahp^o^k% ma^ _heehpbg`
validated in a physical therapy practice setting.33Ma^?::F measures are options that a clinician may use to assess chang-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
a8 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Description The amount of active ankle dorsiflexion range of motion measured with the knee extended
Measurement method The patient is positioned in prone with feet over the edge of the treatment table. The examiner asks the patient to dorsiflex the ankle
for an active measurement, or the examiner passively dorsiflexes the ankle, while ensuring that the foot does not evert or invert
during the dorsiflexion maneuver. At the end of the active or passive dorsiflexion range of motion, the examiner aligns the stationary
arm of the goniometer along the shaft of the fibula and aligns the moving arm of the goniometer along the shaft of the
5th metatarsal.
Measurement properties There is ample evidence to support the intrarater reliability of dorsiflexion range of motion measurements (reported intraclass
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
correlation coefficient (ICC) for active assessment varies from 0.64 to 0.92; ICC for passive assessment varies from 0.74 to 0.98). There
is some evidence to support interrater reliability with reported ICC varying from 0.29 to 0.81.35
ICF category Measurement of impairment of structure of the nervous system, other specified
Description In non-weight bearing, dorsiflexion of the ankle, eversion of the foot, and extension of all of the toes is maintained for 5 to 10 seconds
to determine if the patient’s symptoms are elicited
Measurement method With the patient sitting, the examiner maximally dorsiflexes the ankle, everts the foot, and extends the toes maintaining the position
for 5 to 10 seconds, while tapping over the region of the tarsal tunnel to determine if a positive Tinel sign is present or if the patient
complains of local nerve tenderness.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
Measurement properties Kinoshita et al25 performed this test on 50 normal and on 37 patients (44 feet) treated operatively for tarsal tunnel syndrome. In the
normal group no signs or symptoms were produced by the test. In the 44 symptomatic feet, the test increased numbness or pain in 36
feet and the Tinel sign became more pronounced in 41 feet.
Cadaver model In 6 cadavers, Alshami et al2 reported that dorsiflexion-eversion of the ankle combined with extension of the metatarsophalangeal
joints significantly increased strain in the tibial nerve, lateral plantar nerve, and medial plantar nerve. However, this maneuver
also significantly increased strain in the plantar fascia. During this investigation, both components (dorsiflexion-eversion and
metatarsophalangeal joint extension) resulted in significant strain increases. This maneuver also resulted in significant excursion of
the tibial (6.9 mm, P = .016) and lateral plantar (2.2 mm, P = .032) nerves in the distal direction.
*Using Altman’s convention for diagnostic studies with a zero count in the 2-by-2 contingency table (adding 0.5 to all 4 cells) 4
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a9
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Windlass Test
ICF category Measurement of impairment of body structure: fascia and ligaments of the foot
Description Extension of the first metatarsophalangeal joint in both weight bearing and non-weight bearing to cause the windlass effect of the
plantar fascia and determine if the patient’s heel pain is reproduced
Measurement method The test is performed in 2 positions: non-weight bearing and weight bearing.
NON-WEIGHT BEARING: With the patient sitting, the examiner stabilizes the ankle joint in neutral with 1 hand placed just behind the
first metatarsal head. The examiner then extends the first metatarsophalangeal joint, while allowing the interphalangeal joint to flex.
Passive extension (ie, dorsiflexion) of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is continued to its end of range or until the patient’s pain is
WEIGHT BEARING: The patient stands on a step stool and positions the metatarsal heads of the foot to be tested just over the edge of the
step. The subject is instructed to place equal weight on both feet. The examiner then passively extends the first metatarsophalangeal
joint while allowing the interphalangeal joint to flex. Passive extension (ie, dorsiflexion) of the first metatarsophalangeal joint is
continued to its end of range or until the patient’s pain is reproduced.
Measurement properties De Garceau et al13 performed the test on 22 patients with plantar fasciitis and 43 other patients who served as a control group. None
of the patients in the other foot pain or control groups reported pain or symptoms in either weight bearing or non-weight bearing.
