Basket Ball Notes
Basket Ball Notes
Basket Ball Notes
The most powerful nations of the world namely USA, Russia, France,
Australia, China etc are strong enough not only in world economics, arm-forces
or in science technology but these are also advanced in the field of sports,
therefore it is quite apparent that to exist strongly on world map nation has to be
advance in the field of sports also. To achieve the same adoption of new
education. Kim L. (1993) studied the kinematical analysis of the flight phase in
the long jump. It was found that many kinematical variables like Knee and
elbow joints contributes in gaining good flight phase in long jump. Mr.
Australia. It was also viewed that wrist abduction was seemed to be the major
point shooting in basketball and found that the distance between a ball and the
center of the ring showed significant positive correlations with the ball release
velocity, ball release angle, the ankle plantar flexion angle, hip angular
underlying the various techniques used in Judo, first analyzed the techniques,
and made observations on their kinematics, and further wished to synthesize by
Hiza- guruma velocity was the lowest with 1.95 m/s. Sciences of applied
mechanism are fulfilling these demands of high technological knowledge for the
new heights and providing equal to expectations of the demand of this profession
but still lot more is to be done. Inspite of our hectic efforts in the formation of
the front line to achieve excellence in sports, the performance level has not been
seen up to the mark. Therefore, in the latter part of this century, our experts are
As we know that for enhancement in game and sport its techniques should
important to analyze it, so as to know what are the motor and mechanical
variables of the techniques which must be given due attention for improving that
particular technique. This study had been taken to analyze the technique of set
shot while attempting free throws, so that those effective variables could be
human eye to analyze all the movements of various body segments and joints at
the same time. So, various instruments like still camera, video camera, markers
etc are used to analyze various movements. Further the technology moved the
accurate but at the same time it is very costly and time consuming. The role of
upon and within a biological structure and effects produced by such forces’. The
‘biological structure’ in this context can be wide spread and covers systems of
different levels: cells, tissue, joints, segments, the entire body or even a complex
system consisting of several bodies or the human body in combination with the
surroundings (water, air, equipment, floor etc.). The main focus of applied sport
biological structures
The main goals of biomechanical research are to enhance performance in
approach with other related fields such as medicine, neuroscience, physics and
sport science. The area of movement and sport science covers important
• performance enhancement
• comfort
• safety.
into basic and applied fields. Basic research deals with aspects to better
structures. The applied field in sports biomechanics is very wide due to the
• the application of biomechanical knowledge provided from basic research
to sports in general,
confronted with significant and substantial challenges. The specific and partly
very complex circumstances of sport and sport disciplines (e.g. competition area,
measurement devices and software packages have already been developed and
are available on the market. For many very specific research questions and
applications, however, these standard packages often are not adequate and not
solutions to these challenges have already been reported for many sport
matter of course also have to cover the scientific demands of validity, reliability
and accuracy. Furthermore, the more practical issues like range of usage,
transfer, complexity, range of motion to be analyzed, expenditure of time for
data collection and data analysis, handling of the equipment, costs and the
test or system measures what it was designed to measure) are independent from
interaction between reliability and validity might occur. This conflict often
data collected in the lab are more accurate and reliable, but the validity can be
accurate and reliable data regarding the kinematics and dynamics of the take-off
mechanical conditions are substantially different from hill jumps due to the
friction between the boots and the surface is high and no aerodynamic forces act
on the jumper. In hill jumps the conditions are vice versa (low friction between
skis and track, high aerodynamic forces). Thus, the validity of the collected data
might be substantially restricted. This has to be considered when the data are
interpreted with respect to performance and coordination abilities. Data collected
in the field typically provide the opposite situation: high validity, but the
competitive sport, the highest level of validity can only be guaranteed when data
are collected during competitions; however, the regulations hamper the usage of
model abstraction) and random errors (e.g. errors due to signal resolution and
errors are harmless when data sets are compared relatively. Although random
filter and/or frequency analysis routines. Careful attention should be given to the
errors. Nevertheless, the range of deviation has to be discussed along with the
optional errors in data acquisition and data analysis. Surprisingly, the report of
dealing with applied biomechanics topics. These aspects, however, are very
human movement analyst should be able to answer many basic questions related
resistance exercise machines? What is the safest way to lift a heavy object?
thrown for maximum distance? From what distance and angle is it best to
What strategies can an elderly person or a football lineman employ to maximize
factors contributing to superior performance in the long jump, high jump and
pole vault include large horizontal velocity going into takeoff and a shortened
last step that facilitates continued elevation of the total-body center of mass.
reasons. Actually he was prepared for the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, but
developed a stress fracture of his left fibula before the U.S. Olympic Trials
began. He did not qualify in the 400 meters and he withdrew from the 200
meters. In fact his feet are different in size. Johnson entered the Olympic finals
They preferred spikes weighed 3 ounces (85 g) and the left shoe was a size 10.5
while the right shoe was a US size 11, to account for Johnson's shorter left foot.
Finally he became the first man to win the 200 m and 400 m in the same
Olympics and took 0.34 seconds off his own 200m world record, which he set
two months earlier on the same track at the Olympic trials. Sport biomechanists
superior performance in the long jump, high jump and pole vault include large
horizontal velocity going into takeoff and a shortened last step that facilitates
the discus throw requires precise evaluation of the major mechanical factors
affecting the flight of the discus. These factors are the speed of the discus when
it is released by the thrower, the projection angle at which the discus is released,
the height above the ground at which the discus is released and the angle of
needed combination of values for these four variables that will result in a throw
performances in great deal and when the film or videotape is analyzed, the actual
projection height, velocity and angle of attack can be compared to the computer-
generated values required for optimal performance. At the age of 43, oerter
biomechanical analysis.
P T Usha finished first in the semi-finals of the 400 metres hurdles in the
1984 Los Angeles Olympics, but faltered in the finals. In almost a repeat
of Milkha Singh's 1960 feat, there was a nail-biting photo finish for the third
place. Usha lost the bronze by 1/100 th of a second. She became the first Indian
woman (and the fifth Indian) to reach the final of an Olympic event. It should
improvement i.e., 0.34 seconds and 8.2 meters of Olympians. Then, we have to
accept that biomechanics would have improved over Olympians with atleast a
research shows that the most serious risk factors for overuse injuries are training
sport shoe design. Today sport shoe are designed to prevent excessive loading
the knowledge base on the full gamut of human movement, from the gait of the
in the future.
