Appendix 1: Formal Initiation

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Airdrie / Rocky View Annexation Application

September 2011

Notice of Intent To Annex Land

Submitted by the City of Airdrie

March 10, 2010





LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 City of Airdrie Historical Population ...2 Lands Proposed to be Annexed (Map)...6 General Pubic Consultation Process....................10

APPENDICES Appendix A Council Minutes in support of Proposal.11

1 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

City of Airdrie Notice of Intent to Annex Lands

1.0 Background

The City of Airdrie has experienced significant population growth in recent years. The following table shows Airdries historic population figures:
Figure 1: City of Airdrie Historical Population 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009

3,872 10,431 11,424 14,506 18,306 25,606 38,091

Source: City of Airdrie Population Statistics

These figures represent a 52 percent population increase over the last ten years (1999 to 2009) and a 33 percent population increase over the last 5 years (2004 to 2009). In light of the growth pressures that both the City and Rocky View County are continuing to experience, the City and the County have been working together on a new Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) for the past 3 years. Once complete and adopted, the new IDP will identify where and how each municipality will direct and manage its respective long term growth. As the City and the County understand the importance and significance of an IDP, both municipalities have agreed that it would be mutually beneficial to update the current IDP to reflect present day realities, complete the annexation process and then work on finalizing the details of the new IDP. Attached to this document as supporting information is the following: Appendix A - City of Airdrie Council Minutes (directing staff to submit the Notice of Intent to Annex Land); Accordingly, the City of Airdrie is proposing to annex approximately +/- 4,468 hectares (ha) (+/- 11,040 acres) of land to plan for and accommodate future anticipated long term growth. IDP Process The City and the County have not updated their IDP since the annexation between the two municipalities in 2003. As such the County have agreed to amend the current IDP to reflect current have been in collaboration on the completion of a new IDP. From 2 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010 most recent City and the realities and the outset of

the IDP review process both municipalities have worked together through many discussions, the adoption of a project Terms of Reference, the hiring of a project consultant, holding multiple resident workshops and completing a draft IDP document. The draft new IDP helped identify some areas of concern by both municipalities, and it was agreed that a change in direction was required. That is, as the project moved through the process it became apparent that both municipalities required certainty with respect to their future growth corridors. Firstly, the majority of the previously annexed lands in the City of Airdrie have been planned, zoned and a significant part of those lands have been developed. The City determined that its supply of land was rapidly depleting and remaining lands would be insufficient to accommodate projected growth. The County also has significant interests and adopted plans in the Balzac area (directly south of Airdrie). As such it was agreed by both entities that a more logical approach to dealing with areas of concern would be to first determine future growth corridors as opposed to first completing a new IDP, which after annexation would be required to be amended. It should be noted that the proposed annexation and approach to IDP completion has been supported by the Intermunicipal Committee (IMC) (composed of City and County representatives) in principle. 2.0 Introduction

The City of Airdrie is proposing to expand its municipal boundaries by annexing certain lands from Rocky View County. The following document describes the Citys proposal and, in accordance with Section 116 of the Municipal Government Act: Describes the lands proposed to be annexed Presents the reasons for the proposed annexation Proposes a process for consultation and communication with the County, landowners, stakeholders and the general public 3.0 Lands Proposed to be Annexed

The lands proposed to be annexed are illustrated on Figure 2 (highlighted in red within the proposed Growth Boundary) and described below. 3.1 Area on the East Side of Airdrie (east of Highway 2) All Lands contained within: SE Sec 22; 27-29-W4 NE Sec 15; 27-29-W4 S Sec 23; 27-29-W4 SW Sec 24; 27-29-W4 3 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

N Sec 14; 27-29-W4 NW Sec 13; 27-29-W4 S Sec 13; 27-29-W4 SE Sec 14; 27-29-W4 E Sec 11; 27-29-W4 E Sec 2; 27-29-W4 Sec 12; 27-29-W4 Sec 1; 27-29-W4 SW Sec 18; 27-28-W4 W Sec 7; 27-28-W4 W Sec 6; 27-28-W4 E Sec 34; 26-29-W4 Sec 35; 26-29-W4 W Sec 36; 26-29-W4

And all portions of all intervening and adjacent roads and public utility rights-of-way. Size: +/- 2,331 hectares (+/- 5,760 acres) Land Uses in this area are primarily agricultural along with some country residential uses (including acreages, residential occupations, etc.) and the Airdrie Airport lands. 3.2 Area on the West Side of Airdrie (west of Highway 2) All Lands contained within: S Sec 26; 26-01-W5 Sec 27; 26-01-W5 Sec 34; 26-01-W5 Sec 3; 27-01-W5 Sec 10; 27-01-W5 Sec 15; 27-01-W5 S Sec 22; 27-01-W5 S Sec 23; 27-01-W5 S Sec 24; 27-01-W5 NE Sec 9; 27-01-W5 N Sec 14; 27-01-W5 N Sec 13; 27-01-W5

And all portions of all intervening and adjacent roads and public utility rights-of-way. Size: +/- 2,137 hectares (+/- 5,280 acres)

4 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

Land Uses in this area are primarily agricultural along with some country residential uses (including acreages, residential occupations, etc.).