Seven (31.8%) of the 22 patients with plantar fasciitis had pain during the weight-bearing test, while only 3 had pain during the
non–weight-bearing test. While the Windlass test had a high specificity (100%), the sensitivity of the test was poor (< 32%) for both
the weight-bearing and non–weight-bearing tests
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Cadaver model In 6 cadavers, Alshami et al2 reported that extension of all metatarsophalangeal joints significantly increased strain in the plantar
fascia (+0.4%, P = .016). However, this maneuver also significantly increased strain in the tibial nerve (+0.4%, P = .016).
*Using Altman’s convention for diagnostic studies with a zero count in the 2-by-2 contingency table (adding 0.5 to all 4 cells) 4
Description The angle formed by 1 line projected from the midpoint of the medial malleolus to the navicular tuberosity in relation to a second line
projected from the most medial prominence of the first metatarsal head to the navicular tuberosity
Measurement method With the patient standing with equal weight on both feet, the midpoint of the medial malleolus, the navicular tuberosity, and the most
medial prominence of the first metatarsal head are identified using palpation and marked with a pen. A goniometer is then used to
measure the angle formed by the 3 points with the navicular tuberosity acting as the axis point.
Measurement properties McPoil and Cornwall36 reported that the longitudinal arch angle (LAA), a static measure of foot posture, was highly predictive of
dynamic foot posture during walking. In their study, digital photographs of the medial aspect of both feet for 50 subjects were recorded
and used to calculate the LAA. These authors also reported that the LAA demonstrated acceptable intra and interrater reliability. To
date, the LAA has only been shown to serve as an accurate threshold for determining the level of risk for developing medial tibial stress
syndrome.52 The LAA provides a measure of foot structure and function that could be related to the development of plantar fasciitis.
a10 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Numerous interventions have been described for the treat- iZmb^gml]bZ`ghl^]pbmaieZgmZk_Zl\bbmbl'Ma^rZll^ll^]ma^
ment of plantar fasciitis, but few high-quality randomized, hnm\hf^ikbhkmhbgc^\mbhgZg]Zm+p^^dl%+fhgmal%Zg]*
controlled trials have been conducted to support these r^Zkihlmbgc^\mbhgnlbg`ZgZe`hf^m^kmhZll^llm^g]^kg^ll
therapies.12 at the painful site and pain using a visual analog scale. Both
tenderness and pain scale scores were significantly improved
7DJ?#?D<B7CC7JEHO7=;DJI of plantar fasciitis, however, was significantly higher in the
Although anti-inflammatory agents, including non- palpation-guided group (6/13) in comparison to the ultra-
steroidal Zgmb&bg×ZffZmhkr ]kn`l !GL:B=l" Zg] lm^khb] sound-guided group (1/12).55
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
cal therapist practice, patients often seek advice from their
therapist as to whether or not they should utilize anti-inflam- CE:7B?J?;I
matory agents in the management of plantar fasciitis. While Gudeman et al18 performed a double-blinded,
a^Zema\Zk^ ikhob]^kl h_m^g ik^l\kb[^ GL:B=l _hk iZmb^gml II ieZ\^[h\hgmkhee^]lmn]rbgpab\a,2ln[c^\ml!--
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a11
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
ness were independently assessed using a visual analogue plantar fascia. Following 10 treatment sessions over a period
scale prior to starting treatment, at the conclusion of 2 weeks of 1 month, this patient’s heel pain resolved and his standing
of treatment, and 2 weeks following the conclusion of the Zg]pZedbg`mhe^kZg\^p^k^_neerk^lmhk^]':emahn`a\Zl^l^-
mk^Zmf^gm' Ma^ k^lneml bg]b\Zm^] maZm [hma Z\^mb\ Z\b] Zg] ries provide a low level of evidence, the findings of Young et
dexamethasone, when delivered via iontophoresis in combi- al61Zg]F^r^k^mZe38 provide the foundation for future ran-
nation with low-Dye taping, provided good short-term relief domized, controlled clinical trials to assess the effectiveness
h_iZbgZg]_ng\mbhg':\^mb\Z\b]ikh]n\^]`k^Zm^kbfikho^- of manual therapy as an intervention for plantar fasciitis.