of the motion. It is concerned with the describing and quantifying both the linear
and angular positions of the bodies and their time derivatives. Kinematics is the
preferred analytical tool for researchers interested in questions such as, who is
faster? What is the range of motion of a joint? How do two motion patterns
enables subsequent kinetic analysis. The most common method for collecting
to obtain the coordinates of the makers. These coordinates are then processed to
scientist simply view the video together and decide immediately how technique
could be improved. The athlete can then attempt any recommended changes and
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of 5 active players each try
to score points against one another by placing a ball through a 10 foot (3.048 m)
high hoop (the goal) under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular
and widely viewed sports in the world. Points are scored by throwing (shooting)
the ball through the basket from above, the team with more points at the end of
the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it (dribbling)
and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled (violations).Through
time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting,
passing and dribbling, as well as player’s positions and offensive and defensive
structures. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play center or one of two
forward positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball
handling skills and speed, play the guard positions. While competitive basketball
casual play. In some countries, basketball is also a popular spectator sport. While
popular among both inner city and rural groups. Dr. James Naismith was
Kansas for six years, before handing the reins to renowned coach Forrest Phog
enjoyed great success as coach at the Kentucky. On February 9, 1895, the first
the University of Minnesota, the U.S. Naval Academy, the University of Utah
Roosevelt formed a governing body for colleges, resulting in the creation of the
body would change its name to the National Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA). In 1892, the University of California and Miss Head's School played
College, March 21, 1893. The same year, Mount Holyoke and Sophie Newcomb
1895, the game had spread to colleges across the country, including Wellesley,
Vassar, and Bryn Mawr. The first intercollegiate women's game was on April 4,
through the basket. While methods can vary with players and situations, the most
common technique is outlined as follows: The player faces the basket with feet
about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and back straight. The player
allows the ball to rest on the fingertips of the dominant hand (the shooting arm)
slightly above the head, with the other hand supporting the side of the ball. To
aim the ball, the player's elbow should be aligned vertically, with the forearm
facing in the direction of the basket. The ball is shot by extending the bended
knees and straightening the shooting arm; the ball rolls off the finger tips while
the wrist completes a full downward flex motion. The shooting arm, fully
extended with the wrist fully bent, and the fingers pointing downward, is held
stationary for a moment following the release of the ball, this is known as a
follow-through, which when properly done, enhances the accuracy of the shot.
Generally, the non-shooting arm is used only to guide the shot, not to power it.
Players often try to put a steady backspin on the ball to deaden its impact with
the rim. The ideal trajectory of the shot is somewhat arguable, but generally
coaches recommend a proper arch. Players may shoot directly into the basket or
may use the backboard to redirect the ball into the basket.
The two most common shots that use the above described set up are the
set shot and the jump shot. The set shot is taken from a standing position, with
neither foot leaving the floor, typically used for free throws. The jump shot is
taken while in mid-air, when the ball is released near the top of the jump. This
provides much greater power and range, and it also allows the player to elevate
over the defender. Failure to release the ball before the feet return to the ground
This shot requires the player to be in motion toward the basket, and to ‘lay’ the
ball ‘up’ and into the basket, typically off the backboard (the backboard-free,
typically highest-percentage accuracy shot is the slam dunk, in which the player
jumps very high, and throws the ball downward, straight through the hoop.
Another shot that is becoming common is the "circus shot". The circus shot is a
low-percentage shot that is flipped, heaved, scooped, or flung toward the hoop
while the shooter is off-balance, airborne, falling down, and/or facing away from
the basket.
In basketball not only fast skills, but also technical needs, tactics,
agreement, experience and the potential for contest is shown in a game. The ratio
anaerobic and high intensity exercise. Because of the high intensity and
anaerobic property of basketball, one has to give best performance with in the
short period of the game. These performances include the shooting action,
dribbling skill, defense etc. When the coach trains athletes they need to improve
adapt to the high intensity exercise. Shooting is the basic way to get in basketball
and for this reason it is the most frequently used technical action (HAY, 1978).
The free shot is distinguished as the most important of all the shooting actions.
shot clock violation to 24 seconds that required players to improve their fitness
level and that ultimately lead coaches and sport scientists to find new techniques
passing, shooting, dribbling and holding. Shooting is basically divided into two
main techniques that is jump shot and set shot. In the jump shot players lift his
body in the air and then attempt for the basket. Jump shot is mainly used to
avoid any opponent’s direct restriction while shooting, so in jump shot shooter
tries to overcome the resisting height of the opponent. Set shot is the technique
commonly used for a free throw - an unopposed shot awarded after an opposing
foul, and taken from the free-throw line. Set shot is a shot taken at stationary
position or without jumping. Until the invention of the jump shot (1940) the
most-used shot in basketball was the two-handed set shot. Among the greatest
executors of this shot were Bobby McDermott, Eddie Sailor and Dick Kinder.
This shot is used when you are standing still and mainly without an opponent.
Set shot is an uncontested shot commonly taken from free throw line, 15 feet
-4.60 meters- distant from the backboard. A successful free throw is worth one
point. It is no compulsion to use set shot in free throws only, set shot can be used
from anywhere in the ground, but now a days the game is so fast and skilled that
hardly a player get opportunity to deliver set shot before a tall opponent. On the
other hand, set shot therefore mainly used for the free throw attempts. Now a
day’s competition level is very high and no one willing to loose a single point
and here raises the importance of set shot technique. While attempting for the
free throw every player use set shot technique only. The main reason for using
set shot in free throws is the stability and comfort in delivering the skill. The
player while using the set shot also gets optimum opportunity to overcome the
tensed movements of the game and feel some relaxation, as in set shot body
requires very less energy expenditure if compared with jump shot. In set shot the
player stands still and then with the required linear and angular movement
attempts for basket without an opponent. Ultimately all the comfort, less energy
expenditure and easy skilled movement raises the chances of successful attempt,
therefore the importance of set shot can not be avoided. In the set position,
player’s feet were spaced and aligned for balance and comfort and then use that
position for attempt. Set shot is taken without leaving the ground, such as a free
throw. The ball should be 'shot' and not 'thrown', with body balance maintained
throughout the shot. Here are some instructional points to remember while
shooting - Good body balance, Focus on the basket as the bulls-eye picture in the
eye, Concentrate and think the ball into the target, follow through, rhythm and
smoothness of motion. While attempting the set shot player easily gains the
set shot attempt is a highly skilled movement. Importance of set shot raises more
when the competition becomes neck to neck level and teams even fight for
single points. Importance of set shot or free throw is obviously high, no matter
what the level of tournament or the players. Free throws are taken by adopting
the skill of set shot. Free throw is an unchallenged shot at the basket. Set shot
adopted in free throws is an undefended shot taken from the free throw line.
Players from the two teams line up alternately on both sides of the free throw
line. Free throw is the privilege given to a player to score one, two, or three
points under rule by unhindered throw for a goal from within the free throw
circle and behind the free throw line. Two hand set shot is mainly considered as
effect as in the running game of basketball set shot is typically used free throw
attempts. Free throw shot is therefore also considered as set shot. When a
personal foul is called and the penalty is the awarding of free throw(s), the
player against whom the foul was committed shall be designated by the official
to attempt the free throw. It is on the attempting players to choose the technique
of shooting, but the most preferred is set shot. The free throw shooter shall take a
position behind the free throw line and attempt for the goal.
movements or intervals of exercise lasting up to minutes. The most cost-
scientist simply view the video together and decide immediately how technique
could be improved. The athlete can then attempt any recommended changes and
the filmed for a further round analysis. The C.G. of the body is involved in all
Therefore, this factor must receive more careful attention. Motion pictures and
video have been used for years to study athletic performances. They have
certain basic principals must be followed. Dr. Thomas K. Cureton, has made a
measurement of the displacement of the body and its segments. Today, advances
in kinematics analysis have been greater then in most other aspects of research.
Traditionally, cinematography analysis of relative high speed films has been the
technique used to obtain kinematic data. However, the raw displacement of data
thus acquired usually contains inherent error that can cause large inaccuracies in
employed. The two most successful are digital filtering and use of spline
cinematographic analysis have been developed and refined during the 1970s to
improve the accuracy of studying complex human motions, but these techniques
future and it will be good to say is slowly becoming popular. Among these new
techniques that have emerged in the recent years are (1) automatic image
determine the X and Y coordinates of anatomical landmarks and (2) light spot
obtain the information about the three dimensional coordinates of small, active
light sources attached to the human body or the Human Markers. Although
human motion, the area of kinetics has received relatively limited attention.
