WasteWater Treatment
WasteWater Treatment
WasteWater Treatment
Technical Seminar On
Presented by
Akshay Kumar P (1EE20CS001)
Surface water, such as rivers, the ocean, or groundwater are both possible
destinations for discharge.
IIoT devices collect a large amount of exchanged information that has grown in
volume, diversity, and complication.
In this paper, They propose a new industrial IoT cloud-based model for real-time wastewater
monitoring and controlling.
The proposed system monitors the power of hydrogen (pH) and temperature parameters from the
wastewater inlet that will be treated in the wastewater treatment plant.
The system collects and uploads real-time sensor readings to the cloud via an IIoT Wi-Fi Module.
Additionally, it reports observed or identified unexpected industrial wastewater inlets via SMS
notifications and alarms and controls the valves of the gates.
The proposed framework for monitoring and
controlling industrial wastewater discharged into
wastewater treatment plants by collecting data on
wastewater parameters such as temperature and pH.
The collected data for wastewater parameters (temperature and pH) from wastewater pumping
stations to wastewater treatment plants is sent to a database server.
General environment of the IoT proposed system .
The IoT module will control the plant’s inlet valves based
On sensors data to prevent industrial wastewater from entering
when the sensors readings exceed the setpoint, an alarm
message is sent to the phone using a GSM module, and a
sound alarm is played in the Plant.
When the user detects warnings from one of the pumping stations, he can control the inlet
valves remotely by sending a command to the server via the monitoring screen, which is received
by the IoT module, and the user can predict when the industrial wastewater will arrive at the
treatment station.
NodeMcu Esp8266. GSM MODULE SIM
The Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a Java-based cross-platform
framework for programming language processing and wiring projects derived from the IDE
The proposed system uses the Arduino IDE platform to write the system’s programming code,
then compiles and uploads the program to the NodeMcu Esp8266 module.
Visual Studio is a useful tool for writing, debugging, and creating code, and also publishing
The proposed system uses the Visual Studio platform to develop a web site for monitoring
real-time data and controlling the equipment remotely via the cloud, as well as building
reports for data analysis.
Three main actors are used to design a RESTful HTTP interface: an IoT gateway device acting as an
TTP client, a RESTful HTTP server, and a Database.
1. First, the IoT devices send the sensor data they have collected in the form of an HTTP request.
2. The HTTP server then stores the sensor data in the database and returns a response indicating that
the operation was completed successfully.
3. To send control commands, the user
sends the command through the
monitoring dashboard, then is
uploaded to the database, and the IoT
device will receive it via RESTful
HTTP requests.
Hardware Prototype
Predictive maintenance
Improved decision-making
Remote management
Implementation costs
Connectivity dependence
Security risks
Technical expertise
The Proposed Model is to create a small, economical, flexible, easily configurable, and portable
system that could monitor, and control industrial wastewater discharged into wastewater
treatment plants and prevent damage in the treatment process and equipment and protect the
workers which are not qualified to deal with such type of water. The system can achieve
reliability and feasibility in the monitoring processing by verifying the parameters of water and
the warnings notifications which made the system more flexible and controllable.
More water parameters will hopefully be added in future work so that all water parameters can
be analyzed. Further improvisation will develop a custom dashboard using the mobile
application would be ideal for such application in consumer networks.
Machine learning will be used to supplement the system, which will be a terrific addition to the
system in keeping with the current developments in the world.
Thank You