Science PT3 Form 2 Chapter 3 Nutrition
Science PT3 Form 2 Chapter 3 Nutrition
Science PT3 Form 2 Chapter 3 Nutrition
Science PT3 Form 2 Chapter 3 Nutrition
23 Questions DATE :
A Carbohydrates B Protein
C Fibre D Fats
A Organ S B Organ Q
C Organ P D Organ R
A Calcium B Iron
C Iodine D Phosphorus 1/5
6/19/23, 6:07 PM Science PT3 Form 2 Chapter 3 Nutrition
A Protein B Stach
C Glucose D Fat
6. What is organ K?
A Oesophagus B Liver
C Stomach D Pancreas
7. What is organ L?
A Pancreas B Stomach
C Liver D Oesophagus
8. Enzyme - Amylase
Class of food - ?
A Fats B Carbohydrate
C Protein
9. Enzyme - Lipase
Class of food - ?
A Protein B Carbohydrate
C Fats 2/5
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all classes of food; in the right quantities and ratios; to maintain health and growth.
A True B False
11. Based on the food pyramid, which food level does a farmer need
to eat a lot? Explain your answer.
13. Shafiqah wants to lose weight for beauty. She intends to undergo bariatric surgery which
is a procedure that removes part of small intestine. Do you agree with Shafiqah's action?
Yes because this procedure can avoid too Yes because it can reduce her weight
much sugar absorbed by the body. immediately. 3/5
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15. Puan Asmah had been suffering from chronic diabetes and she has been advised to not
take starchy and sugary food.
However, next month, her blood sugar level was still high. She said she did not take
sugary food but take rice in the diet as usual. Explain this.
16. Mei Ling is a vegetarian - she only eats fruits and vegetables and she does not eat meat,
fish, milk, and chicken but takes food that comes from animals like milk.
How can Mei Ling get a protein source so she gets a balanced nutrient?
A Starch B Protein
C Fat D Glucose
18. If starch is present, iodine will change colour from brown to dark blue.
A True B False
19. Benedict test is for reducing sugars such as glucose and maltose.
A True B False
20. If glucose is present, Benedict solution will change from colourless to brick-red
A False B True
21. If glucose is present, Benedict solution will change from light blue to brick-red precipitate.
A True B False 4/5
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A False B True
23. If protein is present, millon test will change the colourless solution to red precipitate.
A True B False
Answer Key 5/5