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Great Sufi Wisdom Waris Shah
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= A selection from WarisShah's Punjabi Poetry translated into English GREAT SUFI WISDOM WARIS SHAH (178/9-1792) deus Foden” HOS Het act efsAH ATT English translation & transliteration of the Original Punjabi Text by Prof. Saeed Ahmad ADNAN BOOKS, STATIONERS &COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Dubai Plaza, 6th Road Chowk, Murree Road, Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan —_—_—_——X—X—X«X«X—S—S—"——_——ee OO a ISBN- 969 - 8714- 03-0 All rights reserved please. Transliteration Guide ! . Yo 7 7 N ‘ aa U e os Fi a SI ee a t a bh a T % ph 3 2 a th 3 D a TH Vv q td kh j R £ KH a r zg CH & ch , af ooa ag! ue sf a) iF pep Bud ut ily Ub as eigen ty Pubs Ut bi FEE 9b WAG I am thankful to the following friends, who willingly reviewed the book. Col. Mohammad Ilyas, Prof. Hasan Akhtar Saeed Alrai, Mrs. Christine White Safir Rammah, Khalid M. Cheema Www wr4 4 Ut E P's & Sweet Tune of Flute Waris Shah, one of the most famous Punjabi Sufi poets, was bornin 1722 in the village Jandiala Sher Khan ( District Shekhupura, Punjab). Ashewrites about himself in his the most famous book "Heer "in the followirg words: 7 4,, < Abe es ole Suds eto ob we ae SA Y Waris Shah wasneek JanDyaalReyda shaagird Makhdoom @Qasoor daa ey "Waris Shah is an inhabitant of Jandiala Sher Khan and a pupil of Makhdum Ghulam Murtaza of Qasur." Waris Shah received his early education at home as it was the common tradition in those days. Then he went to Qasur for higher education as Qasur was Popular place for getting higher education at that time. Here he became the student of Hafiz Ghulam Murtiza Qasuri who was also the teacher of Bulleh Shah. After completing his education in Qasur, he moved to the village of Malka Haans where he lived in a small room (/iugirz) adjacent to the historic mosque of the town. This fuga isthe historic place where Waris Shah thee eee Heer and Ranjha in 1766. and was buried in Jandiala Sher Khan (near Shekhupura) which is also the resting place of his family members. ats Shah holds the same position in Punjabi Kespeare has in English, Saadiin Persian, Kalidas EZ that SIne CS = in Sanskrit and Ghalib in Urdu. The famous Urdu poet Insha Lakhnawi once admired the recitation of “Heer” in the following words: OO UV sd & Unh £ wd F sunaayaa raat ko qissaa jo heer raaNjhey kaa to ehley dard ko punjabioN ne looT liyaa When they recited the tale of "Heer and Ranjha"The Punjabis won the hearts of their listeners. Some 76 poets wrote the tale of Heer and Ranjha in poetic form, before or after Waris Shah which include well known names such as Damodar Das, Mugbal, Charagh Awan, Ahmad Gujjar, Peelo and Hafiz Barkhurdar. They wrote their own versions of the story of Heer, but the one produced by Waris Shah is the only one of its kind which made Waris Shah as the most outstanding poet of the Punjabi language. The difference which he made was turning the secular love story into something mystical i.e., the love of man for God. Waris Shah says the following verses about his great effort for writing thé marve bus p ce of literature which unfortunately could not be admired at the level which it deserved. b wk ue £ x & JI Liz bh se Ff wwOa hukam mann k sajN*aaN plyaaryaaN da gissaa ajab bahaar da joRyaa ee figraa joR k khoob darust keetaa navaaN phul gulaab da toRyaa ee Waris Shah himself affirms in the book Heer that he has written the fantastic stow in the versified form by obeying an order (actually a request) of beloved friends. He also tells us that he has sha ed it in an exact form by using appropriate words and sentences. Now the stoy has become as fresh and fragranced as the fresh rose is plucked from the rose garden. (The book ‘Heer’ is like a newly plucked rose.) If we read the story deeply we will find that Waris Shah has portrayed many details of the story from complete imagination. His own logical frame of mind, encyclopedic learning and thorough understanding of Punjab's culture found an outlet in the tale. He has deep wisdom in his thoughts and the Capacity to communicate it to the masses in a language and images that are taken from the ordinary life and environment of the people. Such features of his poetry brought the popularity of the Heer written by Waris Shah. It is read and recited all over the Punjab (both in India and Pakistan). Waris Shah himself issodominant through out “Heer " that it seems as_ if this book has only two main characters , Heer and Waris Shah himself. In the book t he character of Heer is more dominant ascompared to the character of Ranjha . Waris Shah has written the tale of Heer and Ranjha so profoundly that today people call the book “Heer Waris Shah". The famous Punjabi poet Col. Mohammad ties Writer of the book "Soach Hulaarey” has rightly said: el (Ss ol Ss z ke? al Sp olge vi et ——_SS fxs be eu a a! (hole 2uls & Kh Khabar pal te naa ik saah di ey. ajab kheyD us beparwaah di ey. Heer ranjheyaa teri na ho saki, Heer ho gai Waris Shah dij ey. (There is a strange Divine play that no one is definite about the next moment of his life. (Though we, the most ignorant creature on earth, feel living here is as living forever and we are not ready to walk on the right path