Ethical Moments

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Card topics

What are these cards and why

should I use them?
Part of maintaining our ethical culture is setting the
tone where people feel they can speak up freely and
raise ethical dilemmas or concerns. These cards contain
useful resources and interactive exercises to help you Disrespectful Behavior
facilitate a space that promotes ethical deliberation
and discussion. Leading these conversations regularly
will show your team that you are committed to setting
the tone, and are available if they have questions, need
advice or support, or need to raise a concern.

Courageous Conversations
How should I use them?
1. Set aside 15 minutes in a team meeting every
few months.
2. In advance, prepare for the discussion by
reviewing the facilitator notes and activities.
3. During your team meeting, refer to the Facilitator
How to Raise Concerns
Notes side to lead the discussions and activities
with your team, while you display and share the
Key Messages side with your team.

The resources and activities on these cards initiate

discussions within teams, creating a space for
connection and consideration. These discussions
How to Handle Concerns
set expectations for ethical behavior and ensure
your team is aware of how to raise concerns and
make decisions in gray areas. If your team leader isn’t
currently using the cards, take the initiative to make the
recommendation and share the resource. Our ethical
culture grows stronger with each team’s participation.
Ethical Decision Making
If you have questions, reach out to Compliance_

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. ***Confidential*** Disrespectful Behavior | 1

Card 1: Facilitator notes

Respect, inclusiveness, and shared ethical values are at the heart
of Accenture’s culture and grounded in our core values. Making
your conduct count is about fostering these values and describes
behaviors that we expect from—and for—our people so they can
be at their best each day.

Your team should know how Accenture describes disrespectful

behavior and what to do if it’s witnessed or experienced. Together
we work to make Accenture a place where we all feel respected.

What to say and do

• Ground your team in the importance of Respect for the Individual. What does that
core value mean to you?
• Review the examples of Disrespectful Behavior in our Code. Do any stand out to
you? To others on your team?
• Watch one or all of the Disrespectful Behavior Videos as a team, and use the
discussion guide to lead a relevant discussion.
• If someone begins to share or report a concern, respectfully suggest that you
might discuss this matter privately after this team discussion.

What to know
• Respect for the Individual is a core value of Accenture.
• We treat each other with respect.
• Disrespectful behavior and harassment can take many forms.
• Examples of Disrespectful Behavior listed in our Code, including microaggressions
(see the Respect for the Individual tab, under Make Your Conduct Count).
• Our ethical values go beyond what the law requires.
• Review Policy 1001 – Respecting the Individual.

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Card 1: Key messages

Disrespectful behavior can take
many forms including but not
limited to:
• Something someone says or does (or does not
say or do), whether in person or remotely
• An email, letter, or document
• A posting on the internet or intranet (for
example, on Facebook, Twitter, or on a blog)
• A message sent by instant messenger, Microsoft
Teams or other applications such as WhatsApp
• An interaction in a virtual environment
• A physical gesture

Additional examples including microaggressions,

and those rising to the level harassment or
discrimination are found in our Code under Respect
for the Individual, and in Policy 1001 – Respecting
the Individual.

Our ethical values go beyond what

the law requires
We treat each other with respect
We require a workplace that is free from any form
Respect, inclusiveness, and shared ethical values are at the heart of of disrespectful behavior or harassment, whether
Accenture’s culture and grounded in our core values. Disrespectful it is covered by law or not. What matters when
behavior or harassment of any kind are not tolerated by Accenture. evaluating disrespectful behavior or harassment
is how the behavior is received by the impacted
Disrespectful behavior and harassment are any treatment of a individual, not whether it was intentional. If it is
person that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work reasonably perceived as disrespectful or harassing,
environment, or any inappropriate behaviors that interfere with work it is prohibited by Accenture.
performance. Disrespectful behavior and harassment can also be a
form of discrimination, when someone is treated less favorably in the
workplace based on personal characteristics.

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. ***Confidential*** Disrespectful

Behavior || 3
Card 2: Facilitator notes

It takes courage to speak up. Setting the tone for your team to be
comfortable raising concerns to you or directly to one another is
part of being a good leader.

This card covers encouraging courageous conversations, where

people address issues directly if they feel comfortable.

What to say and do

• Read the Courageous Conversation Guide in advance, then share it with your team.
• Review and discuss the solution-seeking communication tips, and the “what to do”
and “what if” content. Have you had a relatable experience you could share?
• Ask a few people to practice conversations using the assertiveness formula.
• Ask if anyone wants to share courageous conversations they’ve had in their careers
(without identifying details).

