Yen Etal 2019 RIP Method
Yen Etal 2019 RIP Method
Yen Etal 2019 RIP Method
Illustrate mud-fluid conduits and their variety using resistivity image profiling
method in Southwest Taiwan
Nan-Ting Yen1, Ting-Li Lin1, *, Ling-Rong Liao1, Ping-Yu Chang 2, and Himanshu Mittal1
Department of Earth Science, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan City, Taiwan
Department of Earth Science, National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Article history:
Received 25 December 2018 We conducted 2D resistivity survey along nine survey lines and inverted them to
Revised 17 June 2019 3D model by combining 2D data in the Gunshuiping mud volcano in order to under-
Accepted 2 July 2019 stand: (1) the relationship between the resistivity image and the mud-fluid distribu-
tion, and (2) the influences of earthquakes and typhoon on mud volcanoes. The three
Keywords: long survey lines passed through the four craters, out of which one was active during
Resistivity, Mud volcano, Survey line, the survey period; and the six short networked lines surrounded the crater 2 (C2). The
Mud-fluid Conduit
results reveal that a vertical structure is present beneath crater 3 (C3), whom we in-
terpret a conduit transporting the mud-fluid onto the near surface. Also, an area with
low resistivity (less than 4 ohm-m) is found at a certain depth suggesting to be the
Yen, N.-T., T.-L. Lin, L.-R. Liao,
P.-Y. Chang, and H. Mittal, 2020:
mud-fluid chamber. The high resistivity (more than 4 ohm-m) distribution is found
Illustrate mud-fluid conduits and near the surface, and we suggest that the mud volcano craters communicate with each
their variety using resistivity image other by the 3D model. Moreover, after the Meinong earthquake of 6 February 2016,
profiling method in Southwest the resistivity rose obviously within about 10 m under the surface; while the resistiv-
Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. ity of the mud-fluid conduits declined. We also found that after the earthquake, the
Sci., 31, 523-537, doi: 10.3319/
original active crater (C3) had stopped and was replaced by another crater (C1). We
inferred that when the earthquake happened, the gases escaped to the surroundings
and caused the gas content of the shallow surface to increase. Besides, as the original
crater collapsed, the gases needed another crack to release, which made another cra-
ter re-activate. The data also shows that after the typhoon, the resistivity of mud-fluid
conduits rose with the active crater changed again from C1 to C4.
The two-dimensional (2D) resistivity survey is widely (Martinotti et al. 2015). Mud volcanoes originate as a con-
used in the environmental, engineering, hydrological, ar- sequence of fast depositional processes (Martinotti et al.
cheological, and mineral exploration applications (Irawan et 2015) occurring in a wide variety of tectonic environments,
al. 2013; Loke et al. 2013; Crawford 2018). In some cases, such as passive continental margins (Hedberg 1980), conti-
dense 2D sections are combined to resolve a three-dimen- nental interiors (Fertl and Timko 1970), transform (Higgins
sional (3D) resistivity structure (Bernstone et al. 1997; Dah- and Saunders 1974) or convergent plate boundaries (Stride
lin and Loke 1997), as 3D resistivity presentation is more et al. 1982), and submarine slopes (Martinotti et al. 2015).
appropriate for illustrating detailed subsurface structures in Considering the effectiveness of electrical resistivity
a heterogeneous environment (Dahlin et al. 2002). method in studying subsurface structures, it has been used
A mud volcano is a geological landscape which has a rigorously in studying the variation of mud volcanos in dif-
complicated mechanism. High-pressure gas, water and thick ferent part of world. Chang et al. (2011) conducted 2D and
mudstone are necessary to form mud volcano. Mud volca- 3D looped resistivity surveys in the Wushanting Natural
noes can be found around the globe; for example, Trinidad, Landscape Preservation Area (WNLPA) of Southern Taiwan
United States, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, China, Java, and Italy in order to understand the relationships of the mud-fluid con-
duits in the mud volcano system. The relationship between
resistivity and gas hydrate concentration in the subsurface of
* Corresponding author
E-mail: mud volcanoes through Transient Electromagnetic technique
524 Yen et al.
and resistivity method was studied by Vignesh et al. (2013). compressed tectonic environment and to the thick mud
They considered three volcanos in Andaman region of India deposits (Shih 1967; Huang et al. 1992; Liu et al. 1997).
