Enhancing Smart Irrigation System Based On IoT

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Enhancing Smart Irrigation System based on IoT

Dr. S.Harshavardhan Naidu1
Associate Professor and Students
Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College

Abstract:- Smart irrigation systems based on the a combination of hardware and software components,
Internet of Things (IoT) have gained significant attention including IoT sensors, communication protocols, and
in recent years due to their potential to increase control algorithms.
efficiency and reduce water consumption in agriculture.
In this system, IoT sensors are used to collect data on soil The first step in the design process was to identify the
moisture, weather conditions, and other relevant factors, sensors required to collect data on soil moisture levels,
which is then analyzed by a control system to determine weather conditions, and other relevant factors. We selected
the optimal irrigation schedule. This results in improved sensors based on their accuracy, reliability, and
crop yields, reduced water waste, and lower costs for compatibility with the IoT platform used in the system. The
farmers. This paper provides an overview of the design, sensors were installed in the field and connected to a central
implementation, and performance of a smart irrigation control system through wireless communication protocols.
system based on IoT, including its architecture, sensors,
communication protocols, and control algorithms. The The control system was designed to process the data
results demonstrate the effectiveness of the system in collected by the sensors and determine the optimal irrigation
improving irrigation efficiency and crop yields while schedule based on pre-defined rules and algorithms. The
reducing water consumption. system used machine learning techniques to analyze the data
and adjust the irrigation schedule in real-time to respond to
Keywords:- Internet of Things, Smart irrigation, Arduino changing environmental conditions.
Uno , Smart Agriculture.
After the system was designed and implemented, we
I. INTRODUCTION conducted a performance evaluation to assess its
effectiveness in improving irrigation efficiency and crop
The increasing demand for food production to meet the yields. The evaluation involved comparing the performance
needs of the growing population has put significant pressure of the smart irrigation system with that of a traditional
on water resources. Irrigation accounts for a large proportion irrigation system based on manual scheduling.
of global water consumption, making it a critical area for
water conservation and efficiency improvement. Smart To evaluate the performance of the system, we
irrigation systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT) have measured the amount of water used, the crop yields, and the
emerged as a promising solution to this challenge. These overall efficiency of the irrigation process. The results
systems utilize IoT sensors and control systems to optimize showed that the smart irrigation system based on IoT was
irrigation scheduling and reduce water waste, thereby significantly more efficient in terms of water usage and crop
improving crop yields and reducing costs for farmers. yields compared to the traditional irrigation system.

In this paper, we present an overview of a smart

irrigation system based on IoT, which can help address the
issues of water scarcity and food security. The system
collects real-time data on soil moisture levels, weather
conditions, and other relevant factors through IoT sensors,
which is then processed by a control system to determine the
optimal irrigation schedule. By using this approach, farmers
can save water resources and reduce the environmental
impact of their operations while improving the quality and
quantity of their crops.


The methodology of our study involved designing,

implementing, and evaluating a smart irrigation system
based on IoT. The system architecture was developed using Fig 1 Block Diagram

IJISRT23JUN983 www.ijisrt.com 1438

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The power supply provides the necessary electrical
 Arduino Uno power to the entire system. It typically converts an AC
Arduino is a tool for building computers that are more power source (such as mains power) to the appropriate DC
physically aware and capable than a desktop computer. It is voltage required for the components.
a physical computing platform that is open-source and based
on a straightforward microcontroller board, together with a
development environment for creating applications for the
board. We will employ an Arduino Uno in our project. An
ATmega328-based microcontroller board is the Arduino
Uno. It contains 6 analogue inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB port, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a
reset button. It also has 14 digital input/output pins, six of
which can be used as PWM outputs. Simply use a USB
cable to connect to a computer or an AC-to-DC power
adapter to power it; it comes with everything needed to
support the microcontroller.

 Soil Moisture Sensor

A soil moisture sensor is an electronic device that
measures the moisture content in soil. It is commonly used
in various applications such as agriculture,gardening, and Fig 2 Component set up
environmental monitoring to determine when to water plants
or crops. The sensor provides information about the IV. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION
moisture level in the soil, enabling users to make informed
decisions regarding irrigation and water management.Soil  Arduino IDE Software
moisture sensors are designed to be inserted into the soil at The Arduino Integrated Development Environment
the desired depth. The sensor consists of one or more (IDE) is a software platform used to write and upload code
electrodes that come in contact with the soil. The electrodes to Arduino microcontroller boards. It is available for free
detect the electrical or dielectric properties of the soil, which download and can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, and
are then converted into a moisture reading. Linux operating systems.

 Humidity Sensor The Arduino IDE provides a simple, user-friendly

A humidity sensor, also known as a hygrometer, is a interface that makes it easy to write, compile, and upload
device that measures the moisture content or relative code to an Arduino board. It includes a code editor with
humidity (RH) in the air. Humidity sensors are used in syntax highlighting, automatic code completion, and error
various applications, including weather monitoring, HVAC highlighting, making it easy to write and debug code.
systems, industrial processes, and consumer electronics.
They provide valuable data about the moisture levels in the The IDE also includes a serial monitor that allows you
environment, enabling control systems to make informed to view the output of your Arduino board and send data to it
decisions and adjustments. Humidity sensors come in in real-time. This can be especially useful when developing
various forms, including standalone sensors, integrated projects that interact with sensors or other hardware.
modules, or integrated into other devices. They consist of a
sensing element or a combination of sensing elements, along In addition to the basic features, the Arduino IDE can
with supporting circuitry for signal processing and output. be extended with a variety of plugins and libraries to add
functionality and make programming easier. Overall, it is a
 PIR Sensor versatile and powerful tool for developing projects with
A PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor, also known as a Arduino boards.
motion sensor or motion detector, is a device that detects the
presence of humans or animals by sensing changes in V. RESULTS
infrared radiation emitted by objects in its field of view. PIR
sensors are widely used in various applications, including Overall, the results of the project demonstrated the
security systems, automatic lighting systems, and energy- successful enhancement of the smart irrigation system based
saving devices. Here are some key aspects of PIR on IoT. By incorporating Arduino with soil moisture,
sensors.PIR sensors find applications in security systems to humidity, and PIR sensors, the system achieved efficient
detect intruders, triggering alarms or notifying authorities. water usage, improved irrigation practices, and promoted
They are also used in automatic lighting systems to turn on sustainable agriculture. The project's outcomes lay the
lights when motion is detected, improving energy efficiency. foundation for further advancements in precision agriculture
Additionally, PIR sensors can be integrated into home and the widespread adoption of IoT-based smart irrigation
automation systems, occupancy detection systems, and other systems.
applications where motion detection is required.

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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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