What to know
• Speak up if you experience or witness disrespectful behavior, harassment, or
discrimination, including microaggressions.
• Some situations are too serious to handle yourself, and that’s when you should
raise a concern through an appropriate channel. Know when you should involve HR
or Legal.
• Know how to best directly address concerns.

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Card 2: Key messages

Conversations Be courageous for yourself
and others
For some concerns, you may wish to handle
the situation in the moment or find the right
time to address the situation on your own.
When you experience or witness behavior
that makes you uncomfortable, think about
what you could do to communicate your
concern in a solution-seeking way. Avoiding
uncomfortable situations doesn’t resolve or
correct the inappropriate behavior. We know
it takes courage to have these conversations.

You are supported and

Some disrespectful behaviors are too serious
to handle yourself, and you must report
any forms of harassment, discrimination,
retaliation, workplace violence or threats,
even if the behavior has stopped.

We are the culture of Accenture When you have a courageous conversation

or speak up through one of our official
Together, we make this place what it is. Because all of us here, in every channels, for yourself or others, you can do
position, at every level, we are the culture of Accenture. When we respect so without any fear of retaliation. If you see or
each other and the diverse ideas, experiences, and skills that make us one experience retaliation, you must report it.
Accenture, we create a place where we can all thrive.

But what about when someone treats you disrespectfully? Or you observe
someone else not being treated appropriately? When this happens, we
want you to speak up confidently knowing that we have zero tolerance
for retaliation. Visit the Raise a Concern page to learn more about how we
support you, protect you—and act on your concerns.

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. ***Confidential*** Courageous

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Card 3: Facilitator notes

How to Raise
Speaking up creates a better and safer workplace for all of us
and should be encouraged.

This card covers all the ways to raise a concern at Accenture,

and when you’re required to do so.

What to say and do

• Review with your team the various ways we can raise concerns. Have you ever
raised a concern through one of these ways?
• Walk through the Raise a Concern page together, reviewing how to find HR and
Legal contacts, the Business Ethics Helpline, and the reporting process. Does
anything stand out to you? What about others on the team?
• Hold space for anyone on the team to discuss and share if they raised a concern
(without revealing any identifying details).

What to know
• Speak up if you experience or witness disrespectful, inappropriate, fraudulent,
unethical, or illegal behavior.
• There are many ways to raise a concern, and the most effective way may depend
on the nature of the concern.
• You must report any forms of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, workplace
violence or threats, even if the behavior has stopped.
• You can always escalate a concern without fear of retaliation.
• Review Policy 1000 – Speaking Up and Zero Tolerance for Retaliation

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to Raise Concerns
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Card 3: Key messages

How to Raise Ways to raise a concern

Concerns There are many ways to raise a concern,

and the most effective way may depend on
the nature of the concern. You can always
raise a concern with your management
or other trusted advisors, any Accenture
Leader, Human Resources, or Legal. You can
always escalate your concern without fear of
retaliation if you do not receive an acceptable
response from your first point of contact.

You may also visit the Accenture Business

Ethics Helpline, where you may report your
concern via the web or obtain a country-
specific phone number to speak with an
agent 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In most cases, you may remain anonymous
when using the Accenture Business Ethics
Helpline; however, in certain countries
this may not be the case due to local legal

You are supported and

Some concerns are so serious they must
Speaking Up be reported. This includes any forms of
harassment, discrimination, retaliation,
Together, we make Accenture’s speak up culture what it is. Misconduct workplace violence or threats, even if the
doesn’t have a place at Accenture, and if we see it, we should speak up. behavior has stopped. Accenture follows
up on every concern raised and has zero
Speak up if you experience or witness disrespectful, inappropriate,
tolerance for retaliation. See Policy 1000
fraudulent, unethical, or illegal behavior, including concerns about
– Speaking Up and Zero Tolerance for
sexual harassment, harassment or discrimination based on personal
Retaliation for additional details.
characteristics (such as race, color, ancestry, national/regional or ethnic
origin, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation,
pregnancy, age, or disability), retaliation, or workplace violence or threats.

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. ***Confidential*** How

to Raise Concerns
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Card 4: Facilitator notes

How to Handle
Accenture’s speak up culture encourages people to raise concerns.
Most concerns are raised to supervisors over any other reporting
channel. Knowing what to do and expect enables effective
management of a difficult situation.

This card covers how to handle a concern raised, and what to

expect when you do.

What to say and do

• Take the Conduct Counts Supervisor Training: How to Handle Concerns, if you
haven’t already. Encourage the supervisors on your team to do the same.
• Share with your team that most concerns are raised to supervisors, and that
you want them to feel comfortable raising concerns to you. Have you handled a
concern? Do you feel prepared to handle a serious concern? Do you have a trusted
advisor you could turn to?
• Share and discuss the Supervisor Scorecard with your team. What steps do you
think are most important? What mistakes resonate with you?
• Watch members of the Conduct Counts investigations team share what happens
when a serious concern is raised. How does your team feel? Do they feel they could
raise concerns to you or a trusted advisor? Do they understand what happens when
a concern is raised?