after great Sumatra earthquake of 2004. Chitea (2016) per- Milkov (2000) indicated that there is a close relationship
formed vertical electrical soundings and electrical resistivity between mud volcanoes and gas hydrate. Gas in mud vol-
tomography in Romania in the area of the Homorod mud canoes is believed to be closely related to organic matters
volcano occurrence, aiming to evaluate the extruded mate- decomposed in the mudstone formation (Chang et al. 2010),
rial electrical signature and the possibility of a non-invasive and dissociated gas hydrate (Yeh 2003). The Gunshuiping
evaluation of the near surface mud chambers, as well as to mud volcano, located in Southwest of Taiwan, is an active
track the feeder channel. Salamov et al. (2017) applied resis- geological system. Yeh (2003) suggested that the origin of
tivity method on one profile with the use of four-electrode the gas and fluid in the Gunshuiping mud volcano are re-
symmetrical installation to investigate subsurface structure lated to gas hydrate. Most of the on land mud volcanoes
of Dashgil mud volcano in Azerbaijan. at southwestern Taiwan are related to the geological struc-
Earthquakes and typhoons have proven to affect resis- tures and are distributed along the axis of the Gutingkeng
tivity in mud volcanos. The effect of earthquakes on resistiv- anticline and the Chishan fault (Wang et al. 1988). The
ity variations has been studied previously by many research- study area, the Gunshuiping mud volcano, is also sited at
ers (Yang et al. 2002; Chang et al. 2010). In this study, we southwestern Taiwan, which is located in Yanchao District,
surveyed 2D resistivity profiles to generate 3D resistivity Kaohsiung City (Fig. 1). The mud volcano is situated at the
model in order to investigate the mud-fluid conduits of the thick Gutingkeng mudstone area, which is located near to
Gunshuiping mud volcano system in Kaohsiung City, Tai- the Chekualin fault and Gutingkeng anticline axis. The dis-
wan. We also observed the resistivity variations induced by tances from the Gunshuiping mud volcano to the Chishan
the seismic waves of the Meinong Earthquake of 6 February fault and Gutingkeng anticline axis are of about 5 - 6 and
2016 (Wu et al. 2016) and heavy rainfall caused by typhoon 7 - 8 km, respectively. The rock layers of this area from top
Megi and Meranti in September 2016 respectively. to down are mainly divided into alluvium deposits (layers of
sand and mud), terrace deposits (gravel and sandstone, ex-
tending up to 100 m), Chi-Ting Formation (thick-bedded to
fine-grained sandstone and the dark gray mudstone in upper
In southwestern Taiwan, abundant mud volcanoes layer and dark gray mudstone interbedded with sandstone
have erupted on land and offshore owing to the intensely and limestone in the lower layer extending to 700 m) and
Fig. 1. The mud volcanoes distribution in southwest Taiwan, and the red star is our research location Gunshuiping mud volcano.
The Resistivity and It’s Change at Gunshuiping Mud Volcano 525
Gutingkeng Formation (composed of dark gray argillite, reactive, and the similar situation also happened after Ty-
and some parts interbedded with Amherst stone extending phoon Meranti and Typhoon Megi in September 2016. After
till 1700 m). From the chemical analysis, it is found that the typhoons struck, C1 has stopped erupting once again and
the mud from the eruption of Gunshuiping Mud Volcano is the new crater C4 has been formed around 20 m away from
mainly produced from Gutingkeng Formation. C1. Afterward, there was no change in the activity of the
At the Gunshuiping mud volcano, the gas composition craters and the general landform until the end of this study.
