Philippines Ritemed Case Summary
Philippines Ritemed Case Summary
Philippines Ritemed Case Summary
Key Constraints
Market information: Lack of knowledge within industry to profitably produce generic drugs by pharmaceutical companies. Physical infrastructure: Distribution difficulties due to infrastructural constraints. Knowledge and skills: Lack of awareness about inefficacy of generic drugs.
Key Strategie S es
Adap products and process pt a ses: Unilab d developed a separate g generic subsidiary calle ed RiteM and had a marketin strategy th branded the whole R Med d ng hat RiteMed lin as generi ne ic, and a produced in small ba also atches. Inves in removin constrain RiteMe marketed drugs by showing com st ng nts: ed mpliance wit th regul latory requir rements and published medical st d tudies over and beyond the call o d of regul lation. Comb resourc and capa bine ces abilities: o RiteMed worked with local hospi w h itals in order to make dru more acc r ugs cessible. o RiteMed engaged w with medical association (for gen l ns nerics advoc cacy in mas ss m ectly to pres scription filli pharmac ing cists, and inc creased healt th media), marketed dire awareness to break pe s erception tha generic dr at rugs were ine effective.