AA25 Beneath The Heart of Empire (1e, OSRIC)
AA25 Beneath The Heart of Empire (1e, OSRIC)
AA25 Beneath The Heart of Empire (1e, OSRIC)
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BENEATH THE HEART OF EMPIRE are willing to offer 250 gp to any individual who can either
kill him and bring back proof or provide proof that he has
Over one hundred years ago the Venirian Empire was a major already died.
power that had successfully conquered numerous other nations. 4. A local forger named Aella (Human female, 4th-level thief,
AC 6, MV 120 ft., HP 16, ATK 1, Damage 1-6 +1 for short
pursued conquest after conquest, enslaving the people of sword + 1, AL NE) is offering 550 gp and knowledge of
the nations it conquered, using them as a labor force, for various contacts to get an ‘in’ with the local underworld
in exchange for a senator’s signet ring retrieved from the
arch-devil. This expansion ceased when they attempted to take undercity. She requires this to forge ancient documents that
the lands of the Magocracy of Kraz. The Fifteen Sages, rulers of her employer, a senator named Alerio, needs to cement
Kraz, convened in their sanctum within the nation’s spired capital, false claims of ancient deals that would give him vastly
enacting a great ritual against the aggressing nation. The ritual increased political sway.
swallowed Venir, capital of the Venirian Empire, within the earth,
crushing the emperor and his corrupt advisors beneath many Local Geography: The city of Venir is at the delta of two great rivers
tons of stone. With its central leadership destroyed, senators from and is surrounded by fertile land. Major roads, rebuilt following the
outlying provinces took control of the nation, attempting futilely to destruction of the capital, stretch from Venir to numerous other
keep the empire from crumbling. imperial cities and foreign lands. The area near the capital is
generally easily-traversable terrain, and monsters roaming in the
Following the empire’s defeat at the hands of Kraz, its territory was local wilds are kept nearly fully in check by the city guard and
reduced to merely a quarter of its former holdings over the next Venerian legion.
few years. Nearly half of the nation’s former land was taken by
the forces of Kraz, and much of the remainder was lost to generals The city itself is massive, containing aqueducts, arenas, wide
and local leaders seceding and staging violent coups against the plazas, and sprawling markets. City streets are patrolled by lorica
imperial government. segmentata-clad (use banded mail statistics) guardsmen (Human
males, 3rd
In the hundred years since, the Venirian Empire, while still reduced AL LN) wielding gladiuses (use stats for a long sword) and displaying
in size, has begun its climb back towards its former glory. The the empire’s symbol, a laurel wreath ringing a blade. The city
senate has retained power, with no new emperor having been openly allows slavery, but the slave trade is highly controlled and
elected since Emperor Gaius IV’s demise. The capital has been taxed. Many of the Venirian senators perform only token efforts
re-located back to Venir, and a thriving city has been built above to rid the city of its moderately-sized criminal underworld as they
the swallowed ruins of the old city. Various connections to the old have various thieves guilds and assassins in their pockets. The city
city can be found in the sewers, cellars, and other underground
portions of the rebuilt city of Venir, and adventurers frequently to criminal organizations that remain out-of-sight and remain in
plumb these depths in search of the secrets and treasures of the the good graces of at least one powerful senator. The guard
empire’s glory days. treats obvious criminals and those who have earned the ire of the
city’s rulers with lethal harshness, however. Despite this corruption,
STOP! If you plan to participate in this adventure as a player, stop the city still stands as an improvement compared to its state in
reading here. Prior knowledge of this module’s contents will only the olden days; the church of Moloch is now outlawed, and the
spoil your enjoyment of the game. imperial leaders eschew open orgies of violence and countless
vices that the old rulers of the city were wont to participate in.
Notes for the Game Master: Beneath the Heart of Empire is an
OSRIC adventure designed for 6-10 player characters of levels
1 through 3. It takes place beneath Venir, an ancient city. This
module describes a section of the undercity of Venir, detailing THE SEWERS
parts of both its extensive sewer system and the ruins of the old city
further beneath. Below are four plot-hooks that could be used to Random Encounters: Check once per every hour; a 1 on a 1d6
entice groups into exploring the depths below the city.
5d10 indicating how many yards away.