Miller expressed the belie that future research must expand its concern with the
kinetic and kinematic analysis of human motion. Cinematography and now a day
quantitatively analyzed to obtain linear and angular displacement, time data and
motion do not provide sufficient information to describe fully the activity thus
these data are further treated mathematically to determine the respective velocity
anatomy and mechanics. It is recommended that the coach should take time to
motion picture for teaching and coaching purpose. Since video recordings are
enabling, reusable does not require any developing, it is more economical than
film. The relatively inexpensive portable recorders have significant potential for
instruction. Pictures taken of students performing motor skill can provide them
with further insight into their own actions, a greater appreciation of the
hardware software packages are available for the purpose. Simple but effective
digitizing is also possible with minimal extra hardware and software. This
procedure is the time consuming and loses the benefit of immediate feedback to
the athlete, but it allows detailed comparisons of one athlete with another or of
one athlete before and after an intervention. Video has also been used for time
of the released object, angle of release, height of release etc plays an importance
role in the performance hence true mastery comes only after serious study of the
mechanical principles involved. Sport does not simply involve physical activities
1. The study was delimited to the male Basketball players of three different
Group I: Five feet five inches to five feet eight inches (5’5’’ to 5’8’’).
Group II: Five feet nine inches to six feet (5’9” to 6’).
Group III: Six feet one inch to six feet four inches (6’1” to 6’4”).
2. The study was delimited to male national and inter-varsity players only.
years of age.
4. The study was delimited to set shot while performing free throws only.
5. In the study digital video cameras or camcorders was used for the
A.xiii. Angle of release of the ball.
release of ball.
2. The factors like environment, temperature, atmosphere pressure etc were beyond
the control of the investigator, which might have affected the performance of the
1. To find out the correlation between the selected kinematical variables and
3. The study was designed to prepare an ideal model for the technique of the
the motion of body. Thus, Kinematics deals with such things as how far a
body moves, and how consistently it moves. It is not concerned at all with
what causes a body to move in the way it does. Kinematics analysis motion
‘video’ and ‘graphy’. The Greek word ‘video’ means ‘I see’ or ‘I apprehend’
and the word ‘graphy’ means, ‘to write’. Videography covers many more
fields than just shooting videos with a camera. It includes digital animation,
medical imaging and in general the production of most bitmap and vector
based assets.
Set Shot: The two most common shots used in basketball are the set shot and
the jump shot. The set shot is taken from a standing position, with neither
foot leaving the floor, typically used for free throws. Set shot is mainly
attempted from the line of 5.80mtrs for free throw shot in basketball and for
each conversion one point is awarded to the converter. In this study, set shot
Center of Gravity: The center of gravity of any object is that point at which
referred as the point of balance of a body and it is either stated or implied that
2. The results may provide a model for the technique of skill for analyzing
5. The results will be helpful in preparing how effectively and efficiently the
6. The knowledge of the scientific basis of set shot may help in teaching and
known and what is still unknown and interested. A careful review of research
the planning of any research study. The relevant studies gained from various
sources which the research scholar has come across are cited below.
Motoyasu, Koshiyama and Katsumata (2009) made an afford to know the
purpose of this study was to clarify characteristics of players who possess high
accuracy of a 3-point shot with respect to joint movements and the ball
handed) participated in the experiment. The goal of task was to shoot the ball
from a line 6.25m from the backboard into the basket. All participants were
requested to shoot the ball through the ring. A high speed camera (sampling
frequency: 250Hz, shutter speed: 1/2000; Nac, HSV-500) was positioned at the
right or left side of the player’s shooting position, perpendicular to the plane of
intended ball motion. The following 8 points were digitized: Right and left
humeral line, elbow, wrist, 3rd metacarpophalangeal, hip, knee and ankle joints,
distal end of right and left feet. The coordinates of the external markers were
used to calculate the following variables: release height, release speed, release
angle of the ball, and the angle, angular velocity and angular acceleration of
joints. From the investigation it was found that the distance between a ball and
the center of the ring showed significant positive correlations with the ball
release velocity, ball release angle, the ankle plantar flexion angle, hip angular
distance also showed significant negative correlations with the ball release
height, vertical jump height, and the wrist flexion angle. Good shooters were
able to achieve a low release speed by shooting a ball at the optimal release
angle. Good shooters were also characterized by a lower jump height, a larger
wrist flexion angle, and smaller joint movements of the lower limb compared
(balance break) and kake (execution) with selected kinematic variables were: in
angular kinematics at the moment of kuzushi left ankle joint (-0.46), right ankle
(0.522), left hip joint (-0.103), right hip joint (-0.40), left shoulder joint (-0.139),
right shoulder joint (0.056), left elbow joint (0.072), right elbow joint (0.154),
and at the moment of tsukuri left ankle joint (0.37), left hip joint (-0.739), right
hip joint (-0.515), left shoulder joint (0.34), right shoulder joint (0.248), left
elbow joint (0.059), right elbow joint (-0.04). In linear kinematics at the moment
of kuzushi the height of CG was 0.236 and at moment of tsukuri &kake height of
of all joints. Based on the interpretation of findings it was concluded that the
Kinematic variables namely analysis angles of joints i.e ankle, knee, hip,
research was done with the aim of equilibrium studying and comparison of old
athletes (active) group and no athletes (non-active) group. 20 old men who were
65 years old and used to perform physical activity (morning sports) and
expanding leisure time in Iranshahr Park (Iran) and 23 old men no athletes (non-
specifications of the samples like flexibility, reaction time, height, and mean of
the thigh and leg size (research variables) and isotonic equilibrium variables
Bhardwaj R. (2008) conducted a comparative study of kinematic analysis
of vertical jump of boys of different age group. The purpose of the study was to
the centre of gravity during four phases of vertical jump performance namely
standing reach, crouch, jump & reach and landing as well as its vertical
displacement (distance between standing reach and jump & reach). Centre of
gravity in each phase was located using segmentation method. Along with
figures were developed. To compare the kinematic variables of the four given
phases of vertical jump of the both age groups t-test was applied and was
tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results revealed that the height of the CG
during standing ranged from 1.14m to 1.39m. The height of the CG during
crouch ranged from 1.02m to 1.15m. It was also found that the displacement
of CG during vertical jump ranged from 0.41m to 0.91m The height of the
vertical jump ranged from 38cm to 58cm. Results also revealed that the
Chi-Yang, Tsai (2006) conducted a study on the Kinematic analysis
of Basketball three point shoot after high intensity program. The purpose of
the high intensity program which was designed from simulative basketball
games. The high intensity testing program includes dribbling, sprint, jump
shooting and three points shooting. The results of the experiments indicated
that elbow, wrist, hip and ankle joints angle velocities would decrease, expect
the knee joint, after the high intensity programme. The Knee angle of take
off was also increased. It indicated that the upper limb joints angular velocity
maintain original power. Time durations also played influential role in the
performance. The times from take off to ball release also decreased that
coordinates in Knee joint and elbow joint. Improvement in the power for the shot
exhibited to be dependent on knee and ankle joint to much extent. After high
intensity program the elbow and Knee joint extension were effective enough and
Rojas F.J., Cepero and Gutierrez (2000) conducted a study on kinematic
player when shooting against an opponent. The subjects used were 10 male,
active professional basketball players from the First Division of the Spanish
Basketball League (ACB) who volunteered to take part. All were right-
handed and specialists in mid- and long-distance shooting. The mean age
was 23.36 years with a mean height of 1.95 m and a mean mass of 90.43 kg.
