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Vol.3 (2013) No.

ISSN: 2088-5334

Effect of Fermentation Time and Calcium Nitrate Concentration on

Enzyme Glucoamylase Production of Gliocladium KE Using
Sago Hampas Solid Substrate
Risa Meutia Fiana 1 , Novelina 2 and Alfi Asben 2
Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, Andalas University

Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University

Abstract—This research aims to obtain the appropriate fermentation time and suitable concentration of calcium nitrate (Ca (NO3) 2)
which is suitable with minerals solution used for sago hampas as a solid substrate to produce optimal activity of glucoamylase. This
study was conducted in two stages. The first stage is to apprehend the fermentation time of Gliocladium KE fungal on solid
substrates to produce optimal glucoamylase enzyme activity. Fermentation was conducted in 6 days, which each day is measured
enzyme activity of glucoamylse and counted the number of spores of Gliocladium KE. The second stage is to get the optimal
concentration of calcium nitrate was added to the mineral solution on a solid substrate of sago hampas to produce the highest
glucoamylase. The concentration of calcium nitrat used was 2.57 g, 3.57 g and 4..57 g. The results showed that the fermentation for 4
days produced the highest glucoamylase enzyme activity of 24.22 units / mL by the number of spores 2.7 x 10 8 spores / mL. The
concentration of calcium nitrat on 3:57 g with fermentation for 4 days resulted in the highest enzyme glucoamylase.

Keywords— Glucoamylase; Gliocladium KE; Sago Hampas; Fermentation Time; Calsium Nitrate

nitrogen sources[10]. This is due to the addition of inorganic

I. INTRODUCTION nitrogen can accelerate the growth of biomass in which the
Waste processing sago palm, especially ,sago waste has rapid growth of the biomass will stimulate the formation of
been utlilized optimally utilized and only a small portion is the enzyme glucoamylase[11]. Nitrate ions Ca (NO3)2 is
used as feed, especially ruminants, whereas it is quite large widely used by microorganisms as a source of nitrogen. Ca
potential, especially in Papua, Sulawesi and Sumatera. Sago (NO3)2 is an excellent source of nitrogen for the growth of
waste contains critical components such as starch and fungi [6] beside that being a source of nitrogen Ca (NO3)2
cellulose[5]. Total waste of sago bark approaching 26%, also serves as a source of calcium in the substrate. Calcium
while sago residue around 14% of the total weight of influences growth and process to produce secondary
custody sago. Sago waste contains 65.7% starch and the rest metabolites from Gliocladium, KE [7]. This research aims to
of it are crude fiber, crude protein, fat, and ash. obtain the appropriate fermentation time and suitable
Glucoamylase is an enzyme that hydrolyze units from concentration of calcium nitrate (Ca (NO3) 2) on medium
poly- or olygosacarida to produce glucose [8]. Glucoamylase minerals for sago hampas a solid substrate to produce
has been extensively used in starch processing industries, optimal activity of glucoamylase. The study was conducted
and because of its importance, so that a lot of numerous in two stages. The first stage is to apprehend the
fungal glucoamylase have been studied [9]. Glucoamylase fermentation time of Gliocladium KE fungal on solid
from Gliocladium KE has been found as a new discovery of substrates to produce optimal glucoamylase enzyme activity.
glucoamylase enzyme from fungi. Fermentation was carried out for 6 days, where each day is
Addition of inorganic nitrogen source into the measured enzyme activity of glucoamylse and counted the
substrate will influence on the productivity of the number of spores of Gliocladium KE.
glucoamylase. Glucoamylase production on solid medium
can be improved the productivity by adding inorganic