and go on worshipping or obeying our own Nafs (nafs-e-ammara) without knowing the sudden attack of the angel of death). O Ranjha, instead of you Heer has been named after Waris Shah.) Great Punjabi Sufi poet Mian Mohammad Bakhsh (1830-1907) admired Waris Shah and his poetry at the end of his the most famous book "Saiful Malook" in the following words: s us Ul US ee tub b oP lt els Us we tt by Ji 2 el 37 Oe £2 ST kee Ul We SSS WU ly oF tt & f Waris Shah sukhan da waaris niNdey kauN* unhaaN nu Haraf ohdey te ungal dharni naheeN gadar asaanu JehRee os chuhReyTee aakHee j samjhey koee saaree hik hik sukhai Gaane n aNdar khushbooeeN waaNg phulaaN df Mi fan Muhammad Bakhsh says that Waris Shah =EE is the master of the poetic wisdom. Who can pass judgment on him? (Who can question his position asa poet?) I also consider myself incapable to object to the words he wrote. If one understands the book named ChuhreTi written by him, he may feel each and his every verse full of fragrance just like a bouquet. The Punjabi word "KHaari" is meant for a tray used for decorating flowers. In olden days, in the villages of the Punjab it was used as a bouquet. As Waris Shah also belongs to the Sufi tradition so he followed the path of Sufis. Sufis though physically live in this material world but actually they live in a spiritual world and they use metaphors of material things or characters of folk tales in their poetry but they convert their meanings according to their own mystic interpretation. Just take the case of "Heer and Ranjha" in its mystic meanings as Waris Shah clearly mentioned at the end of the book that consider Heer as soul and Chaak as body. Here Waris Shah did not mentioned Ranjha as body but he mentioned Ranjha as Chaak (servant) who serves Heer (the soul) whereas Ranjha is also the image/figure of the Lord as Mian Mohammad Bakhsh said: VIR et OF bos Sy Ranjhey wich samaa MuhammadCHuTi Heer JanjaloN. Heer got rid of this worldly riddle by merging into Ranjha, after sacrificing herself for the sake of Ranjha (the Lord) she effaced her existence, finished her own figure, and eliminated her separated identity. Great Punjabi Sufi Poet Baba Ji Bullah Shah also describes the soul's merging or annihilation in God through repetition (Zikar) of the Name. —EEq—»y_SS OEE bu leu ef U= é OS EL EL jf Pal ~ MU 342) UH éd pe RaaNjha RaaNjha kard nee meyN apey Raanjha hoj saddo nee meynu dheedho RaNjha, Heer na aaKHo koi (By repeating the name of Ranjha, O friend, I myself have become Ranjha. Now cal! me Dhidho Ranjha, none should call me Heer. ) Uf 2 Ub un Gs Zu ut bs HED RaNjha meyN wich, meyN RaNjhey wich hor khayaal na koee meyN naheeN oh aap hey apN*ee aap karrey diljoee Podt Ganmrd must um ad few et (Ranjha is in me and I am in Ranjha. None else is in my vision now. It is not I, it is He. He consoles Himself. ) Sufis are not so openly identifiable to other human beings because they are badly involved in the worldly affairs. They cannot understand Sufis who walk on an entirely different path which is free from lust, false pride and greed. Ordinary worldly men cannot recognize the life style of Sufis in their true spirit. While watching green grass, a cow $ stomach will talk and it will wish to eat it as cow listen the voice of the stomach, whereas a student of Botany, Watching lush green grass, will observe the factors behind such greenery and will try to understand the chemistry which turned the grass into green. Third Person who is fond of nature will admire the beauty of the grass. Exactly in the same way we can judge, fee eee —_—,_G0) there is a huge difference in the thinking . approach of an ordinary worldly man and a Sufi, Great Punjabi Sufi Poet Hazrat Mian Mohammad Bakhsh defines Sufis wonderfully in the following couplet beet iL Los Usg OY G+ Us uk Al Ube & By bahroN dissaN* meyley kaaley, aNdar aab hayaatee, HONTh suKey tarhayaaN waNgar, jaan nadi wich nahaati They (the Sufis or saints) have an unclean appearance but inwardly they have the pure water of life. Their lips look like those of thirsty men but their souls are drenched as if bathed in a stream (water of Spirituality or water of Eternity). Each Sufi has his own state, which is full of fragrance. The Sufi world is very wide. As the universe has no limit the same way Sufi also has no limits. It is deeper than the ocean and higher than the sky. As Bulleh Shah says: g : JF oles ot ul £ Ske bo Ub I la makaaN di PohyRi beh k Bullah naad wajaavaaN gi Sore Usa & war are epret aft By sitting on the ladder of non-material world (bY 9 at an infinite stage), Iwill blowthehorn(gong)- My very first dive isi nto the ocean of our great Feachin Punjabi or Sufipoet WarisShah. 1 have brought a few pearls wis . thea ‘Sdom from his great work “Heer” which is considered _? ®cean of mysticstudies. My little effort is glimps® ie “@ Heer for those who wish to understand the great essage of Waris Shah.QQ .