Genesis Phoenix RC Aircraft Manual
Genesis Phoenix RC Aircraft Manual
Genesis Phoenix RC Aircraft Manual
. (2) Wing halves with ailerons . (2) Control horn
. (1) Fuselage with canopy . (2) M2 metal clevises
. (1) Horizontal stabilizer with elevator halves . (2) Silicone tube
. (1) Vertical stabilizer with rudder . (2) Nylon snap keepper
. (1) Cowling . (4) 2mm x 16mm wood screw
. (1) Decal sheet . (8) 2mm x 10mm wood screw
. (1) Instruction manual . (2) 1.7mm x 180mm metal pushrod
To avoid scratching your new airplane, do not unwrap
the pieces until they are needed for assembly. Cover 1
your workbench with an old towel or brown paper,
both to protect the aircraft and to protect the table.
Keep a couple of jars or bowls handy to hold the
small parts after you open the bag. INSTALLING THE AILERONS
1. Test fit the ailerons to the wing with the hinges.
NOTE: If the hinges don’t remain centered, stick a pin
through the middle of the hinge to hold it in
Please trial fit all the parts. Make sure you have the position.
correct parts and that they fit and are aligned properly
before gluing! This will assure proper assembly. The TEMPORARY PIN
GENESIS is hand made from natural materials, TO KEEP HINGE
every plane is unique and minor adjustments may CENTERED
have to be made. However, you should find the fit
superior and assembly simple.
The painted and plastic parts used in this kit are fuel
proof. However, they are not tolerant of many harsh
chemicals including the following: paint thinner, C/A
glue accelerator, C/A glue debonder and acetone. Do
not let these chemicals come in contact with the
colors on the covering and the plastic parts.
2. Apply six drops of thin CA to the top and bottom
of each hinge. Do not use CA accelerator. After
SAFETY PRECAUTION: the CA has fully hardened, test the hinges by
pulling on the aileron.
• This is not a toy
• Be sure that no other flyers are using your radio
• Do not smoke near fuel
• Store fuel in a cool, dry place, away from
children and pets.
• Wear safety glasses.
• The glow plug clip must be securely attached to
the glow plug.
• Do not flip the propeller with your fingers.
• Keep loose clothing and wires away from the propeller.
• Do not start the engine if people are near. Do not CA glue
stand in line with the side of the propeller.
• Make engine adjustments from behind the propeller 2
only. Do not reach around the spinning propeller.
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INSTALLING THE AILERON SERVOS 5. Place the aileron servo tray / hatch into the
servo box on the bottom of the wing and drill
1. Install the rubber grommets and brass eyelets 1,6mm pilot holes through the tray and the
onto the aileron servo. servo box for each of the four mounting screws.
Secure the servo tray in place using the
2. Using a modeling knife, remove the covering mounting screws provided ( 2mm x 12mm ).
from over the pre-cut servo arm exit hole on the
aileron servo tray / hatch. This hole will allow
the servo arm to pass through when installing
the aileron pushrods.
Servo lead
5 8
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3. Repeat step # 1 - # 2 to install the control horn 8. Insert the 90 degree bend down through the
on the opposite aileron. hole in the servo arm. Install one nylon snap
keeper over the wire to secure it to the arm.
Install the servo arm retaining screw and
remove the masking tape from the aileron.
Silicone Tube
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3. Glue the plastic part by C.A glue.
Aluminum collar
7. Secure the wheel.
4. Attach the metal rod to the retract gear.
Metal pushrod
Clevis 19
Machine screw
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6. Attach the wing to the fuselage as picture.
Plastic screw
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9. After the epoxy has fully cured, remove the
masking tape or T-pins used to hold the
stabilizer in place and carefully inspect the glue
joints. Use more epoxy to fill in any gaps that
were not filled previously and clean up the
excess using a paper towel and rubbing alcohol.
10. Repeat step 1 - step 5 from the installing
aileron for the installing elevator.
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33 36
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5. Test fit the stopper assembly into the tank. It
may be necessary to remove some of the
flashing around the tank opening using a
modeling knife. If flashing is present, make
sure none of it falls into the tank.