II. MATERIAL AND METHODS 4) Substrate Preparation and Production of Glucoamylase:
Substrates used in this study refers to the composition which
A. Material is used by Tani et, al (1986) cit Sunaryanto, 2003, modified.
Microorganisms used in this study are Gliocladium The composition is as follows: 57.82 g Dregs sago, 1.67 g
isolates which the culture collection of the Laboratory of MgSO4.7H2O, Ca (NO3) 2 according to treatment, and 37
Microbiology and Biotechnology Faculty of Agricultural mL of water. All fermentation medium in erlenmeyer 500
Technology. The materials used as isolate refreshment is mL is sterilized by autoclave at 121 ˚ C for 15 minutes.
Potato dextrose agar (PDA) merck. Materials for sago Gliocladium KE inoculation into fermentation medium is
cultivation is the dregs from Pariaman (Subarang-Ciparuh) conducted by using Gliocladium KE suspense in 0.1% (v / v)
that has been mashed and pass 80 mesh sieve, distilled water, tween 80 into as many as 9 ml distilled water. Hereafter it is
filter paper, buffer fospat, Ca (NO3) 2 (Merck), done by fermenting in erlemeyer with aerobic conditions at a
MgSO4.7H2O (Merck), Na-acetate , Tween 80, a solution of temperature of 27-30 ˚ C for 4 days.
DNS, Pb acetate, Na Fospat 8%, 5% phenol and H2SO4
(Merck). 5) Extraction and Production of Crude Enzyme
Glucoamylase (modification Sunaryanto, 2003): Extraction
B. Method of Research is done by adding acetate buffer pH 4.6 for 3 times of the
The Methods used in this study through two stages, first weight solid substrate fermentation, then stirred for 30
stage is a preface research and the second stage is the main minutes at 4 ˚ C. Subsequently centrifuged at a speed of
research. The preface research consist of drying sago 11,000 x G for 10 min and filtered. The filtrate obtained is
hampas, shringking size sago hampas until get through a called the crude enzyme. Filttrat extracted enzyme was
sieve 80 mesh and analyze the raw material. precipitated by adding isopropanol solvent organic that has
The main research have two stages research, the first been cooled in a freezer at a temperature of -4 ˚ C. The
stage is the decision time of optimal fermentation and the filtrate was mixed with an organic solvent, the solvent
second stage is the decision of the mineral solution volume of isopropanol was added to the filtrate from the
concentration Ca(NO3)2 to accurate the glucoamylase filtrate as much as 1.67 times from the concentration of
production. This research used 3 replication that are : enzyme or 60% (v / v). The addition of organic solvents is
a. The First Stage : the decision time of optimal done smoothly. Once mixed with an organic solvent and
fermentation. then stored in a cold room at 4 ˚ C for 24 hours. Hereafter it's
A 1 : Long Time Fermentation 24 hours done 11,000 x G centrifugation for 10 minutes at 4 ˚ C. Then
A 2 : Long Time Fermentation 48 hours separated precipitate with the filtrate. Precipitated enzyme
A 3 : Long Time Fermentation 72 hours added acetate buffer pH 4.6 to obtain a crude enzyme extract
A 4 : Long Time Fermentation 96 hours glucoamylase.
A 5 : Long Time Fermentation 120 hours 6) Glucoamylase Activity: Crude enzyme extracted was
A 6 : Long Time Fermentation 144 hours filtered through cotton and then centrifuged at 1000 rpm at 4
b. The Second Stage : The Mineral Solution ˚ C over the temperature as much as 1 ml pipetted into a test
Concentration Ca(NO3)2 tube. After the crude enzyme extracted then added 2 ml
B 1 : added Ca(NO3)2 2,57 g pipetted acetate buffer pH 4.6.For the enzyme extract control,
B 2 : added Ca(NO3)2 3,57 g it’s incubated first at 100 ˚ C for 5 minutes. Then taken 0.1
B 3 : added Ca(NO3)2 4,57 g ml (Vc) of the mixture move into another test tube and add
1.9 ml (Vsb) of 2% soluble starch. Do stirring so flat after it
The observation for the optimal fermentation time are is heated at a temperature of 60 ˚ C for 20 minutes (t). After
spores’s quantity with Haemocytometer method and heating the sample will be divided into two parts , at the top
glucoamylase activity with Sunaryanto method. For a it will look transparent and cloudy at the bottom. The lucid
treatment concentration the mineral solution Ca(NO3)2 , it samples were pipetted . Analysis is done by adding 0, 5 ml
was observed the glucoamylase activity. samples of 1.5 ml DNS. After the sample is mixed with a
solution of control samples then boiled for 5 minutes. After
C. Method of Execution
that the sample was cooled with flowing water. The cooled
1) Isolates of Gliocladium Refresher: Refresher isolates is sampel is pipetted as much as 0.4 ml of distilled water and
done by moving the mold to culture in a petri dish then added to the mix until homogeneous. Then conducted
containing PDA media. Subsequently it incubated for 4 days the measurement of reducing sugar (Cgr) on absorbance 540
at a temperature of 27-28 ˚ C. After growing colonies, each nm. To form the cooperation procedure with sample working
colony was transferred on aslant agar and each colony were procedures but samples exchanged with acetate buffer pH
coded. 4.6. Glucoamylase activity can be measured by the following
2) Driying Of Sago Hampas: Sago hampas drying used
solar dryers untill 12% moisture content of material. Drying Glucoamylase Activity = Cgr x (Vc + Vsb) x Fp (1)
is done by laying the sago waste in the solar dryer. BM x t x Vc

3) Shrinking Size: Sago hampas size reduction is done using

a blender. After blended dregs sifting sago using 80 mesh
size sieve. Sago dregs which not passed 80 mesh sieve ,its
blended again until sago waste 80 mesh sieve size.

III. RESULT AND DICUSSION increased cell number At the 96 hr hour until the stationary
phase where 120 is shown in Table 2. Seen the number of
spores Gliocladium KE at the 96 hours to-120 is not too far
Sago starch residue levels are still high and the potential
away. At 144 to indicate the phase of death, which at 144
for growth in the KE Gliocladium and produce glucoamylase,
hours Gliocladium KE declining number of spores. Contend
this can be seen in Table 1.
phase is the phase of adaptation of microorganisms to adapt
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SAGO HAMPAS to the new environment [4]. Eksponesial phase is a phase of
very rapid multiplication of cells, at the end of this phase of
Component Content (%) the enzymes can be harvested[4]. Stationary phase is the
Starch 54,35 % number of cells increases balanced by the number of cells
Protein Level 3% that die, a lot of secondary metabolites that can be harvested
Ash Content 3,32 % at the beginning of this phase [4]. In the death phase of the
Fat Content 0,13 % cell number of dead will rise [4].
Determination of optimum fermentation time by
Starch were high enough and it contained in the sago determining the ampleness of glucoamylase activity with
waste utilized by Gliocladium KE as a carbon source. The an interval of 24 hours for 6 days. The production of the
starch is splitted into simple sugars by microorganisms into enzyme in a bioprocess requires a number of factors among
glucose, then glucose is utilized by microorganisms into other is the growth curve and optimum conditions to
carbon sources by removing extracellular enzyme increase the activity of the enzyme [3]. Optimum activity in
glucoamylase. The content of sago waste dregs sago starch generating Gliocladium KE glucoamylase at 96 hours was
obtained results are also high at 65.7% [6]. The chemical 24.22 U / ml. If seen from the number of spores between the
composition of soluble starch observed were the early starch 96th hour to nearly 120th the number of spores which are
content at 2,12 %. respectively 2.7 x 108 and 2.5 x 108 spores / ml. It can be
concluded that the 96th hour have entered the early
A. Decision time of optimal fermentation for Producing stationary phase. At the beginning of the stationary phase
glucoamylase produces the highest glucoamylase activity. The enzyme
Isolates of Gliocladium isolates idegeneous is still new synthesis extracellular in the largest number normally occurs
and the result of isolation on sago waste. Further at the end of the exponential phase and early stationary
identification to know the growth curve on the solid phase [1]. The situation is due to the exponential transition
substrate of Gliocladium KE sago waste by using medium phase followed by decreasing carbon source in the medium,
Tani et al. Gliocladium KE which is grown in solid substrate so that the synthesis of enzymes began to rise.
sago waste, measured the number of spores per day for 6
B. The Mineral Solution Concentration of Ca(NO3)2
days using a haemocytometer. The results of measurement
of the number of spores growth of Gliocladium KE and The treatment conducted in the production of
glucoamylase activity portrayed in the number of spores glucoamylase is mineral concentration Ca(NO3)2 on the
growth curve as follows: solid substrate sago waste. The observations made to
apprehend the influence of mineral concentration Ca(NO3)2
TABLE II as a crude enzyme extract glucoamylase activity. The results
NUMBER OF SPORES GLIOCLADIUM KE AND GLUCOAMYLASE of these observations are as follows:
Time Numbers of Spores Glucoamylase EFFECT OF MINERAL SOLUTION CA (NO3) 2 ON
(hours) (Spores/ml) Activity (U/ml) GLUCOAMYLASE ACTIVITY
A.1 (24) 1,3 x 108 5,11
A.2 (48) 1,5 x 108 12,99 Glucoamylase
Treatment Activity ( U/ml)
A.3 (72) 2,0 x 108 21,83
A.4 (96) 2,7 x 108 24,22 B.1 (added Ca(NO3)2 2,57 g) 20,41
A.5 (120) 2,5 x 108 22,20
B.2 (added Ca(NO3)2 3,57 g) 37,23
A.6 (144) 1,5 x 108 17,44
B.3 (added Ca(NO3)2 4,57 g) 27,21