contains methane 96.4%, carbon dioxide 2.2%, nitrogen
less than 2%, and the others (Chao and You 2003). The fluid
is composed of the gas hydrate dissociating water, ancient
marine deposits water, and groundwater. In this study, we measured nine resistivity survey lines
There are four noticeable craters in the Gunshuiping (Fig. 3a) using the layout of the Wenner array to image the
mud volcano spread in 175-m × 90-m area and are indicated 3D resistivity profile. Wenner configuration of resistivity
as craters C1, C2, C3, and C4 in this study (Fig. 2). During profiling uses two current electrodes (C1 and C2) and two
the preliminary work of this study, crater C1 has stopped potential electrodes (P1 and P2) arranged in a line C1P1P2C2.
erupting and ceased, and the crater C3 is more active than The electrode spacing C1P1 = P1P2 = P2C2 is equidistant so
the others. C2 has erupted before we surveyed, and it looks that C1C2 is three times of P1P2 spacing and depth of investi-
like a small mod pond. Then after the Meinong Earthquake gation is approximately equal to P1P2 spacing. The electrode
in February 2016, C3 has stopped erupting and C1 has been number, as well as electrode locations used during survey,
Fig. 2. Pictures showing the location of Gunshuiping mud volcano and craters 1, 2, 3, and 4 labelled as C1, C2, C3, and C4.
526 Yen et al.
Fig. 3. Map of Gunshuiping mud volcano and configurations of 2D survey lines. The three long survey lines are named as 183, 193, and 199, re-
spectively. Six other short lines surround C2 in West-East and North-South directions (a). (b) shows the electrode configuration used during survey.
are illustrated in Fig. 3b. Lines 183, 193, and 199 are the long changes in fines in the soil, or gradual changes in physical
lines with a length of 155 m. Lines 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, and chemical properties in the soil, since the study area is
and 181 are the 45-m survey lines surrounding the crater C2. mudstone. The main and observed content is the change in
Lines 171, 173, and 175 are in the east-west direction, and resistivity for each period, so the data obtained is suitable for
lines 177, 179, and 181 are in the north-south direction. We using this inversion algorithm. One of the models is inverted
then combined these 2D resistivity results to invert the 3D by lines 183, 193, and 199 and the other model is combined
models. RIP method is used to measure the apparent resistiv- from lines 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, and 181, which surround
ity of the formation by an actual field setting instrument, and the crater C2. After the Meinong earthquake, we re-conduct-
then obtain a resistivity profile through the inverse calcula- ed the resistivity survey along Lines 183, 193, and 199; and
tion process of the data. The instrument used in this study is looking upon the results related to resistivity change, we fi-
the McOHM PROFILER 2140F geoelectric surveyor manu- nally selected the Line 193 to conduct several times of resis-
factured by OYO Corporation of Japan. A forward modeling tivity survey to observe the effects of the earthquake and the
subroutine is used to calculate the apparent resistivity val- typhoon to the in-situ resistivity.
ues, and a non-linear least-squares optimization technique
is used for the inversion routine (Loke and Barker 1996).
The program supports both the finite-difference and finite-
element forward modeling techniques. This study uses the We conducted the resistivity survey in Gunshuip-
Res2dinv program developed by AGI in the United States, ing mud volcano in order to delineate the conduits beneath
which uses a two-dimensional profile inverse program (Loke and find the possible relation between conduits and vertical
and Barker 1996) to invert the measured data. The advantage structures. The interpretation is presented in two parts (along
of this method is that it can be clearly distinguished under the long survey lines and small survey lines) as described in
conditions of relatively smooth formation changes, such as the survey configurations.
The Resistivity and It’s Change at Gunshuiping Mud Volcano 527
al. 2010). Figure 11c shows the change of the resistivity be- By June, the resistivity gap had been drastically reduced.
fore and after the typhoon. Three different typhoons namely However, the significant resistivity difference in deeper ar-
Nepartak, Meranti, and Megi were felt during the observa- eas may be affected by the groundwater level (Fig. 12a).
