Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Ó 2019 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
Ottoman and Gerizechick designed an energy Normally, piezoelectric materials are characterized
harvester using Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT). at room temperature. But the properties of these
They successfully implement the experimental materials could be disturbed when they are heated
setup in the laboratory. They stated that, the to their Curie temperature. One such study was
vibrating Piezo element can be modeled as a sinu- presented in Ref. 21 to investigate the electrical
soidal current source and this model could be used properties of PZT-5A. Results revealed that the
to predict the output response of a certain Piezo output voltage of an energy harvester decreases
element. The goal of this experiment was to find out with the increase of temperature. Mechanical
the optimum values of voltage and power from a parameters such as Young’s modulus, tensile and
Piezo-sensor.16,17 Elvin proposed an energy scav- compressive strengths of an energy harvesting
enging system based on the Polyvinylidene Flouride system play a vital role to obtain the maximum
(PVDF) film attached with a simply supported output response. Several techniques are introduced
beam. Electrical energy was created due to the to make improvements in these parameters.
bending of a beam. In order to make the system Recently, composite materials based on PZT and
more stable, he designed a signal conditioning zinc oxide nanowhiskers (ZnOw) are prepared with
circuit based on the limit switch. The basic function the aid of solid-state processing. The mechanical
of a switch was to allow the capacitor to charge up to quality factor of these composites is significantly
a predefined limit of 1 V. After this, the switch larger than monolithic lead zirconate Titanate.22
should be opened, forcing the capacitor to discharge Sodano proposed an energy harvesting system
through the transmitter. The whole operation of the which was based on the variational principles. This
system was found to generate an appropriate level model was actually used to predict the amount of
of electrical energy depending upon the strain at a electrical energy that could be attained due to
bending level of 2 m.18 Elahi, H proposed and alternative distributions on the piezo-patches. A
analyzed a suspension system for characterizing composite beam with four piezo-patches was tested
PZT-5A. Stability analysis of the system was per- experimentally to validate the results of a simula-
formed by the Nyquist theorem and Routh–Hurwitz tion. After this authentication, the model was used
(RH) criterion.19 In the past few years, researchers to anticipate the output response of an energy
are taking a huge interest to improve the efficiency harvester under the damping of a structure.23
of a PZT based energy harvester. Piezoelectric Double scale Lead Zirconate Titanate ceramic mate-
single crystal nanowires (NWs) are popular because rials are also studied with mechanical characteris-
of their inherent one-dimensional structure which tics that are significantly increased. The authors
helps to possess good electromechanical conver- justified the flexural strength and fracture tough-
sions. A flexible and translucent energy harvester ness of double-scale PZT is about 30% higher than
based on the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) films the normal PZT.24 The mechanical quality factor is
having Pt/Ti electrodes was designed and fabri- conspicuously used to describe the energy losses of
cated. The analytical and numerical model also piezoelectric materials. It is observed that the
confirmed that this harvester is capable of produc- mechanical quality factor and the efficiency of piezo
ing the highest open circuit voltage of 10 V.20 materials increase with the applied force. This
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
argument has also been justified with the finite S3 ¼ d33 T3 þ g3 D3 ; ð1Þ
element analysis on the ABAQUSä.25 In the past,
dense and cracked-free PZT composite films having
the perovskite structure were designed and fabri- E3 ¼ g33 T3 þ b3 D3 : ð2Þ
cated. These films contain micro and nanocrys-
talline particles and their electrical properties are Equation 2 is utilized when a piezoelectric mate-
highly dependent on the annealing temperature and rial is used as an input transducer. The transition
relative thickness.26 During the fabrication of a new system plays a typical role in transforming the
product, engineers take many scientific and direc- mechanical vibration from an input excitation to the
torial decisions at various stages. The main objec- piezo-stack. This section will make use of Newton’s
tive of these decisions was to either increase the laws of motion, ordinary differential equations and
productivity or minimize the time required for that the concept of transfer function to represent the
production. Many researchers are taking more linear time-invariant model of a transition system.
interest in the optimization strategy for piezo-based The ideal mass spring damper system is shown in
energy harvesters. A review of such optimization the Fig. 2a. The ultimate goal of the present anal-
has been observed in Ref. 27. They presented the ysis is to find out the transfer function which will
voltage optimization of PZT-circular discs by con- represent the linear relationship between input and
sidering force, thickness and voltage constant as output of the transition model. For a second-order
controllable factors. They have used the standard system, the standard form of a transfer function is
American Piezo-ceramics manual for output param- observed from Eq. 3.32,33
eters, voltage, and power.
