Inmovilizacion de Microorganismos
Inmovilizacion de Microorganismos
Inmovilizacion de Microorganismos
Short Communication
PII: S0960-8524(17)32161-2
Reference: BITE 19283
Please cite this article as: Han, X., Liu, G., Pan, Y., Song, W., Qu, Y., Consolidated bioprocessing for sodium
gluconate production from cellulose using Penicillium oxalicum, Bioresource Technology (2017), doi: https://
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Consolidated bioprocessing for sodium gluconate production from cellulose using
Penicillium oxalicum
Xiaolong Hana,b, Guodong Liua, Yunjun Pana,c, Wenxia Songb, Yinbo Qua,c*
State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100,
School of Life Science, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, 273165, China
National Glycoengineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100,
* Corresponding author: Yinbo Qu
from cellulose was studied. A recombinant strain named z19 was constructed from
oxidase and catalase from Aspergillus niger. While keeping a cellulolytic ability
similar with that of 114-2, z19 secreted certain amounts of glucose oxidase and
120-192 h, 45C) was utilized for sodium gluconate production from cellulose (filter
paper power), with 13.54 g/L of sodium gluconate obtained at the end of the
fermentation. The results provide an alternative route for producing sodium gluconate
1 Introduction
solving the current problems of energy and resource shortage and of environmental
protection (Menon & Rao, 2012). Like the traditional fermentation industry, which
agent for steel and glass, and as a high-efficiency retarder and superplasticizer in the
sodium gluconate production through submerged fermentation with starch sugar as raw
material, because its glucose oxidase (GOD) can exclusively and efficiently oxidize
glucose into gluconic acid and H2O2 (Ramachandran et al., 2006). Moreover, H2O2 can
be quickly decomposed into water and oxygen by the catalase (CAT) in A. niger, which
protects the GOD activity from inhibition. That is, GOD and CAT are the only needed
enzymes for sodium gluconate production from glucose. The cost of starch sugar
accounts for a large proportion of the total cost of gluconate sodium production
(Ramachandran et al., 2006; Singh & Kumar, 2007), which is not preferable for this
bulk chemical. Thus, numerous studies have attempted to produce gluconate sodium
based on inexpensive lignocelluloses (Ikeda et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2016a; Zhang et
al., 2016b).
hydrolysate of delignified corn cob residue through co-immobilized GOD and CAT
method (Han et al., 2018). To reduce the cost of enzymes and simplify the process, we
overexpressed GOD and CAT from A. niger, and attempted to produce sodium
enzyme system with diverse components (Liu et al., 2013) was used as the parental
strain. P. oxalicum 114-2 and all mutants were maintained in 30% (v/v) glycerinum
vials and inoculated on wheat bran extract slant. The culture temperature for P.
oxalicum 114-2 and all mutants was 30C, and green spores were generated after
2.2 Generation of the GOD and CAT co-overexpression mutant
Genomic DNA of A. niger N593 (a kind gift from Adrian Tsang, Concordia
University, Canada) was used as the template to amplify the DNA sequences encoding
their downstream sequences, using primers 1/2 and 3/4, respectively. The constitutive
promoter gpdA from Aspergillus nidulans was amplified using the plasmid pAN7-1 as
the template (Mullaney et al., 1985) using primers 5/6 or 5/7. The hygromycin B
resistance cassette hph was amplified with primers 8/9 from the plasmid pSilent-1
(Nakayashiki et al., 2005). The GOD and CAT overexpression cassettes were obtained
hph-gpdA(p)-cat, with nest primers 10/11 or 10/12, respectively. The two cassettes
activities were assayed as previously described (Han et al., 2017). GOD activity was
assayed using the method of Bankar et al. with modification as described previously
(Bankar et al., 2008; Han et al., 2018). CAT activity was assayed by a catalase detection
manufacturer's instructions.
Sodium gluconate concentration was measured using a spectrophotometric method
(Han et al., 2018). Briefly, 500 μL of sample (diluted with distilled water) was mixed
with an equal volume of 0.1 M cupric sulfate solution, and heated in a boiling bath for
5 min, then cooled to room temperature immediately. The generated complex can be
sodium gluconate.
Spores collected from wheat bran extract slant were inoculated to 50 mL seed
medium in 300 mL shaking flasks. The seeds were cultured at 30°C and 200 rpm for
48 h. The production of sodium gluconate was carried out in 500 mL shaking flasks
inoculated. Flasks were shaken at 200 rpm. Fermentation temperature was set to 30C
from 0 to 120 h, and then raised to 45C after 120 h with 20 g/L filter paper powder
fermentation was finished when gluconate sodium concentration in all the samples
The seed medium contained 10 g/L delignined corn cob residue from xylitol
production, 10 g/L wheat bran, 10 g/L peptone, 10 g/L glucose, 2 g/L (NH4)2SO4, 3 g/L
The fermentation medium contained 20 g/L delignined corn cob residue, 6 g/L
microcrystalline cellulose, 46.5 g/L wheat bran, 10 g/L soybean cake powder, 2 g/L
(NH4)2SO4, 2.79 g/L NaNO3, 1 g/L urea, 3 g/L KH2PO4, and 0.5 g/L MgSO4·7H2O.