Gliocladium KE growth curve used to determine the

In Table 3. Described the glucoamylase activity of the
future growth of Gliocladium KE that will be used as a
crude enzyme extract were the highest in the addition of a
reference in the best fermentation extracts crude enzyme
solution of mineral treatment Ca(NO3)2 with a concentration
glucoamylase. Glucoamylase activity of a solid substrate
of 3.57 g of as much as 37.23 u / ml. In the addition of
sago hampas is measured from 24 hours to 144 hours.
Ca(NO3)2 with concentration of 4.57 g glucoamylase
Glucoamylase activity were highest on 96 hours produced
activity decreased. Glucoamylase activity measured on the
glucoamylase activity of 24.22 U / ml.
addition of Ca(NO3)2 4.57 g as much as 27.21 U / ml.
In the hour-to-hour 0 to 24 is the adaptation phase, in this
Mineral solution concentration of Ca(NO3)2 which gave
phase Gliocladium KE adapting to a new medium that is
optimal results for glucoamylase activity was 3.57 g.
medium to solid substrates sago waste., On the 48 hour to
The addition of other nutrients such as nitrogen source
hour-72 is exponential phase, the phase eksponesial seen
into the substrate needed to support cell growth and

secondary metabolites. Decreasing in glucoamylase activity International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
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Concentration of Ca(NO3)2 in the limit sufficient to
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amounts can be a barrier for the growth of Gliocladium KE
in producing glucoamylase. Inhibition occurs because
Ca(NO3)2 can be toxic to Gliocladium KE if the amount is
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to be toxic to fungi and molds itself [7]. At a concentration of
Ca(NO3)2 4.57 g of a high concentration of minerals for
Gliocladium KE cause impaired growth and inhibit the
formation of the enzyme glucoamylase glukoamilase activity
is higher than the medium without calcium.

Glucoamylase fermentation time of Gliocladium KE using
sago waste has the highest activity on 96 hours with
glucoamylase activity generated at 24.22 U / ml and the
amount number of spores 2.7x108 spores / ml. The mineral
solution concentration of Ca (NO3) 2 is added to the
substrates optimally dense sago waste in producing
glucoamylase was 3.57 g with glucoamylase activity of
37.23 U / ml.

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