Enhancing Smart Irrigation System Based On IoT
Enhancing Smart Irrigation System Based On IoT
Enhancing Smart Irrigation System Based On IoT
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Smart irrigation systems based on the a combination of hardware and software components,
Internet of Things (IoT) have gained significant attention including IoT sensors, communication protocols, and
in recent years due to their potential to increase control algorithms.
efficiency and reduce water consumption in agriculture.
In this system, IoT sensors are used to collect data on soil The first step in the design process was to identify the
moisture, weather conditions, and other relevant factors, sensors required to collect data on soil moisture levels,
which is then analyzed by a control system to determine weather conditions, and other relevant factors. We selected
the optimal irrigation schedule. This results in improved sensors based on their accuracy, reliability, and
crop yields, reduced water waste, and lower costs for compatibility with the IoT platform used in the system. The
farmers. This paper provides an overview of the design, sensors were installed in the field and connected to a central
implementation, and performance of a smart irrigation control system through wireless communication protocols.
system based on IoT, including its architecture, sensors,
communication protocols, and control algorithms. The The control system was designed to process the data
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in collected by the sensors and determine the optimal irrigation
improving irrigation efficiency and crop yields while schedule based on pre-defined rules and algorithms. The
reducing water consumption. system used machine learning techniques to analyze the data
and adjust the irrigation schedule in real-time to respond to
Keywords:- Internet of Things, Smart irrigation, Arduino changing environmental conditions.
Uno , Smart Agriculture.
After the system was designed and implemented, we
I. INTRODUCTION conducted a performance evaluation to assess its
effectiveness in improving irrigation efficiency and crop
The increasing demand for food production to meet the yields. The evaluation involved comparing the performance
needs of the growing population has put significant pressure of the smart irrigation system with that of a traditional
on water resources. Irrigation accounts for a large proportion irrigation system based on manual scheduling.
of global water consumption, making it a critical area for
water conservation and efficiency improvement. Smart To evaluate the performance of the system, we
irrigation systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT) have measured the amount of water used, the crop yields, and the
emerged as a promising solution to this challenge. These overall efficiency of the irrigation process. The results
systems utilize IoT sensors and control systems to optimize showed that the smart irrigation system based on IoT was
irrigation scheduling and reduce water waste, thereby significantly more efficient in terms of water usage and crop
improving crop yields and reducing costs for farmers. yields compared to the traditional irrigation system.