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Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

‫‪Light Way School‬‬
‫‪Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd‬‬




‫قل اعو ذ بر ب الفلق‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫ﻣﻦ ﺷر ﻣﺎ ﺧلق‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫وﻣﻦ ﺷر غﺎ سق ازا وقب‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫وﻣﻦ ﺷر النفثت فی العقد‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫وﻣﻦ ﺷر حﺎ سد اذا حسد‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫البر حسﻦ الخلق‬




‫قل ان کنتم تحبون ﷲ فﺎ تبعو نی يحنکم ﷲ ويغفر لکم ذو نو بکم‬




Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

 Singular / plural
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Bell Bells Ant Ants
Star Stars Chair Chairs
Box Boxes Bench Benches
Butterfly Butterflies Baby Babies
Knife Knives Leaf Leaves
 Masculine / Feminine
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Host Hostess Prince Princess
Lion Lioness Master Mistress
Jew Jewess Grandfather Grandmother
Author Authoress Land Lord Land Lady
Peer Peeress Peacock Peahen
 Words / Opposite
Words Opposite Word Opposite
Heavy Light High Low
Kind Cruel Night Day
Old New Open Shut
Rich Poor Strong Weak
Thick Thin Wet Dry
 Words / Synonyms
Words Synonyms Words Synonyms
Little Small Difficult Hard
Excellent Very good Fall Drop
Hurt Harm Keep Put
Lady Woman Leave Go
Clever Intelligent Crazy Mad
 Definitions:
 Define Common Noun.
The name which is common to everything of its kind is called a common
noun. For Example: Cow, House, Man, Bed.
 Define Proper Noun.
Any particular name is called a proper noun. For Example: Iqbal, Lahore,
Karachi, Monday etc.
 Essay: “My Best Teacher”

i. I read in class two.

ii. There are many teacher in my
class but my best is Miss Maryam.
iii. She teaches us all subjects.
iv. She is loving and carrying.
v. She is very hardworking.
vi. She solves our Problems.
vii. She is regular and punctual.
viii. I am satisfied with her teaching

 Story: “A Strange hen”

Once there was a farmer. He lived in a

village. He had a strange hen. It laid a
golden eggs everyday. He sold the egg and
get high price. He was very greedy. He
wanted to become rich at once. One day he
killed the hen to get the egg but he found
only one egg he felt sorry but it was no use.
It was no use to cry over spilk milk.
 Application for urgent piece of work.

The Principal,
Light Way School, Gujranwala,
I beg to say that I have an urgent piece of work at
home, so I cannot come to school. Kindly grant me
leave for one day. I shall thankful to you.
Your’s obediently
X. Y .Z

 Days of Week.

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday

Wednesday Thursday Friday

 Name of months.
January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

 Vowels Words.
a, e, i, o, u are vowels words.
 Translation into English.
This is a flower.
That is a fish.
Those are not playground.
Those are not goats.
These are not birds.
Those are not lions.
Are these lamps.
Are these bananas?
Are these mangoes?
Are these candles?
 Imperative Sentences.
Learn your lesson.

Always speak the truth.

Don’t make a noise.

Brush your teeth daily.

Wash your hands before meal.

 Letter to father for money.
Examination Hall,
City A, B, C
May.13, 2023
My dear father!
I have passed my final exams of class two. Now I am
in class three. I want to buy new books and note books
of class three. So please send me Rs 10000 by money
order. I shall be very thankful to you.
Your loving son.
X. Y. Z

 Forms of verb.
1st Form 2nd Form 3rd Form
Print Paper:1
Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

 Chapter # (1 to 4)
 Unit # 1: “Computer Around us”
 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Fast Mistakes
Simple Work

 Answer Questions.
i. What is computer?
A computer is an electronic machine.
ii. Which computer do you have in your school lab?
We use desktop computer in our school lab.
iii. Name two activities that you like to do most on computer?
I solve math sums on computer.
I watch cartoon on computer.
iv. Write three differentiate between a computer and a human being.
A computer A human being
Never get tried Get tried
Has no feelings Has feelings
Does not make mistake Make mistake
Objective: Pg # 9, 10, 11, 12
 Unit # 2: “Parts of a computer”
 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Different Information
Easy Electricity