What to know
• There are many ways to raise a concern and many concerns are raised to
supervisors and trusted advisors.
• You should be prepared to handle concerns raised to you, either directly or by
escalating to the appropriate contact.
• We follow up on every concern raised.
• Review Policy 1000 – Speaking Up and Zero Tolerance for Retaliation.

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to Handle Concerns
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Card 4: Key messages

How to Handle
Handling concerns
Be present in the moment and remember it
takes courage to speak up. Give the person
your full attention and conduct conversations
in a private space to gather the facts. Work
to resolve the situation, assessing if it must
be raised directly to HR or if it’s something
that you or the person can handle directly.
Have any necessary conversations and
follow up by sharing the appropriately level
of information. HR is your partner in handling
concerns, either by addressing directly or
coaching you through the process.

You are supported and

When concerns are reported, we investigate,
determine the outcomes, and follow up. Our
investigations are professional, methodical,
thoughtful, and balanced. We determine
appropriate outcomes and ensure that they
are applied fairly and consistently on a global
basis—regardless of seniority, position, or
contribution to Accenture. The outcomes of
Raising a concern the investigation are often confidential but
There are many ways to raise a concern, and the most effective way typically result in discipline, counseling, or
may depend on the nature of the concern. Most concerns are raised to termination.
supervisors and trusted advisors. Know what to do and expect when
We recognize that reporting misconduct
someone raises a concern to you.
and going through an investigation can be
You can always escalate your concern without fear of retaliation if you do stressful. Our Employee Assistance Program
not receive an acceptable response from your first point of contact. We is available for support.
take seriously all concerns raised, including allegations of retaliation. See
Policy 1000 – Speaking Up and Zero Tolerance for Retaliation for more

Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. ***Confidential*** How

to Handle Concerns
Behavior || 9
Card 5: Facilitator notes

Ethical Decision
At Accenture, we care deeply about doing the right thing. We
run our business responsibly and we share a commitment to
operating with the highest ethical standards and making a
positive difference in everything we do. It’s part of our culture.
It’s who we are.

This card covers how to make good decisions in gray areas

when the solution is unclear.

What to say and do

• Familiarize yourself with the Decision Making Tool and Responsible Business
Opportunity Assessment Framework, then share with your team. Have you used
either? Could you see a scenario where these resources could help you?
• Set the tone for your team by knowing when to ask the right questions and involve
the right people. Is your team comfortable coming to you to help them work
through difficult decisions?
• Provide a gray-area scenario relevant to your team, and use the questions in the
Decision Making Tool to prompt discussion on how you should proceed.

What to know
• Not all issues have clear paths to resolution, and we must use judgment and involve
others to help make good decisions.
• Before pursuing an opportunity, consider if this work could result in harm or
controversy, or call our corporate responsibility and ethics into question.
• Stop and Think + Ask the Right Questions + Involve the Right People.
• If it is against the law or our Code or policies, if it could breach an obligation to a
client or partner, or could cause harm to a person or our company, don’t do it.
• If you see something that violates our Code, policies, or the law, contact the
Accenture Business Ethics Helpline.

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Making | |101
Card 5: Key messages

Ethical Decision Making good decisions

Making Not every issue that comes up has a clear path

to resolution. In difficult situations, use judgment
and involve others to help make good decisions.
Unsure about any conduct or decision? Ask the
following questions:

• Is it against the law?

• Could it violate our core values, Code, or
• Could it cause harm to any person, our
individual reputations or Accenture’s brand,
reputation, financial performance, or business
• Could it breach an obligation to a client or
other business partner?

If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions—

don’t do it.

Stop and Think + Ask the Right

Questions + Involve the Right
Run our business responsibly Before pursuing an opportunity, consider if
this work could result in harm or controversy,
We share a commitment to operating with the highest ethical standards or call our corporate responsibility and ethics
and making a positive difference in everything we do. We use sound into question. If unsure, ask your management
business judgment to make decisions and do so within our authority, or other trusted advisor, any Accenture
using informed judgment to take appropriate risks and remaining Leader, Human Resources, or Legal. If you
accountable even where decision making is automated. We recognize are uncomfortable raising your questions or
the limits to our individual authority. When situations arise that require a concerns directly, use the Accenture Business
more specialized or senior-level review, we are prudent in our decision- Ethics Helpline.
making and seek counsel.

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Making | 11

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