6. When satisfied with the alignment of the stopper
assembly tighten the 3mm x 20mm machine
screw until the rubber stopper expands and
seals the tank opening. Do not over tighten the
assembly as this could cause the tank to split.
7. Using a modeling knife, cut 3 lengths of fuel line
37 150mm long. Connect 2 lines to the 2 vent
tubes and 1 line to the fuel pickup tube in the
8. Feed three lines through the fuel tank
compartment and through the pre-drilled hole in
the firewall. Pull the lines out from behind the
engine, while guiding the fuel tank into place.
Push the fuel tank as far forward as possible,
10 down thrust
the front of the tank should just about touch the
20 right thrust back of the firewall.
Blow through one of the lines to ensure the fuel
lines have not become kinked inside the fuel
tank compartment. Air should flow through
FUEL TANK easily.
! Do not secure the tank into place permanently
INSTALLING THE STOPPER ASSEMBLY until after balancing the airplane. You may
need to remove the tank to mount the battery in
1. The stopper has been pre-assembled at the the fuel tank compartment.
9. To secure the fuel tank in place, apply a bead of
2. Using a modeling knife, cut one length of silicon silicon sealer to the forward area of the tank,
fuel line (the length of silicon fuel line is where it exits the fuselage behind the engine
calculated by how the weighted clunk should mounting box and to the rear of the tank at the
rest about 8mm away from the rear of the tank forward bulkhead.
and move freely inside the tank). Connect one
end of the line to the weighted clunk and the
other end to the nylon pick up tube in the
3. Carefully bend the second nylon tube up at a 45
degree angle (using a cigarette lighter). This
tube will be the vent tube to the muffler. CA glue
To carburator
To vent Tube
To muffler
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1. Install the rubber grommets and brass collets
into the elevator, rudder and throttle servos.
Test fit the servos into the servo tray. Trim the
tray if necessary to fit your servos
2. Mount the servos to the tray using the mounting
screws provided with your radio system. Control horn elevator
Elevator servo
Throttle servo
Rudder servo 40
4. Install the clevis into the two elevator pushrod. 10. Plug the elevator servo into the receiver and
Make sure 6mm of thread shows inside the clevis. center the servo. Install the servo arm onto the
servo. The servo arm should be perpendicular
5. The control horn should be mounted on the to the servo and point toward the middle of the
bottom, left side and right side of the elevator at fuselage.
the leading edge, in line with the elevator pushrod.
11. Be sure both elevator halves are flat. Slightly
6. Drill two holes through the elevator using the adjust the wire joiner if necessary. Center both
control horn as a guide and screw the control elevator halves and hold them in place using a
horn in place. couple of pieces of masking tape.
7. Attach clevis to the hole in the control horn.
Install a silicone tube on the clevis. 12. With the elevator halves and elevator servo
centered, carefully place a mark on the elevator
pushrod wire where it crosses the hole in the
servo arm.
13. Using pliers, carefully make a 90 degree bend
up at the mark made. Cut off the excess wire,
Control horn Control horn leaving about 8mm beyond the bend.
14. Insert the 90 degree bend up through the hole
in the servo arm, install one nylon snap keeper
over the wire to secure it to the arm. Install the
servo arm retaining screw and remove the
masking tape the elevator halves.
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8. Locate one nylon servo arm, and using wire
cutters, remove all but one of the arms using a
2mm drill bit, enlarge the third hole out from the
Metal domino center to accommodate the rudder pushrod
9. Plug the rudder servo into the receiver and
center the servo. Install the servo arm onto the
10. Center the rudder and hold it in place using a
piece of masking tape.
44 11. With the rudder and rudder servo centered,
carefully place a mark on the rudder pushrod
wire where it crosses the hole in the servo arm.
12. Using a pliers, carefully make a 90 degree
1. Locate the pushrod exit slot on the right of the
bend up at the mark made. Cut off excess wire,
leaving about 8mm beyond the bend.
2. Carefully cut away the covering material from
the slot. 13. Insert the 90 degree bend up through the hole
in the servo arm. Install one nylon snap keeper
3. Working from inside the fuselage, slide the over the wire to secure it to the arm. Install the
threaded end of the remaining pushrod down servo arm retaining screw and remove the
the inside of the fuselage until the pushrod masking tape from the rudder.
reaches the exit slot. Carefully reach in with a
small screw driver and guide the pushrod out of
the exit slot.