Two video cameras were used at 50 Hz to record the performance of the shots.
The first was placed at a distance of 10 m from where the shot was to be made
with an orientation of
458 to the direction of the shot, and the second was situated 11 m from the shot
with an orientation of 458 to the direction of the shot and 90 degree to the
seconds prior to the beginning of each shot and were not switched off until the
ball passed through the hoop to ensure the recording of a sufficient portion of the
cameras, and before filming the shots, a reference object was filmed. The
reference object was so oriented that the x-axis was in line with the direction of
the shot, the z-axis was perpendicular and horizontal to the direction of the shot
and the y-axis was perpendicular to the plane of the floor. In the study it is found
that the release angle of the ball increased significantly in the presence of an
opponent and this helped the player to avoid the possible interception of the ball
by the opponent’s hand. The mean release angle of the ball in this study was 45
degrees. The velocity of ball release was not significantly different between the
attempted to release the ball more quickly and from a greater height when
confronted with an opponent. This strategy lessens the chance of the opponent
intercepting the ball. The greater initial knee position restricted the ability of the
player to jump and therefore player performed a quicker but less powerful jump,
while the more rapid upward movement of the ball helps to increase the joint
angles at shoulder and elbow at release and this, combined with a more upright
trunk, helps the ball to attain a greater height and a more vertical angle of
trends in the biomechanical data collected. The differences in technical
S. Dhannanjoy (1990) the purpose of the study was to develop suitable
and feasible criteria for the evaluating different variations of Seoi Nage and to
fitness factors for effective execution of different variation of Seoi Nage and
Ippon seoi. The subjects were 28 male judoka, who were well experienced and
method. In the study sixteen mm movie camera was used. After processing the
N.S.N.I.S., Patiala. Following conclusions were drawn, (i) the angle at the ankle
joint found not to be significantly correlated with total time. (ii) left elbow joint,
right knee joint and center of gravity at the basic stances prefer no correlation
with the seoi nage perfecton (iii) angular velocity at hip formed by right shoulder
when knee is extended from flexed position and total right hip in Ippon Seoi
Nage should greater to reduce the total time of performance. (iv) execution time
and total time taken in Ippon Seoi Nage were found to be linearly related to each
other and strong predictor as well. (iv) to reduce the total time, the time of knee
flexion from start of throw should be reduced in Ippon Seoi Nage. (v) the time of
leg extension to belt in vertical was having a critical effect i.e. little reduction of
The values were compared with western studies. It was observed that increased
body height shifts the C.G. towards the head, whereas, the C.G. is shifted
concluded that age has particular no influence over the change in the C.G.
Higgins F. (1972) studied the mechanical factors that contribute to
included analysis of angular measurements of the elbow, shoulder, knee, hip and
order of the position, velocity and acceleration of body parts during the
and poorest jump from a series of seven trials were selected and analyzed. It
poorest jump, all the subjects showed lower hyper extension of the arm at the
preparatory position, less shoulder flexion at the point of take-off. At the apex of
jump: the knee, hip and ankles displayed equal or less extension of the point of
take-off while the angle of body lean was equal to or greater at this same point. A
slower rate of arm velocity was displayed prior to take-off while on the other
hand the rate of arm velocity was faster at the point of tale-off. From the study it
was concluded that arm position, velocity and acceleration of hip and knee
further concluded that the range of arm motion assisted in attaining maximum
In this chapter the selection of subjects, selection of variables, criterion
of the film, collection of data and the statistical techniques employed for analysis
(20 in each group) were selected as subjects for the study. Subjects found
in between any two height groups, were considered under the nearest height
group. Most of them were regular participants in the Inter-varsity and national
level basketball championships. Some of them were national medal holders and
even were in the Indian junior and senior team. The subjects were undergone
subjects possess reasonable level of technique. The age of the subjects ranged
between 18 to 30 years. The subjects were explained about the objective of the
study. The data was obtained with the help of two given positions of any
successful attempt:
(a) Moment of stance in set shot.
variables were chosen for the two mentioned positions in set shot.
A.xxxii. Height of center of gravity of the shooter at moment of
release of ball.
The criterion measure for this study was the performance of the subjects
Total of ten attempts were given to each subject and the successful shots
marked as score out of ten. The performance of each trial was judged accurately
All the selected subjects were asked to perform the set shot from the free
throw line. The performers were well directed and informed about the study and
were well prepared for the study. They were asked to perform the set shot in the
natural way as they actually perform. It was ascertained that subjects possess
reasonable level of technique. Most of the selected subjects were senior national
players and had performed in the 60th Senior National basketball championships
Indoor Stadium from December 27th 2009 to January 3rd, 2010. Players were
filming method as required. The shooter was asked to take a position behind the
free throw line and attempt for the goal. Subjects were asked to attempt ten shots
and after every attempt the ball was supplied to him for next attempt. For the
purpose of analysis two moments were selected i.e. Moment of stance in set shot
and Moment of release of ball in set shot. The performance of each subject was
were also given. Subjects were also asked to go for complete movement of set
Digital Video Cameras, Steel tape, stop watches, geometric instruments and
were used. All the equipments and software were supplied by standard agencies
and companies and their accuracy was ensured by the experts and suppliers. All
researcher under the expert’s guidance. Digital video cameras (Sony 2100
collected by using these instruments and software were considered reliable for
Four Digital Video cameras of sony 2100 series were used in order to
register the technique of set shot while attempting free throw in Basketball. For
All the four advanced digital video cameras were used in filming the two
selected moments. Each video camera was specifically placed for more accurate
Figure 01: Highlighting position of cameras for videography while
performing setshot in basketball.
Basketball Court
Camera ‘C1’ was filming the subject specifically, camera ‘C2’ filmed the
subject and path of the ball, camera ‘C3’ filmed the ring with respect to the
attempted ball and camera ‘C4’ filmed the whole action of set shot with respect
to subject, ball, ring and ground. ‘C4’ camera was mainly responsible for
‘C1’ was placed at the distance of 11 meters in respect to shooters and was fixed
Videographic technique was used in this study. The films were analyzed
analyzed. Quick snap shots through ‘motion pro’ software for analysis of
Fig. 02: Segmentation of moment of stance in set-shot taken through
Motion Pro software.
Fig. 03: Segmentation shot of moment of release of ball in set-shot taken
through Motion Pro software.
helps in identifying faults in performing the technique very precisely. There are
two methods by which a motor skill can be analyzed i.e. qualitative and
through videography and importing those videos into the motion analyzing
software. Software having facilities to analyze the videos in motion and still
(quick snap shot) mode. In the present study videos were recorded and analyzed
measure time to perform the course and all related angles. Software assisted
Quick snap shot were used for joint point method in order to locate center of
To check the time taken by the performer to perform the set shot, ‘set-
timer’ option in the software was used. Time gets started from the moment of
Fig. 04: Display of elapsed time from mark-in through motion pro software.
On the basis of application of mark beg and mark end technique in the
motion pro software on the selected videos, elgons were developed. In order to
receive the complete segmental diagram ‘angle finding’ option was selected in
the software and marks of demanded joints were connected. After completing the
segments were drawn to find out different angles of the body. For knee joint,
segment was drawn from heel axis to hip axis through knee axis. For ankle joint,
segment was drawn from pterion to knee axis through heel axis. For shoulder
joint, segment was drawn from hip axis to elbow axis through shoulder axis. For
hip joint, segment was drawn from knee axis to shoulder axis through hip axis.