Different piezo-materials such as Quartz, PZT- X ðsÞ x2n
T ðs Þ ¼ ¼ 2 ð3Þ
5A, PZT-4A, PVDF and PZT-5H are used as input F ðsÞ s þ 2fxn s þ x2n
and output transducers. In this research work, an
energy scavenging model on the basis of PZT-5H
In Eq. 3, X(s) and F(S) are output and input,
has been presented. We have examined the perfor-
respectively. Output response can be obtained by
mance of PZT-5H-stack under the influence of a
considering four forces as shown in Fig. 2b. In this
Transition Model. A Transition Model consists of a
analysis, mass is traveling downward due to the
mass which is analogous to inertia, a spring with an
application of applied force, while all other forces
appropriate stiffness and a damping element creat-
impede the motion and act opposite to it.
ing friction effects. Theoretical analysis for a tran-
Hence a differential equation can be written by
sition system was performed to analyze
using Newton’s law:
stable ambient mechanical vibration. MATLAB
Simscape Toolboxä is used to (a) create the linear F ¼ m€x:
response of a transition system from which transfer
function is generated and (b) design, simulate and
analyze the energy scavenging system based on the Taking downward direction as a positive, cumu-
Piezo-Stack(PZT-5H). From this energy harvester, lative effect is given in Eq. 5.
voltage and power are analyzed under several
conditions of the stiffness, applied force and damp- F FC Fk ¼ m€
x ð4Þ
ing coefficient. Optimization was performed to
obtain desired results under the given experimental x þ C€
m€ x þ Kx ¼ F ð5Þ
conditions. In an energy scavenging system, tradi-
tional methods for the selection of input parameters
do not provide an adequate or desired result. The Eq. 5 with respect to time can be observed
Therefore, statistical analysis has been performed from Eq. 6
on the output values obtained from an energy xðtÞ þ C€
m€ xðtÞ þ KxðtÞ ¼ F ðt; Þ ð6Þ
scavenging system. The analysis was based on the
Taguchi design of experiment (DOE) technique,
ANOVA approach and regression model to obtain C K 1
x€ðtÞ þ x€ðtÞ þ xðtÞ ¼ F ðtÞ : ð7Þ
optimum voltage and power as well as to reduce the m m m
experimental runs.
If we consider the Laplace transform, certain
THEORETICAL ANALYSIS parameters are given in Eq. 8
In the mid-18th century, Carl Linnaeus and x€ðtÞ ¼ S2 X ðsÞ; x€ðtÞ ¼ SX ðsÞ; xðtÞ ¼ X ðsÞ and F ðtÞ
Franz Azepinos proposed the concept of the pyro-
¼ F ðsÞ: ð8Þ
electric effect which is considered as a first source
for the piezo-electricity.28–31 In order to observe the
linear polarization behavior, constitutive laws are Therefore, Eq. 7 in Laplace’s form is observed
given in Eqs. 1 and 2; from Eq. 9
Sheeraz, Butt, Khan, Mehmood, Ali, Azeem, Nasir, and Imtiaz
Fig. 2. Transition model as (a) equivalent system (b) free body diagram.
Table I. Parametric values for transition system Table II. RH-table for transition model
Sr.# Parameter Value Unit
S2 1 125
1 Mass 6 Kg S1 4.167 0
2 Damper 25 Ns m1 S0 125 0
3 Stiffness 750 Nm1
TðsÞ ¼ ð12Þ
ðS2 þ 4:167s þ 125Þ
the product of force and velocity, so with the Moreover, at a constant force of 60 N, stiffness of
constant velocity, a relationship is observed from 750 Nm1 and damping coefficient of 25 Ns m1,
Eq. 13. the PZT-Stack is excited by an acceleration of
1.81 9 10+2 m2 s1. Due to this input excitation,
Power / Force ð13Þ an alternating voltage of 5.197 V is obtained which
is further connected to the bridge rectifier to gain
And by keeping the current constant, the rela- DC-values for voltage (3.985 V) and power
tionship between power and voltage can be obtained (8.169 W) as shown in Figs. 9 and 10.
from the power dissipation formula as in Eq. 14.
Power / Voltage ð14Þ
In this section, theoretical and numerical results
are interpreted and discussed.
