Effects of Jute Fabric Structures On The Performance of Jute-Reinforced Polypropylene Composites

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Journal of Reinforced Plastics
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Effects of jute fabric structures on the 0(0) 1–9

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DOI: 10.1177/0731684415589360
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Sharfun N Arju1,2, AM Afsar2, Mubarak A Khan3

and Dipak K Das2

This paper presents a comparative study among different jute fabric structures in jute-reinforced polypropylene com-
posites. Knitted and woven fabrics of different structures are produced, which are subsequently consolidated into
composite materials using a heat-press method. The variation of mechanical properties and water absorption charac-
teristics of different jute fabrics alone are evaluated and described. The effects of fabric structures on the performance of
resulting composites are investigated. Composites having twill structure fabrics had the highest value of tensile strength
(48 MPa), which was 134% higher than that of composites having plain structure fabrics. Water uptake of composites
having rib structure fabrics was found to be 58% less than that of the composites having plain structure fabrics.

Composite, thermoplastic, fabric structure, mechanical properties

satisfactory performances in some specific applications

Introduction and are considered to be the potential alternatives to
The advent of composite materials had caused revolu- the glass and carbon fiber composites. Among all the
tion in the field of materials because of their outstand- natural fibers, jute fibers appear to be one of the most
ing advantages over conventional monolithic materials, useful, inexpensive and commercially available lignocel-
such as steel, ceramics, etc. Among various advantages, lulose fibers. Jute-fiber-reinforced plastic composites
high-specific mechanical properties due to lightweight, combine the advantages of both jute fibers and plastics.
good heat and corrosion resistance properties can be Thus, they can be widely used in the packaging, elec-
mentioned as few examples. Consequently, these mater- tronic and aircraft industries. In the case of automotive
ials have replaced the conventional materials and are industries, these composites have been used in bumpers,
being widely used in almost every branch of engineer- roofs, doors, panels, seats of cars, buses, and so on.3,4
ing, from household to automotive to aerospace indus- Various natural fibers have been used as reinforcing
tries. The need to design materials with different materials in the polymer composites in different forms
properties in each direction and to reinforce the thick-
ness direction in order to overcome delamination has
proved textile technologies as a very attractive tech- 1
Department of Wet Processing Engineering, Bangladesh University of
nique for the production of composite reinforcements.
Textiles (BUTex), Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Some of the natural fibers used for the manufacturing 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of
of polymer matrix composites are cellulose fiber, wood Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh
fiber, flax, Cannabis sativa (hemp), jute, pine wood Institute of Radiation and Polymer Technology, Bangladesh Atomic
fiber, sisal, rice husk, sawdust, Lugffa sponge fiber, Energy Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh
wheat straw, paper sludge, coconut fiber, Kenaf,
Corresponding author:
Kapok/cotton, pineapple leaf, basalt, Vetiver, bioflour, Sharfun N Arju, Department of Wet Processing Engineering, Bangladesh
bamboo fiber and date palm fiber.1,2 Among these, University of Textiles (BUTex), Tejgaon, Dhaka 1208, Bangladesh.
some of the natural fiber composites exhibited Email: Sharfun71@yahoo.com

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2 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

such as fibers, yarns and fabrics. In case of fabrics, Dhaka Jute Industries. Specifications of these yarns
woven, knitted or nonwoven structures of cotton fab- were no. of twist per inch: 4–5, yarn count: 241 tex,
rics were used as a reinforcing material. For cotton strength: about 3.7 kg. Fabric samples were prepared
fiber reinforcement, the flat knitting technology is the with the abovementioned yarns in the shed of
most suitable one to produce complex-shaped fabrics Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTex). Fabrics
and sandwich fabrics.5–7 The use of weft-knitted fabrics of four different structures, namely woven structure
in composite reinforcements is limited due to their poor 1/1 (plain), woven structure 2/1 (twill), knitted structure
mechanical properties.8–10 (single jersey) and knitted structure (rib) were manufac-
In the case of jute, most researchers have used it in tured for this experimental study as shown in Figure 1.
the matrices as a fiber form, or in few cases, they have In all the cases, same yarn was used. PP granules from
used it in the plain woven fabric form. It is found that the polyolefin company SABIC (Saudi Basic Industries
knitted or twill structures of jute fabrics have not been Corporation) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia were used as
considered so far as reinforcing materials in the polymer received.
matrices. Therefore, the present study focuses on this
issue in an attempt to understand, evaluate and compare
the performance of knitted and woven structure jute
fabrics-reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites. Manufacture of jute fabrics. For woven fabrics, conven-
tional jute loom and for weft-knitted fabrics, Hand
Operated Socks Circular and Hand Operated Flat/V
Experimental bed Knitting machines were used. Woven fabrics with
two different structures such as 1/1 (plain) and
2/1(twill) were manufactured as shown in Table 1.
Composites were manufactured with jute fabrics and Also, two different structures such as rib and single
PP matrix. Jute yarns were collected from New jersey of knitted fabrics were manufactured as shown

Figure 1. Experimental fabrics of four different structures (a) woven structure 1/1 (plain), (b) woven structure 2/1 (twill), (c) knitted
structure (single jersey), (d) knitted structure (rib).

