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Nalco Report

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A project is submitted to

Integrated MSc (Physics)

Under the guidance of:

Mr. Ajit Kumar Pradhan
Sr. Manager [T&D]

Mentor/guide Name: Ajit Kumar Pradhan

Designation: Sr. Manager (T&D), NALCO

This is to certify that the project report entitled

prepared by MR. PURUSHOTTAM RATH under my
supervision. His field work is satisfactory.

Date: Signature of the guide


I owe my sincere and heartily gratitude to Mr. Ajit Kumar

Pradhan, Sr. Manager (Training & development) NALCO, BBSR
for his active guidance and persistent encouragement
throughout my study. He unduly deserves the credit of my
project. I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the
staffs of NALCO for permitting me to do my study in the main
I convey my gratitude to all those who are directly or
indirectly related in the completion of this project. Finally, I
would be failing in my duty if I don't express my thanks to the
respondents whom I visited and took their valuable time to
answer my questions.

 Introduction
 Meaning of the study
 Objective of the study
 Vision and Mission
 Operation layout
 Products of NALCO
 Achievements
 Performance
 Data collection
 Training and development at NALCO
 Theoretical represent of Topic
 Importance of training and development
 Training implementation
 Findings
 Suggestions
 Conclusion
 Limitations
 Declaration
Practical knowledge is an important suffix to theoretical
knowledge; one cannot merely rely upon the theoretical
knowledge. Classroom make the fundamental concept clear,
but practical survey in a firm has significant role to play in a
subject of management to develop management skills, it is
necessary that they combine their classroom's learning with
the knowledge of real business environment.

I am extremely happy to place before the esteemed

teachers/management the report of the project entitled
"Training Evaluation (Training and Development)"

It has not only helped me to enhance my knowledge about

various fields of Human Resources & Company
responsibilities towards their welfare but also gave new
dimension to my knowledge about psychology & attitude of
the Employees towards the work & their duties.
Each and every endeavour requires specific objectives to be fulfilled.
In academics for knowledge the practical sector, each and every
individual has to go for an intensive study in that particular sector.
Though it requires some specific knowledge but the quality to
manage the time to have the goal to be achieved, all the activities
should be as per the planned course of action and at last the
knowledge will come out from the effort done for the specified

The main objective of the study is to critically examine the impact of

training and development on employee retention in an organisation.

Specific objectives of the study are: -

 To identify the factors affecting high employee turnover in an
 To identify the effect of training and development, its type and
duration on employee retention in an organisation.
 To identify the extent by which management support and
rewards affect employee retention.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organisation. It
ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioural
change takes place in structural format. It is concerned with the
structure and delivery of acquisition of knowledge to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of organization. Therefore, training a key
to optimizing utilization of human, intellectual, technological, and
entrepreneurial skills.

There are four phases of training in NALCO. Training need analysis,

training design, training implementation and training evaluation.
Training evaluation is the most important part of training process
which refers to activities aimed at finding out the effectiveness of
training programme after they are conducted, against the objective
for which such programmes were organized. Training evaluation
technique gives us solution to answer questions like where was the
capability level of learners before the programme and where it is
now, what was intended to be achieved by a particular programme
and what is really achieved now, and what is the monitory of training
outcome against the cost incurred for conducting the training
programme. The key involves staffing policies, selecting ad retaining
talented employees, while training and development whilst
encouraging employees to be innovative and creative, cultural
barriers and legal framework, NALCO provides soft skill development
training to their employees. But still they need to work on providing
product/process development training. To evaluate the training
programme questionnaire is the most popular method in NALCO.

Training initiatives and programmes have become a priority for

Human resources. As business market changes due to an increase in
technology initiatives, companies need to spend more time and
money on training employees. In today's business climate employee
development is critical to corporate success and organization are
investing more in their training and development needs.
National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) is a Schedule ‘A’
Navratna CPSE established on 7th January, 1981 having its registered
office at Bhubaneswar.  It is one of the largest integrated Bauxite-
Alumina-Aluminium- Power Complex in the Country. At present,
Government of India holds 51.28% of paid up equity capital. The
Company has been operating its captive Panchpatmali Bauxite Mines
for the pit head Alumina refinery at Damanjodi, in the District of
Koraput in Odisha and Aluminium Smelter & Captive Power Plant at
Angul.  As a part of green initiative, NALCO has installed 198 MW
Wind Power Plants at various locations in India and 800 kWp roof
top Solar Power Plants at its premises to join hands for carbon
neutrality. From the days of first commercial operation since 1987
the Company has continuously earned profits for last 36 years.
NALCO is one of the leading foreign exchange earning CPSEs of the
Country. The Company continues to retain its position of lowest cost
producer in Bauxite and Alumina production in the World in 2022.