Equating Eqs. 13 and 14, we have a direct
relationship between the applied force and voltage Phase-1: Voltage and Power at Constant Force
as in Eq. 15. (20 N) with the Variable Stiffness
Force / Voltage ð15Þ Figure 11 shows measurement of the output
voltage at a constant force of 20 N under variable
And in order to observe the effect of stiffness, we stiffness ranging from 150 Nm1 to 1200 Nm1. It is
have Hook’s law as given in Eq. 16: predicted that piezoelectric material shows positive
linear behavior towards different values of stiffness.
Force / Stiffness: ð16Þ This analysis is performed under resistance values
of 1 X, 10 X and 100 X. It is also anticipated that
By equating Eqs. 15 and 16, a direct relationship output voltage is increased with the resistance
between stiffness and output voltage is obtained as value and, hence, satisfying the Ohm’s law. Simi-
given in Eq. 17 larly, Fig. 12 shows the output power under vari-
able stiffness with resistance values of 1 X, 10 X
Stiffness / Voltage: ð17Þ and 100 X. It reveals that both the power and
stiffness are directly proportional to each other.
Sheeraz, Butt, Khan, Mehmood, Ali, Azeem, Nasir, and Imtiaz
Moreover, it is also observed that power values are plays a typical role in observing the working of the
decreased with a slight variation in the resistance, energy harvester. Therefore, in this phase, the
so satisfying the power dissipation principle. width of a piezo stack is varied ranging from
1.5 mm to 12 mm. The applied force, stiffness and
Phase-2: Voltage and Power at Constant Force damping coefficient are set to be 60 N, 750 Nm1
(20 N) with the Variable Damping Coefficient and 25 Ns m1 respectively. Results revealed that
the output response of an energy harvester
In this phase, both voltage and power are mea-
decreases non-linearly with the width of the PZT-
sured under the various conditions of damping
5H stack. Figure 15 shows that both voltage and
coefficient. Figures 13 and 14 show the output
power are decreased with the width of a PZT-stack.
voltage and power under variable damping coeffi-
The graphical representations of response
cient ranging from 5 Ns m1 to 40 Ns m1. A neg-
obtained from PZT-5H are designed on statistical
ative linear relationship is observed for both voltage
software NCSS 12 to observe the cumulative effect of
and power. It means that by increasing the damping
all the controllable factors such as force (F), stiffness
coefficient, both output voltage and power will
(K) and damping coefficient (C) on the output
decrease. This analysis is performed under the
voltage and power as shown in Fig. 16.
same conditions of resistance values of 1 X, 10 X
and 100 X.
Phase-3: Output of Energy Harvester This section presents the optimization strategy
with Variable Width of a PZT-5H Stack using the Taguchi design of experiment (DOE) and
ANOVA approaches to obtain optimum values of
Although, the obtained output response of energy
voltage and power with the least number of exper-
harvester depends on the length, width and thick-
iments. Experiments are performed on the response
ness of the piezo-stack. But the width of a stack
of an energy scavenging system.
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Fig. 11. Measurement of output voltage under variable stiffness. Fig. 12. Measurement of output power under variable stiffness.
Quality Characteristics
The signal to noise ratio (S/N) reveals the varia-
tion of the output response relative to nominal or
target value under several conditions of the input
parameters. S/N characteristics are categorized as
(a) nominal and smaller are the best characteristic
Fig. 14. Output power of energy harvester under variable damping
and (b) larger is better. This research work has been
presented by using nominal’s characteristics. Fig-
ures 18 and 19 represent the effect of controllable
factors on the voltage and power by S/N and mean
The response chart has been created by consider-
ing the mean-values. This chart has helped us to
determine the parameters that have the highest
and lowest effect on the output response. Table V
shows that in addition to the applied force, stiffness
may have the greatest effect on the output voltage
and power. The effect of each factor is calculated by
determining the range (D).
ANOVA’s Approach
In order to support the results of Taguchi anal-
ysis, we have performed an analysis of variance
Fig. 15. Output response with a varying width of a PZT-stack. (ANOVA) approach which comes under the Taguchi
Grey. ANOVA test is used to determine the indi-
Control Factors and Their Levels vidual contribution of input parameters on the
output response. The present ANOVA is designed
The overall objective of this research work is to
with the confidence interval of 95% having the
maximize the harvested energy. Mainly two types of
significance level of 5%. The ANOVA table contains
factors exist that affect the output performance;
degree of freedom (DOF), sum of squares (Adj SS),
controllable and noise factors. Taguchi method uses
and variance with the desired P value. The
controllable factors with their optimized values and
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Fig. 16. Response plot by stiffness and damping coefficient for (a) voltage (b) power.