4. Install the clevis on the rudder pushrod. Make
sure 6mm of thread shows inside the clevis.
5. The control horn should be mounted on the left
side of the rudder at the leading edge, in line
with the rudder pushrod.
6. Drill two holes through the rudder using the
control horn as a guide and screw the control
horn in place. Rudder servo
Throttle servo
1. Remove the muffler and needle valve INSTALLING THE SPINNER
assembly from the engine. Slide the fiberglass
Install the spinner back-plate, propeller and
cowl over the engine.
spinner cone. The spinner cone is held in place
2. Measure and mark the locations to be cut out using two 3mm x 15mm wood screws.
for engine head clearance, needle valve, ! The propeller should not touch any part of the
muffler,. Remove the cowl and make these
spinner cone. If it dose, use a sharp modeling
cutouts using a rotary tool with a cutting disc
knife and carefully trim away the spinner cone
and a rotary sanding drum attachment.
where the propeller comes in contact with it.
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3. Position the battery pack and receiver behind
the fuel tank. Use the two light plywood pieces,
placed over the battery and receiver and glue 1. It is critical that your airplane be balanced
to the fuselage sides to hold the battery and correctly. Improper balance will cause your
receiver securely in place. Use 15mm triangle plane to lose control and crash.
pieces glued between the fuselage sides and
the plywood pieces to reinforce the joints. THE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS LOCATED
! Do not permanently secure the receiver and OF THE WING, AT THE FUSELAGE.
battery until after balancing the model.
2. Mount the wing to the fuselage. Using a couple
4. Using a 2mm drill bit, drill a hole through the of pieces of masking tape, place them on the
side of the fuselage, near the receiver, for the top side of the wing 65mm back from the
antenna to exit. leading edge, at the fuselage sides.
3. Turn the airplane upside down. Place your
INSTALLING THE SWITCH fingers on the masking tape and carefully lift
1. The switch should be mounted on the fuselage the plane .
side, opposite the muffler, close enough to the 4. If the nose of the plane falls, the plane is heavy
receiver so the lead will reach. Use the face nose. To correct this first move the battery pack
plate of the switch cut out and locate the further back in the fuselage. If this is not
mounting holes. possible or does not correct it, stick small
2. Cut out the switch hole using a modeling knife. amounts of lead weight on the fuselage under
Use a 2mm drill bit and drill out the two the horizontal stabilizer. If the tail of the plane
mounting holes through the fuselage side. falls, the plane is tail heavy. To correct this,
move the battery and receiver forward or if this
3. Secure the switch in place using the two is not possible, stick weight into the firewall.
machine screws provided with the radio When balanced correctly, the airplane should
system. sit level or slightly nose down when you lift it up
with your fingers.
open and close the canopy After you have balanced a plane on the C.G.
! You should laterally balance it. Doing this will
help the airplane track straighter.
1. Turn the airplane upside down. Attach one loop
of heavy string to the engine crankshaft and
one to the tail wheel wire. With the wings level,
carefully lift the airplane by the string. This may
require two people to make it easier.
2. If one side of the wing fall, that side is heavier
than the opposite. Add small amounts of lead
weight to the bottom side of the lighter wing
half's wing tip. Follow this procedure until the
Screw wing stays level when you lift the airplane.
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1. We highly recommend setting up a plane using
the control throws listed.
2. The control throws should be measured at the
widest point of each control surface.
3. Check to be sure the control surfaces move in
the correct directions.
10mm 1. Completely charge your transmitter and receiver
batteries before your first day of flying.
Aileron Control 2. Check every bolt and every glue joint in your
plane to ensure that everything is tight and well
12mm 3. Double check the balance of the airplane
4. Check the control surface
Elevator Control 5. Check the receiver antenna . It should be fully
extended and not coiled up inside the fuselage.
30mm 6. Properly balance the propeller.
Rudder Control
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Switch on the receiver. ALWAYS take off into the wind. Switch off the transmitter.
Made in Vietnam