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Arju et al. 3

Table 1. Properties of jute fabrics of different structures. Table 2. Tensile properties of jute fabrics.

No. of yarn per inch Fabric Strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Modulus (GPa)

Fabric Structure (warp way) (weft way) Plain 17.8  3.1 38.8  0.3 0.4  0.1
Twill 31.1  5.1 31.3  2.2 0.6  0.4
Woven 1/1(plain) 10–12 10–12
Single jersey 20.8  3.2 66.7  0.5 0.1  0.3
2/1(twill) 18–20 9–10
Rib 23.7  2.9 96.4  0.8 0.1  0.1
Knitted Single jersey 9–10 9–10
rib 8–10 8–10
by an impact tester (HT – 8041B Izod, Pendulum
type, Hung Ta Instrument Co. Ltd) according to IS0
in Table 1. Weft-knitted fabrics with 1  1 structures 179/1eU standard in the flat wise, unnotched mode. All
were used as the preform for the composites. the results correspond to average values of at least five
samples. In this study, mechanical properties of the
Preparation of composites. Granules of PP were made into composites were measured in the longitudinal direction
thin sheets (0.1–0.4 mm thickness) using an extruder, in all the cases.
Lab Tech Engineering Company Ltd (USA). The PP
sheets were cut into small pieces (18  18 cm2) and kept Water absorption. The water absorption properties of the
in the polyethylene bag until composite fabrication. composites were determined for specimens of
Carver Laboratory press was used to prepare compos- 20  20  4 mm3 in size. The specimens were dried in
ites. Jute fabrics were cut into small pieces of a vacuum oven at 70 C until a constant weight was
18  18 cm2 dimension and then placed between two attained. The weight of the dry specimens (w1) was
steel plates under normal pressure at 90 C temperature measured carefully (up to 0.01 g). Then, the samples
to remove moisture. Composites were prepared by were immersed in distilled water at room temperature
sandwiching one layer of jute fabrics (55  1%) according to ASTM D 570-99 standard.13 After that,
between two layers of pre-weighted PP sheets and the specimens were taken out and wiped with filter
pressed at 190 C for 10 min between two steel plates paper. The sample was weighed (w2) again and the
under a pressure of 5  108 N/m2.11,12 Then composite water absorption was calculated with the following
containing steel mold was cooled to room temperature equation.
using another press (Carver, USA) and cut to the
desired size. Absorbed water ð%Þ ¼ ½ðw2  w1 Þ=w1   100 ð1Þ

Characterization of jute fabrics Scanning electron microscopy. The fiber–matrix adhesion

Tensile strength. The tensile properties of the fabrics were of the tensile fracture surface of the composites was
determined using a universal testing machine (model examined by using a field emission scanning electron
H50 KS-0404, Hounsfield Series S, UK). The load cap- microscope (model no: JEOL JSM 7600F, serial no:
acity was 1000 N; efficiency was within 1%. The SM1761001050105) at BUET. The micrographs taken
crosshead speed was 5 mm/min and gage length was at a magnification of 1000 are presented in the sequel.
60 mm. The tests of tensile strength of the jute fabrics
were carried out along the longitudinal direction in all
the cases.
Results and discussion
As mentioned in a preceding section, fabrics of four
Water absorption. AATCC/ASTM TS-018 test method different structures were manufactured. The effects of
was followed for water absorption test of the jute fab- these structures on different properties are discussed
rics of Table 1. below.