 Answer Questions.
i. Name the devices used to take printouts?
A printer is used to print text or pictures on paper.
ii. Name the device which thinks for the computer?
System unit is the device which thinks for the computer.
iii. Name the pointing device which shows the arrow on the screen?
A mouse is device which shows the arrow on the screen.
Objective: Pg # 17, 18, 19, 20.
Print Papers: 2
 Unit # 3: “Keyboard”
 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Different Press
Erase Appear
Left side

 Answer Questions.
i. Which key is used to insert blank space between words?
Space bar
ii. Which key shows the direction of the cursor?
Arrow key
iii. Which key is used to type the capital or upper case letters?
Cap lack key
Objective: Pg # 26, 27, 28, 29.
 Unit # 1: “Computer Around us”
 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Learn Follow
Picture Appear

 Answer Questions.
i. Name three things that you see on a desktop?
Start button, Icons, Taskbar
ii. Name the screen that appears after switching on the computer?
iii. Name any one icon present on desktop?
My computer.
Objective: Pg 37, 38, 39, 40.
Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd

 Unit # 7: The clay man

 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
Planted To grow

Ready Prepare

Everyday Daily

Huge Big
Pick Carry
 Paragraph # 1:
 Translation into Urdu.
Once upon a time in Africa, there lived an elephant.

His best friend was a rabbit and they lived in the same house.

The elephant had a garden on one side of the forest.

The rabbit had a garden on the other side of the forest.

 Paragraph # 2:
 Translation into Urdu.
Aha! I’ve caught you.

I hope that teaches you a lesson.

He said
He pulled the rabbit away from the clay man.

And threw him into the forest

But the rabbit just jumped up and run away.

This is why the rabbit and elephant are not friends today.

 Answer / Questions.
1. What did elephant do all year?
All year, the elephant worked hard in his garden.
2. Was rabbit lazy?
Yes, rabbit was lazy.
3. What did the elephant say to his friend?
He said that a thief has taken some vegetables from my garden.
 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
Work We should work hard.
Plant Plants grow from seeds. `
Catch He wanted to catch the thief.
 Unit # 8: How to send a text message.
 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
Close Shut

Look To see

Bottom Centre
Replied Answered
Restaurant Hotel
 Translation into Urdu.
Now Nana, shall I teach you some more about your smart phone?

I am not sure Sara.

When I see people with smart phones they aren’t talking to each other.

They‘re close to people far away.

But far away from the people sitting next to them.

 Answer / Questions.
1. What did a menu show?
Menu shows what you can eat in a hotel.
2. What is the function of an icon?
The icon at the bottom right takes you to messages.
 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
Battery The battery is very low.
Save We can save messages on mobile.
Press Press the button.
 Unit # 9: Fantasy characters.
 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
Story tale

Dig Put out

Clever Active
Magic Spell
Fantasy Fantastic / imaginary
 Translation into Urdu.
Fantasy stories have a lot of magical character.

You can read about them in stories.

But you will not meet them in read life.

Here are some characters from fantasy stories.

 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
Beautiful I have a beautiful pen.
Little She has a little doll.
Money He wants some money.
Print papers: 3
 Unit # 10: Noor’s New Sword.
 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
Sward Cutting weapon

Shout Shriek

Frighten Afraid
Climb Jump
Quick Fast
 Translation into Urdu.
 Paragraph # 1:
Nor had a new plastic sward.

It was silver colored with a flashing red jewel in the handle

And it came in a beautiful golden case.

He fought the cat with his sward.

He fought the pillow with his sward.

He fought the mango trees in the garden.

He even fought his sister’s teddy bear.

 Paragraph # 2:
The thirty monsters with curly fur snapped their sharp teeth and
stamped their heavy feet.
They flashed their green eyes and waved their spiky tails.

But Noor climbed on the back of the great black eagle.

And it flew, over the clouds and over the seas back to the window of his

In his room, on his pillow he found a note from his mother.

When you say sorry, you can come and have your dinner it said.

 Answer / Questions.
1. What kind of sword had Noor?
Nor had a new plastic sword.
2. For what thing Noor shouted?
He shouted for food.
3. What did he see in his sword?
He saw flashing red jewel in his sword.
 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
Fought He fought the cat.
Sword Nor had a sword.
Forest The monster went into the forest.
Print Papers: 3
 Unit # 11: The Baloon.
 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
Suddenly At once

Below Under

Thought Thinking
Bored Fed up
Snow Ice
 Translation into Urdu.
 Paragraph # 1:
Once there was a child called Sana who lived in Islamabad.