ments in morning pain than dexamethasone, but continued
relief of pain during the 2-week posttreatment period was Ma^k^ bl fbgbfZe ^ob]^g\^ mh lniihkm ma^ nl^ h_
only observed in the dexamethasone group.40 E manual therapy and nerve mobilization procedures
to provide short-term (1 to 3 months) pain relief
Dexamethasone 0.4% or acetic acid 5% delivered and improved function. Suggested manual therapy proce-
B via iontophoresis can be used to provide short-term
(2 to 4 weeks) pain relief and improved function.
lateral glide, anterior and posterior glides of the first tarso-
tissue mobilization near potential nerve entrapment sites,
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a12 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
similar increases in ankle dorsiflexion. Furthermore, the in- phoresis combined with low-Dye taping provided relief of
crease in ankle dorsiflexion correlated with a decrease in pain pain and stiffness when assessed 4 weeks posttreatment.
for both groups.43
DiGiovanni et al conducted a prospective,
III Hyland et al21 conducted a prospective, randomized,
controlled trial to determine the effect of calcaneal
III randomized study to determine if a plantar fascia-
specific stretch would be more effective than calf
taping in comparison to sham taping and stretching. Forty-
one patients with a clinical diagnosis of plantar fasciitis were
lmk^m\abg`'Ma^l^Znmahklarihma^lbs^]maZmZieZgmZk_Zl\bZ& Zllb`g^]mh-`khnil3\Ze\Zg^ZemZibg`!g6**"%laZfmZibg`
specific stretch might have a greater amount of patient com- !g6*)"%lmk^m\abg`hger!g6*)"%Zg]Z\hgmkhe!g6*)"'Ma^
pliance as well as a greater improvement in functional stretching group was given both calf stretching and plantar
hnm\hf^l' Hg^ ang]k^] hg^ iZkmb\biZgml p^k^ bgbmbZeer _Zl\bZ&li^\bÖ\lmk^m\abg`^q^k\bl^l'Ma^\Ze\Zg^ZemZibg`ikh-
Zllb`g^] mh + `khnil3 \Ze_ lmk^m\abg` !g 6 .)" Zg] ieZgmZk cedure was designed to invert the calcaneus, thus to improve
fascia-specific stretching (n = 51). Both groups received over- biomechanical position. Patient outcome was assessed using a
ma^&\hngm^k lh_m bglhe^l% Z ,&p^^d \hnkl^ h_ GL:B=L% Zg] visual analogue scale for pain and a patient-specific function
iZmb^gm^]n\Zmbhgk^`Zk]bg`ieZgmZk_Zl\bbmbl'Ma^ieZgmZk_Zl- scale (PSFS) prior to treatment and after 1 week of treatment.
