Drilling of GFRP Composites To Achieve o
Drilling of GFRP Composites To Achieve o
Drilling of GFRP Composites To Achieve o
Department of Mechanical Engineering
K. Ramakrishnan College of Engineering
Samyapuram,Trichy, 620017.
Abstract:- Delamination is the serious issue addressed by several researchers in the process of drilling of
GFRP, because of its laminate construction of its structural bonding. The Problem of Delamination is caused
due to the thrust force developed due to primary cutting parameters Cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut. In
case of holes to assemble components of free or pin joints it is essential to set non-compromise target for
objectives such as surface roughness, ovality etc. In this work, drilling is carried out in GFRP composite using
HSS drill tool comparatively single pass, multi-pass with single direction and multi-pass with alternative
direction for each pass such that to investigate primarily about surface roughness of the hole, the ovality of the
hole and delamination analysis. This work is focused to apply the Taguchi design model.
Erol Kilickap [3] studied the delamination in delamination factor under various cutting conditions.
drilling of GFRP composite by Taguchi’s method using The experimental results indicate that the feed rate
HSS tool The analysis of experimental results and the drill diameter are recognized to make the
revealed that feed rate is the dominant cutting most significant contribution to the overall
parameter, which has greater influence on the performance. The objective was to establish a
delamination factor for four drills. The feed rate is correlation between feed rate, spindle speed and drill
cutting parameters that have the physical as well as diameter with the induced delamination in a CFRP
statistical influence on the delamination at entrance laminate. Hamzeh Shahrajabian et al.[10] studied
and exit in GFRP composite. A Ramanjaneya Reddy et Machining Parameter on Machinability of Carbon
al.[4] studied the design of Experiment method to Fiber/Epoxy Composite using Carbide drill by
compare the Performance of solid carbide and HSS considering the cutting parameters like spindle speed,
Drills in drilling of GFRP composite Material using feed rate and tool point angle. The Experimental result
vertical machining center. The experimental results reveal that Surface roughness increases when the feed
indicate that under all experimental drilling condition, increases, and surface roughness decreases when the
the thrust force and delamination in case of HSS drill is cutting speed increases; with a higher cutting speed and
greater than that of Carbide drill. a lower feed, it is possible to obtain a better surface
A.M. Abrao et al. [5] studied drilling of fiber
reinforced plastics using High speed steel (HSS), 2. Experimental Set up, Design and Data
Tungsten carbide(WC).The result reveal that Collection
Conventional high speed steel twist drill are used as
much as cemented tungsten carbide drills, however, it In this work, Taguchi’s design of L9 orthogonal
seems to be an agreement among the authors on the array is selected for experimental investigation to
necessity of developing tools with special geometry in understand the behavior of responses Ovality,
order to achieve best performance. B.Ramesh et al. [6] Delamination and Surface roughness (Ra) for levels and
studied Experimental investigation and optimization in factors mention in Table no. 1. The experiment is
Drilling GFRP polymeric composites using taguchi and carried out in three categories as (i) Experiment for
ANOVA to determine the Surface roughness and Single Pass (SP) 10 mm hole making (ii) Experiment
delamination factor. The drill tool used was coated for multi or three – Uni-Directional pass (UDP) (with
cemented carbide drill. The experimental result shown 6mm, 8mm, 10 mm (all the three passes follows feed of
that The optimal process parameter levels for drilling tool from side A to B)) and (iii) Experiment for multi or
non-laminated GFRP composites to produce lower order three – Bi-Directional pass (BDP) (with 6mm (feed of
damage factor at entrance are 0.15 mm/rev feed and tool from side A to B), 8mm (feed of tool from side B to
1250 rpm speed and that to produce lower order damage A), 10 mm(feed of tool from side A to B))
factor at exit are 0.05 mm/rev feed and 1000 rpm speed.
GFRP composite of size 150 X 90 X 10 mm were
B.C. Routaraet al.[7] studied the Analysis of used for the experiments in the present experimental
machining characteristics in drilling of GFRP composite investigation in which the binder used to connect the
with application of fuzzy logic approach by varying the dispersed phase is isophthalic resin, and the experiments
cutting parameters like Drill Angle, Drill Dia, Spindle were carried out in Vertical Machining Centre (VMC).
speed ,Feed rate .The Experimental result reveal that
Feed rate has the most significant parameter with
Table 1 Levels and Factors
consideration of multiple-objective characteristics.
B.Ramesh et al.[8] studied the Ovality On Drilling Parameters Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Glass fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite With Coated Spindle Speed
Tungsten Carbide Tool using tungsten carbide twist drill 790 1200 1600
– N (rpm)
for various cutting parameters like cutting speed, feed,
depth of cut. The experiment was conducted in Feed rate - f
0.1 0.2 0.3
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). The Result (mm/rev)
reveal that influence of speed on ovality of the drilled Drill diameter
holes was insignificant. This may be due to the 10 - -
- D (mm)
difference in geometry of drill used.
C. C. Tsao,H. Hocheng[9] studied prediction and No of pass - n Single pass -
evaluation of delamination factor in use of twist drill,
candle stick drill and saw drill. The approach is
based on Taguchi’s method and the analysis of
variance (ANOVA). An ultrasonic C-Scan to
examine the delamination of carbon fiber-reinforced
plastic (CFRP) laminate is used in this paper. The
experiments were conducted to study the
International Journal on Recent Researches in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, Issue 5, may 2016. ISSN (Print) 2347-6729 ; ISSN (Online) 2348-3105.
Figure 1, 3 is understandable that the reduced surface Fig. 1 Surface roughness for single pass
roughness can be achieved for higher spindle speed and
lower feed with bidirectional multipass of tool feed and
also the surface roughness is minimum compared to
single pass and multipass with unidirectional tool pass.