cumulative effect of all factors has been performed and power are generated, whereas harvested energy
and given in Table VI. The third column of Table VI decreases with the damping coefficient. These mod-
shows that stiffness has the highest effect on the els also show the minor deviation between actual
output response of an energy harvester which can data and the predicted response which can be
be observed from its largest value of the sum of observed from R2 values.
squares (Adj SS). At the end of this research work, the importance
Table VI also shows that P value of all these of stack PZT-5H is evaluated by comparing the
factors is less than 0.05 (significance level), so, proposed results with the literature. Figure 24
accuracy of this model is achieved up to 99% also validates the simulation and optimization results
depicted from R2 value in Table VII. in accordance with the published results of Lin Wei
Interval plots are used to support the results of and Chen Wen.37 This is obtained by varying the
ANOVA and compare the output values with the thickness of the PZT-Stack ranging from 3 mm to
input parameters. These plots are similar to a box or 20 mm. The applied force, length and width of a
a dot plot. But desired confidence interval for the piezoelectric stack are set to be 60 N, 40 mm and
mean of data can be implemented with interval 12 mm, respectively. The trend lines show that
plots so eradicating the limitations of a box or dot current simulation results are better than the
plot. Figures 20 and 21 describe the variation of published results, especially for higher vibrational
voltage and power under various conditions of the modes.
stiffness and damping coefficient by considering the
confidence interval of 95%. Both the output voltage CONCLUSIONS
and power are maximum at stiffness of 750 Nm1
Simulation is an important tool for data manip-
with a damping coefficient of 25 Ns m1. The linear
ulation and analysis of complex engineering prob-
behavior is observed in the study of stiffness while
lems. A transition model plays a vital role in
non-linear performance is noticed in the case of the
transforming the mechanical vibration from input
damping coefficient.
excitation to a piezoelectric material. Therefore, in
The regression model is designed to consider the
this research paper, a transition system has been
graphical relationship between predefined inputs
presented in the phase variable form to interpolate
and output of an energy harvester. In linear regres-
its stable response. Root locus and time response for
sion, variation of the response variable is checked by
a transition system have been generated using
means of the coefficient of determination (R-
MATLAB to validate the results of theoretical
Squared value). The value of R2 is always between
analysis. Results reveal that the system is
0% and 100%. Moreover, the slope of the regression
stable at a 60 N force, 750 Nm1 stiffness and
line predicts the change in the dependent variable
having a damping coefficient of 25 Ns m1.
when an independent variable increases by one
MATLAB Simscape Toolboxä is used to design
unit. Figures 22 and 23 show the regression models
and simulate the energy harvesting system based
for voltage and power with the variation in the
on the stack PZT-5H, as several researchers have
stiffness and damping coefficient. Results displayed
shown adequate relationships between the applied
that by increasing stiffness, more output voltage
force and piezo-voltage. Therefore, present research
Sheeraz, Butt, Khan, Mehmood, Ali, Azeem, Nasir, and Imtiaz
1 Force A N 20 40 60
2 Damping co-efficient B Ns/m 25 50 75
3 Stiffness C N/m 250 500 750
work is presented to analyze the performance of an piezoelectric stack. Conversely, thicker piezoelectric
energy harvester under various conditions of the stacks are more promising for higher voltage gen-
stiffness and damping coefficients. It is interesting eration. The statistical analysis based on Taguchi
to note that when the stiffness of a transition and ANOVA approaches is implemented for the
system increases, the output voltage and power optimization of a piezoelectric transducer to gain
increase, whereas, the harvested energy decreases maximum voltage and power. It is found that
with the damping coefficient. Additionally, it is maximum values for voltage and power are
found that the output of an energy harvester 3.985 V and 8.169 W obtained at those standards
decreases non-linearly with the width of the of force, stiffness and damping values which are
Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Transducer (PZT-5H Stack)
Fig. 18. Effect of controllable factors on voltage via (a) S/N ratio (b) mean-plot.
Fig. 19. Effect of controllable factors on power via (a) S/N ratio (b) mean-plot.
Fig. 20. Measurement of voltage under variable (a) stiffness (b) damping coefficient.
Fig. 21. Measurement of power under variable (a) stiffness (b) damping coefficient.
Fig. 22. Regression model for output voltage via (a) stiffness (b) damping coefficient.
Fig. 23. Regression model for output power via (a) stiffness (b) damping coefficient.
Fig. 24. Comparison of proposed results with literature via (a) output voltage (b) output power.
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