cia tissue-specific stretch was performed in sitting, with the While stretching and sham taping decreased pain, calcaneal
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patient placing the fingers of one hand across the toes of the taping demonstrated a significantly greater decrease in pain
involved foot, then pulling the toes back (extension) toward than either stretching or sham taping. No differences with
ma^labgngmbelmk^m\abg`pZl_^embgma^Zk\ah_ma^_hhm'Mh regard to function were found among the 4 groups, although
confirm that they were stretching the fascia, patients were calcaneal taping did have the greatest pretest versus posttest
instructed to use the opposite hand to palpate the tension of ]bü^k^g\^'Ng_hkmngZm^er%mabllmn]rpZlghm[ebg]^]%aZ]Z
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
ma^_Zl\bZhgma^[hmmhfh_ma^_hhm'Ma^\Ze_&lmk^m\abg``khni lfZeegnf[^kh_ln[c^\mlZllb`g^]mh^Z\a`khni%Zg]hger
was instructed to perform the stretch in standing while lean- provided a 1-week follow-up.21
ing into the wall with the nonaffected foot behind the leg be-
ing stretched. Patients in the calf-stretching group were Radford et al46 performed a participant-blinded,
asked to stand on their orthotics while stretching, in a slightly
toe-in stance. Both groups were instructed to hold each
III randomized trial to determine the effectiveness of
low-Dye taping for pain and improvement of func-
stretch for a count of 10, repeat the stretch 10 times, and mbhgbgiZmb^gmlpbmaieZgmZk_Zl\bbmbl':lZfie^lbs^h_2+iZ-
i^k_hkf ma^ lmk^m\a , mbf^l i^k ]Zr' H_ ma^ bgbmbZe *)* iZ- mb^gmlpZl]bob]^]bgmh+^jnZe`khnilh_-/3*`khnik^\^bobg`
tients, heel pain was either eliminated or much improved at low-Dye taping with sham ultrasound and the other group
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a13
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
of plantar heel pain. that prefabricated orthoses are effective and that stretching
and prefabricated orthoses are more effective than stretch-
Ma^ k^fZbgbg` . lmn]b^l _h\nl^] hg \hfiZkbg` ing alone.42
II various types of foot orthoses including customized,
prefabricated, felt arch pads, and heel cups or pads. FZkmbg ^m Ze32 evaluated custom foot orthoses in
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Lynch et al31 compared the effectiveness of 3 types of conser- comparison to prefabricated arch supports and
oZmbo^ma^kZir_hkma^fZgZ`^f^gmh_ieZgmZk_Zl\bbmbl':mhmZe night splints in 255 patients with plantar fasciitis.
h_*),ln[c^\mlp^k^Zllb`g^]mh*h_,mk^Zmf^gm`khnil3Zgmb& Patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups
bg×ZffZmhkrma^kZir\hglblmbg`h_Z\hkmb\hlm^khb]bgc^\mbhg and the primary outcome measures were self-reported first
Zg] GL:B=l !g 6 ,."% Zg Z\\hffh]Zmbo^ obl\h^eZlmb\ a^^e step pain as well as pain during work, leisure, and exercise
cup (n = 33), and a mechanical treatment which consisted of Z\mbobmb^lnlbg`ZoblnZeZgZeh`n^l\Ze^'H_ma^+..iZmb^gml
an initial low-Dye taping followed by custom orthoses (n = initially enrolled in the study, only 193 were seen at the final
,."'Ma^ikbfZkrhnm\hf^f^Zlnk^pZliZbgkZmbg`[Zl^]hg 12-week follow-up visit. Patients in the prefabricated ortho-
a visual analogue scale and patients were followed for 3 ses group and the night splint group had the poorest compli-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
a14 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
FHSQ pain and function scores favored the use of prefabri- Fhlmgb`amliebgml%pa^ma^kZgm^kbhkhkihlm^kbhkbg
cated and custom orthoses over the sham orthoses, although
III design, are fabricated using a rigid thermoplastic
material that can be uncomfortable for the patient
significant differences for pain and function scores among Zg]e^Z]mhghg\hfiebZg\^'Fhk^k^\^gmer%Zlh_m%lh\d&mri^
Zgrh_ma^,mk^Zmf^gm`khnilZmma^*+&fhgmak^ob^p'Manl% night splint has been made commercially available that uti-
while the prefabricated and custom orthoses did produce a lizes a Velcro strap to position the ankle in neutral and the
short-term effect in pain and function, after 1 year of wear all toes in slight extension. Barry et al6 retrospectively analyzed
3 types of foot orthoses produced a similar patient the use of this type of night splint in comparison to stand-
outcomes.29 ing calf stretching in 160 patients with a clinical diagnosis of
Prefabricated or custom foot orthoses can be used patients prior to the start of treatment was approximately 2
A to provide short-term (3 months) reduction in pain
bg\en]bg` ihhk \hgmkhe h_ bgmkh]n\mbhg h_ Z]cng\mbo^ mk^Zm-
no differences in the amount of pain reduction or improved ments, a 13% dropout of the patients receiving calf stretch-
function created by custom foot orthoses in comparison to ing, and the use of pain as the only outcome measure, the use
ik^_Z[kb\Zm^]hkmahl^l'Ma^k^bl\nkk^gmergh^ob]^g\^mhlni- of the sock-type night splint did result in a shorter recovery
Downloaded from at on February 22, 2023. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
port the use of prefabricated or custom foot orthoses for long- time and fewer additional interventions.6:ikhli^\mbo^%kZg-
term (1 year) pain management or function improvement. domized controlled trial is required to validate this specific
type of night splint.