tion period. Apart from the increase in resistivity of the mud By July 2016, almost no obvious difference was observed
channel, a new crater is found to form around 90 - 95 m between the two data, owing to the fact that this earthquake
along X-axis. Finally, the Fig. 11d shows the change of the affected the shallow surface of the study area for about five
resistivity during the dry season. to six months before it returned to the pre-earthquake state
(Fig. 12b). It is observed from Fig. 12c that the resistivity of
the bushes area is lower than the initial value and this value
4.5 Comparison of Each Survey Period Data with increases beneath the bushes. Following the previous obser-
Pre-Earthquake Data Along Line 193
vation that the influence of the earthquake has ended in July
By comparing the results from each survey period with 2016, these changes may be attributed to the torrential rain
a pre-earthquake period (November 2015), we can under- brought by the typhoon. In addition, the formation of crater
stand the impact of the earthquake event on the study area C4 (about 90 - 95 m on the surface) and at the same location
and the time required to return to the initial situation. The re- in Fig. 10b is marked by an increase in resistivity. Therefore,
sults showed that in the beginning, the resistivity of the shal- the formation of C4 may be caused by the earthquake
low surface increased and of the mud beneath it decreased. cracks; and when C1 stops working, a new eruption position
Fig. 4. 2D profile section of Line 183 (a), 193 (b), and 199 (c). C1, C2, and C3 were the three craters. The pink arrow marks the site of the main
mud-fluid conduit, and the purple square is the location of mud-fluid chamber. The black arrow points out the branch connecting C3 with C2 and C1.
Fig. 5. The 3D model made created by combining and inverting the results from Lines 183, 193, and 199. The pink arrows point out the site of mud-
fluid conduit. The another pink arrow points the site of branch which is connecting with the parallel conduit.
The Resistivity and It’s Change at Gunshuiping Mud Volcano 529
Fig. 6. The cross sections of 3D resistivity model in Z direction at different depths. The black circles are the position of craters. The purple square
showed the connection site of the two conduits.
Fig. 7. 2D profile section of Line 175 (a), 173 (b), and 171 (c) from west to east, and C2 shows the crater 2. In this section, we can find the horizontal
conduit (Purple Square) towards the east of C2, and in the west, the low resistivity area is located at deeper layer.
530 Yen et al.
Fig. 8. 2D profile section of Line 179 (a), 177 (b), and 181 (c) in the north-south direction. (a) shows the low resistivity area, distributed along the
whole survey line (purple square), and it means that when the conduit passes through the C2, it becomes horizontal and spreads to north-south; (c)
shows the low resistivity was focused beneath the C2 (purple square), and it mean that the conduit was focused in west below C2 and was vertical
Fig. 9. The 3D model made by combining and inverting the resistivity data along the lines 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, and 181. The black circle indi-
cates the location of C2. It is observed that the crater C2 was surrounded by high resistivity.
The Resistivity and It’s Change at Gunshuiping Mud Volcano 531
Fig. 10. Resistivity change along three long survey lines 183 (a), 193 (b), and 199 (c) before and after Meinong earthquake of 6 February 2016.
532 Yen et al.
Fig. 12. Comparison of each survey data with pre-earthquake data of line 193.
534 Yen et al.
selected by the mud volcano system is formed. At the same methane (Chao and You 2003; Yeh 2003; Yang et al. 2002),
time, we also observed that there was a recess formed by the whose weight is lighter than the atmosphere; so the result of
accumulation of fluid after a short stop at 10 - 15 m below accumulation appears to the surface, and then evolves over
the C4. The last result shows that in December the resistiv- time gradually from the surface to the atmosphere, bringing
ity of the bushes was still lower than the initial value. We back to the pre-earthquake state. But the original craters of
speculate that there was sporadic rainfall before the survey, the fissure may not have been able to recover due to the
and the resistivity of the mud beneath was higher than the earthquake so that those were in a state of deactivation until
initial value expect within 5 m above the surface. This might the end of the study period.
be related to the gas accumulation caused by the eruption
activity change that has not fully recovered yet.