1. A group of kobolds has recently escaped from one of
1. 1-10 Thugs (AC 8, MV 120 ft., HD 1-6 hp, ATK 1, DAM 1-6, AL NE)
humanoids are believed to be responsible for several Thugs prowl both the seedier area of Venir and its sewers.
recent thefts of food and small valuables, as well as the The thugs will likely attempt to mug and kill anyone they
murder of a baker in one of the city’s poorer districts. Arena encounter, but a well-armed group could frighten them off,
managers are willing to pay adventurers 10 gp a head and clever negotiators could bargain for their lives.
for kobolds from the group in order to prevent any further 2. 2-8 Giant Rats (AC 7, MV 120 ft./60 ft. climbing, HD 1-4 hp, ATK
negative publicity about ‘their’ escaped kobolds.
2. An elven traveller named Neralas Silverwind (Male elf, AC 5, rats infest the city’s sewers, serving as a general nuisance,
MV 120 ft., HD 1+1, HP 6, ATK 1, DAM 1-8, AL CG) is looking prey for larger creatures, and a threat to those whom they
for his missing sister, Nerissa, who was travelling to the city overwhelm in large groups.
to trade her home village’s wares at market. He has heard 3. 1 Crocodile (AC 5, HD 3, HP 12, ATK 2, DAM 2-8/1-12, SA
from various contacts that she has been captured by a Surprises on a 1-3 on 1d6, AL N) Crocodiles, descendants of
slaver named Cassius, who is keeping her in some holding those who escaped from the city’s gladiatorial arenas years
ago, lurk in the muck of the sewers. They launch themselves
to pay the right price for her. Neralas is willing to give 100 gp at prey from the cover of the murky water, dragging their
to any adventurer who is able to rescue his sister, and he will meal down and devouring it with their vicious teeth.
throw in a suit of elven chain mail if proof of Cassius’s death 4. 1-5 Skeletons (AC 7, MV 120 ft., HD 1, DAM 1-6, SD Immune
is obtained during the process. He will pay only 20 gp for to cold, sleep, charm, hold, and mental attacks, AL N)
Cassius’s head if his sister is not recovered safely. Many of those killed in the destruction of old Venir rose as
3. A small consortium of mages from the government of Kraz is undead down in the ruined underground city. Several of
willing to pay for the demise of a renegade necromancer these skeletons have made their way upwards, wandering
into the city sewers, stalking the corridors and slaying any
to Kraz’s strained relations with Veniria, they are unwilling living beings that they come across. The skeletons, being
to personally hunt him down. Fearing that he might possess
secrets the city does not want spread to its enemies, they either they are destroyed, or their opponents are either
2 killed or manage to escape.
5. 2-10 Escaped Slaves (AC 10, MV 120 ft., HD 1-6 hp, ATK 1,
DAM 1-2, AL NG) The escaped slaves are non-hostile unless
encountering someone who is attempting to re-capture
them while unable to run. They will plead for assistance in
escaping from the imperial capital, though they have no 4
valuables with which they can reward potential rescuers. 3
6. 1-6 Giant Leeches
Drains 1 HP per round, 50% chance to contract a disease
that will be fatal in 2-5 weeks unless cured, AL N) The giant 8 11 2
leeches will emerge from the muck and latch onto prey, 9 7 12
refusing to let go until it is drained of blood. 5 10 13 up
7. 1 Young Otyugh (SZ S, MV 60 ft., AC 5, HD 4, HP 17, ATK 3, 1
causes typhus 75% of the time, AL N) Otyughs lurk amidst
1. SEWER ENTRY: An eight-foot ladder here eads down from the city 25
streets into the sewers beneath.
The chittering of rats can be heard from nearby drain pipes, but
these normal rats do no emerge to attack.
up 32
3. NORTHERN CESSPOOL: This cesspool once possessed drains
keeping the waste from stagnating, but its inhabitant has 33
pool lives a lone furrower
34 down
11, DAM 1/1-2, SA each tentacle grapples, reducing opponent
342 sp, 172 gp a pearl locket on a brass chain worth 110 gp, a
dagger +1 and a ring of feather falling.
door to protect it from intruders. Should any of his slaves be let 21. XARTHA’S STUDY: The necromancer’s animated corpse dwells
out or killed, Cassius is likely to resume his practice of hiring an in this room as a zombie (AC 8, MV 60 ft., HD 2, HP 13, ATK 1,
overseer (or change locations entirely). DAM 1-8, SD Immune to cold, sleep, charm, hold, and mental
attacks, AL N). Xartha so botched his attempt at lichdom that
15. SEWER PASSAGE: This passage lacks the chittering sound of rats he turned himself into a zombie. However, he did succeed
and contains a constant gloomy haze that reduces the radius in placing various enchantments on his body that activated
of all light sources by 5 feet. This is one of several visual effects upon his demise. As such, the zombie’s eyes glow with a cold
devised by the necromancer Xartha to warn curious intruders
away from his lair.
