Iqc Afb Slide

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Examine with a fluorescent microscope using a 25 X or 40 X

objective (a total magnification of 250 X or 400 X).
5. Confirm under oil immersion at a magnification of 450 X or 1000 X.


Kinyoun and Ziehl-Neelsen Methods:
INTENDED USE Positive Control - Mycobacteria appear red, small, slightly curved,
Remel QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control is a specifically designed, possibly beaded or banded, with tapered ends. The
unstained, ready-to-use microscope slide. It is intended to be part of a specimen/background stains blue or green depending
quality control program to monitor microbiological acid-fast stains and on the counterstain used.
staining techniques used in acid-fast stain procedures. Negative Control - Nonacid-fast organisms stain blue or green depending
on the counterstain used.
Clinical laboratory regulatory agencies and Good Laboratory Practice Auramine O Fluorescent Method:
regulations require quality control programs. The performance of Positive Control - Mycobacteria fluoresce a bright yellow-green against
equipment, reagents, methods, and techniques must be monitored and a dark background. The specimen/background
documented. QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control is a control slide for use with fluoresces pale yellow.
microbiological acid-fast stains. Negative Control - Nonacid-fast organisms will not fluoresce or may
appear pale yellow, quite distinct from the bright
Each QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control contains one circle with a simulated yellow acid-fast organisms.
sputum containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis and one circle with an
acid-fast negative organism. The smear is heat-fixed and ready for
All lot numbers of QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control have been analyzed to
verify contents. Quality control testing should be performed in
PRECAUTIONS accordance with established laboratory procedures. If aberrant quality
This product is For Laboratory Use only and should be used by properly control results are noted, test results should not be reported.
trained individuals. Precautions should be taken against the dangers of
microbiological and sharps hazards by properly sterilizing and disposing LIMITATIONS
of specimens, containers, microscope slides, and media after use. 1. Extended exposure to counterstain may result in loss of brilliance in
Directions should be read and followed carefully. fluorescent stain techniques.
2. Fluorochrome-stained smears may lose fluorescence with time.
STORAGE Examine smears within 24 hours of staining.5
Store product in its original container at room temperature until used. Do 3. The acid-fast stain is not specific for mycobacteria. Other
not freeze or expose to excess heat. Protect from light. microorganisms, such as Nocardia, Rhodococcus, Legionella,
Cryptosporidium, Isospora and other microsporidia, may stain acid-
QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control may be stained with the following 4. Rinse water containing chlorine may interfere with fluorescence. In
carbolfuchsin or fluorescent staining procedures: such instances, use demineralized water to rinse smear.5

Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin Method: BIBLIOGRAPHY

1. Forbes, B.A., D.F. Sahm, and A.S. Weissfeld. 2007. Bailey and Scott’s
1. Place QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control on a staining rack in a sink. Diagnostic Microbiology. 12th ed. Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, MO.
2. Flood with TB Kinyoun Carbolfuchsin (REF R40204) and stain for 5 2. Murray, P.R., E.J. Baron, J.H. Jorgensen, M.L. Landry, and M.A. Pfaller.
minutes. Rinse with water and drain. 2007. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 9th ed. ASM Press, Washington,
3. Decolorize with TB Decolorizer (3% Acid Alcohol) (REF R40206) for 3 D.C.
minutes. Rinse with water and drain. 3. Vestal, A.L. 1981. Procedures for the Isolation and Identification of
4. Repeat decolorization step (step 4) for 1-2 minutes or until no red Mycobacteria. U.S. Dept. of H.H.S., CDC, Atlanta, GA.
stain appears. Rinse with water and drain. 4. Kent, P.T. and G.P. Kubica. 1985. Public Health Mycobacteriology, A
5. Flood with either, TB Methylene Blue (REF R40210), TB Malachite Guide for the Level III Laboratory. U.S. Dept. of H.H.S., CDC, Atlanta, GA.
Green (REF R40208), or TB Brilliant Green (REF R40200) and stain for 5. Strong, B.E. and G.P. Kubica. 1981. Isolation and Identification of
3-4 minutes. Rinse with water and drain. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, A Guide for the Level II Laboratory. U.S.
6. Allow slide to air-dry. Do not blot. Dept. of H.H.S., CDC, Atlanta, GA.
6. Isenberg, H.D. 2004. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook. 2nd ed.
7. Examine under oil immersion (1000 X).
ASM, Washington, D.C.
Ziehl-Neelsen Carbolfuchsin Method: PACKAGING
1. Place QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control on a staining rack in a sink. REF R40144 QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control.............................10 Slides/Pk
2. Flood with TB Ziehl-Neelsen Carbolfuchsin (REF R40202) and REF R40146 QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control.............................45 Slides/Pk
steam gently for 1 minute using a Bunsen burner flame below the
rack or a slide warmer. Do not allow the slides to boil or dry out. Symbol Legend
3. Allow stain to remain on the slide for an additional 4-5 minutes
without heat. Rinse with water and drain. REF Catalog Number
4. Flood with TB Decolorizer (3% Acid Alcohol) (REF R40206) for 3
minutes. Rinse with water and drain. IVD In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device
5. Flood with TB Methylene Blue counterstain (REF R40210) for 1 LAB For Laboratory Use
minute. Rinse with water and drain.
6. Allow slide to air-dry. Do not blot. Consult Instructions for Use (IFU)
7. Examine under oil immersion (1000 X).
Temperature Limitation (Storage Temp.)
Auramine O Fluorescent Method:
1. Flood QC-Slide™ AFB Stain Control with TB Auramine O (REF LOT Batch Code (Lot Number)
R40186) and stain for 15 minutes. Rinse with water and drain.
2. Flood with TB Decolorizer (Truant-Moore) (REF R40207) for 2-3 Use By (Expiration Date)
minutes. Rinse with water and drain.
3. Flood slide with TB Potassium Permanganate counterstain QC-Slide™ is a trademark of Remel Inc.
(REF R40192) and stain for 2-4 minutes, no longer. Rinse with
water and drain. Allow slide to air dry. Do not blot. IFU 40146, Revised November 12, 2008 Printed in U.S.A.

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