For elbow joint, segment was drawn to shoulder axis to knuckle III through
Fig. 05: Segmentation shot for analysis of selected angles of moment of
stance in set-shot taken through Motion
Pro software.
Fig. 06: Segmentation shot for analysis of selected angles of moment of
release of ball in set-shot taken through Motion Pro software.
Measurement of angle of release
configuring the basket-ball with the software, software located the center of the
ball and followed the path of the ball by point display method that shows
Fig. 07: Point display method to get the direction and angle of released ball.
Location of C.G.
developed stick figures, with the help of which the location of center of gravity
during the moment of stance and moment of release of ball in set shot was
found. The elgons were developed by using the joint-points method and c.g. of
the whole body was found out by using segmental method as follow:
1. Mark on the quick snap, the position of those references point (table-01)
joining the mid point of the line between the right and left hip joint to the
3. Measure the length of each segment line and divide these various lengths
ratio as indicated in table-02. Mark the point of division (i.e. the center of
4. Rule two arbitrary axes (OY and OX), one to the left and one below the
stick figure.
6. For each segment, measure the perpendicular distance from c.g. to the
line OY, and enter this distance in the appropriate place on the form (table
3, column 2).
7. To find the moments about OY, multiply the weight of each segment by
the distance of its c.g. from the lines and enter these values on the form
on the form.
9. Add the content 1. If the procedure outlined has been correctly followed,
all parts of the body have also been taken into account then this total will
be equal to 1. (i.e. sum of the weight of all the body parts, expressed in
multiplied by some unknown distance X, and since this is equal to the sum of
step 8.
10. Rule a line O’Y’ parallel to OY and at a distance of X from it. The c.g. of
11. Repeat steps 5 to 10, taking moments about OX now. The c.g. of the
from it.
And finally, because the c.g. lines on O’X’ and O’Y’ and these two lines
have only one point in common (i.e. where they intersect) this is the point where
Table - 1
Weight of body segments relative to total body weight
Upper Arm
Table – 2
Location of C.G. of body segments
46.4 % to vertex; 53.6 % to Chin-neck intersects
43.8 % suprasternal notch; 56.2 % to hip axis
Upper Arm
49.1 % to shoulder axis; 50.9 % to elbow axis
41.8 % to elbow axis; 58.2 % to wrist axis
82.0 % to wrist axis; 18.0 % to knuckle III
40.0 % to hip axis; 60.0 % to knee axis
41.8 % to knee axis; 58.2 5 to ankle axis
44.9 % to heel axis; 55.1 % to tip of long toe
Table - 3
Form for computation of center of gravity
Segment Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5
Segment Distance Moments Distance Moments
to OY about OY to OX about OX
weight (cm) (cm)
Head 0.073
Trunk 0.507
subjects in set shot in basketball. Further to check the impact of the significant
way ANOVA) was also used to study the significance of difference in selected
kinematic variables among three different height groups with mean comparisons
of different groups through post hoc test while performing set shot. In order to
The purpose of the study was two dimentional kinematical analysis of set
shot among basketball players. Various Kinematical variables chosen for the two
mentioned positions in set shot were angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle
joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right knee joint,
angle at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint,
angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint,
angle at left wrist joint, angle of release of the ball, height of center of gravity of
center of gravity. The data were collected on sixty basketball players of three
different height groups following the standard procedure. The criterion measure
for this study was the performance of the subjects in set shot in basketball.
Basketball players in set shot. Further to find out the impact of the significant
variables on the performance, regression was also run in SPSS. In order to check
5 Angle at right shoulder joint. -0.086
6 Angle at left shoulder joint. -0.020
7 Angle at right hip joint 0.067
8 Angle at left hip joint 0.070
9 Angle at right elbow joint. -0.053
10 Angle at left elbow joint. -0.071
11 Angle at right wrist joint. 0.083
12 Angle at left wrist joint. 0.205
13 Height of center of gravity of the shooter -0.074
at moment stance.
variables i.e. angle at right ankle joint (0.022), angle at left ankle joint (0.021),
angle at right knee joint (0.093), angle at left knee joint (0.091), angle at right
shoulder joint (-0.086), angle at left shoulder joint (-0.020), angle at right hip
joint (0.067), angle at left hip joint (0.070), angle at right elbow joint (-0.053),
angle at left elbow joint (-0.071), angle at right wrist joint (0.083), angle at left
wrist joint (0.205) and height of center of gravity of the shooter (-0.074) with the
freedom shown in table-4, were less than the required value (.250) for 0.05 level
basketball at the moment of stance. In the present case this can be stated that
the performance in set shot of different height groups in basketball. Therefore it
can be explained that these variables put no impact on the performance in set
Table - 5
Showing coefficient of correlation of selected kinematical variables with the
performance in set shot
at the moment of release of ball (N=60)
In table 5 the values of coefficient of correlation of selected kinematical
variables i.e. angle at right ankle joint (0.382), angle at left ankle joint (0.379),
angle at right knee joint (0.375), angle at left knee joint (0.360), angle at right
shoulder joint (0.306), angle at left shoulder joint (-0.054), angle at right hip
joint (0.162), angle at left hip joint (0.166), angle at right elbow joint (0.012),
angle at left elbow joint (-0.039), angle at right wrist joint (0.348), angle at left
wrist joint (0.184), angle of release of the ball (0.538) and height of center of
gravity of the shooter at moment of release of ball (0.013) with the performance
in set shot of different height groups in basketball at the moment of release are
correlation of the seven variables namely angle at right ankle joint, angle at left
ankle joint, angle at right Knee joint, angle at left Knee joint, angle at right
shoulder joint, angle at right wrist joint and angle of release of the ball found
significantly related with the performance in set shot at the moment of release.
However, all the significant variables at the moment of release have shown
positive correlation with the performance in set shot of different height groups in
basketball. Rest of the selected variables namely angle at left shoulder joint,
angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at
left elbow joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of gravity of the
shooter at moment of release of ball were found not significantly related with the
Table 5 reveals that the obtained values of coefficient of correlation of
angle at right ankle joint (0.382), angle at right ankle joint (0.382), angle at left
ankle joint (0.379), angle at right knee joint (0.375), angle at left knee joint
(0.360), angle at right wrist joint (0.348) and angle of release of ball (0.538)
correlation of angle at right shoulder joint (.306) has shown .05 level of
the performance in set shot in basketball at the moment of release of ball. It was
positive relationship with the performance of set shot and therefore it can be
explained that these significant variables put impact on the performance in set
shoulder joint (-0.054), angle at right hip joint (0.162), angle at left hip joint
(0.166), angle at right elbow joint (0.012), angle at left elbow joint (-0.039),
angle at left wrist joint (0.184) and height of center of gravity of the shooter at
moment of release of ball (0.013) for 58 degree of freedom were not more than
the required value (.250) for 0.05 level of significance, therefore the selected
variables have shown no significant relationship with the performance in set shot
in basketball at moment of release of ball. In the present case this can be stated
and the performance of set shot of different height group players in basketball.
the performance in set shot of different height groups in basketball at the
Table - 6
Showing coefficient of correlation of time to perform the course and
displacement of center of gravity with the Performance in set shot (N=60)
variables i.e. time to perform the course of set shot (-.261) and displacement
of center of gravity from the moment of stance to the moment of release of ball
(0.090) with the performance in set shot of different height group players in
basketball is presented.
time to perform the course for 58 degree of freedom (-.261) is more than the
required value (.250) for 0.05 level of significance, therefore the selected
variable have shown significantly low relationship with the performance in set
shot in basketball. However, the selected variable has shown negative correlation
with the performance in set shot. In the present case this can be stated that there
is significant relationship between the time to perform the course and the
center of gravity for 58 degree of freedom (0.090) is less than the required value
(.250) for 0.05 level of significance, therefore the selected variable have shown
present case this can be stated that there is no significant relationship between
the selected kinematical variable i.e. displacement of center of gravity with the
performance in set shot of different height groups in basketball and therefore, the
performance in set shot were examined individually with the help of Regression,
dependent variable.
