57 - Cap 232

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Instruction Manual

Wingspan : 2070 mm (81.5 inch)

Length : 1870 mm (73.6 inches)

Weight : 7000 g - 7500 g

Engine : Recommended DA 50 cc

Radio : 6 - 8 channels / 8 servos

Instruction Manual CAP 232

KIT CONTENTS: We have organized the parts as they come out of the box for better identification
during assembly. We recommend that you regroup the parts in the same manner. This will ensure you
have all of parts required before you begin assembly.

(2) Main gear (2) Nylon control horn A (1) 1,3mm x 600mm metal rod
(2) 100mm Wheel (3) 2mm x 30mm screw (1) 3,5mm x 350mm plastic tube
(2) Wheel pant (3) 2mm nut (1) Metal connector
(4) 6mm x 20mm screw (2) 3mm x 30mm screw (1) 4mm x 4mm screw
(4) 16mm washer (2) 3mm nut
(6) Collar (2) Nylon clasp FUEL TANK
(4) 3mm x 4mm screw (2) 1200mm cable (1) Fuel tank
(2) 16mm washer (4) Lock metal (1) Metal clunk
(2) Alxe (4) Metal control (1) Stopper
(2) 6mm nut (12) 3mm nut (1) 80mm x 125mm foam
(4) Metal clevis M3
(1) Tail gear (4) 6mm washer
(1) Aluminum dihedral
(1) 35mm wheel (4) Black nylon control
(2) 6mm x 40mm screw
(3) 3mm collar (4) Aluminum control
(2) 16mm washer
(3) 3mm x 4mm screw (4) Metal connector M3
(6) 2,6mm x 10mm screw
(2) Nylon clasp (1) 25mm x 600mm red trim tape
(3) 2mm x 10mm screw AILERON CONTROL AND LINKAGE SYSTEM (1) 25mm x 600mm grey trim tape
(4) Nylon control horn (1) 800mm carbon rod
ELEVATOR CONTROL (4) Nylon clasp (4) 16mm washer
AND LINKAGE SYSTEM (4) 2mm x 30mm screw (1) Cowling
(6) 2mm x 30mm screw (4) 2mm nut (1) Decal sheet
(6) 2mm nut (4) 3mm x 30mm screw (1) Manuel book
(2) 3mm x 30mm screw (4) 3mm nut
(2) 3mm nut (8) 3mm x 35mm screw
(2) Nylon clasp (8) 3mm nut
(2) Nylon control horn A (4) Black nylon control
(2) Nylon control horn B (4) Aluminum control
(2) Metal clevis M3 (8) Metal connector M3
(6) 3mm nut (8) 3mm nut
(4) Metal connector M3 (4) Metal clevis M3
(2) Black nylon control (4) 3mm x 12mm screw
(2) Aluminum control (4) 6mm washer
(2) 3mm x 12mm screw (4) 3mm nut
(2) 6mm washer

Instruction Manual CAP 232

1 Installing the aileron servos.

1 2

Remove the covering from the top of the wing. Remove the covering from the aileron servo box.

3 4

Using the collars and prepare the thread as a guide. Insert the thread into the wing.

5 6

Tape the servo lead into the end of the thread. Pull the servo lead out.

7 8

Using the masking tape, tape the servo lead onto the top of Secure the aileron servo.
the wing.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

9 10

Make the same way to install the second aileron servo. Using the masking tape, tape the servo lead onto the top of
the wing.
11 12

Make the same way to install the second aileron servo. Make the same way to install two aileron servo for the
second wing.
2 Installing the aileron control horn.
13 14

The aileron control horn. Mark four holes from the control horn onto the bottom of
the aileron and INLINE with the servo arm.


Install the control horn and install the nylon control clasp.

Instruction Manual CAP 232



Make the same way to install the second control horn.

3 Installing the aileron linkages.

17 18

One set of the aileron pushrod. Attach the metal connector into the nylon clasp.

19 20

Attach the metal clevis into the metal connector. Install the nylon clasp into the servo arm.

21 22

Cut away the carbon fiber pushrod. Using the C.A glue - glue the aileron pushrod.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

23 24

Cut away the screw. Make the same way to install the second aileron pushrod.


Make the same way for the second wing.

4 Joining the wing halves.

26 27

Center line

Draw a center line. Glue the wing joiner to the wing, using the epoxy glue.

28 29

Apply the epoxy onto the wing section. Joining the wing.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

30 31

Apply the trim tape to the center section of the wing Apply the trim tape to the center section of the wing where
where they join. they join.
5 Installing the horizontal stabilizer and the vertical stabilizer.
32 33

Center line

Make a center line onto the horizontal. Remove the covering from the rear of the fuselage.


C1 C2

C1 = C2

Attach the horizontal to the fuselage and check it.

35 36

Mark the shape of the fuselage onto the bottom of the Remove the covering from the bottom of the horizontal.
Instruction Manual CAP 232

37 38

Remove the covering from the rear of the vertical. Remove the covering from the slot of the fuselage.

39 40

Attach the horizontal and the vertical to the fuselage and Mark the shape of the vertical onto the top of the horizontal.
insert the hinge into the slot.

41 42

Remove the covering from the top of the horizontal. Glue the horizontal into the fuselage by epoxy.


a1 a2

a1 = a2

Glue the vertical into the fuselage by epoxy and also glue
the hinge of rudder.

