Kozlowski Diff Eq Comm Math 2013
Kozlowski Diff Eq Comm Math 2013
Kozlowski Diff Eq Comm Math 2013
2 (2013), 113-133
Wojciech. M. Kozlowski
The results and methods of fixed point theory, applied to spaces of measurable
functions, have been used extensively in the field of differential and integral equ-
ations. Since the 1930s many prominent mathematicians like Orlicz and Birnbaum
recognized that using the methods of Lp -spaces alone created many complications
and in some cases did not allow to solve some non-power type integral equations,
see [5, 59, 60]. They considered spaces of functions with some growth properties
different from the power type growth control provided by the Lp -norms. Orlicz and
Birnbaum considered function spaces defined as follows:
L = f : R → R; ∃λ > 0 : ϕ λ|f (x)| dm(x) < ∞ ,
where ϕ(u) is a function which increases more rapidly than an arbitrary power
function. Krasnosel’skii and Rutickii, [52], showed that the Hammerstein operator
defined by the right member of this integral equation does not operate in any of the
Lp spaces. And yet, they showed how to find an Orlicz space where the Hammerstein
operator is well defined and posses properties allowing to use some fixed point
theorems for solving the corresponding integral equation.
Many successful applications of Orlicz spaces led to several extensions and gene-
ralizations. Using the apparatus of abstract modular spaces introduced by Nakano
in [58] and then developed further by Musielak and Orlicz, see e.g. [56, 57], Mu-
sielak developed a theory of generalized Orlicz spaces, known in the contemporary
literature as Musielak-Orlicz spaces, see the book by Musielak [55].
Given a a nontrivial, σ-finite measure space (Ω, Σ, µ), and a real-valued function
ϕ : Ω × [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) which satisfies the following conditions
(i) ϕ(ω, u) is a non-decreasing, continuous function of u such that ϕ(ω, 0) = 0,
ϕ(ω, u) > 0 for u > 0, ϕ(ω, 0) → ∞ as u → ∞,
(ii) ϕ(ω, u) is a Σ-measurable function of ω for all u ≥ 0.
Denoting by M the space of all Σ-measurable, real-valued functions with equality
µ-almost everywhere, we can define the Orlicz-Musielak modular on a function
f ∈ M by
(1) ρ(f ) = ϕ(ω, |f (ω)|)dµ.
W.M. Kozlowski 115
(iii) ρ is orthogonally subadditive, i.e. ρ(f 1A∪B ) ≤ ρ(f 1A )+ρ(f 1B ) for any A, B ∈
Σ such that A ∩ B 6= ∅, f ∈ M;
(iv) ρ has the Fatou property, i.e. |fn (ω)| ↑ |f (ω)| for all ω ∈ Ω implies ρ(fn ) ↑
ρ(f ), where f ∈ M∞ ;
Definition 2.3 ([40, 41, 42]) Let ρ be a convex function modular. A modular
function space is the vector space Lρ = {f ∈ M : ρ(λf ) → 0 as λ → 0}.
(e) A set B ⊂ Lρ is called strongly ρ-bounded if there exists β > 1 such that
Mβ (B) = sup{ρ(β(f − g)) : f ∈ B, g ∈ B} < ∞.
Since ρ fails in general the triangle identity, many of the known properties of limit
may not extend to ρ-convergence. For example, ρ-convergence does not necessarily
imply ρ-Cauchy condition. However, it is important to remember that the ρ-limit
is unique when it exists. The following proposition brings together few facts that
will be often used in the proofs of our results.
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Definition 2.6 The following formula defines a norm in Lρ (frequently called the
Luxemburg norm) :
kf kρ = inf{α > 0 : ρ(f /α) ≤ 1}.
Remark 2.7 It is not difficult to prove that k · kρ defines actually a norm such that
kf kρ ≤ kgkρ whenever |f )| ≤ |g| ρ-a.e. It is also straightforward to demonstrate
that kfn kρ → 0 if and only if ρ(αfn ) → 0 for every α > 0. See Theorem 1.6 in [55].
Proposition 2.10 Let ρ ∈ < and let f ∈ Lρ . Then kf kρ > 1 implies ρ(f ) ≥ kf kρ .
In the sequel, we will use the following important result being an immediate
corollary to Proposition 2.10.
sup ρ(2fn , Dk ) → 0
The next result is a straightforward consequence from Definitions 2.6 and 2.12,
and from Remark 2.7.
