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Holiday Home Work For STD X

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1.Character/ Thematic analysis: Portia and Shylock

2. Summary / paraphrase of the poem Daffodils



1.Letter writing – Formal and Informal

2. Short Notes for the following :
a. ಶಿವಭೂತಿ
b. ಜ ೂೋಡಿ ಪಾರಿವಾಳಗಳು
c. ಪ್ರತಾಪ್
d. ಸುಮಂಗಳ
e. ಗ ೂರೂರು ರಾಮಸ್ಾಾಮಿ ಅಯ್ಯಂಗಾರ್
f. ಕರಿೋಮ ಮತ್ುು ಜನಾರ್ಧನ


Std: X (B to E)
Max Marks: 20
Date of submission: 05.06.23
Note: Write the following in A4 size papers and spiral bind it (not
exceeding 25 pages).


 Index
 Introduction
 Types of bank accounts
 Prevailing rate of interest by State bank of India
 Prevailing rate of interest by Union bank of India
 Attach appropriate pictures of bank Challans, Forms, Cheques, etc
as examples
 Conclusion


 Index
 Introduction
 Family size with picture of any family
 Monthly income of the family
 Monthly expenditure (electricity, water, groceries, clothing,
medical, etc) of the family in a tabular form and represent it on a bar
graph and pie chart
 Savings
 Conclusion
Std: X (B to E)
Max Marks: 20
Date of submission: 05.06.23
Note: Answer the following in graph note book.

1) Take 2 cm = 1 unit along both x and y axis.

(i) Plot the following points : A(0, 5), B(3, 0), C(1, 0) and D(1, -5)
(ii) Reflect the points B, C and D on the y-axis and name them as
B’, C’, D’ respectively.
(iii) Write down the coordinates of B’, C’ and D’.
(iv) Join the points A, B, C, D, D’, C’, B’, A in order and give a
name to the closed figure

2) Take 2 cm = 1 unit along both x and y axis.

(i) Plot the following points : A(0,4), B(1,1) and C(4,0)
(ii) Reflect A and B on the x axis and name them as E and D
(iii) Reflect B through the origin and name it F. Write down the
coordinates of F.
(iv) Reflect B and C on the y axis and name them as H and G
(v) Join the points A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H and A in order and name the
closed figure formed.

3) The marks obtained by 120 students in an English test are given


Draw the ogive and hence, estimate:

(i) the median marks.
(ii) the number of students who did not pass the test if the pass
percentage was 50.
(iii) the upper quartile marks.
4) The daily wages of 80 workers in a project are given below

(Use a scale of 2 cm = ₹ 50 on x-axis and 2 cm =10 workers on y-

axis). Draw an ogive for the above distribution and hence
(i) the median wage of the workers.
(ii) the lower quartile wage of workers.
(iii) the number of workers who earn more than ₹ 625 daily.

5) The following distribution gives the daily wages of 60 workers in a

Daily income in Number of
₹ workers (f)
200-300 6
300-400 10 Take 2cm= ₹100 along the
400-500 14 one axis and 2cm=2 workers
500-600 16 along the other axis.
600-700 10 Draw a histogram and hence
700-800 4 find the mode of the given
6) Draw a histogram for the given distribution showing the number of
runs scored by 50 batsmen. Estimate the mode of the data:

7) Write squares of numbers up to 30 and cubes of numbers up to 20

in the classwork notebook.
Note: Class test will be conducted in June on the following topics:
1) Trigonometric Identities
2) Statistics: Mean, Median and Mode
3) Reflection


Complete all the numerical from the text book exercise for
chapter 1. Force


Write the following in a thin long ruled note book.

Write and learn the valency Chart (Refer Std. IX text book
Write and learn all the Chemical Equations in Chapter 7 A - D


Complete the review questions of the Circulatory system lesson in the

note book.
Draw the labelled diagrams:

a) Structure of the heart(internal)

b) Artery and Vein (Cross section)


Topic - Organs of the Government - a) Legislature, b) Executive

and c) Judiciary
Write on A4 sheet paper, minimum 20-25 pages, stick relevant
pictures, spiral bind.
Project should contain,
* Cover page
* Certificate
* Acknowledgement
* Index
* Introduction
* Content
* Conclusion
* Bibliography
Refer other sources and do not refer the textbook.
Submit when school re-opens.

Project Topics

Topic 1- Advertisement & Sales Promotion

a. Introduction: Meaning of Advertisement and Sales Promotion.
b. Merits and Demerits of Advertisement and Sales Promotion.
c. Techniques in Sales Promotion
d. Findings:
Choose 5 Advertisement from any newspaper and explain its merits
and demerits of EACH newspaper advertisement and sales promotion
techniques followed.