Instruction Manual CAP 232



6 Installing the tail gear.

45 46

The tail gear. Install the wheel and the collars into the tail gear.

47 48

Make the slot onto the bottom of the rudder. Glue two nylon clasp by C.A glue into the rudder.

49 50

Install the tail gear. Secure the tail gear.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

7 Installing the landing gear.

51 52

The full set of the landing gear. Install the wheel into the axle.

53 54

Drill and cut the wheel pant. Install the axle, the wheel pant into the main gear and secure
55 56

Remove the covering on the fuselage. Install the landing gear and secure it.

8 Installing the elevator linkages.

57 58

The control horn and linkages of the elevator. Remove the covering from the elevator servo box.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

59 60

Secure the elevator servo in place. Install the nylon control clasp.



Secure the control horn onto the elevator (Note: the control
must be INLINE with the servo arm the elevator servo).



Cut away the screw.

63 64

Attach the metal connector into the nylon control clasp. Attach the metal connector into the metal clevis.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

65 66

Install the nylon clasp into the servo arm. Cut away the carbon fiber pushrod.

67 68

Secure the servo arm. Using the C.A glue - Glue the elevator pushrod.


Make the same way for the second elevator servo.

9 Installing the rudder linkages.

70 71

The control horn of the rudder. One cable set.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

72 73

Install the first control horn. Install the nylon control clasp.




Control horn

Install two nylon control horn in place.

(Note: the nylon clasp must be level with the exits cable)




Control horn

Cut away the screws.

76 77

Remove the covering from the slot. Prepare the cable.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

78 79

Insert the cable into the plastic tube. Attach the metal clevis into the nylon control horn.

80 81

Lock the cable. Make the same way for the second cable.

82 83

Install the rudder servo. Install the servo arm.

84 85

Lock the cable. Install the second rudder servo.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

86 87

Prepare two carbon pushrod. Connect the second rudder servo into the first rudder servo.


Secure the servo arm.

10 Installing the engine (In this section - we use the DA 50cc gas engine).
89 90

Drill four holes for the engine mount. Install the engine mount.

91 92

Drill and install the plastic tube for throttle. Install the engine.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

93 94

Prepare the choke. Secure the muffler.

11 Installing the fuel tank.

95 96

Cut away the fuel tube. Prepare the stopper for the tank.

97 98

Install the stopper to the tank. Secure the stopper.

99 100

Install the silicone tube of the tank (not included). Install the fuel tank in place and secure it.

Instruction Manual CAP 232

12 Installing the throttle servo.

101 102

Install the throttle servo. Install the metal connector.


Secure the throttle rod.

13 Installing the switch.

104 105

Install the radio switch. Install the engine switch (if neccessary).

Fuel tank Radio switch Battery

Engine switch Receiver


Instruction Manual CAP 232

14 Installing the cowling.

107 108



Cut out the fiber glass (for cooling the engine). Glue the plywood into the fuselage.


Secure the cowling.

15 Installing the wing.

110 111

Screws. Remove the covering from the bottom and the top of the

Secure the wing.

Instruction Manual CAP 232


1. It is critical that your airplane be balanced correctly. 1. We highly recommend setting up a plane using the
Improper balance will cause your plane to lose control throws listed.
control and crash.
2. The control throws should be measured at the widest
THE CENTER OF GRAVITY IS LOCATED 150mm point of each control surface.
BACK FROM THE LEADING EDGE OF THE 3. Check to be sure the control surfaces move in the
WING, AT THE FUSELAGE. correct directions.
2. Mount the wing to the fuselage. Using a couple of Low rate:
pieces of masking tape, place them on the top side
of the wing 150mm back from the leading edge, at Aileron 35mm up 35mm down
the fuselage sides. Elevator 70mm up 70mm down
Rudder 60mm right 60mm left
3. Turn the airplane upside down. Place your fingers on
the masking tape and carefully lift the plane .
High rate:
4. If the nose of the plane falls, the plane is nose
Aileron 70mm up 70mm down
heavy. To correct this first move the battery pack
further back in the fuselage. If this is not possible or Elevator 110mm up 110mm down
does not correct it, stick small amounts of lead Rudder 130mm right 130mm left
weight on the fuselage under the horizontal
stabilizer. If the tail of the plane falls, the plane is tail
heavy. To correct this, move the battery and
receiver forward or if this is not possible, stick
weight into the firewall. When balanced correctly, 35mm
the airplane should sit level or slightly nose down
when you lift it up with your fingers.
Aileron Control


Elevator Control


Rudder Control

After you have balanced a plane on the C.G. You
! should laterally balance it. Doing this will help the FLIGHT PREPARATION PRE FLIGHT CHECK
airplane track straighter. 1. Completely charge your transmitter and receiver
batteries before your first day of flying.
1. Turn the airplane upside down. Attach one loop of 2. Check every bolt and every glue joint in your plane
heavy string to the engine crankshaft and one to the
tail wheel wire. With the wings level, carefully lift to ensure that everything is tight and well bonded.
the airplane by the string. This may require two 3. Double check the balance of the airplane
people to make it easier.
4. Check the control surface
2. If one side of the wing fall, that side is heavier than 5. Check the receiver antenna . It should be fully
the opposite. Add small amounts of lead weight to
the bottom side of the lighter wing half's wing tip. extended and not coiled up inside the fuselage.
Follow this procedure until the wing stays level 6. Properly balance the propeller.
when you lift the airplane.


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