———_—_—___—— Let me make it clear here that some People misunderstand the real message of Sufism. They believe that Sufism leads to a world of laziness and teaches us to do nothing or stay in the condition of meditation ( Moragba etc) or just stay in the condition of isolation, whereas it is not actually the case. Idries Shah says, "This impression may be reinforced if one approaches Sufism as a system of abstract ideas, but when encountered in real life the Sufi way turns out to bea body of practical wisdom or knowledge employed by people to live harmoniously with oneanother, with their natural environment and the world beyond. In contrast to the monolithic and doctrinaire projection of orthodox Islam the Sufi tradition exists in a rich variety of real life expressions blended with local cultures, and their semiotics, imagery and symbolism. The way of the Sufi can be best understood by looking at how itis articulated within a specific culture, country and climate. Iassume responsibility for the contents of this book, particularly its shortcomings and omissions. I will also welcomeany suggestions in this regard. If you wish to enjoy the melodious taste of Heer sung by varioussingers , visit the most famous internet site which is run by Safir Rammah_ for the promotion of Punjabi language: No doubt Heer is sung by hundreds of singers including menandwomen but atthissite youcanhearthe Heer sung by at least three dozen singers. a end this foreword I would like to mention the ing quotes which inspired meto undertake this task. buthisere man's feet should be planted in his own country, * ‘yes should survey the world." George Santayana Language is the amber in which a thousand See———O— Iw precious thoughts have been safely embedded ap, @ preserved.” Trench oben er cul sal bs Uli Bol bs wi "we havenotsentany messenger who couldnot explainto them in his folk's own language.” (4) Surah Abraham, Quran By giving here such quotes means to request you all to Jove your mother tongue Punjabi as all the other nations love their mother tongues. Tend her with the great prayer of my g randmother Karam Bibi, commonly known as Mai Kamli in Machine Mohallah No.3, Jhelum, who used to recite this prayer very often: 4 -. Bo Sid oP Lik "0 God, bless the whole of humanity and bless the whole universe." Saeed Ahmad There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will. Epictetus (50-138 A.D.) Work wrK If you or any of your friends knows Russian and he/she wishes to have a bird's eye view of the Punjabi Sufi Poetry then recommend the following site to him please. Here is the Russian translation of the previous edition of this book. This translation was done by my highly respected friend Mrs. Vera Mateveyeva of Kazakhstan. Yor ree eek ——_=_>_“_*_—S—————ow Le EAE uv Ue sf S uw co ob BF gp F Ue x x we OL se x ue Ue OO CU (P. 99) awwal hamd khudaey da vird kijiyey ishg keetaa su.jag da mool miaaN pehley aap hi>rabb ney ishg keetaa mashooqg hey nabi rasool miaN ishqg peer faqeer da martabaa hey mard ishq> da bhalaa ranjool miaN Khuley tinhaaN de baagh qaloob aNder JehnaaN — keetaa’ ey ishq_ qaboo/ miaN MES THe wee wfeguati fena atsr A war eT vba ufsS ru 3 dy 2 fora aftr wa doe TH Hn fena uty gate er ager} vde fena et ager Fas vbw 4% fsqt eam awe nivy figt ats fing ays Hing First I sing the praise of the Lord Who madei (14 Love the foundation of the world. In the beginning it was the Lord himself who loved His Beloved, the Holy Prophet, His Messenger, Love confers the rank of saints and holy men (Peer and Fageer). Their hearts are enlightened who accepted the Divine Love. The men who love, taste endless sufferings. Those who accept Love as their faith, their hearts blossom like a garden of flowers. WW WW WW Importance of brothers Go Uber UE os Fl Uk uit ay Zl uve = Li aie baahjh naa majlisaaN sohNdiyaan nee atey bhaayiaaNn baajh bahaar naaheeN reba ae aT aT A hat at v8 ‘ set ws gg ag rothers are the ornament: i Thereis no delight without brothers. Of gatherings . Were tete tty WE & Uy Loy, by ree na tan # Ube bs WV" 'aaN' poaNdiyaan ‘ N, binaaN bhaaiyaaN par hey ald baat ae Has 3 cbt dy gigt fast BE mt FS Users art ee a——————_—___[__=_a_=_——e———_ = 15 The death of brothers is like breaking of arms (their death weakens our strength). Without brothers there is not respect in the family gatherings. Gin whe UE Us UR Le Be Uy tum’ Yuk ue etl bur wb 7 dune w Be L bin ty GU AO tu ean ble IY é 233 Sif ous Bi el bin oF Sui nut es en ML ae i de ut Gadel Sy & yb Mer pil Jes on ite Uf of ef ten HL AE Oe Gh or of WELL eh UWA 2 out FI bul cig Ey Eb UI oh b gs wt et we LSE uF uke ub et eg ks wee ies bbs co st Lt 13 Big UI UbeUb wet L ye aul Seg Gy dt we Oly oo ut! ge Gl we Ur arb Zt tS be b uml Utd Lok BL 4 If some one claims that he loves God and hates his brother, he is a liar and a cunning person. Jesus Of a truth, men are mystically united; a mystical bond of brotherhood makes all men one. Thomas Carlyle Until you have become really, in actual fact, as brother of every one, brotherhood will nt come to you. F. Dostoyevski desed yy ve i& us Se Hl J ur of OF OR UH Ube LakH oaTT hey kol waseyNdeyaaN dee bhaayiaaN geyaaN jeyDee koee haar naaheeN wi 6 3 as entfent ct arent fant at cet ara oot They are a great source of strength when living close by, but the biggest loss is when they depart. ter ve we vee Lo cowl bu aril} j wea OE Ak (P. 112) we eee set Grae sy ageing ws gat cet are ord bhaaee DhaoNdey bhaaee usaardey neyN bhaaylyaaN baajh beylee koee yaar naaheeN “ Brothers break and brothers remake. Brothers are true friends. Salo W 6 ahh & YA J biel WIE fs of Wouee AAAAA ASA WWW YY _—————Z: vl 4 4 es on i & ca Use (P. 117) Waris Shah na hing di baas CHupey bhawayN rasmasee wich kaafoor howey etonAd 8 fda dt aa gt The odour of asafetida (hing) is not masked, no matter it is kept in¢camphor (kafoor). Nature (bad or ill nature), of a man (or woman) does not remain hidden (concealed) for long time. Unfortunately, it is finally exposed one day. ue ut ELE we Le S at Wit Et bs Url Use Bae oF UE is & sit) os! i, Lz t 4% Ook Uv! £ Zi Jbl Set es, ues eo BUI Ube OL nb Al 2 Wi i Uby Ubel zo 5 Gb b oe Uk eae rt A bts be ~et es U9 6 3 Wo Utes! Jy ly oz Gast Wels Ox go wt whi ag «J¥ «Un U3 ul? Ua) ek wL ele oS b-e les JX Ub Le whe Gt SbF hie -u eth cf ot wl OF B dg ot Sg Ab ot tt Lt GaP ot tx SF = wey Ub & Ung ust ul wp LE: hs yhe-in Sas wy cue LI bin AfiSSS a wh | Ga O23 F ule EE ol ut UY & a; wel SS ha FW ais Ss ih ote terry a6 wt = Ee ‘ we ae 6 Bos UF Ur A, ran (P. 130) aashiq; bhoar faqgeer te naag kaaley baahjh maNtroN moot naa_ keeliyey ni ntfra so sate 3 oa as Lovers, big black wasps, Faqirs (saints) and black cobras cannot be overpowered (tamed) without mantras. Here is a lesson for those who foolishly try to put them in danger all the time. They should first learn the tricks/methodology and then they should go forward to handle any danger. wow yw irs UI UbtL Oy Ae &, &» e259 ne ee U be Zep ue be os & Ute E Ys VF Los We eb (P. 146) na CHeyRiyey rabb deyaaN aashqaaN nuN JehnaaN kapRey khaak de wich raNgey JehnaaN ishg de maamley sireeN chaaey19 ¥ Waris Shah no kisey thoN rehN* saNgey aed © ga fentt uttnat oO frat aus wa 2 fes od fagt fena 2 HHS fad we afrma a fan & feces Hat Don't annoy those lovers of God who are wearing dusty clothes. Waris Shah! Those who have completely involved in the Love of God, do not feel shy. Generally the lovers of God remain busy in their own business. They do not indulge in other's affairs.and they do not care who is watching them or criticizing them. WI We ee a ot Jt wn Ul i ole uly , be rw To (P. 150) Waris Shah naa oalaad naa maal rehsee jis daa hag KHuthaa hey taaN dukKHee hey nee STA ATS OT MTS OT HTS SfaHT fA oda de Gast wt 3 at Waris Shah!:Neither children nor wealth endure. He who is a victim of injustice is grieved. Neither their wealth not their children will eversave those who disbelieve in God in any way; those will be fuel for the Fire." Surah Al-Imran, Qur-an Wrongdoers will have no supporters. Surah Al-Baqra Je dF & es & ot ei 23 UF 033 oe Fiat ee Se et Sle bo Ue” tS ds Ot od Stl leu 2 ble SS oo &2O——_—_=>= el fj Ut ot et de bu Jt cuz oe a7 sil AE CAF Soe Ub Osi as! Peed HG UP es te Sot SOT MY & bis Suen L
1 ic fF & Uy ob PL Kh Uke < J a) a wl parda-poshi kamm fagar da meyN taalib fugraavaaN eyb kisey de phol na saKKaaN, har hik theeN sharmaavaaN A real faqir (saint) keeps others’ secrets; I also want to be a Faqir. I cannot expose the faults of others, as I feel shy on my own account. detetese trie a PF Use UF We bats 2WF ust ts pr UF Waris hagdaar thoN jadoN haqq KHuthaa arash rabb da tadoN tharthalyaa ey afan gad & fad ga aa mon de ow se goat & Waris Shah! When a righteous person is deprived of his right, then heaven trembles. ’ sroeserrir ied ut Se wl KOE es % , - Fos # Wo gg (P. 196) Waris Shah miyaaN eh waqgat ghuthaa kisey peer nooN hath naa aayaa jey efor ATS Hat 8a eas yer far ute 3 Ja a mor a Waris Shah! Time once wasted cannot be== recalled even by a saint. fy Rac hy oP Re UF we Jf a» gi OF te ety pI sis hy ust OF uly ge DP ot L She ate PEt bo? as Cle Ob by HL He oye ut wi de byt cud Pus & bah @ese Wo EL espe Dl bo Fo L Ue a i ie ee oe tea 2 les S she Us Soh HF ied Al Oe WN 3 SS6 Ut a te Bt EY od ted dt ot ob OF Cad Loe AL UF ove tI wees us oi Ul as de we SF OF Gi et ob 21h bs UF Obs er ot UF Jeet FU GE There are million ways to lose a workday but not even a single way to get one back. Tom De Marco Waste of time is one's greatest loss. Hazrat Ali Nothing really belongs to us but time, which even he has who has nothing else. BSa/tsar Grecian A man is wise with the wisdom of time only, and ignorant with its ignorance. David Thoreau Wee weer oe28 ~ 4 , ; oth ah ow oe UL gb ow 2 oh ow oI £ be wu ue We ot e 2 - beth os uf ee ‘a zy ol ZA awl ww GQ as} Ul Use! & (P. 198) saak maaRyaaN de KHoh leyN* DaahDay unn — pujdey oh naa boldey nee naheeN chaldaa wus laachaaf hoi kay moey sup waaNgooN wis gholdey nee kadee aakHdey maariyey aap mariey paey aNdroN baahroN Doldey ni Aa Hf t GaSe se meune BI SY dae at od dee FA was Teta He Auge fer ulse at The Strong snatch away the fiancées of the weak, who are unable to protest and so their suppressed anger is equivalent to the venom of a dying snake. Sometime, they want to kill or to get killed and they don't remain completely persistent. (It means that the fire of their revenge remains burning in their hearts and they remain helpless to react against the strong and just curse their miserable life.) (Qsisis3 Hes Ue 2 Ze We uit & Fb Ul Un Vek sel wy ett oUe eth L ae Li UK & Or O6b eal ht us of by Ubi—ee 0” eee 29 eer & ES Bobi nfie crue in? bl} ws us Ke h4 'y he os! & let ua oy Sb itn an} J ul UI Utes! a ust ens Ut OF ue Ue Ut Gel UF Utpl ug Ue Ube! Aus 5 beach a Ut eal - jo) a wi us 4; 40F Ub St UF UY At Ug Ue Us UKE eae L iu OF Ut bie Wen if eu we EY cobs ol F Ug Ue We 2B 9 SPE cs et Unb sitet Ft 8S SK un feds l fk wy vrei a Oe a Ssh eee Go see 2bl, So Jt bin UF bi Ow L vt or SN Ube Ale wa) S Utes! (P. 217) jehRey ishq di agg dey taao tattey tinhaaN dozkhaaN naal keeh waastaa-ey jehnaaN ik de naaN te sidaq baddhaa ohnaaN fifar andeshRaa kaasdaa-ey fus fena dt nia t ae 33 fat dat ae at east e frat feat at 3 free dor ual feag vitust aH oreThose who are already enraged of Love, have no fear of fire of hell. And those who are righteous men have no fears and worries (of worldly things). (In fact, they feel freedom, fearlessness and peace because they reach a stage where they start feeling God is with them. Attachment with One liberates from other attachments. In simple language, loving the world means putting oneself in the whirle of 99 which never ends but the life ends. So to get rid of this worldly whirle one should detach with the world and attach with the Creator. That is the only right path to salvation. eb b 2 eres Ur 2 aK Bh DAs Coe) 4 vigtTzet Ube -Ce eHal din OF 39) SSE on L Us Ulrs! Sebo sk ge Jb es es Let bs Ud af JEUIZ Boks Dobson vk OG ue eas Bg as ‘bts Ses &! Lbot ot SEN set WISEIGser Ss b> oe Ute 1G edt ern S ot bub oF ne us ues YEU GF crgdegst 2 UbIics aL Grek od Beh 21 chy St er Coal Hae SII sh ULB 9 ZI fet oS BLL S S ech I ee FG Ue da ft Obras -f Ub br ug vI eS Skt Le T&L SH Us! UL bs us Jsoe rer le GF ot ced so bf bi wobr «! We vidte A pripatele Boots prs! set hh ue ye FL be GIL hg ES Gas Wit dL b etd 6 PT oI eo FT bos uJ LE &M Le 3 ui ork Sy Boer &d & Lee ue ee h Ft 21 £ ow iT otf rage dhe owe et utsm et et 18ls) Silk af a rb bet : ova Sus a ab ue Us ot abi bs J un DF bs ef WH b> Jtaref DY FI wlur Le « Sy UF LG LEGG L sti wy |e os oF UA -el tyst SEH atin F SilKy by (8 vs Soy Ub ed BL yp bre eo pre tend SUES eissy » ved Bla eotict Sab Us ty oh J LrWlwer ob Se wiur dt P Fr be Sy ce tiadt il Fg See, oa,bo oe sts GI UE ysl Jot Jeera, ert cast Ula Wh &» Ws Gast Cetra vex at Sas ai a Ue dG 2) Ff Ute 4 - a o, kd oo a eu 6 Bi - work kok am 2 by ia Pf uo Z Coe - | a e of AOE r° "SX & < oe es HN ese ook ae alt ely 6 ERS UF 2s us (P. 222) Je teyN mantar keel da na hovay eeveyN sutRey naag na CHeyRiyey ni J Nae Utliyey year de pnaa/ poorey eyDey piTN*ey na saheyRiyey ni Waris Shah j pyaas na hovey aNdar sheeshey sharbataaN de naheeN CHeyRiyey ni nag Hasd ote eT ar ne MS ASS Sas ase at Hat Gadie wre 2 are ug Bs ue ot Hse at= 33 afer Ha A fimo a de nies Hie rossi t adh ate at If you do not know the mantra for catching snakes, never touch sleeping cobras. (A Mantra is phrase or sound that is repeated again and again) If you are unable to fulfil the demands of the Beloved, then there is no need to indulge in such affairs. Waris Shah! if you do not feel thirst, then there is no need to touch the jars of sweet drinks. Ww wry we Ee eee Gg 42) Jt ask hun we (P. 227) jehnaaN soolyaaN utey jaa laey jhootey Mansoor horee saaDey naal de nee frat ashi Ss wr we se HOHS dt WS awe at Mansur swinging on the gallows is one of us. (Mansur al - Hallaj (857-922) sacrified his life for the sake of the Truth). Socrates (446-399 BC) said the following words when he was about to drink the cup of hemlok: "Using wrong (evil) words creates evil in the soul." He accepted death but did not accept to polute his soul. The real thing is not the body but the soul. Guru Nanak ji rightly said: ibe CM & 8 x t ge F&F F Ww -= oy Ie Si 2} ra 2 ob =) ° jo tao preym KHeylan ka chaao sir dhar tali gali meyree aao jt narag = pe i dhareejiey sir dijiey kaaN* na kijiey (aaKHyaa Guru Nanak neyN by Mohammad Asif Khan) We 3G GH Awe a we fra uta sat aet Hat ors fesnreaitte odie frac are a otiete “If you wish to play the game of Love, then come to my street, carrying your head on your palm. There is no excuse for the lovers except offering their heads who wish to walk on the path of Love. wry yew ye ar ut xv £ gz te duly C oe At 6G (P. 227) Waris Shah jo gaey so naheeN muRdey lok asaaN toN aaoNaa_ bhalde nee afer Wo A Te FB adt use Ba mA F oar gee at Waris Shah! Those who have gone or paased away, will never come back. People expect from me back. (Those who are gone, are gone, how one can bring them back?) Ae uw o Ue Uk ei Ss ay 8 ol® sly UI Zunt du ek Sep esL sbAb os Uk er3 te th ysl oe eS ob San 2 tg tie S bas SOP ole tii Nay etal cl ie a us bri SUL ae uel wy ey ut wt & west OF LA Lh ob bt Wyre HW ee oy ut 2 oy L ie 4 ra G . db es 2 Se Lo se (P. 228) gaee umar tay wagat feyr naaheeN muRdey gaey karam tay bhaag na aaa/Ndey nee aet Sug 3 eas eaadt use ae aH 3 ata BT us at Also age and time passed once never return. Blessings which once knocked at the door never come back. trike ew wee ££ wu F Ff 3 iil 2 oF oy zx (P. 228) gaee gal zubaan theeN teer chhuTaa gaey rooh qalboot no aaondey nee aetae wate at ste ger TS FI ABI a wre at Once a word escapes from the tongue or an arrow is released from the bow or the soul comes outee of the body (cage), it will never return. Once a word has been allowed to escape it cannot be recalled. H. Flaccus Ur, UF tol Ure Ue UF ot bo J hy BS v St sts! WE 2 al teresa yy jf Se G wi « ae als us Up de B& ue (P. 233) Waris Shah naa rabb bin taahNg koi keeweyN jitiyey maamley. haaryaaN nooN ator Ad ot dg fas sty tet fae HAS miteent afents Waris Shah! Only God can provide. We cannot regain what we have already lost. eo Os Ub et Bt 8 A Usk p Use PF Sh oh ce el $f asl gs Yue ot Laks OY Us a Sut St eT gut ot be et eA Sie F hes Js es rn wb 2 UI of BIG Sh A A KS gu? ol Fle Aptype? 56 2 Uh bul EL wes; ke we & wr GE 1h BLS ef bleu”Se Shr salict Areet, AB-uSTSS A Ah RASA aS ad fmrs aa S ats uF beads of bb ut et ad GF 16 & tin BL et ef Jt ou Liy 4! nla Wal g 21 bin wT bs uth uf Jt Ubke UY! Ut et eh ctin ef eft Li co Es dics tigerl & vy atrn Se VTA ce Ss ey ale UF of wes Js cust ve See gh UP eT eu BE UF We 6 UF Ue Ub 2 ee Jet Oo UF Ulett bo PEL bs oS Galelt bo ey ote | OU en oe Are ub oF Gs KE LS a Pt ve vle Uin ob & S et fo L ole eli Sut et ba Bis ey Ut Ay US aoe Us J os ws She Sl eu bey ok ut Lp wt Se bey cl olf 2 Ul ol Ut -eI1 vb ne &£ Jt a3 ews bh gut ut uo esl te Lt Hs db sue uf oo bf wok ikea oUt LCL if ~! KI Usage Pe P, 239 Warls mehboob nu tadoN didaar paaiyey Jidon apN*aa aap gawaa leiyey efor Ho Hoge o se UTS fre mer ning arer fete Waris Shah! Love is not gained till you have lost yourself. (Here Love stands for God or Divine Love). Bulleh Shah said: be Vb et ft ot LU by oy oT oom "Player ane raaNjha raaNjha kardee huN* meyN aapey taaNjha hoi sado ni menu dheedo raaNjha, heer na aakho koj By repeating the name of Ranjha, O friends, I myself have become Ranjha. Now call me Dhido Ranjha, none should call me Heer. (In the affair of Love there is no room for two beings but for one, yes, only for ONE.) Bee Let Bebe ob eosin Ub Us) Li ay uel ie bot wea EPP de A owls ae Ub ty ULI oltat IK ae k ie Bulleh Shah asa@N marnaa naaheeN, gor peyaa koee hor.———————— eel 39 dg fimr aet ge Bulleh Shah! I will never die, someone else is lying in the grave. Www wk ot & 5 hw Ur UG Uv vs aoe 2 Ae et! (P. 241) binaaN murshadaaN raah naa hath aaway dudh baahjh naa rijhdee hey kheer* miyaaN feat yonet go a a nie gomgs of faset dis Hint The path cannot be found without a Guide (Saint). Pudding cannot be cooked without milk. Waris Shah told us the importance of a spiritual guide that it is almost impossible to find the path of spirituality without .a- spiritual guide. Murshid means a person of porper understanding, skill and insight. He himself should have rushd-o-hadayet then he will be able to deliver it to others. (Great Persian Sufi poet Hazrat Maulana Rumi stated in his great book Masnavi, “Butter cannot be acquired without milk, as recognition of God cannot be obtained without a spiritual guide or Murshid." And he further said, "Whoever travels without a guide needs two hundred years for a two day journey . If you are lucky enough to find a spiritual guide (Murshid) then the first and the most important task is to respect the Murshid from the depth of your heart. Keep in mind that you cannot gain even a ray of wisdom or blessingor learning, unless you respect your spiritual SET —=—=_=—=—=_=_ —_—_——— — —_—_—___—_—_——=See ——>kk——EEEEa—EEZ guide in the most humble way * Kheer is 2 well known Punjabi sweet dish. It 'S cooked by mixing ground rice, milk and sugar and jf you wish to make it more delicious you caradd some ary fruit to. it. One has to stir it with large spoon untilit becomes a thick liquid sweet. Tasty "kheer"needs to be cooked slowly for a long time. LF eT UF ae ol Bs CEE euler | BZ et 1 ST BS te UF Ub SZ de be er 2 FL OT es ep ht UIE bis Ub Bal 2/4 dg bb gS ot EY Gs ead us JA} SIR & Gul & SF & ut Ut Set bin Ase 2! Jt Jt 2s we SEL te et Ga up & Bly UF we es) edt pl7Jie ek & ~
UL rt aide Gwin 2 wt ot Sot Fv ot dow eI Js Wea LE tp BAS WS F Jt ot & os pl os Bile ha ble JAR G Sint enSF UBB MA eS hr bs (2) dE te Zui Ue x Jb ak eE JF 6 hi ds She ys WH OF A ok ei yt Be ty Glee G1 Ub £ ol pl Ug Ube UF oe BS eI Lin AS EIS nyt ea I cad -< WF Je REVS E Ge of BA Be a un bus Fugues Bbare ae With Wee era er el ciunes Bui bic ef Keo ysl Bet Wh ib FE St ey Gs db Sle Yan Wt S 2b ee a OF I usel £ iS) Gal at Hos ws UBS bat WE Be Wr ote Ze 65T UF a a ba ee BA Hel bf tee Ur SEL WG ey et ee Kew wee re(P. 242) eh jagg muqaam fanaa da ey Sabhaa reyt dee kaNdh ey jiyooN*aa ey feo wa HANH gaw we Hat ds dau fea agar e This world is destined to end one day. Living here is like constructing a wall of sand. (The metaphor'Wall of sand" is to express our temporal life. As the wall of sand can be easily washed away by rain, flood or wind, so our living can also be washedway as there was nothing earlier. A wall of sand cannot beconstructed as if you try to buildone it falls.) For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appearth for a little time, and thervanisheth away. New Testament wows wiry oO Wk F & on Ig aboot tL (P. 242) CHaoN badlaaN di umar baNdiyaaN dee Izraeel ney paaR naa siyooN*ag ey at aest dug dhe aH feaoeted us or frat e Man's life is nothing but the shadow of passingclouds. Oncethe sout has beentaken out of the body by the angel of deatizrael), it will not be sent back into it. —_—_—_—_—_—X_____—————— __—_— aw 2! by Ue Gs Uy aii wees OUI fob L Gidiui en da weet et w Sug uF UF by Lb uy We Db te US bbe Ut tr Ua Sal yor Wirt ikke ee € 2 woe & Gi 6 s e! U a & ~ & (P. 242) ajj kal jahaan hey sehj meylaa kisey sadaa naa hukam utey theyooN*aa ey wa ae a ofthe far fos ar gaH 3 dizere This carnival is only for a day or two. For who can hope to rule in eternity? BOE be Bi tat St BF eb tl ety & bs WO ely Pet Fe ee A be Gin L tos Gin th Bs eX LP ltl ots F ee west GL ST Wet & & ou UKE bes Uby Set SLL Sth UF” th DF uh HE ew L fle BL Ube gw WO et OF eure NL 42 HE EF SLY Uy et uth 2 AL kL Ady BU pF et Ba ot ti by JieGuL tor b Jue (et ile dB elie Un g et ues Ub Jt=D Jt os WUE bs Oar ul wy GEG at wor LI ks ots UI Me bo be eels by Ly bx Sow 25 Swe (7 ZL et lin Ly JG Oo Csdéi Uiedu S at A! Subs UE ut FE Ai Be oe Hi pi? Ga Eo LL oF ess Fy Bs Bib Gus org ast tear tie UF boots Gs asl et Sees Ut bat Bo Got list UF lols bs Gs Jed et Lin Ls Jj Ww Bis fo ds Lbs IU Wie Gu z eb ee I tat bb Lost ag luess bs Bt LGD Se Ut eee Shut Jt abs & z ols Ose be 4-lin ur og Gs cal g ot ut 4s Jt uF Us oe Lb of ot wet bin SZ U4! Ueh Gs ear es SU ag! Soe eet USF Gf Ub OL Ube et Li eg Sf 22 bs tt WG Gee bin eI Gast CU GRY Ub i eu Ub ok 3 Ye Use ue ein he WIG) BE We eo Be away from such shameless hogs (corrupt people). Don't respect them. Don't vote them. Find to ways to fight against them. The best Jehaad is to fight against the enemies of humanity. WHA WHR HKtx ee eee eee et te 2 eb ot ff (P. 242) Waris Shah miaN ant khaak hoN*aa lakh aab-e-Hayaat jey peyoN*aa ey atgn ard Hh nes ure dat BY TE ToS F Uleat S Waris Shah! One is destined to turn into dust even if he drinks the water of life again and again. So Hed bebe UW & Use ux no Si et el ty bo Wok kok 6M Ue UY at ey ko re oe F ny oy, (P. 248) Waris Shah MiaN jeynoon ishaq lagaa, deen dunee de kam theen jaa rehyaa ean ara Hh fag fae war dio wate an at at far Waris Shah! He who is smitten interest in the affairs of this world. IS Tess Kel 2 tub! LET SAL, ee by Love, loses————— bw of =: xl Ute enh ein ah Bae os Ul oe (P. 249) Waris! jehnaaN umeed na TaaNgh kaaee beyRey tinhaaN dey aaqbat paar hoNdey ator figt Gute a sw are 83 fat 2 nrags ura 32 Those who have no hopes to land (to reach the bank of the river) are the ones whose boats will reach the banks on the Day of Judgement. The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think. Aristotle. Us Ut (1909 -1966)-8 iris Go AF MEO UF Lb Be OS OP ee EA Wb bu og 6 uf 6 of df yin LF guts af by Ube et By aos ty Jt wl Bh Se bet ok OF Uy Jt a ugh ble & oil vbw GP ost ot bse oF by aye St a eel Set Bdge os cul ae yf ele eh be oe ol Gs By) yt ob SE op UI but FF MF tes ek 2 by oy ge oe Awle silo Morus of 2 1 LW een (Sx Fe) Lbs &3 LH fess et aw WLercuic geet Ww wwe ey Ee eeeus ie | =< us (P. 254) waDDee maaN baraabar jaanaN*ee hey atey -bheyN* baraabar CHoTRee nooN jattee sattee nimaaN*yaaN ho rehiyey raKHeyN saabat eys /aNgoTRee nooN zat ut goad west 3 3e waag gest AS AS farses se Was ae fen dest ¢ Regard an old woman like your mother and a young one as your sister. - Be humble even though you are strong and preserve your chastity. One must do care to guard one's piety and one should always try to counter the temptations. Evil forces always make many attacks to derail the person who is following the right path but it is the job of man to look after his each and every act he performs in his daily life. (It is related to a simple and frugal way of life, ) JW ile 7 Sib olor ye Wt Lie Lok Gr” 0 UE Bee We Utol 7? gh et Zt P otst UR oo bE Let YY ug,48 -o! ie uf etl & ou ht “a! UL A>» V6 4 ly be & Ue Ut fu eu ut GB Kee tilkaN* raahwaaN laNgh jaai da, peyr saNbhal k dharyaaN bachchey, fasal, fageeri, tinoyN paldey raaKHi KaryaaN eae Toe Sw Tete", de Fass afonit (Bales x. foun nis SSniiews, uURBEa Ae TEs) Walking carefully you can pass through the slippery passages. Children, crops (businesses) and chastity grow by guarding. Chastity enables the soul to breathe pure air in the foulest places. Parents wonder why the streams are bitter, when they themselves have poisoned the fountain. John Locke yew wrested bo xi SG Ube w« a Uhast a) oF Je t ~ (P. 256) CHaD sabh buraaiyaan khaak ho jaa na kar naal jaggat de ZoaryaaN wo Bs AS godt we F a a as 3 WAS 2 Adm F Abandon (leave) all the bad deeds and be humble (consider yourself as a figure made of dust and become equalant to dust). Don't be aggressive with the people ( also with all the Creatures) around you. eess 7 C49} Aggression isa result/outcome of behaviour wishing for possession. weaedrtrdriey eo Ute Ube is ots » Ubi eg LZ te (P. 256) Waris Shah naa aaditaaN jaaNdiyaaN neyN bhaaweyN kaTiyey poariyaaN poariyaaN wo ahd ind odin Waris Shah! Habits never change even: if you cut a man's fingers into bits (peices). Waris Shah says that habits are so much ripe that they never go even a man (woman also) is cut or hacked into small pieces. Someone said, "Habit does not change, Cut the ‘h’, ‘a bit' is there. Cut the ‘a’, ‘bit' is there. Cut the ‘b’, ‘it' is there. Wz i -¥3 why SA & fi KSA bu Lala f Higbewbug 627 oF a9 SA) sles ak Gla 6 ATU UU la bye meth So Bs alt ed Sale UF Ut Ny ed ban (Gs 4 OY AUR ol Std ba us Uti Gs 4 “ut ah ud The wolf loses his teeth, but not. his. inclination. Nothing is more powerful than habit. The fox changes his skin but not his. habits. "A man who. does not Jearn manners in his. childhood, remains mannerless in his old age (ever).Sheikh Saadi50 WI bf rf Uk a ue ube og < tix & (P. 260) Waris Shah, Allah jaaN karam kardaa hukam hoNdaa hey neyk sitaaryaaN nooN TaN Fer dda frst F Waris Shah! If you have God's blessing(or: when God wishes) then the stars of fortune starts moving in your favour. (The stars in the zodiac). (be Ute Sb ST on abel 5 £6 Bd We Ue Ue but ter Ut Quit fe Ob a Utes es wy vFsusedat oa)
Li Wp Up Ube Z yw! Ui eT et ust wus Af { ol uly Www sySS a a wy 2 ote uly a Jue Ge us Ulf Utes (P. 272) : Waris Shah naa rehN* nachalRey beh jehnaaN naraaN nooN shaoq nizaariyaaN de ator Hd a fede auGs IT frat act a had odin? The debauched men who are fond of splenders (company ofbeautiful wome cannot restrain themselves. ut I az dt oh of ol Uh ee al eal wt oy Us & bs oak & GF 22 ULB UF Ute Cue xy 6 ver 2 ube Sub wi ewe UI a Ul Bot ut oe WX us elena ft aun he gl tT uf at us of LL ah Ulzs! Ss Se te hl Gs Ullsts owt ut we wg Us zx aus Mer ot Ss Gs Ub Su L UU bs UIP et S eutivewe Je DS ol est Uf wf EL AGS 2 dee F uo 2 Lit Utel 2 Ub oon bs rf vb ws uF wy WB Ns POSt uf ben be of ZU Utes ee ee Uby Soe L Wty SE lax of Ue UI Le PLL ag UF FsiF oA LF & tel ben cent ot wo Let lee of ~ Ge Yh UY ote» ue——o————— ag! Z ete SX out Sih OF a oh, Wd LS tebe dev bucoee ee at ot L Sin 2 & SF ti ud ue U7 b # 6 ute WI KG wie Usk ez) cos i hie Us bo ole aut of te UIE Get oe ut ole BL cis PL 2 EZ ly Ud Utes! 2h el bk et Ut is Es ci > wb Sib ly PUES died oe hie o 2 re & feos Sei & Ut Gs UbUbe 19 Gs UG bes! wit ody th UF RS hl aT cn be Mey ole i ub Ube aie Et Fn ui of Gey o i 2 2 cob 2% St dt eos oS lg IP? Ip WF oS) atk & bey bees MLE Pw cu LeL LEH “2 UBS Bos SL Fy Ebb cut ol Allthe reformers have consensus on this point that debauchery is a sin or morally unprincipled act and it is disallowed in every civilised society based on spiritual values. Waris Shah, being a Sufi saint, condemns those who indulgeinit. i Aman who does not learn manners in childhood remains manner-lessin hisageof maturity. Sa‘di Wemarryapersonality, but wehavetolive witha character. Firdousi Ww we ee53 Se eth £2 Je ea» Ubs os i te WR ME Use i Us Js ol; = cfs Nyce i tee el als Ys Woolley tags a sey Jt biz B ee ee ee eo ee ied UO Aca aus (P. 281) watan damaaN de-naal te zaat jogi Saanu saak qabeelRaa khaweysh keyhaa JehRaa_ watan te zaat wal dhyaan raKHey dunyaadaar hey oh darveysh keyhaa dunyaa naal peyvaNd hey asaaN keyhaa pathar joRnaanaal sareysh keyhaa sabh khaak dar khaak fanaa hoN*ag Waris Shah phir tinhaaN nu eysh keyhaa oe cot t oe 3 wWsaat WG Aa adieat wen fara frost as 3 e305 eu fire Fa wre 3 Bs caen far voor aedee dmat faa umgdsa seHen fa AS Wa eT Wa sat dat stormed fats fa farSS SSE Living in the world is living with the breath so for a Jogi worldly affiliations are of no value. Waris Shah says that he who concentrates on self and habitation; he is a worldly man, not a saint. Saints have no concern with the worldly affairs; it is just like joining stones together with starch/gum. All will go into dust one day so for what we should have luxurious life here. In the above couplets, Waris Shah negates self-gratification and nationalistic chauvinism whereas a real Dervish is neither selfish nor chauvinistic, Waris Shah negates the discrimination on the basis of castes and geographical boundaries. A real Dervish or Sufi is not chauvinistic. A Sufi understands very well that we are all the descendants of Adam and Eve. So we are all brothers and sisters to each other and we form one fraternal family, which is called humanity. All Sufis believe in such a family and reject all the ideologies and creeds which discriminate between human beings. (Gut ule oe If by if bit Falseistheking, falsearethe subjects; falseisthe whole world..... GuruNanak Hewhotrusts the world, the world betrayshim. Hazrat Ali Worry teesSe Uks er 2) ol a ot & we ules Uk test (P. 308) hukam hath kam-zaat de soNp deyN*2a naal dostaaN karniyaaN veriyaaN neyN TaH Ja HATS 2 AU tat ane SH Stadt Empowering a mean and lowly person is being inimical to friends. (Inimical means unfriendly, not helpful, also hostile or harmful.) Our society is full of such corrupt mentality these days so it is very hard to find an honest person (male or female). Lustful hearts do not have fear of God. RE 23 WA yi en & ait iG IP Jt os Uta: on bY 2 deserve Pos Fie VS iF bi OF Use Gi des GI Ute 2 UL al os OF eel UF bel ote ths Ge BAL Bk vest of at oF Uy ~et ks Sok Jt Gs WW= i? bf oe fF 2s BP or a bt Osi ey) oS 235 (P. 314) moat jeyD naa sakhat hey koee chiTHee othey kisey dee naahyoN naabree way Haas o Aus d det foot G8 far Fart oradt = Nothing is harder than the letter of Death. None can assert authority over it. eet! Gin 2F ws Ud UY ad & Grer US Of elz bs Oo 6 Us Feud There is no armour against fate; Death lays its icyhand on kings. James Shirley ist Je Se UL Wes OF tee al ew fF $8 Wr asl Ube, 2 & & 2 aes 2 R. Se &, (P. 321) JehRyaaN JleyN* uDaariyaaN naal baazaaN oh bulbalaaN thak mreyNdiyaaN neyN ohnaaN harniyaaN dee umar ho chukee paaN*ee sher dee jooh jo peeNdiyaaN neyN Sat aasmit et Gus dug vat urdtita atga a ut hat Bee ————— 57 Nightingales who dare to fly with eagles become exhausted and die. And roe deer who dare to drink water from the lion's water-hole are sure to lose their life. hy? Sl oe I ag! Gs Ue 7X20 = 100% Uys UE b Ub sold c# ¢ A a wishs ib ux Si 2k vu Ef Sts ct uh Us UG Ux 2A Utz ~o! tl Soag! Go b¥e Might is right. Yt i b SrA le by Be el LB el uly ST et yd 06 oo LHL Ss Blug 11 Zsl om aF Bw yIt L Ss L Ube ute z u ted GD suki Utl
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
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Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
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Bad Feminist: Essays
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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