Quiz 3 ABpsych

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1. Melinda sleeps all night and still finds herself falling asleep throughout the next day.

happens even when she goes to bed early and gets up as late as possible.

a. Breathing Related sleep disorder

b. Narcolepsy
c. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder.
d. Hypersomnalence

2. Alex comes from a broken family and has experienced frequent changes in caregivers
throughout his childhood. His parents divorced when he was five years old, and since then, he
has primarily lived with his mother and her new partners. Alex's mother often works long hours,
leaving him unsupervised for extended periods. His father has limited contact with him due to
his own personal issues. Alex's mother has reported difficulty managing his behavior and
expresses concerns about his defiance and aggression. Alex's behavior has become
increasingly problematic both at home and at school. He frequently argues with authority
figures, such as teachers and school administrators. He shows little respect for rules and often
engages in disruptive and confrontational behavior. His teachers report that he is frequently
involved in physical fights with peers and exhibits a lack of empathy towards others.
Additionally, Alex has been involved in petty theft, including stealing money from classmates
and shoplifting from local stores.

a. Conduct Disorder
b. Kleptomania
c. Pyromania
d. Intermittent Explosive Disorder

3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a diagnosis usually reserved for those children who
do not meet the full criteria for conduct disorder, but display which of the following?

A. Regular temper tantrums

B. Refuse to comply with requests or instructions
C. Appear to deliberately indulge in behaviours that annoy others
D. All of the Above

4. A 15-year-old boy has a history of episodic violent behavior that is out of proportion to the
precipitant. During a typical episode, which will escalate rapidly, he will become extremely
angry, punching holes in walls or destroying furniture in the home. There seems to be no
specific purpose or gain associated with the outbursts, and within 30 minutes he is calm and
“back to himself,” a state that is not associated with any predominant mood disturbance. What
diagnosis best fits this clinical picture?

A. Bipolar disorder.
B. Intermittent explosive disorder (IED).
C. Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD).
D. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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