In Gunshuiping mud volcano system, the main mud-
4.6 Relationship Between Resistivity and Volume of
Water Content fluid erupting conduit was found beneath the crater C3. In
addition, at a depth about 3 - 14 m, there was a mud-fluid
In order to know the water content distribution in the chamber (Fig. 4b), purple square), whom we interpret to be
stratum, we followed the experiment manual of water con- temporary storage during the mud-fluid eruption.
tent in the field of civil engineering to continue our study A conduit parallel to West-East direction near the sur-
(measure the water content of soil sample). In order to es- face is found below craters C2 and C1, connecting the two
tablish the relationship between the volume of water con- craters. Beneath the C2 and C3, the vertical structure had a
tent and the resistivity, regression is performed. Figure 13 branch toward the east and is found to connect with the par-
shows two regression lines. The solid line depicts the re- allel conduit between C2 and C1 at a depth about 5 - 12 m.
lationship by using the resistivity data having values less This phenomenon showed the three craters are in communi-
than 500 ohm-m; while the dotted line shows regressed line cating stage with each other.
using whole resistivity data. The estimated regression rela- During the study period, the mud volcano went through
tionships using both kinds of datasets are shown in Fig. 13. the large-scale earthquake and typhoons. We observed that
Finally, we use the regression formulae obtained using re- both of them have a certain degree of impacts on mud vol-
sistivity values below 500 ohm-m to plot the water content cano activities. When the earthquake occurs, the mud is
images according to below function: affected by seismic waves, just like shaking the soda, the
gas is hard to be saved in the mud so that it escapes to the
- log 10 (ohm) surroundings and causes the gas content of the shallow sur-
face to increase. The gas content of the mud decreases at the
= - 2.99 log 10 (~) - 0.186 - log 10 (ohm) (1)
same time. Moreover, as evolving over time, the mud vol-
= - 2.99 log 10 (~) - 0.186 cano system affected by the earthquake will gradually re-
cover by itself. Taking the example of Meinong earthquake
Using Eq. (1) the resistivity is transformed into the wa- during the study period; the Meinong earthquake happened
ter content and Z direction cross-section are plotted (Fig. 14). on 6 February 2016, and mud volcano system regained its
A close relationship is observed between resistivity (Fig. 6) original position about five to six months later of the earth-
and volume water content (Fig. 14). The areas having a re- quake. We also found that after the Meinong earthquake, the
sistivity less than 2 ohm-m and above 7 ohm-m (Fig. 6), are original active crater (C3) had stopped and was replaced by
found to have volume water content over 0.6 and less than another crater (C1) in the area. Besides, as the cracks of the
0.5 (Fig. 14), respectively. The vertical structure beneath the original crater collapsed, the gas needed another crack to
crater C3 is clearly visible (Fig. 14, the high volume water release; so that made another crater re-activate. In addition
content areas distribute all the sections). The conduit (purple to the earthquake, we also observed that rainfall plays an
square) which connected the vertical and horizontal conduits important role in mud volcanic activity. The obtained data
was beneath the crater C2 about 5 - 12 m. also shows that there was a decrease of resistivity in most
From the above discussion and comparisons, one can areas when there was significant rainfall before the mea-
see that mud volcano belongs to a system that is sensitive to surement. On the contrary, the resistivity of mud in the dry
the external factors. Overall, the earthquake mainly affects season is found to increase slightly due to the decrease in
the whole system of mud volcanoes directly by changing the water content. However, after the typhoon, a different situ-
crater position and the mud resistivity. Based on the results ation in contrary to the aforesaid was observed. We found
obtained by surveying along three lines, the almost consis- that the crater (C1) created after Meinong earthquake had
tent increase in resistivity within 10 m below the surface can stopped again and a new crater (C4) within 20 m of C1 had
be found after the Meinong earthquake. Previous studies activated to continue the activity, we suggested that this re-
have found that the gas emitted here contains about 95% of sult shows the recovery mechanism of mud volcano after
The Resistivity and It’s Change at Gunshuiping Mud Volcano 535
Fig. 13. The relationship between the resistivity and the volume of water content. The solid line is the regression line using resistivity data below
500 ohm-m, and the dotted line is regression using whole data.
Fig. 14. The cross sections of 3D volume water content in Z direction at different depths same as that of resistivity in Fig. 6. We can find that when
resistivity is less than 2 ohm-m and over 7 ohm-m (Fig. 6), their volume water content is over 0.6 and less than 0.5, respectively. The purple square
shows the location of connecting.
536 Yen et al.
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