IMS-EG-004-VER 02 - Fittings in STP
IMS-EG-004-VER 02 - Fittings in STP
IMS-EG-004-VER 02 - Fittings in STP
Table of Contents
The purpose of this Engineering Guidelines (EG) is to provide complete details of various types of
fittings/systems installed in STP area.
2.0 Scope
This EG shall be applicable for electrical switchgears, ventilation system, gas detection system, fire-
fighting equipment, manpower, timers etc in STP area in various buildings and facilities of DLF -RENTCO.
3.1 Abbreviations
5.0 Record
The EG shall be reviewed and revised by the rules & Procedure Sub-committee as necessary and at a
minimum, not later than 3 years from the date of the last revision based on the feedback from various
➢ All lights must be flame proof in Sludge holding tank area, SAFF/bioreactor tank &
SIC/Equalization tank.
➢ Flame proof motors to be installed for ventilation fans.
B. Ventilation –
➢ Methane detector to be installed in EQT, Bioreactor tank and sludge holding tank area with alarm
and to be integrated with ventilation system of STP plant room. Ensure that the methane sensors
are calibrated and should be in functional condition. The set points for alarms to be displayed.
E. Manpower
F. Timers to be installed –
➢ Ventilation fans can work for 10 minutes after every four hour & integrate with Methane detector.
➢ All exhaust/fresh air fans should run in auto.
➢ All fans should be connected to BMS so that if any of the fans fails to run in an hour then there
should be an alert in the BMS, and SMS/mail should go the Building Manager and Group manager.
➢ If the fans do not run in two hours, then the SMS/MAIL should go the Chief group manager and