Assume in addition that for almost all t ∈ [0, 1] and measurable functions f, g there
Z 1 nZ 1 o Z 1
k(t, u, |k(u, v, |f (v)|) − k(u, v, |g(v)|)|)dv du ≤ k(t, u, |f (u) − g(u)|)du.
0 0 0
Z 1 nZ 1 o
Setting ρ(f ) = k(x, y, |f (y)|)dy dx and using Jensen’s inequality it is easy
0 0
to show that ρ is a nonnegative, even, convex nonlinear functional on the space of
measurable functions Lρ = {f : [0, 1] → R : ∃λ > 0, ρ(λf ) < ∞}, and that
ρ(T (f ) − T (g)) ≤ ρ(f − g), that is, T is nonexpansive with respect to ρ. We will
come back to this example towards the end of this paper, see Example 4.8.
An additional importance for applications of modular function spaces consists
in the richness of structure of modular function spaces, that - besides being Banach
spaces (or F-spaces in a more general settings) - are equipped with modular equ-
ivalents of norm or metric notions, and also are equipped with almost everywhere
convergence and convergence in submeasure. As the above example of the Urysohn
operator vividly demonstrated, in many situations in differential and integral equ-
ations, approximation and fixed point theory, modular type conditions are much
more natural and modular type assumptions can be more easily verified than their
metric or norm counterparts. There are also important results that can be proved
only using the apparatus of modular function spaces.
Theorem 3.1 ([42]) Let ρ ∈ <. Let fn ∈ Eρ , f ∈ Lρ and fn → f ρ-a.e. Then the
following conditions are equivalent:
(i) f ∈ Eρ and kfn − f kρ → 0.
(ii) for every α > 0 the subadditive measures ρ(αfn , ·) are order equicontinuous,
that is, if Ek ∈ Σ are such that Ek ↓ ∅ then lim sup ρ(αfn , Ek ) = 0.
k→∞ n∈N
Our next result characterizes sets with the Vitali property as those subsets of
Eρ on which the ρ-convergence and the k · kρ -convergence are indeed equivalent.
120 Nonlinear Differential Equations
Theorem 3.3 Let ρ ∈ <. A set C ⊂ Lρ has the Vitali property if and only the
following two conditions are satisfied:
(i) C ⊂ Eρ .
Proof Let us assume first that C ⊂ Lρ has the Vitali property. Hence, by de-
finition, the condition (i) is satisfied. To prove (ii), take a sequence {gn }, and
a function g ∈ Lρ such that ρ(gn − g) → 0. By Proposition 2.5 there exists a
subsequence {gnk } such that
Because C has the Vitali property, there exists a subsequence {gnkl } such that for
every α > 0 the submeasures ρ(αgnkl , ·) are order equicontinuous. Hence, using (3)
and the Vitali Theorem (Theorem 3.1), we conclude that kgnkl − gkρ → 0. Since
this reasoning can be repeated for any subsequence of {gn }, every subsequence of
{gn } contains a subsequence converging in k · kρ to g, proving (ii).
Conversely, let us assume that (i) and (ii) are satisfied. Assume to the contrary
that C does not have the Vitali property. Then there exists a sequence {gk } of
elements of C, g ∈ Lρ and α > 0 such that the submeasures ρ(αgn , ·) are not
order equicontinuous while ρ(gk − g) → 0. The latter fact implies by (ii) that
kgn − gkρ → 0, which also implies, via closedness of Eρ that g ∈ Eρ . By Proposition
2.5 we can assume, without loosing generality, that gnk → g ρ-a.e. From Theorem
3.1 we conclude that kgn − gkρ cannot tend to zero. Contradiction completes the
Remark 3.4 Combining Proposition 2.8 with Theorem 3.3, we can easily see that
a set with the Vitali property is ρ-closed if and only if it is k · kρ -closed.
Remark 3.5 Let C ⊂ Lρ be a set with the Vitali property and let a, b ∈ R. Let
u : [a, b] → C be a ρ-continuous function, that is, ρ(u(tn ) − u(t)) → 0 provided
tn → t. It follows immediately from Theorem 3.3 that u is k · kρ -continuous.
In this context, let us discuss the separability of (Eρ , k · kρ ). First, we need the
following definition.
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Theorem 3.8 ([42]) Let ρ ∈ <. The space (Eρ , k · kρ ) is a separable Banach space
if and only ρ is separable.
Finally, we can combine the last two results into the following very useful state-
Let us finish this section with few examples of sets with the Vitali property.
Example 3.10 If ρ has ∆2 property then every set C ⊂ Lρ has the Vitali property.