Composite testing Fabric characterization

Mechanical properties. The tensile and bending properties Tensile properties. Table 2 illustrates the effect of fabric
of composite samples were determined according to structures on tensile properties of fabrics. It was obvi-
ASTM D 638 and ASTM D 790-00 standard methods, ously observed that the fabric structures influenced the
respectively, by a universal testing machine (model H50 tensile properties of the fabrics. Further, it was seen
KS-0404, Hounsfield Series S, UK). The crosshead that the twill structure fabrics had the highest tensile
speed was 5 mm/min. Impact strength was measured strength and lowest percent elongation among all the

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4 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

fabrics. On the other hand, plain structure fabrics had practical applications. The tensile strength of a compos-
the lowest strength and medium elongation. However, ite material is more sensitive to the fiber–matrix inter-
it was noted that the increase in percent elongation and facial properties, whereas the modulus is dependent on
decrease in modulus for the knitted structure fabrics the fiber properties. To improve the tensile strength, a
were significant owing to the fiber orientation of the strong interface, low stress concentration and fiber
knitted fabrics. The similar features were reported by orientation are required, whereas fiber concentration,
researchers in the literature.14,15 fiber wetting in the matrix phase and a high fiber
aspect ratio determine tensile modulus.16,17 Table 3
Water absorption. Water absorption tests were carried illustrates the effects of fabric structures on the tensile
out for all the fabrics of four different types as shown properties of the jute fabrics reinforced PP composites.
in Table 1. The test results of these fabrics are shown in It is observed from Table 3 that among all the compos-
Figure 2, which indicate the time required for a drop of ites, the twill structure fabrics composite exhibited the
water to be fully absorbed by the jute fabrics. highest tensile strength (48 MPa), which is 134% higher
Observation of Figure 2 shows that the rib fabrics than that of plain structure fabrics composite. This is
were the most hydrophobic and twill fabrics were the due to the fact that the twill structure fabrics have more
least hydrophobic in nature among others, because the yarns in the warp (longitudinal) direction than plain
rib fabrics exhibit the highest and the twill fabrics exhi- structures fabrics for the same weight fraction
bit the lowest value of time than all other samples. (55  1%) of fabrics. Further, the rib and single jersey
Further, between two woven structure fabrics (plain fabrics reinforced composites exhibited 46% and 17%
and twill), the twill fabrics required less time to higher tensile strength, respectively, than that of plain
absorb water than plain structure fabrics. Between structure fabrics composite. This increase in tensile
two knitted structure fabrics (rib and single jersey),
water absorption time is less for single jersey fabrics
than that of rib structure fabrics. This is owing to the
fact that the surface roughness of these fabrics is oppos- Table 3. Tensile properties of jute fabrics/PP composites.
ing with respect to their different structures.
Fabric Strength Elongation Modulus
structure (MPa) (%) (GPa)
Mechanical performance of composite Plain 20.30  1.24 4.03  0.57 1.25  0.12
Tensile properties. The importance of natural fiber-rein- Twill 47.55  3.42 2.53  0.18 4.35  0.34
forced polymer matrix composites comes from the sub- Single jersey 23.74  2.27 6.40  1.25 2.23  0.33
stantial improvement in strength and modulus, which Rib 29.63  1.63 4.05  0.81 3.69  0.47
offers a possibility of uses of these composites in

Figure 2. Water absorption of jute fabrics.

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Arju et al. 5

strength may be attributed to the improved interfacial maximum (4.76 GPa). Thus, the twill fabrics composite
mechanical locking between jute fabrics and PP matrix. exhibited better flexural strength and modulus com-
It is well known that the tensile strength of jute-rein- pared to the knitted fabrics composite. This could be
forced PP composites depends on the strength of both attributed to the better dispersion of twill fabrics in the
the constituents and the adhesion between the jute PP matrix.
fibers and PP matrix.18 The improved strength might
have been achieved due to the different surface struc- Impact properties. A comparison of Charpy impact
ture of the fabrics. So this structure is advisable when strengths of different jute fabric composites is shown
tensile strength is the main concern. Also, tensile modu- in Figure 5. The Charpy impact test is a standardized
lus of the composites having twill, rib and single jersey high strain-rate test that determines the amount of
fabrics had the higher value than that of the composite energy absorbed by a material during fracture. This
having plain structure fabrics. Furthermore, the elong- absorbed energy is a measure of a given material’s
ation at break of the composite having single jersey toughness and acts as a tool to study brittle–ductile
fabrics was significantly higher than that of the com- transition. It was observed from Figure 5 that the
posite having plain structure fabrics. Thus, it could be unnotched Charpy impact strength showed similar
said that this structure was advantageous for the trend as tensile strength properties. The highest value
improvement of elongation at break. However, the of impact strength was observed for twill fabric com-
elongation at break was not increased as expected posites. One of the factors of impact failure of compos-
when twill and rib structure fabrics were incorporated ites is fiber pull-out. For twill structure, bigger force is
in PP matrix. required to pull out the fibers. This consequently
increased the impact strength. The average value of
Flexural properties. The flexural properties of composites impact strength of the twill fabric/PP composites was
with different fabric structures are illustrated in found to be 28.29 KJ/m2, which was greater than that
Figure 3. The highest value of flexural strength was of the plain fabric/PP composites having an average
observed for twill fabric composites, which was value of 19.76 KJ/m2. This corresponds to 43%
54 MPa and much higher than that of other composites. increase in the impact strength. It is known that the
In general, the flexural strength is much greater than cracks in composites can propagate preferentially
the tensile strength, which is due to the failure behavior along the fiber–matrix interfaces or transversely right
of the outermost matrix layer. This general trend was through the fiber and matrix, depending on the proper-
also observed for the present case as seen from Table 3 ties of the interface with respect to those of the fiber and
and Figure 3. From Figure 4, it was observed that the matrix. In this case, where the results of the unnotched
flexural modulus of twill fabrics/PP composites was the tests are considered, energy absorption takes place due