5 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

Figure 2: Lands Proposed to be Annexed

4.0 Reasons for the Proposed Annexation 6 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

The City of Airdrie proposes this annexation for the following general reasons: 1. To provide a supply of land within the City of Airdrie to accommodate long term urban growth in accordance with the City of Airdries Municipal Development Plan and generally accepted planning practice; and 2. To allow the City of Airdrie to plan and provide for a balance of residential and commercial /industrial, ecological, and recreation development over time; and 3. To economically and feasibly provide for the extension of transportation facilities and servicing required by the City of Airdrie; and 4. The Intermunicipal Committee (IMC) for the City of Airdrie and Rocky View County has supported in principle a proposed Growth Area or Annexation Area Boundary in conformance with the proposed annexation area (as per the attached Map 1). The City of Airdrie has established policies that support the provision of maintaining a long term land supply within its corporate boundaries. Rocky View County has also established a policy environment that focuses growth within the County and identifies areas for growth. Given these plans and recognizing changing regional demographics, market considerations, and growth requirements, the City of Airdries existing land supply has been absorbed much more rapidly than anticipated. Also, working in concert with the County of Rocky View and recognizing the Alberta Land Use Framework and work of the Calgary Regional Partnership, the City of Airdrie and Rocky View County have identified areas that will enable the future growth and development requirements of both jurisdictions to proactively plan. 5.0 Proposed Public Consultation Process Due to the fact that annexation applications typically stimulate a great deal of public interest and require significant dialogue with affected parties it is important to develop a comprehensive pubic consultation process. Below is summary of the proposed public consultation process. 5.1 Stakeholders

The following groups or organizations have been identified as stakeholders (notwithstanding others that may be identified throughout the process): Rocky View County City of Airdrie City of Calgary Landowners within proposed annexation area 7 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

Landowners adjacent to proposed annexation area Citizens of both the City of Airdrie and Rocky View County Affected Utility Companies and Service Agencies (i.e. Fortis, Shaw Cable, ATCO, Telus) Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) Public School Boards Catholic School Boards Provincial Ministries (i.e. Alberta Infrastructure and Transportation, Alberta Environment, Sustainable Resource Development, Health) Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) Canada Post 5.2 Approach The City of Airdries approach for public consultation will be to continue discussions with Rocky View County and affected landowners and stakeholders prior to submitting a formal application to the Municipal Government Board. 5.3 Consultation and Communications Process The City of Airdrie and Rocky View County will cooperate and agree upon an extensive and thorough public consultation and communications process through the Intermunicipal Annexation Negotiations Committee (IANC). The IANC will be composed of Rocky View and City of Airdrie representatives (NOTE: It should be noted that composition of the committee is still to be determined by the respective Councils and the Intermunicipal Committee). Consultation and communication methods used at various project milestones (i.e. initiation, notification of specific public engagement events and completion/outcome of process) throughout an extensive public consultation process may include some or all of the following (to be determined by IANC): News Releases (advertised in both jurisdictions) A City of Airdrie / Rocky View County Annexation website o Outlining process o News Releases o Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) o Public Engagement Events o General Educational Information o Comments section o Contacts General mail-outs Electronic mail-outs 8 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

Public meetings Landowner meetings (one on one, if required) Stakeholder meetings (one on one, if required) Open House meetings Non-Statutory Public Council Hearings The following table (see Figure 3) illustrates a general example of the public consultation process and the key periods when the City would contact specific audiences (NOTE: It should be noted that this sample general process will need to be further refined and supported by the IANC prior to commencement of an extensive public consultation process. The below table is only an example).

Figure 3 Sample Public Consultation Process

9 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

Process Submit Notice of Intent to Annex

Consultation/Communication Required News release Mail-out as per MGA Updates via mail, e-mail, and/or website to landowners and stakeholders at key points as necessary Copies sent to Rocky View County and local authorities Follow-up letter to landowners stakeholders News release for general public and

Negotiations/Application Process

Report on Application


Municipal Government Board Decision

Stakeholders Landowners Letter informing landowners of the submission of the Notice of Intent. Include information on relevant documents, timeline, input opportunities, and contacts. Provide position papers and information on various topics (i.e. taxes, future land uses, servicing, etc.) Host landowner meeting to present information on proposal, answer questions and gather feedback Possible 2nd series of landowner meetings Follow up on a one on one basis, as needed Provide copies of relevant information as needed Letter providing information and asking for feedback Information posted on City website Follow up on a one on one basis, as needed News releases, as necessary City website section with FAQs, position papers, progress, and contact information Newspaper ads asking for public comments Personal follow up on inquiries


General Public

Appendix A City of Airdrie Council Minutes 10 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

11 Notice of Intent to Annex Land March 10, 2010

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