identify. This room has been severely water damaged, and
16. ENTRANCE TO XARTHA’S DOMAIN: A door is built into the all the bookshelves are ruined. Only a few of Xartha’s spells in
sewer’s wall here. It is heavy and made of stone. An image his spellbooks have survived: , magic aura,
of a dancing skeleton is painted on its exterior. The image magic missile, protection from good, and blood servant (see
cavorts when exposed to light, which begins to dim eerily (but new spells).
not go out) when brought near the picture. This strange, but
ultimately harmless, decoration, has served well at warding 22. SEWER PASSAGE: This sewer passage is regularly traversed by
curious intruders away from the chambers beyond. Xartha, a groups of kobolds who are out raiding the upper town. As such,
necromancer from Kraz who was exiled by his peers following
his delving into illegal research into forbidden blood magics, door to the kobolds’ lair.
set up a lab beneath the city of his former masters’ ancient
enemies. His experiments into the dark arts lasted for months 23. ENTRANCE TO THE KOBOLD LAIR: A rotting, metal-rimmed
before he botched his bid for lichdom. wooden door stands in the sewer wall here, formerly part of
a larger, now-abandoned station used by masons as lodging
and storage space during the construction of a major sewer
the door outside into a pit. This pit would be four feet deep, but expansion. Kobold tracks leading to the door can be found by
any skilled tracker.
bones are human or humanoid, but some come from animals
and stranger beasts. When this chamber is entered, collections 24. KOBOLD CHOKEPOINT: This short passage is guarded by four
of mismatched bones animate into six terrible, part-human kobolds (SZ S, AC 7, MV 60 ft, HD 1-4 hp, HP 1, 3, 4 (x2), ATK
skeletons (AC 7, MV 120 ft., HD 1, HP 2, 3 (x2), 5, 6, 7, DAM 1-6, 1, DAM 1-4, AL LE), who are tasked with guarding the clan’s
SD Immune to cold, sleep, charm, hold, and mental attacks, AL home at all times. The clan rotates which members hold this
N) and attack. This animation process is terrifying, requiring all position. Protracted or noisy combat will draw the attention
of kobolds in the living quarters, followed by kobolds in the
less. Those of greater might suffer a penalty of 1 to AC and a -1 sleeping quarters and the chieftain’s chamber. The kobolds
on to hit rolls and to damage. will attempt to hold this chokepoint as best they can, as their
38. THE ARENA PIT: This large arena pit is covered with coarse sand.
At any time there is a chance of some kobolds being present
The restless spirit of a gladiator named Brutus now animated
and working on this tunnel (refer to the kobold living area to
as a dust centurion (AC 5, MV 60 ft., HD 3, HP 13, ATK 1, DAM
determine the locations of various kobolds).
2-12, AL LE) (see new monsters), stirs within the sand. He rises
and issues a challenge to any group that enters the chamber.
31. SEWER PASSAGE: This sewer passage is faintly lit from the lantern
hanging in the watch station near the undercity entrance.
to the magical catastrophe, and refuses to let any group pass
until one of its members can defeat him in single combat,
32. WATCH STATION: This simple watch station is manned by rotation
allowing his soul to pass on. Should Brutus be defeated fairly, he
of lower-class citizens who are paid a copper per six-hour shift.
will leave a trident +1 behind. Brutus is incapable of leaving the
The chamber contains a stool, a string connected to a warning
arena proper to pursue groups and any team that attempts
bell in a short tower sitting in the city above, and a lantern.
to gang up on him will face his wrath. Remember, those who
One peasant is always on watch. The peasants (Human male,
AC 10, MV 120 ft., HD 1-6 hp, ATK 1, DAM 1-4, AL N), though
damage him with non-magical weapons.
41. ARENA STANDS: The arena’s stands are both massive and
empty. Their stone rows sit undisturbed for decades, and dust 43
box reserved for the emperor himself in the old city’s largest
arena; thanks to the smaller size and lesser prestige of this 41
arena, however, the emperor himself never visited. Seated in
robes (175 gp) with a golden laurel wreath (250 gp) around his
arena; the arena was closed when the city fell, leaving only the
imprisoned gladiators and beasts to die within it.