Figure 3. Flexural strength of jute fabrics/PP composites.

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6 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 4. Flexural modulus of jute fabrics/PP composites.

Figure 5. Impact strength of jute fabrics/PP composites.

to a combination of crack initiation and propagation. properties and needs to be considered when selected
In the case of twill fabric, the fracture advances with for applications. It is quite difficult to eliminate entirely
little change in the cracking plane, breaking the fibers the absorption of moisture by the composites without
instead of pulling them out. On the other hand, when using expensive surface barriers on the composite sur-
the interface is weak, interface debonding and fiber face. Water absorption in lignocellulosic fibers-enriched
pull-out, which are the major sources of fracture tough- composites can lead to build up of moisture in the fiber
ness in composites, can take place. cell wall and also in the fiber–matrix interphase region.
Moisture built up in the cell wall could result in fiber
Water uptake. Water uptake of jute fabrics-reinforced swelling and the concerned dimensional stability cannot
PP composites is an important characteristic that deter- be ignored.14 Water absorption characteristics of the
mines terminal applications of these materials.14 Water jute fabrics/PP composites of the present study are
absorption could lead to a decrease in some of the shown in Figures 6 and 7. This result indicates that

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Arju et al. 7

Figure 6. Percent water uptake of jute fabrics/PP composites versus soaking time (min).

Figure 7. Percent water uptake for 24 h of jute fabrics/PP composites.

water uptake significantly depends upon the surface uptake of rib fabric composites is about 58% less in
characteristics of the reinforcing material. It shows comparison with that of plain fabric composites as
that twill fabric composites had the highest and rib seen from Figure 7. The lower value of water uptake
fabric composites had the lowest water uptake among of the knitted fabric composites is due to the fact that
all the four different types of composites. In 24 h, water the surface tension of knitted fabrics is higher because

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8 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 0(0)

Figure 8. SEM micrographs of tensile fracture surfaces of composites (a) plain, (b) twill (c) single jersey (d) rib.

of the entrapped air is more in the knitted fabrics than evaluated and compared. It was found that both mech-
the woven structure fabrics. anical and water absorption properties of the compos-
ites were influenced by the structures of the fabrics.
Scanning electron microscopy indentations. The tensile-frac- Composites having twill structure fabrics exhibited the
ture surfaces of composites were analyzed through highest value of tensile strength (48 MPa), which was
SEM to evaluate the degree of interfacial adhesion 134% higher than the composites having plain structure
between jute fibers and PP matrix. The SEM micro- fabrics. It was also observed that the elongation at break
graphs (1000) of the fracture surfaces are displayed of the composites containing single jersey fabrics was
in Figure 8. The micrographs show that there is no or significantly higher than that of the composites contain-
only a little trace of PP matrix on the surfaces of jute ing plain structure fabrics. Water absorption of weft-
fibers, which indicates no adhesion between fibers and knitted fabrics-reinforced PP composites was much
matrix. The gap between fibers and matrix is relatively better than that of woven fabrics composites.
large for plain and single jersey composites than that
for twill and rib composites. This ensures the better
mechanical interlocking between fibers and matrix for Acknowledgements
twill and rib fabrics composites. Consequently, these The authors are indebted to Bangladesh University of Textiles
composites had higher tensile strength than that of (BUTex) and Radiation and Polymer Chemistry Laboratory,
plain and single jersey composites as can be seen from Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Table 3. For poor adhesion and mechanical interlock- Atomic Energy Commission, Savar for providing their
ing, transfer of stress from matrix to fibers cannot take laboratory facilities.
place effectively for which strength of composites
cannot improve. Conflict of interest
None declared.

Conclusions Funding
The performance of jute fabrics-reinforced PP compos- This research received no specific grant from any funding
ites having four different structures of fabrics has been agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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Arju et al. 9

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