Example 3.11 Let C ⊂ Eρ . If there exists g ∈ Eρ such that |f (ω) ≤ |g(ω)| ρ-a.e
for every f ∈ C then C has the Vitali property.
Let us first consider the following question: Are the ρ-nonexpansive mappings
really different from the mappings nonexpansive with respect to the Luxemburg
norm associated with the modular ρ? First we will show the following simple result.
Proof Assume to the contrary that there exist f, g ∈ Lρ and α > 0 such that
In view of Proposition 4.2, we need to ask whether the inequality (6) needs to
hold for every λ > 0 in order to ensure the norm nonexpansiveness? If we knew
that it sufficed to assume it merely for λ = 1, then there would be no real reason
to consider ρ-nonexpansiveness. The answer to this question can be found in the
following simple example of a mapping which is ρ-nonexpansive but it is not k.kρ -
Example 4.3 [37] Let X = (0, ∞) and Σ be the σ-algebra of all Lebesgue measu-
rable subsets of X. Let P denote the δ-ring of subsets of finite measure. Define a
function modular by Z
1 ∞
ρ(f ) = 2 |f (x)|x+1 dm(x).
e 0
Let B be the set of all measurable functions f : (0, ∞) → R such that 0 ≤ f (x) ≤
1/2. Consider the map
f (x − 1), for x ≥ 1,
T (f )(x) =
0, for x ∈ [0, 1].
Proof Without any loss of generality we can assume that sup ρ(x(s)) < ∞. Let
τ = {t0 , . . . , tn } be a subdivision of the interval [0, A]. Define
(12) Zτ (t) = e−t y(t) + Sτ (x)(t) = e−t y(t) + (ti+1 − ti )eti −t x(ti ).
124 Nonlinear Differential Equations
It follows from the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem for Bochner in-
tegrals, that for every t ∈ [0, A], Zτ (t) converges in k.kρ to Z(t) defined by
Z t
−t −t
(13) Z(t) = e y(t) + S(x)(t) = e y(t) + es−t x(s)ds,
whenever |τ | = sup |ti+1 −ti | → 0. Using the Fatou Property of ρ and Proposition
2.5, we can easily see that
(15) e−t + (ti+1 − ti )eti −t ≤ 1,
(16) ρ(Zτ (t)) ≤ e−t ρ(y(t)) + (ti+1 − ti )eti −t sup ρ(x(s)).
i=0 s∈[0,t]
By combining (16) with (14) and letting |τ | → 0 we get the desired inequality
and the function u : [0, A] → C defined by (18) is a solution of the Initial Value
Problem (5).
Proof We will show that un (t) ∈ C for every n ∈ N and every t ∈ [0, A]. Indeed,
for a given subdivision τ of [0, A], define
uτn+1 (t) = e−t f + Sτ T (un (ti )) (t).
W.M. Kozlowski 125
Since C is a a convex set, it is easy to prove by induction that uτn (t) ∈ C. Note
that, by the properties of the Bochner integral, kuτn (t) − un (t)kρ → 0. Since C is
k · kρ -closed it is also ρ-closed. Hence un (t) ∈ C as claimed.
Now we are going to prove that
for all t ∈ [0, A] and every n, p ∈ N. We will prove (19) by induction with respect
to n. For n = 0 we have
Z t
(20) up (t) − u0 (t) = es−t T (up−1 (s))ds.
Applying Lemma 4.4 with y(t) = 0 and x(t) = T (up−1 (s)) − f we have
(21) ρ(up (t) − u0 (t)) ≤ K(t) sup ρ(T (up−1 (s)) − f ) ≤ K(A)δρ (C),
because both f , and T (up−1 (s)) belong to C. Assume now that (19) holds for an
n ∈ N. Then
Z t
(22) un+1+p (t) − un+1 (t) = es−t T (un+p (s)) − T (un (s)) ds.
Applying Lemma 4.4 again, with y(t) = 0 and x(t) = T (un+p (s)) − T (un (s)) we
(23) ρ(un+1+p (t) − un+1 (t)) ≤ K(A) sup ρ T (un+p (s)) − T (un (s))
for every k ∈ N. Using the ρ-nonexpansiveness of T and the fact that ρ(un (t) −
u(t)) → 0, we have the following
(26) ρ Sτ (T (u(t)) − Sτ (T (un (t))
≤ (ti+1 − ti )eti −t ρ T (u(t)) − T (un (t))
≤ AeA−t ρ(u(t) − un (t)) → 0,
Observing that
Z t
(29) es−t T (un (s))ds = un+1 − e−t f
Using (31) it can be easily proved, via the standard methods of Bochner inte-
gration, that u is differentiable and is a solution of the Initial Value Problem (5).