She went shopping with her mother one Saturday.

She saw shoe shops, clothes shop and fruit stalls.

What other shops do you think she saw?

 Paragraph # 2:
After that, Sana and the balloon went even higher

And when she looked down again.

She saw far below.

Another big balloon covered with white clouds.

It was quite still and very beautiful.

She was astonished.

How strange! She thought.

There’s another balloon down there.

I hope it won’t burst.

 Answer / Questions.
1. What did Sana see on the road?
She saw shoe shops, clothes shop and fruit stalls.
2. What did Sana see in Islamabad?
She saw Faisal Mosque, the parliament house and Margalla hills.
3. What did Sana see in Pakistan?
She saw snowy mountains and great Indus River.
4. What was the second balloon?
The second balloon was the earth.
5. Do you think the first balloon will burst?
Yes, we think it can burst.
6. Do you think the second balloon will burst?
7. What do you think will happen?
 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
 Unit # 12: Snow Leopards.
 Words / Meanings / Synonyms
Words Meanings Synonyms
 Translation into Urdu.
 Paragraph # 1:
The habitat of snow leopards is cold and dangerous.
But they have adapted to the cold, snowy mountains where they live.
They have thick fur to keep them warm.
Their fur is white and grey so that other animals cannot see them
among snow and rocks.
That means they can creep up on their prey and catch their dinner.
Paragraph # 2:
Now a days, there are fewer snow leopards than there were before.
There is a danger that they will become extinct and die out.
This is partly because people hunt them.
It is also because they are fewer wild places where they can live.
 Answer / Questions.
1. What do snow leopards usually eat?
2. Why are they starting to eat farm animals?
3. How do they make their cubs warm and comfortable?
4. How long does it take them to bring up their cubs?
5. Why are snow leopards in danger?
 Words Sentences.

Words Sentences
Light Way School
Syllabus of 2nd Term Class 2nd
Pg # (9 to 38), Pg # 45, 46, 87, 103, Pg (47, 107, 109, 110, 111, 114,
119, 122, 127.
 Addition Questions. (10 to 18)
i. H T O ii. H T O iii. H T O
4 2 3 3 4 6 5 5 5
+ 5 5 + 4 4 0 + 4 2 2

iv. H T O v. H T O vi. H T O
7 1 5 3 6 1 0 3 5
+ 2 4 3 + 1 2 4 + 9 1 0

vii. H T O viii. H T O ix. H T O

4 9 2 7 1 8 4 9 1
+ 3 0 5 + 1 5 1 + 3 0 5

 Addition Questions of 3-digits. Pg 49 (10 to 18)

i. H T O ii. H T O iii. H T O
7 8 9 5 3 9 8 2 6
+ 1 2 9 + 1 7 2 + 0 7 4

iv. H T O v. H T O vi. H T O
1 8 7 4 9 5 6 8 9
+ 4 2 4 + 1 4 9 + 1 3 9

vii. H T O viii. H T O ix. H T O

7 2 4 3 6 3 4 1 6
+ 1 7 6 + 1 6 9 + 0 9 9
 Subtraction of 2-digits. Pg 54 (9 to 16)
i. 4 8 ii. 4 6 iii. 5 0
- 1 9 - 2 7 - 2 4

iv. 5 4 v. 5 7 vi. 6 3
- 2 6 - 2 8 - 3 5

vii. 6 5 viii. 6 6
- 3 9 - 4 8

Pg # 55 (4 to 6)
i. 4 8 7 ii. 5 9 1 iii. 6 9 2
- 2 5 9 - 2 8 7 - 2 5 7

Pg # 58 (11 to 20)
i. H T O ii. H T O iii. H T O
3 0 8 3 6 0 5 0 0
- 0 9 - 2 6 5 - 3 5 4

iv. H T O v. H T O vi. H T O
5 1 7 5 3 7 5 3 2
- 4 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 3 4 3

vii. H T O viii. H T O ix. H T O

6 1 3 6 6 0 7 2 1
- 3 6 4 - 4 6 5 - 6 2 7
x. H T O
7 0 4
- 5 1 5
Pg # 59 (1 to 10)
i. 14 + 9