Topic 2- Banking
a. Introduction: Meaning of Banking, Net banking, NEFT, RTGS,
IMPS, Mobile wallet, ATM, Credit card, Debit card, Cheque,
Demand draft, Discounting of bill.
b. Functions of Central Bank
c. Findings:
Visit a bank nearby and find the procedure for opening a Savings
Attachments in the project: Collect the savings account form, Bank
Challan's for Demand draft, Deposit & Withdrawal. Photo copy of the
following: Cheque, Demand draft, Debit Card and Credit Card

Topic 3- Final Accounts

a. Introduction: Meaning of Trading Account, Direct Expenses, Profit
and Loss Account, Indirect Expenses, Balance Sheet, Assets,
Liabilities, Incomes and Expenses.
b. Draft the format of Trading and Profit & Loss Account and Balance
c. Findings:
Prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
with minimum 20 imaginary figures of Direct and Indirect incomes
and expenses with a tallied Balance Sheet.

1. No choices with the Project Topics. Should prepare a project with
all the topics mentioned above.
2. Minimum of 8pages for each topic excluding the content, index,
bibliography etc.
3. Students are supposed to prepare the topic content first for approval
from the respective teacher on or before the school reopening date.
Kindly do not spiral bind the project before discussing the content
with the teacher.
4. Follow the pattern informed by the teacher in the class.
5. Use A4 size sheets for the project and spiral bind them. Stick files
or project books are strictly not allowed.


Project Topics

Please choose any two out of the three project topics:

Topic 1 - Types of Taxes (Tax revenue and Non-Tax revenue
Topic 2 - CRR and SLR
Topic 3 - Consumer Awareness
Project Topics:

Topic 1- To study the working of Public Relations Department of a

medium sized firm operating in the Media Sector.

Topic 2- Study five different advertisements in any one media (print,

television, audio) of the FMCG such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, Lux. etc.,
And Explain their positive and negative points.

Topic 3- Study the working of the Commercial Banks in India by

studying the working of the branch office of any public sector
Commercial Bank such as Canara Bank, SBI, etc.

Topic 4- Write an essay on the role of the Central Bank of India in

any economy with special reference to the Indian Scenario.


1. A shopkeeper offers Pooja discount to his/her customers

according to the goods purchased as per the given amount.
Amount Discount
Upto Rs.2000 5%
Rs.2001 to Rs.5000 10%
Rs.5001 to Rs.10000 15%
Above Rs. 10000 20%
Write a program in java to calculate the amount to be paid by the
customer after availing the discount.

2. Bihar State electric city board calculates electricity bill for their
consumers according to the units consumed (per month) as per
the given tariff.
Units consumed Charges
Upto 100 units Rs. 1.80/unit
For more than 100 units & upto 300units Rs. 2.30/unit
For more than 300 units & upto 500 units Rs. 2.80/unit
More than 500 units Rs. 3.50/unit

Write a program to input name of the consumer, consumer

number, month and units consumed. Calculate and display the
electric city bill with all the details.
3. Using switch statement, write a menu driven program for the
(i) To find and display the sum of the series given below:
S = x1 -x2 + x3 – x4 + x5 – x20 (where x = 2)
(ii) To display the following series:
1 11 111 1111 11111
For an incorrect option, an appropriate error message should be

4. Write a menu driven program to perform the following: (Use

switch-case statement)
(a) To print the series 0, 3, 7, 15, 24, …… n terms (value of ‘n’
is to be an input by the user).
(b) To find the sum of the series given below :
S = 1/2 + 3/4 + 5/6 + 7/8 + ……… 19/20.

5. Write a program to accept a number and check whether the

number is Armstrong or not. (Armstrong number is a number if
it is equal to the sum of cubes of its digits Ex: 153 = 13+53+33
= 1+125+27 = 153)

6. Write a program to accept a number and check whether the

number is Automorphic or not. (An Automorphic number is the
number which is contained in the last digit(s) of its square.)
Ex: 25 is an Automorphic number as its square is 625 and 25 is
present as the last two digits.

7. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern:


8. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern:

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15

9. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern:

15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7

10. Write a program in Java to display the following pattern:


Kindly write the above programs with variable description in an A4

sheet paper and submit.


Complete the projects (5) as selected by you.

 Write in A4 sheets.
 Each project should be 10-15 pages.
 Spiral Bind the project and submit it on 5th June 2023.


Write about any 2 major games, each game about 10 pages total 20
pages and spiral bound.

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