The proof of Theorem 4.5 is now complete.
Remark 4.6 It is clear that the solution of the the Initial Value Problem (5) can
be extended to a solution u(t) defined on [0, +∞) such that its restriction to the
interval [0, A] is the ρ-limit of the sequence {un } defined as in the proof of Theorem
W.M. Kozlowski 127
Remark 4.7 Theorem 4.5 extends results of [32] proven for norm continuous, no-
nexpansive mappings acting in Musielak-Orlicz spaces with the ∆2 property.
Example 4.8 Let us go back to the example of the Urysohn operator T from the
Preliminary section of this paper:
Z 1
T (f )(x) = k(x, y, |f (y)|)dy + f0 (x),
Let us fix an r > 0 and set C = {f ∈ Eρ : ρ(f − f0 ) ≤ r}. It is easy to see that
T : C → C. If we assume additionally that there exists a constant M > 0 and a
Bochner-integrable function h : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → [0, ∞) such that for every u ≥ 0 and
x, y ∈ [0, 1]
then the modular ρ has the property ∆2 in the sense of Definition 2.12. Using the
Vitali property of C and Theorem 4.5 it is then easy to see that the corresponding
Initial Value Problem
u(0) = f0
u0 (t) + (I − T )u(t) = 0,
has a solution in C that can be calculated as the ρ-limit of the sequence {un } as
defined in Theorem 4.5.
Still in the context of Theorem 4.5, let us introduce the following notation: for
f ∈ C we write uf (t) ≡ f for all t ≥ 0. Let ask a question for which f ∈ C, uf are
the solutions of (5). The answer will be provided in our next result. First, let us
denote by F (T ) the set of all fixed points of T , that is, F (t) = {f ∈ C : T (f ) = f }.
for any n ∈ N, any A > 0 and any t ∈ [0, A]. Noting that
Z t
(36) e f + K(t)T (f ) − un+1 (t) = es−t T (f ) − T (un (s)) ds
128 Nonlinear Differential Equations
hence {un (t)} ρ-converges to e−t f + K(t)T (f ) for any t ≥ 0. The uniqueness of the
ρ-limit implies that
Definition 4.10 Let ρ ∈ <. We define the following uniform convexity type
properties of the function modular ρ:
n 1 f + g o
δ1 (r, ε) = inf 1 − ρ ; (f, g) ∈ D1 (r, ε) , if D1 (r, ε) 6= ∅,
r 2
and δ1 (r, ε) = 1 if D1 (r, ε) = ∅.
(ii) We say that ρ is uniformly convex (U U C1) if for every s ≥ 0, ε > 0 there
η1 (s, ε) > 0
Example 4.11 It is known that in Orlicz spaces, the Luxemburg norm is uniformly
convex if and only ϕ is uniformly convex and ∆2 property holds; this result can be
traced to early papers by Luxemburg [53], Milnes [54], Akimovic [2], and Kamin-
ska [31]. It is also known that, under suitable assumptions, the modular uniform
convexity in Orlicz spaces is equivalent to the very convexity of the Orlicz function
[38, 8]. Remember that the function ϕ is called very convex if or every ε > 0 and
any x0 > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that
1 ε
ϕ (x − y) ≥ (ϕ(x) + ϕ(y)) ≥ εϕ(x0 ),
2 2
1 1
ϕ (x + y) ≤ (1 − δ) (ϕ(x) + ϕ(y)) .
2 2
Typical examples of Orlicz functions that do not satisfy the ∆2 condition but are
very convex are: ϕ1 (t) = e|t| − |t| − 1 and ϕ2 (t) = et − 1, [54, 52]. Therefore, these
are the examples of Orlicz spaces that are not uniformly convex in the norm sense
and hence the classical Kirk theorem cannot be applied. However, these spaces are
uniformly convex in the modular sense, and respective modular fixed point results
can be applied.
Note that the statement of Theorem 4.12 is completely parallel to that of the
Browder/Gohde/Kirk classic fixed point theorem but formulated purely in terms
of function modulars without any reference to norms. Also, note that the results
in [36] actually extend outside nonexpansiveness and assumes merely asymptotic
pointwise ρ-nonexpansiveness of the mapping T . Therefore, Theorem 4.12 can be
actually understood as the modular equivalent of the theorem by Kirk and Xu [28],
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Wojciech. M. Kozlowski
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
E-mail: w.m.kozlowski@unsw.edu.au
(Received: 19.08.2013)