Table - 7
The above model summary depicts R at .382 and R square at .146. This
indicates that 15% variation in the performance was being caused by right ankle
joint. The Beta coefficient has arrived at .382 (significance at .01 level), so it
Table - 8
Table 8 shows that the R existed at .379 and R square at .144. This
highlights that 14% variation in the performance was being caused by angle at
left ankle joint. The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .379 (significance at .
Table - 9
In the table 9, R exists at .375 and R square at .141. This Indicates that
14% variation in the performance was being caused by angle at right knee joint.
The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .375 (significance at .01 level), so it
Table – 10
Showing regression analysis of angle at left knee joint (ALKJ) as
independent variable and performance as dependent variable
Indicating that 13% variation in the performance was being caused by angle at
left knee joint. The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .360 (significance at .
variation in the performance was being caused by angle at right shoulder joint.
The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .306 (significance at .05 level), so it
Table -12
Showing regression analysis of angle at right wrist joint (ARWJ) as
independent variable and performance as dependent variable
Model R R square Adjusted R Standardized Sig.
ARWJ .348 .121 .106 .348 .005**
Constant: Angle at right wrist joint.
Dependent Variable: Performance.
** Sig. at 0.01 level
Indicating that 12% variation in the performance was being caused by Angle at
right wrist joint. The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .348 (significance at
.01 level), so it signifies that Angle at right wrist joint affects performance.
Table - 13
Showing regression analysis of angle of release of the ball (ARB) as
independent variable and performance as dependent variable
29% variation in the performance was being caused by angle of release of the
ball. The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at .538 (significance at .01 level),
Table - 14
Showing Regression analysis of time to perform the course (TPC) as
independent variable and performance
as dependent variable
square Beta
TPC .261 .068 .052 -.261 .044*
Constant: Time to perform the course.
Dependent Variable: Performance.
* Sig. at 0.05 level
variation in the performance was being caused by time to perform the course.
The value of Beta coefficient has arrived at -.261 (significant at .05 level), so it
Regression model and prediction equation
Table - 15
Multiple Regression analysis of selected kinematical variables and
performance of Set-Shot in Basketball
15) through SPSS. Generated model included three kinematical variables and
deleted rest of the variables. The model summary reveals the R and R square
values at .675 and .455 indicating that about forty five per cent of the variation
release of the ball (ARB), angle at right wrist joint at moment of release (ARWJ)
develop equation for the prediction of performance in set shot on the basis of X 1,
X2 and X3 kinematical variables and the resulted multiple regression equation in
Y= -47.123+.292X1+.095X2+.165X3
among three different height groups while performing set shot at moment of
stance and moment of release. Further to find out the significant difference
between pair of means among the three groups post hoc test was run on SPSS.
Table - 16
Showing F values of selected kinematical variables of three different height
groups at the moment of stance
Sources of SS Df MS F
joint (ALWJ) SS with in 6836.500 57 119.939 14.686**
Table 16 shows that the value of F-ratio for the angle at right ankle joint,
angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at
right shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at
left hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at right
wrist joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of gravity of the shooter
of three different height groups in the moment of stance while performing set
Review of table 16 shows that the values of F-ratio of the angle at right
ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee
joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of
gravity of the shooter of three different height groups in moment stance while
performing set shot were significant at .01 level. In other words, it can be
variables namely angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at
right knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left
Table 16 also showed that the values of F ratio of the angle at left
shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right elbow
joint, angle at left elbow joint and angle at right wrist joint of three different
height groups in moment stance while performing set shot were insignificant at .
angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at
left elbow joint and angle at right wrist joint. To know which group means were
Table – 17
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right ankle I II 2.70000
joint III 11.55000**
II I -2.70000
III 8.85000**
III I -11.55000**
II -8.85000**
Angle at left ankle joint I II 2.70000
III 11.55000**
II I -2.70000
III 8.85000**
III I -11.55000**
II -8.85000**
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 17 shows that there was a significant difference between two pair of
means: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.000 (<0.01); b. 5’9” to 6’ and 6’1” to
6’4”, p=.000 (<0.01). It means that the third height group players i.e. 6’1” to
6’4” were significantly different from the other two height group players in
angle at right and left ankle joint at the moment of stance in set shot.
Table - 18
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right knee I II 14.70000**
joint III 26.70000**
II I -14.70000**
III 12.0000**
III I -26.70000**
II -12.0000**
Angle at left knee joint I II 14.70000**
III 26.650000**
II I -14.70000**
III 11.95000**
III I -26.65000**
II -11.95000**
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 18 reveals that all the three group means were significantly
different from one another: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.000 (<0.01); b.
5’9” to 6’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.000 (<0.01); c. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”,
p=.000 (<0.01). It means that all the three height group players were
significantly different in angle at right and left knee joint at the moment of
Table – 19
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right shoulder I II -1.25000**
joint III -.90000*
II I 1.25000**
III .35000
III I .90000*
II -.35000
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level,*- Significant at 0.05 level.
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 19 shows that there was a significant difference between two pair of
means in angle at right shoulder joint: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.000
(<0.01); b. 5’5” to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.027 (<0.05). This indicates that first
height group players i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the other
two height group players in angle at right shoulder joint at the moment of stance
in set shot.
Table – 20
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at left wrist joint I II -17.85000**
III -13.95000**
II I 17.85000**
III 3.90000
III I 13.95000**
II -3.90000
height of center of I II -9.46500**
gravity III -11.12150**
II I 9.46500**
III -1.65650
III I 11.12150**
II 1.65650
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level.
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 20 reveals that that there was a significant difference between two
pair of means: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.000 (<0.01); b. 5’5” to 5’8’’ and
6’1” to 6’4”, p=.001 (<0.01). This also indicates that first height group players
i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the other two height group
players in angle at left wrist joint and height of the c.g. at the moment of stance
in set shot.
Table - 21
Table 21 shows that the value F-ratio of the angle at right ankle joint, angle
at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at right
shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip
joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint,
angle at left wrist joint, angle of release of the ball and height of center of gravity
of the shooter of three different height groups in the moment of release of ball
Table 21 shows that the values of F-ratio of angle at left shoulder joint,
angle at left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint, angle at left wrist joint and
height of center of gravity of the shooter of three different height groups in the
moment of release of ball while performing set shot were significant at .01 level.