36 47
The senator, named Julius, came to the arena after his death, 37
wandering to the chamber as a strange type of unique, 35
intelligent skeleton up
1-8+1, SA Wields a longsword +1, SD Immune to cold, sleep,
charm, hold, and mental attacks, turns as a ghoul, AL LE).
He is capable of conjuring illusions of warriors and passes his 45. OLD GARDENS: This beautiful chamber, illuminated by the
days summoning forth phantasmal warriors to battle in the pit
for his amusement. Brutus, trapped on the sands, has learned ceiling, contains numerous ceramic pots and basins, all of which
contain dirt. Most of the pots and basins contain still-living plants
that are kept nurtured by nutrient-providing spells cast upon the
centurion. Should a group intrude upon his box, Julius conjures
a quartet of armed, ghostly guards to distract them while he
himself uses his longsword +1, a golden blade adorned with
The exotic plants include multi-colored fronds, palms, a massive,
images of thorny vines, to attack the intruders.
needle-covered bush (which deals a single point of damage
if someone tries to walk through it while unarmored), and a
43. OLD ARMORY: This old armory lies unopened since the
lone addlevetch (AC 6, MV 10ft., HD 2, HP 7, ATK special, DAM
ancient city’s fall. It is a 10 ft. by 10 ft. chamber lined with
spcial, SA see monster description, SD Cannot be surprised,
racks of weapons and stands of armor. In total, the chamber
AL N) (see new monsters), which was imported from a foreign
contains 30 gladius swords, 10 spears, 5 tridents, 5 daggers, 3
slings, 30 javelains, 10 medium shields, and 5 full suits of lorica
segmentata. The chamber was used to arm both guards of the
the creature able to move about again; it has remained in
arena and gladiators.
the chamber, however, because it has no obvious means
of escape from the underground and requires the nutrient-
44. SANCTUM OF THE TYRANT: This chamber was added to the old
arena at the behest of the corrupt senators of the ancient city.
It contains a profane alter to moloch and many braziers that
ember devil (AC 6, MV 30
with a full day’s sustenance for an hour spent in the chamber;
overnight healing in the room is doubled.
water, AL LE) (see new monsters) devil is bound to the room.
within 30 feet, including invisible ones. Addlevetch sometimes hunt
reaching a massive pile of rubble. If the rubble were cleared, in pairs, sharing in kills.
more of the underground city of ancient Venir could be
explored. Doing so would, however, be a massive undertaking Physical description: An addlevetch look similar to a small agave
that would take a team of well-equipped workers days and is cactus common in some desert regions. They have a rosette of
thus beyond the scope of this adventure.
that Beelzebub has distilled from the blood of sinners to use in his This spell is functionally identical to the spell animate dead, save
diabolical experiments.
and gives it unlife, but the spell’s caster loses 1 permanent hit point
vulnerability to holy water. If an ukobach or its pan of hellish coal per hit die of undead animated in this method. When an undead
is doused with holy water, then it loses its immunity to nonmagical
return to the caster at a rate of one point per week.
around large pans of burning coals from hell, each of which is OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a
tipped with a red-hot metal poker. The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
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LEVEL/X.P.: 3 / 110 + 2/hp Identity.
General information: Furrowers live in sewers and swamps, where vers on of this License to copy mod fy and distribute any Open Game Content originally d str buted under any version of th s
they leave distinctive trails as they pass. These furrows are how 10 Copy of this License You MUST include a copy of this L cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
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they gain their name, but they are also known as sewer terrors by You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
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Furrowers attack with their grasping tentacles. An initial hit does
no damage, but constriction on the following rounds deals 1 hit Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast Inc.
point of damage per tentacle. Worse however, is the interfering System Reference Document Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast Inc. Authors Jonathan Tweet Monte Cook Sk p Will ams based
on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
nature of these limbs: for every tentacle upon a target, he suffers a
OSRICTM copyr ght 2006 Stuart Marsha l adapting material prepared by Matthew J. Finch based upon the System Reference
corresponding -1 on to hit rolls. For example, a creature gasped by Document and inspired by the works of E. Gary Gygax Dave Arneson and many others.
6 tentacles of a furrower is at a -6 to hit. Severing tentacles is fairly Castles & Crusades Players Handbook Copyr ght 2004 Tro l Lord Games Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure Copyright 2005 Troll Lord Games Authors Robert Doyel and Stephen Chenault.