paper powder, g/L); 0.743 is the molar conversion factor from glucan to equivalent
sodium gluconate.
amplified the DNA sequences encoding these two enzymes from A. niger. First, we
tried to separately express GOD and CAT from A. niger in P. oxalicum A11Δ
(modified from a low-background host strain Δ15A, Hu et al., 2015) using the
promoter of amylase gene amy15A. The results of SDS-PAGE, enzyme assays and
shown) indicated that GOD and CAT from A. niger could be expressed in P. oxalicum
gpdA promoter and the selectable marker gene hph (Fig. 1a). The two overexpression
obtained after several rounds of transformation. The obtained transformants were
cultured in fermentation medium for 96 h, and detected for FPase, GOD and CAT
activities. The results indicated that most of the 37 transformants contained only one
of the two overexpression cassettes (Fig. 1b). One transformant, z19, showed the
production of both GOD and CAT. At 96 h, the FPase, GOD and CAT activities of z19
The feasibility of CBP for gluconate sodium production from cellulose by the
mutant z19 was evaluated. A two-stage temperature control strategy was employed. As
shown in Fig. 2a, the FPase activity of z19 at 120 h in the fermentation broth was 0.33
cellobiohydrolase activity profiles of z19 and parent strain 114-2 were also similar,
suggesting that cellulase production was not affected by the expression of GOD and
CAT. The GOD and CAT activities of z19 at 120 h reached 37.21 U/mL and 741.32
U/mL, respectively. Compared with 114-2, a significant improvement in the GOD and
CAT activities was observed in z19. The temperature of the culture was raised to 45C
after 120 h, at which P. oxalicum could not grow, while cellulases, GOD and CAT
activities were retained (data not shown). The filter paper powder added at 120 h was
hydrolyzed by the cellulases secreted during the enzyme production stage. Then, the
obtained glucose in the fermentation broth of z19 was catalyzed into sodium
gluconate by GOD, where the concentration of sodium gluconate reached 13.54 g/L
after 72 h of conversion (Fig. 2b). In contrast, sodium gluconate was hard to detect in
the fermentation broth of parental strain 114-2 under the same conditions.
substantially reduce the food consumption and the raw material cost (Zhang et al.,
2016b). Ikeda et al. obtained 80-100 g/L gluconic acid from waste paper hydrolysate
by A. niger in a turbine blade reactor (Ikeda et al., 2006). Gluconobacter oxydans also
showed excellent gluconic acid producing capacity using the hydrolysate of dry dilute
acid pre-treated and biodetoxified corn stover feedstock, and maximum sodium
gluconate was produced at the titer of 132.46 g/L (Zhang et al., 2016a). However,
calculating the cost per mole of glucose produced. CBP eliminates the cost of
material saccharification in one pot (Lynd et al., 2005). In this study, “native
lignocellulose-degrading enzyme system (Liu et al., 2013). The new enzyme cocktail
indicating that the engineering of P. oxalicum towards the CBP for sodium gluconate
to be further raised by strain improvement and process optimization. One of the main
problems that hampered the production of gluconate sodium from cellulose was the
limited capacity of the mutant z19 to secrete cellulases, which discouraged the
added filter paper power was 50.3%). With the knowledge of the transcriptional
the transcription factors in cellulase expression such as ClrB, CreA, XlnR, and AmyR
has been shown to significantly improve the level of cellulase production (Li et al.,
strong inhibitor of β-glucosidases (Peng et al., 2017), which might explain the
reduced β-glucosidase in z19 relative to parental stain (Fig. 2a). Considering that
inducible promoter from bgl2 gene improved the β-glucosidase activity of P. oxalicum
by 65-folds (Yao et al., 2016), which is also expected to counteract the inhibitory
Genetically engineered P. oxalicum z19 successfully expressed the GOD and CAT
between z19 and the parental strain 114-2. Fed-batch and two-stage temperature
control strategy was applied to the CBP for sodium gluconate production, and 13.54
manufacture process and the ability to use low-cost cellulosic materials will make the
Supplementary data
This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant Nos. 31370086, 31670079 and 31200065) and Shandong Natural
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Figure Captions
oxalicum wild-type strain 114-2. (a) Construction of the hph-gpdA(p)-god cassette and
the hph-gpdA(p)-cat cassette. (b) Extracellular FPase, GOD and CAT activities of
control strategy. (a) Enzyme production during 0-120 h at 30C; (b) Sodium gluconate
production during 120-192 h at 45C with feeding 20 g/L filter paper powder. The
values shown are the mean of three biological replicates and the error bars indicate
13.54 g/L sodium gluconate was obtained from cellulose in one-pot reaction.
Graphical abstract