Crawford and Thomson in their Cochrane tion for patients with symptoms greater than 6
II review reported limited evidence to support the use
of night splints as an intervention for patients with
ieZgmZk_Zl\bbmbleZlmbg`fhk^maZg/fhgmal':d^r\ebgb\Ze splint used (ie, posterior, anterior, sock-type) does not appear
issue is the duration of use once night splint therapy has been to affect the outcome.
initiated. Batt et al7 reported that between 9 and 12 weeks of
night splint wear time was required to achieve a good outcome
in 40 patients with chronic plantar fasciitis. Powell et al44
found that only 1 month of wearing the night splint was suffi-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 38 | number 4 | april 2008 | a15
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
Summary of Recommendations
Clinicians should assess for impairments in muscles, tendons, and Clinicians should utilize easily reproducible functional limitations
nerves, as well as the plantar fascia, when a patient presents with and activity restrictions measures associated with the patient’s heel
heel pain. pain/plantar fasciitis to assess the changes in the patient’s level of
function over the episode of care.
Clinicians should consider limited ankle dorsiflexion range of mo- B ?DJ;HL;DJ?EDI0CE:7B?J?;I
tion and a high body mass index in nonathletic populations as fac- Dexamethasone 0.4% or acetic acid 5% delivered via iontophoresis
tors predisposing patients to the development of heel pain/plantar can be used to provide short-term (2 to 4 weeks) pain relief and im-
fasciitis. proved function.
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Functional limitations associated with pain in the plantar medial heel There is minimal evidence to support the use of manual therapy and
region, most noticeable with initial steps after a period of inactivity nerve mobilization procedures short-term (1 to 3 months) for pain
but also worse following prolonged weight bearing, and often pre- and function improvement. Suggested manual therapy procedures
Copyright © 2008 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
cipitated by a recent increase in weight-bearing activity, are useful in include: talocrural joint posterior glide, subtalar joint lateral glide, an-
classifying a patient into the ICD category of plantar fasciitis and the terior and posterior glides of the first tarsometatarsal joint, subtalar
associated ICF impairment-based category of heel pain (b28015 Pain joint distraction manipulation, soft tissue mobilization near potential
in lower limb; b2804 Radiating pain in a segment or region). nerve entrapment sites, and passive neural mobilization procedures.
a16 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
H e e l Pa i n — P l a n t a r Fa s c i i t i s : C l i n i c a l P r a c t i c e G u i d e l i n e s
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a18 | april 2008 | number 4 | volume 38 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
CORRECTIONS In the September 2008 issue, on page rection also applies to the Table of Con-
551, for the article titled “Differential Di- tents of that issue.
n the April 2008 clinical guide-
lines “Heel Pain—Plantar Fasciitis” by agnosis of a Patient Referred to Physical Please accept our apology for these
McPoil et al, the table under “Levels of Therapy With Low Back Pain: Abdomi- errors. Corrected reprints of the articles
Evidence,” on page A4, row 2, the greater- nal Aortic Aneurysm,” the second au- are available to members and subscrib-
than sign (“”) should be a less-than sign thor’s name was misspelled. The correct ers for download on the JOSPT web site
(“”), to read “ 80% follow-up.” spelling is “Zachary Preboski.” This cor- ( T
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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®
648 | october 2008 | volume 38 | number 10 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy