Call To Arms - Avatar (v2)

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WRITING Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Alex Flagg
Avatar (Master Class) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
ILLUSTRATION CLICKTHE Building the Avatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Christopher Wilhelm DUDETO Playing the Avatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
GRAPHIC DESIGN PAGEFRAMES Spellcasting Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Steve Hough Devotion Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Devotion Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
EDITING & LAYOUT Devotion Supremacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Patrick Kapera Inspiration Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Inspiration Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PLAYTESTERS Inspiration Supremacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Alexander Andersson, Mike Athey, Matt Aurand, Nick
Campbell, Cyndi Chadwick, Jacob Collins, Josh Crisp, Andy New Class Ability NPC Qualities . . . . . . 7
C. Davis, Cait Davis, Charles Etheridge-Nunn, Nicolas
Feld, James Flanagan, Ray Forsythe, Stacy Forsythe, P. F. OGL/OGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Hawkins, Joe Kavanagh, Jérôme Lasnier, Andrew McColl,
Steve Mileham, Adam Norman, Craig Norman, Clayton A.
Oliver, Chris Onofrio, Ben Parks, Cat Pauley, Andrew “Fish”
Popowich, Lee Reeves, Vincent Roulet, Shaun Washington,
Bill Whitmore, Adam Whobrey, Antoni Williams, Meri
Williams, Travis Wichert


Fantasy Craft and all related marks are ™ and © 2013 Crafty Games LLC.
All rights reserved.
All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by Crafty Games.
Reproduction without Crafty Games’ express permission is expressly forbidden,
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Alpha: Your direct link to the divine imparts hope and awe
to the faithful. At Level 1, each teammate who can see or hear
Welcome to Call to Arms, a series of character expansions you, and any other character who shares your Alignment and can
for Fantasy Craft. In each installment we offer a new class, see or hear you, becomes immune to negative morale penalties,
appropriate for any fantasy setting. Some, like this volume’s as well as Morale effects (see Fantasy Craft, pages 379). Each of
Avatar, come with additional character options and other these characters also automatically succeeds with Knowledge
supporting material. For more information on this and many checks made to recognize you (see Fantasy Craft, pages 187).
other great products, visit the Crafty Games website at www. So it was Written…: You see the strands of destiny leading, your home for all things Fantasy Craft. to a greater plan. At Level 1, you may reroll a failed save, attack
check, or skill check a number of times per session equal to your

AVATAR (MASTER) Class Level. You may only reroll any single failed check once.
Path of the Devoted: At Levels 2 and 4, you take a Step
along one of your Alignment’s Paths.
While the gods of fantasy worlds are often unseen and Sliver of Divinity: You bestow upon your inner circle a
unapproachable, they do sometimes manifest their will through small portion of your power. At Level 3, at the beginning of each
mortal vessels called Avatars. Each of these remarkable adventure, you may select a Path along which you’ve taken at
individuals is chosen as a living personification of faith in action, least 1 Step. Each teammate immediately takes a Step along this
a direct representation of the god’s interest in the affairs of its Path until the end of the adventure. Teammates who have already
worshippers. An Avatar’s works can be kind or terrible, loving or completed this Path, or who have an opposing Alignment, gain
wrathful... Always, however, they’re at the command of a higher no benefit.
power. …So it is Done: Your prescience reveals the fates of your
Depending on the campaign, an Avatar could be... closest companions. At Level 4, you may use your so it was
written… class ability to allow teammates to reroll failed saves,
• A reincarnated master, tasked by the ancestors to bring attack checks, and skill checks. The number of uses you gain
balance to the elements doesn’t change, and your uses are shared among all eligible
• A devout young girl, elevated by her fierce beliefs to lead the characters.
people against a great enemy Omega: Just as you inspire the faithful, so do you terrorize
• The offspring of the gods, ordered by blessed parents to unbelievers. At Level 5, once per session as a full action, you may
spread a message among the faithful reveal the glory of your Alignment to each character who can
• A prophet driven to spread word of a new god’s arrival see or hear you. Those who do not share your Alignment must
• The voice of a dark force, spreading ill words and sowing fear make a Will save (DC equal to 10 + your Charisma score). With
and awe in all who question its influence failure, they’re immediately sprawled and become frightened of
you for 3d6 rounds.
Party Role: Backer/Wildcard. How the Avatar manifests his This ability does not affect your teammates.
power depends upon his most deeply held beliefs, yet his allies
are sure to always benefit greatly from his presence and counsel. BUILDING THE AVATAR
Choosing a species for your future Avatar is unlike most
CLASS FEATURES other class choices. The Avatar class functions equally well for
Requirements: Miracles campaign quality, Alignment, true believers of any Species, but only those with some exposure
1+ Steps on at least 2 Paths, 6+ ranks in 2 Alignment skills, to a divine caster class can actually qualify for it. Thus, the species
Devotion Mastery (see page 6) with the strongest attributes supporting other divine classes,
Favored Attributes: Charisma, Wisdom namely Wisdom and Charisma, tend to excel here. Speaking
Caster: Each level in this class increases your Casting Level strictly to attributes, that means Humans, Elves, and Saurians.
by 1. Thinking outside the traditional boundaries, imposing species
Class Skills: Impress, Intimidate, Resolve, Sense Motive, like Drakes, Giants and Rootwalkers also make cool, thematic
Alignment skills Avatars, pairing a hulking physical footprint with an equally
Continuity: At Level 1, choose 2 skills that are class skills impressive spiritual one.
for any of your other classes. These become Avatar class skills Human Talents make that species the easiest option when
for you. building an Avatar, particularly for choices like Charismatic and
Skill Points: 6 + Int modifier per level Wise. Both these fit the Avatar archetype of “natural leader”
Vitality: 9 + Con modifier per level and “wizened master” to a tee. Of course, less obvious, more


interesting choices abound: Gifted and Savvy, for example, he’s unable to impact the battlefield directly and profoundly,
which can grant a young Avatar prodigious talent and “luck” merely that he’s not a traditional fighter.
that mark him for greatness; Striking, for the celebrity Avatar What the Avatar is, beyond all else, is a master of Paths. With
known the world over; and Ruthless, for the Avatar interested in Devotion Basics and Mastery already in place (see page 6), he has
prosecuting the law of his god(s) with paranoid fervor. access to 2 more Path spells per scene and has boosted potency
On the Specialty front, many that work well for a Priest or with all his Path spellcasting. Thanks to sliver of divinity he can
Crusader are just as good for the Avatar. Cleric and Shaman even share those Paths with his teammates, and if he focuses on
are a good place to start but again, there are some interesting Paths with lots of spells this can easily make the whole party a
choices beyond the obvious. Adept is particularly strong thanks powerful source of divine magic. To top it off, the Avatar also
to its bonus Spellcasting feat and Turning ability, as is Cultist gets path of the devoted at the same progression as the Priest
(Adventure Companion, page 102), both for its theme and base class, further cementing his Path dominance.
its application. Outside strictly divine Specialties, Lord and The Avatar’s other battlefield influence is his array of powerful
Vanguard help the group-oriented Avatar while also reflecting support abilities. It kicks off with alpha, which establishes him as
his penchant for leadership across different styles. Even further a bastion of faith and confidence, keeping his friends in the fight
afield, Aristocrat and Swindler can work thanks to their strong much longer than they might normally stand. As it was written…
social skills and ability to excel away from or in addition to the keeps him on the field, and …so it is done keeps his teammates
divine mandate. there too, by letting them reroll critical skill checks, attacks, and
Other class choices are instrumental in realizing an Avatar, saves. Omega is tide-turning, forcing enemies who can see or
as entry requires significant achievement as a divine caster. hear the Avatar to make a difficult Will save or literally fall on
Priest and Paladin are the easiest trajectories, thanks to their their knees or flee before his righteousness — and used in the
rapid progression through Alignment Paths, but the high level right situation with a little bit of luck, it can easily snatch victory
requirement means expert classes can support the effort as well. from the jaws of defeat.
Late-blooming religious leaders can easily become Avatars with Because the Avatar is so loaded with strong support abilities
sufficient levels in Sage (thanks to cross-training), Avatars with a and Path usage, he often works best behind the front line
strong elemental Alignment greatly benefit from Force of Nature where he can hold the adventurers together and provide them
levels, and those whose gods are stern or judgmental might with spell and morale benefits. Avatars with a martial or less-
seek out levels in Inquisitor. On the other hand, Crusaders and traditional background like the Crusader, Force of Nature, or
Monks are so single-minded — requiring a complete Path before Paladin can manage a little bit closer to the front, but should do
moving to another — that neither is a good route to Avatar so only with strong armor or a bodyguard, and if they fall it can
without multi-classing. be a deathblow to their allies as well.
Suggested Species: Drake, Elf, Giant, Human, Rootwalker, Considering the Avatar’s advanced position in his career,
Saurian he can afford to focus feat selection on maximizing strengths
Suggested Human Talents: Charismatic, Gifted, Ruthless, as much as possible. The most obvious choice is Devotion
Savvy, Striking, Wise Supremacy, if only to further improve Path spellcasting.
Suggested Specialties: Adept, Aristocrat, Cleric, Cultist, The Inspiration tree is another good investment (see page 6),
Shaman, Swindler providing a tempting alternative for those whose gods are
Suggested Base Classes: Crusader, Priest, Sage benevolent: free Blessing Favors are an adventure-long benefit to
Suggested Expert Classes: Force of Nature, Inquisitor, the whole party, spreading and amplifying enhancement spells
Monk, Paladin for everyone. This is an especially attractive option for Avatars
with access to the Path of Good, Heroism, Life, or Protection.
PLAYING THE AVATAR For any Avatar who’s maxed out what his Alignment has to offer
The Avatar eschews direct confrontation to focus strongly on there’s also Mysterious Ways (see Call to Arms: Crusader), which
party support; beyond his low base attack bonus and initiative, is equally good for a character seeking to explore other Paths to
he has no abilities specifically devoted to force. That’s not to say or from the heavens.

Table 1: The Avatar

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend Special
1 +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +0 +0 +1 Alpha, so it was written…
2 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +0 +0 +2 Path of the devoted
3 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +1 +1 +3 Sliver of divinity
4 +2 +2 +2 +4 +4 +1 +1 +3 Path of the devoted, …so it is done
5 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +1 +1 +4 Omega


Avatars can also benefit from choices that enhance DEVOTION MASTERY
leadership and authority. Followers (and to a lesser degree, Your belief grants you the power to punish infidels and
Animal Partner or Personal Lieutenant) can generate a faithful dispense blessings to the faithful.
flock devoted to the Avatar’s cause. Terrain feats like Bushwhack Prerequisites: Devotion Basics
Basics and Coordinated Attack offer chances to lead and assist Benefit: At the start of each adventure, select a second
allies without getting personally mired in combat. Don’t forget spell granted to you by a Step you’ve taken. Until the end of the
the value of Style feats like Comely, Hero of the Court, or Hero adventure you may cast that spell an additional time (e.g. once
of the People (the latter two from the Adventure Companion), per scene becomes twice per scene). You also gain a trick.
which not only provide valuable Charisma bonuses but also Might of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Attack Trick): You may
perfectly represent the Avatar’s escalating fame (or infamy) as spend 1 use of a Path spell from a Step equal to or higher than
the face of his god(s). this one to increase this spell’s save DC by an amount equal to
The Avatar isn’t strictly dependent upon gear — his faith the number of Steps you’ve taken along all Paths (e.g. if you have
is his sword — but that doesn’t mean he has to walk around walked Fire 4 and Secrets 3, this spell’s save DC increases by 7).
defenseless! Strongly consider investing in a light but effective suit This trick may not be applied to a Level 0 spell.
of armor (partial chainmail, perhaps with elven craftsmanship
or the fitted upgrade). Likewise consider a melee weapon with DEVOTION SUPREMACY
the guard quality to reduce the chance of an incoming hit, or Through you, the gods speak justice and wreak vengeance.
the reach quality to stay out of the thick of things. Reliable bows Prerequisites: Devotion Mastery
and hurled weapons can also be quite useful, and any of your Benefit: At the start of each adventure, select a third spell
weapons can benefit from orc or ogre craftsmanship to keep granted to you by a Step you’ve taken. Until the end of the
enemies at arms’ length as often as possible. Beyond arms, adventure you may cast that spell an additional time (e.g. once
Avatars may want to look at medical supplies and elixirs as a way per scene becomes twice per scene). You also gain a trick.
to further support the party. Wrath of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Trick): You may spend
Suggested Feats: Comely, Coordinated Attack, Devotion 1 use of a Path spell from a Step equal to or higher than this one
Supremacy, Followers, Hero of the Court, Hero of the People, to cause this casting to become a threat, as if you rolled a natural
Inspiration Basics, Mysterious Ways 20 with your Spellcasting check. You may spend action dice to
Suggested Adventuring Equipment (500s): Boar spear convert this threat to a critical as normal. This trick may not be
with Ogre craftsmanship; boomerang with orc craftsmanship, applied to a Level 0 spell.
superior materials, and the bleed customization; partial
chainmail with elf craftsmanship; anointed vial; healing potion; INSPIRATION BASICS
vitality potion; waterskin; 10 bandages; 5 torches Your connection to the roots of faith shows in all you do.
Prerequisites: Miracles campaign quality, 1+ Steps along a

Benefit: At the beginning of each adventure, you gain the

FEATS Luck Blessing at no cost (see Fantasy Craft, page 188). Also, you
gain a trick.
Bounty of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Trick): You may spend
For more about Spellcasting feats, see Fantasy Craft page 105. 1 use of a Path spell from a Step equal to or higher than this one
to increase the effect of a Path spell on an ally by 50% (rounded
DEVOTION BASICS down). This trick may not be applied to a Level 0 spell.
Your deep commitment has won the attention and blessing
Prerequisites: Miracles campaign quality, 1+ Steps along a The gods smile upon you and your allies.
Path Prerequisites: Inspiration Basics
Benefit: At the start of each adventure, select one spell Benefit: When applying the benefit of your Inspiration
granted to you by a Step you’ve taken. Until the end of the Basics feat, you may choose from the Luck, Protection, or Rage
adventure you may cast that spell an additional time (e.g. once Blessings (see Fantasy Craft, page 188). Also, you gain a trick.
per scene becomes twice per scene). You also gain a trick. Favor of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Trick): You may spend
Focus of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Trick): You may spend 1 use of a Path spell from a Step equal to or higher than this
1 use of a Path spell from a Step equal to or higher than this one one to cause this spell to remove one condition or 2 points of
to also overcome the target’s Spell Defense and Spell Reflection, attribute impairment from the target, in addition to its standard
if any. This trick may not be applied to a Level 0 spell. effect. This trick may not be applied to a Level 0 spell.


Your very presence fills all who behold you with the light of
your belief.
Prerequisites: Inspiration Mastery
Benefit: When applying the benefit of your Inspiration
Basics feat, you may choose from the Luck, Protection, Rage, or
Victory Blessings (see Fantasy Craft, page 188). Also, you gain
a trick.
Grace of the Gods (Path Spellcasting Trick): If this spell has a
range of Personal or Touch, you may spend 1 use of a Path spell
from a Step equal to or higher than this one to have the spell
affect all teammates who can see or hear you. This trick may not
be applied to a Level 0 spell.


The following Avatar abilities are available to NPCs using the
class ability NPC quality (see Fantasy Craft, page 231).

Class Ability XP Value

Alpha 4
Omega 10
Sliver of divinity 5



The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000
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