Whereas the angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right
shoulder joint and angle at right elbow joint of three different height groups in
the moment of release of ball while performing set shot were significant at .05
kinematical variables namely the angle at right ankle joint, angle at left
ankle joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint and angle at
right elbow joint angle at left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint, angle at left
The Table 21 also shows that the values of F ratio of the angle of right
knee joint, angle of left knee joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint
and the angle of release of ball of three different height groups in the moment of
release while performing set shot were not significant at .05 level. Therefore, it
kinematical variables namely the angle of right knee joint, angle of left
knee joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint and the angle of release
of ball. To know which group means were different, Post hoc test was run.
Table – 22
Showing multiple comparison of different height groups in angle at right
ankle joint at the moment of release
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right ankle I II .90000
joint III 5.60000*
II I -.90000
III 4.70000
III I -5.60000*
II -4.70000
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Above table showed that there was significant difference between a pair
of means: a. 5’5” to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.027 (<0.05). This indicates that
first height group players i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the
third height group players i.e. 6’1” to 6’4” in angle at right ankle joint at the
Table - 23
Showing multiple comparison of different height groups in angle at left
ankle joint at the moment of release
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at left ankle joint I II .85000
III 5.50000*
II I -.850000
III 4.650000
III I -5.50000*
II -4.650000
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 23 shows that there was significant difference between a pair of
means: a. 5’5” to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.031 (<0.05). This shows that first
height group players i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the third
height group players i.e. 6’1” to 6’4” in angle at left ankle joint also at the moment
Table – 24
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right shoulder I II -3.45000*
joint III -2.45000
II I 3.45000*
III 1.00000
III I 2.45000
II -1.00000
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 24 reveals that there was significant difference between a pair of means:
a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.032 (<0.05). This shows that first height group
players i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the second height
group players i.e. 5’9” to 6’ in angle at right shoulder joint at the moment of
Table – 25
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at left shoulder I II -3.60000*
joint III -.30000
II I 3.60000*
III 3.30000*
III I .30000
II -3.30000*
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 25 shows that there was significant difference between two pair of
means: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.012 (<0.05) b. 5’9” to 6’ and 6’ 1” to
6’4”, p=.023 (<0.05). This proves that second height group players i.e. 5’9” to 6’
were significantly different from the other two height group players in angle at
Table - 26
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right elbow I II 7.25000*
joint III 7.15000*
II I -7.2500*
III -.10000
III I -7.15000*
II .10000
Angle at left elbow I II 14.95000**
joint III 18.30000**
II I -14.95000**
III 3.35000
III I -18.30000**
II -3.35000
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level.
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 26 shows that there was significant difference between two pair of
means at angle of right elbow joint: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.038
(<0.05); b. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 6’1” to 6’4”, p=.042 (<0.05).Above table also
reveals that there was significant difference between same two pair of means at
angle at left elbow joint: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.000 (<0.01); b. 5’5’’
height group players i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the other
two height group players in angle at left and right elbow joint at the moment of
Table - 27
Showing multiple comparison of different height groups in angle at right
and left wrist joint at the moment of release.
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Angle at right wrist joint I II -4.85000
III 5.85000
II I 4.85000
III 10.70000**
III I -5.85000
II -10.70000**
Angle at left wrist joint I II -4.45000
III 5.20000
II I 4.45000
III 9.65000**
III I -5.20000
II -9.65000**
Note: ** - Significant at 0.01 level.
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Above table reveals that there was significant difference between a pair of
means in angle at right and left wrist joint: a. 5’9” to 6’ and 6’ 1” to 6’4”, p=.000
(<0.01). This shows that second height group players i.e. 5’9” to 6’ were
significantly different from the 3rd height group players i.e. 6’1” to 6’4” in angle
at right and left wrist joint at the moment of release in set shot.
Table – 28
Showing multiple comparison of different height groups in height of center
of gravity at the moment of release.
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Height groups in height I II -15.87600**
of center of gravity III -21.62250**
II I 15.87600**
III -5.74650**
III I 21.62250**
II 5.74650**
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 28 shows that all the three group means were significantly different
from one another: p=.000 (<0.01). It means that all the three height group
Showing F value of time to perform the course and displacement of center of gravity of
three different height groups while performing set shot in basketball.
Sources of SS Df MS F
Time to SS Between
3.386 2 1.693
perform the
course (TPC) SS with in 1.021
94.486 57 1.658
Displacement SS Between
1120.713 2 560.357
of center of
gravity (DCG) SS with in 16.304**
1959.024 57 34.369
performing set shot in basketball. Above table depicts that the value of F-ratio
for the time to perform the course of three different height groups while
performing set shot was insignificant at .05 level. It means that there was no
significant difference in the time to perform the course of three different height
group players while performing set shot. Table 29 also shows that the value of
F-ratio for the displacement of center of gravity of three different height groups
while performing set shot was significant at .01 level. It indicates that there was
Table – 30
Group Group MD
(s) (j)
Displacement of center of I II -6.41250**
III -10.50100**
II I 6.41250**
III -4.08850
III I 10.50100**
II 4.08850
Note: * - Significant at 0.05 level
Height groups: I=5’5’’ to 5’8’’, II=5’9” to 6’, III=6’1” to 6’4”
Table 30 shows that there was significant difference between two pair of
means: a. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 5’9” to 6’, p=.004 (<0.01); b. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’ and 6’ 1”
to 6’4”, p=.000 (<0.01). This also indicates that first height group players i.e.
5’5’’ to 5’8’’ were significantly different from the other two height group players
The results of the study have shown that none of the kinematical variables
i.e. angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint,
angle at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint,
angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at
left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of
center of gravity of the shooter exhibited significant relationship with the
the stance plays an important role in good execution of any skill, but in this
set shot put no impact on the performance. It was also found that the kinematical
variables i.e. angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip
joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at left wrist joint
and height of center of gravity of the shooter at moment of release of ball have
of the ball. It was also found that the displacement of center of gravity of the
Previous study with the purpose to investigate the pattern of motion of the
striking arm and muscular/joint activities responsible for it during the arm swing
phase of the volleyball spike (Soo Chung, 1998) also showed that the elbow
feasible criteria for the evaluating different variations of seoi nage and to find
factors for effective execution of different variation of seoi nage (S. Dhananjoy,
1990) also shown that (i) left elbow joint, right knee joint and center of gravity
at the basic stances prefer no correlation with the seoi nage perfecton and (ii) the
angle at the ankle joint found not to be significantly correlated with total time as
The results of the study have shown that some of the selected kinematical
variables i.e. angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right
knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at right
wrist joint and angle of release of the ball exhibited a significant relationship
with the performance of set shot at moment of release. The significant relation
between ankle joint (right and left) at the moment of release in set shot and
performance may be because of the fact that ankle joint also contributes in
bearing body weight during execution of any skill. 15% and 14% of contribution
in the performance at the moment of release was made by right and left ankle
joint respectively. It was also found that these significant variables as like right
and left ankle joint at the moment of release in set shot had impact on the
performance. In this study 14% and 13% variation in the performance was being
caused by the angle formed at right and left knee joint respectively at the
was being caused by time to perform the course. Angle of release of the ball
decides its path that plays important role in accuracy. It was found that 29% of
variation in the performance was being caused by angle of release of the ball. At
the time of execution angle of release of the ball also depends on the related
wrist action. Therefore as like angle of release of ball, angle at right wrist joint
also found significant with 12 percent contribution in the performance at
shoot after high intensity program (Chi-Yang, 2006) found that Improvement in
the power for the shot exhibited to be dependent on knee and ankle joint to much
extent. Previous research on kinematical analysis of the flight phase in the long
jump (Kim L., 1993) also confirmed that many kinematical variables like knee
and elbow joint contributes in gaining good flight phase in long jump. Mr.
Australia (The Hindu, 2004) and it was finalized by the experts that wrist
with the performance of standing broad jump (Ruhal A.S. and Ruhal G.S, 2009)
it was found that the angle at knee joints and angle at ankle joints were
significantly related with the performance in broad jump. In the same study it
was also found that the time taken to perform the broad jump was not
significantly related with the performance in broad jump. In the present study it
was found forty five percent of the variation in dependent variable was caused
by three independent variables only namely angle of release of the ball (ARB),
angle at right wrist joint at moment of release (ARWJ) and angle at right
shoulder joint at moment of release (ARSJ). In the present study during the
course of set shot target was fixed at certain height and above the releasing point.
It was found that angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left
hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint and angle at right
wrist joint of three different height groups at moment stance were not
significantly different. At the moment of release angle at right knee joint, angle
at left knee joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint and angle of
release of ball of three height groups were not found significantly different. Time
to perform the course also showed no significant difference among the three
performance of set shot was caused by time to perform the course but when we
consider players of different heights, time period among different height players
may not be different in performing the skill of set shot. The study further showed
that all the three groups were significantly different in angle of right and left
release. Since the three groups were of different height, it was obvious that
height of their c.g must be different when executing the ball without leaving the
floor. Different height group players bend their body at different rates from the
ankle and knee joints in order to get suitable position for the stance. As third
group players were more heighted than the rest of the two groups, therefore they
were in the requirement to bend their ankle and knee joint differently from the
less heighted players. In the study third group (6’1” to 6’4”) was found
significantly different from the other two groups in angle of right and left ankle
joint at moment of stance. Present study exhibited that first group (5’5’’ to 5’8’’)
was significantly different from the other two groups in angle of right shoulder
joint, left wrist joint and height of center of gravity at moment of stance. It was
found that first and third group was significantly different in angle of right and
left ankle joint at moment of release of ball. In the angles of right and left
shoulder joint at the moment of release of the ball first and second group was
having less arm length as compared to tall players and the difference of first
group from the third group was about four feet, which increased the chances of
significant differences. It was found that in the angles of right and left elbow
joint at moment of release of ball first group was significantly different from
other two groups. First height group was also found significantly different from
other two groups in displacement of center of gravity of the shooter. The present
study also exhibited that second and third group was significantly different in
angle at right and left wrist joint during moment of release of ball.
The purpose of the study was two dimentional kinematical analysis of set
basketball players of three different height groups i.e. 5’5’’ to 5’8’’, 5’9” to 6’
and 6’ 1” to 6’4” (20 in each group) were selected as subjects for the study. The
age of the subjects ranged between 18 to 30 years. The subjects were explained
about the objective of the study. The data was obtained from two given
positions of any successful attempt: i. Moment of stance in set shot and ii.
Moment of release of ball in set shot. kinematical variables chosen for the two
mentioned positions in set shot were angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle
joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle of right hip joint,
angle of left hip joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left shoulder joint,
angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at right wrist joint,
angle at left wrist joint, angle of release of the ball, height of center of gravity of
center of gravity. Total ten attempts were given to each subject and the
in the study. Four Digital Video cameras Sony 2100 series were used in order to
register the technique of set shot while attempting free throw in Basketball. The
films were analyzed by using standard motion analyzer. Only two selected
moments were analyzed. The purpose of the study was further extended to find
out the correlation between the selected kinematical variables and the
performance of the subjects in set shot and to study the significance of difference
performing set shot. With regard to purpose of the study techniques of product
moment correlation, regression, one way ANOVA and post hoc were applied.
Results also found that the variables i.e. angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right
hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow
joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of gravity of the shooter at
in set shot in basketball at the moment of release of ball. The obtained value of
group players in basketball. The results revealed that the some variables i.e.
angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle
at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at right wrist joint and angle
of release of the ball have significant relationship with the performance in set
shot in basketball at moment of release and put impact on performance of set
ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee
joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of
angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at
right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint and angle at right wrist joint were
three different height groups. The study revealed that height groups in angle at
right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at
left shoulder joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at
right wrist joint, angle at left wrist joint and height of center of gravity of the
ball, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at right hip joint and
angle at left hip joint were found not significantly different during moment of
release of ball. Study of height wise analysis of time to perform the course also
found that all the three groups were significantly different in angle of right and
left knee joint at moment of stance and height of center of gravity at moment of
release. In the study third group (6’1” to 6’4”) was found significantly different
from the other two groups in angle of right and left ankle joint at moment of
stance. First group (5’5’’ to 5’8’’) was found significantly different from the
other two groups in angle of right shoulder joint, left wrist joint and height of
center of gravity at moment of stance. Study exhibited that first and third group
was significantly different in angle of right ant left ankle joint at moment of
release of ball. In the angles of right and left shoulder joint at moment of release
of ball first and second group (5’9” to 6’) was found significantly different. It
was also found that in the angles of right and left elbow joint at moment of
release of ball first group was significantly different from other two groups. First
group was also found significantly different from other two groups in
displacement of center of gravity of the shooter. Second and third group was
found significantly different in angle at right and left wrist joint during moment
of release of ball.
Based on the analysis and within the limitations of the study following
left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint, angle at
right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint, angle at left wrist joint, height
3. Some of the selected biomechanical variable i.e. angle at right ankle joint,
angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee joint, angle at left knee joint,
angle at right shoulder joint, angle at right wrist joint and angle of release
related with the performance of set shot of different height group players
set shot.
center of gravity and the performance of set shot of different height group
7. Time to perform the course had lowest impact (7%) in the performance.
8. Multiple regression analysis revealed that predictions regarding
9. Collective impact of angle of release of the ball, angle at right wrist joint
angle at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right knee
joint, angle at left knee joint, angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left
11. Third group (6’1” to 6’4”) was significantly different from the other two
groups in angle at right and left ankle joint at the moment of stance in set
12. Angle of knee joint (right and left) at the moment of stance was
13. First group (5’5’’ to 5’8’’) was significantly different from the other two
groups in angle at right shoulder joint, angle at left wrist joint and height
angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right hip joint, angle at left hip joint,
angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow joint and angle at right wrist
15. Significant difference among different height groups were found in angle
at right ankle joint, angle at left ankle joint, angle at right shoulder joint,
angle at left shoulder joint, angle at right elbow joint, angle at left elbow
joint, angle at right wrist joint and angle at left wrist joint at moment of
release of ball.
16. Height of center of gravity during the moment of release in set shot of all
17. A significant difference was found between first (5’5’’ to 5’8’’) and third
group (6’1” to 6’4”) at the angle of right and left ankle joint during the
18. A significant difference was found between first (5’5’’ to 5’8’’) and
second group (5’9” to 6’) at the angle of right shoulder joint during the
moment of release.
19. Left shoulder joint angle at the moment of release in set shot was
significantly different in second group (5’9” to 6’) from the other two
20. Significant difference was found in first group (5’5’’ to 5’8’’) from the
other two groups at the angle of left and right elbow joint during the
moment of release.
21. A significant difference was found between second group ( 5’9” to 6’) and
third group (6’1” to 6’4”) at the angle of right and left wrist joint during the
moment of release.
22. At the angle of release of ball, right knee joint, left knee joint, right hip
joint and left hip joint during the moment of release of ball no significant
24. Time to perform the course was not significantly different among three
of different level.
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