ii. 15 + 8

iii. 14 - 4

iv. 16 - 8

v. 16 + 4

vi. 18 + 12

vii. 18 - 7

viii. 14 + 12

ix. 24 + 12

x. 28 - 17

 Pg # 62 (5 to 9)
 W/P
i. There were 236 orange trees, 247 mango trees and 69 rose trees in a
garden. How many trees were there altogether?
Orange trees = 2 3 6
Mango trees = 2 4 7
Rose plants = + 6 9
Total trees =
ii. A shopkeeper has 324 eggs. How has sold 137 eggs. How many eggs
has he left?
A shopkeeper has eggs = 3 2 4
He sold eggs = - 1 3 7
Eggs left =
iii. A cycle store had 93 cycles. There were 25 single speed bicycle and 29
were 5 speed. The rest were tricycles. How many were tricycles?
Single and 5 speed cycle = 2 5
+2 9
Total cycle =
Tricycle = 9 3
-5 4
Tricycle =

iv. Shan had 98 cards. He gave 25 cards to Faraz and 31 to Tariq. How
many cards were left with Shan.
Total cards = 98
He gave cards to Faraz = 25
He gave cards to Tariq = 38
Total cards he gave = T O
2 5
+ 3 8
So the cards he had = T O
9 8
-6 3

v. There are 56 animals’ posters at a pet store. 23 are kitten posters and
16 are dog posters the rest are of horses. How many posters are of
Kitchen posters = 2 3
Dog poster = + 1 6
Total posters =
Horse posters= 5 6
-3 9
So horse posters =
Pg # 63 – 66
i. Write two addition sums that have a sum of 75 make one of the sum
using trading.
7 0 6 2
+ 5 1 3

ii. If 185 + 279 = 464 then what is 179 + 285 =

1 7 9
+ 2 8 5

If 85 + 86 = 171, then what is 84 +87 =

8 4
+ 8 7

iii. Ali said the sum of any two numbers in the box is 100. It is true?
What are the numbers?
10 50 60 2020

8 0
+ 2 0

 What was the number before trading?

a. 4 tense 13 ones.
4 13
3 23
b. 8 tense 15 ones.
8 15
7 25
c. 5 tense 11 ones.
5 11
d. 7 tense 20 ones.
7 20
6 30
Print papers: 2
 Pg # 66
 Find the answer.
i. 50 + 50 =
ii. 70 + 70 =
7 0
7 0

iii. H T O
3 0 0
+ 3 0 0

iv. H T O
8 4
+ 6 6

v. 199 + 1 =
vi. 217 + 43 =

2 1 7
+ 4 3

vii. 318 – 9 =

3 1 8
- 9
 Ahmad used 22 parts to complete two sections of a model airplane.
What two sections did he complete?
Using = 6
Landing geal = 8
Propeller = 17
Body = 14
Body + landing geal
14 + 8
1 4
+ 8
Two sections:
 Multiplication Pg 83 (6 to 10).
i. T O ii. T O
3 3 3 3
x 2 x 3

iii. T O iv. T O
4 4 2 2
x 2 x 4

v. T O
1 2
x 4

 W/P
i. If each flower has 9 petals then how many petals are there in 10
Petal in one flower = 9
Petals in 10 flowers = 10
1 0
x 9

ii. If one bicycle has two wheels then how many wheels do in 4 bicycles
If one bicycle has wheel = 2
4 bicycle have wheels = x 4

 Pg # 88
i. 18 ÷ 2 ii. 18 ÷ 2

iii. 24 ÷ 3 iv. 24 ÷ 4

v. 60 ÷ 10 vi. 28 ÷ 4

vii. 50 ÷ 10 viii. 9 ÷ 5

 There are 15 honey bees. Divide them into 5 equal groups.

Honey bees = 15
Divide in equal groups = 5
 There are 27 lady birds divide them into 3 equal groups.
Lady birds = 27
Divide in groups = 3

 There is a group of 6 flowers. How many equal groups of 2 flowers are

Group of flowers = 6
Divide in 2 groups = 6 ÷ 2

 Divide a group of 8 cakes in 4 groups equally.

Cakes = 8
Divide in groups = 4

 Definition of triangle and rectangle.

 Triangle:

 Rectangle :

 W/P
 There are 10 goats on a farm, each goats has four legs. How many legs
the 10 goats have?
Goats = 10
Each goat has leg = x4

 There are 9 rabbits each rabbit needs 4 carrots how many carrots
should be there?
There are rabbits = 9
Each rabbit need carrots = x 4
Print Papers: 9
English +

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