- For in vitro use only - Catalogue No. SC24K
Acid-fast mycobacteria will appear as dark- Our Carbol Fuchsin Stain, Decolorizer and
pink to red bacilli against a blue background when Counterstain should be stored at room temperature and
examined microscopically. Mycobacteria are protected from light. Under these conditions they have
typically slender, 1 to 10-µm long rods that may a shelf life of 52 weeks from the date of manufacture.
appear curved or bent. Individual bacilli may
display heavily stained areas and area of alternating
stain, producing a beaded appearance. Some Ordering Information
nontuberculous mycobacteria may appear
pleomorphic, appearing as long filaments or coccoid Cat# Description Format
forms, with uniform staining. Mycobacterium SC24K-250 Carbol Fuchsin Stain Kit 3 x 250mL
kansaii are often recognized by their large size and (Ziehl-Neelson)
cross-banding appearance. [Includes stain, decolorizer & counterstain]
When a carbol fuchsin smear is read a SC25-250 Carbol Fuchsin Stain 250-mL
minimum of 300 fields should be examined before
the smear is reported as negative. To verify the SC26-250 Carbol Fuchsin Decolorizer 250-mL
(Ziehl-Neelson & Kinyoun)
staining procedure and staining intensity of the
acid-fast organisms it is recommended that a SC27-250 Carbol Fuchsin Counterstain 250-mL
positive and negative control slide be included (Ziehl-Neelson)
with each run of stains.
Non-acid-fast organisms and background
material will stain blue. References
• Rapidly growing mycobacteria may vary in 1. Baron EJ, Finegold SM. Bailey and Scott's
their ability to retain acid-fast dyes and may diagnostic microbiology. 8th ed. St. Louis:
fail to stain Mosby, 1990.
2. Isenberg HD, Ed. Clinical microbiology
• Be aware of adequate safety precautions and procedures handbook, Vol 1. Washington, DC:
procedures required when handling specimens ASM, 1992.
that are submitted for mycobacterial evaluation 3. Bloom BR, Ed. Tuberculosis: pathogenesis,
protection, and control. Washington, DC: ASM
• Mycobacterial staining should always be used 1994.
as a adjunct to culture methods since culture 4. Murray PR, Baron E, Pfaller M, Tenover F,
techniques are much more sensitive than all Yolken. Manual of clinical microbiology. 7th
acid-fast staining procedures ed. Washington, DC: ASM, 1999.
Original: December 2004
Revised / Revisited: October 2014
Quality Control