Capitalising the market opportunity the Company could achieve high

sales realisation, positively impacting the top line and bottom line in
FY 2021-22. Revenue achieved Rs. 14,181 crore and Highest ever PAT
of Rs. 2,952 crore achieved in FY 2021-22.

Even with subdued pricing situation in FY 2022-23, with focus on

domestic market the Company achieved highest ever revenue from
operation of Rs.14,255 Crore. However, with increase in input cost,
the PAT achieved was Rs. 1,544 crore in FY 2022-23. NALCO achieved
Full capacity Aluminium production of 4.6 lakh tonne, with all 960
POTs in operation in its Aluminium Smelter for the 2nd consecutive
year in FY 2022-23.
The Company has a 68.25 lakh TPA Bauxite Mine & 21.00 lakh TPA
(normative capacity) Alumina Refinery located at Damanjodi in
Koraput district of Odisha, and 4.60 lakh TPA Aluminium Smelter &
1200MW Captive Power Plant located at Angul, Odisha.

The Company has regional sales offices in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai,

Chennai and 8 operating stockyards at various locations in the
Country to facilitate domestic consumers. In addition, NALCO has its
own bulk shipment facility for export of products.

NALCO is the first Public Sector Company in the country to venture

into international market in a big way with London Metal Exchange
(LME) registration since May, 1989. The Company is listed at Bombay
Stock Exchange (BSE) since 1992 and National Stock Exchange (NSE)
since 1999. Besides, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 & SA
8000 certifications, NALCO’s Data Centre at Corporate Office and
Disaster Recovery Site at Alumina Refinery certified for Information
Security Management System and awarded ISO 27001:2013
Certification and Accreditation from International Accreditation
Services, USA.”

To face the challenges of ever-evolving market and position the

Company in a sustainable growth path, a corporate plan has been
developed with well-defined 3 year action plan, 7 year strategy & 15
years vision of being a Premier and Integrated Company in the
Aluminium value chain with strategic presence in Mining both
domestic & global, Metals and Energy sectors. The Corporate Plan
has chalked out a roadmap for multifold growth in revenue and
Profit by 2032.

While Company is sustaining its operational excellence driven by its

corporate plan, the Company is also having well carved plans for
expansion programs. Presently, the Company is working in major
projects like:

 5th stream Alumina Refinery, which will enhance the Refinery

capacity from 2.1 million tonne to 3.1 million tonne.
 To support the Alumina Refinery and raw material security, the
Company is developing Pottangi bauxite Mines. Obtaining all
clearances under process.
 Utkal D & E Coal Mines: Mining activities already started. It will
add to the bottom line by reduction in coal procurement cost.
For Utkal-E, all clearances are in advance stage.

To be a Premier and Integrated company in the Aluminium value
chain with strategic presence in Mining both domestic & global,
Metals and Energy sectors.

To sustainably grow multi-fold in Mining, Alumina and Aluminium
business along with select diversification in Minerals, Metals and
Energy sectors, while continuously improving on efficiency and
business practices thus enhancing value for all stakeholders.
We provide our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders with
utmost level of value, service and satisfaction.

We ensure that our products, manufacturing & business processes
adhere to the highest quality levels and standards.

We relentlessly pursue sustainable practices and create a positive
impact on the communities we engage with.

We conduct ourselves with dignity, integrity, equity, transparency
and accountability to build trust.

A fully mechanised Bauxite open-cast Mine, having a capacity of
68.25 lakh MT is located at Panchapatmali hills of Koraput district in
Odisha. It is one the most sophisticated and eco-friendly mining
operations to be found worldwide. It features geo-statistical
application and Computerised mine planning. This mine serves as
feed -stock to Alumina Refinery at Damanjodi located downhill. The
transportation is done through a 14.6 km, long single-flight, multi-
curve, variable-speed cable belt conveyor of 1800 TPH capacity.
NALCO’s energy efficient Alumina Refinery utilises time tested Bayer’s
process technology of atmospheric pressure digestion at low
temperature. The normative capacity of Alumina Refinery is 21 lakh
tonnes per annum. Alumina produced is used to meet Company’s
requirements for production of primary aluminium at smelter. After
meeting the consumption need of Company’s Smelter plant at Angul,
the balance quantity of Alumina goes to International market
through Visakhapatnam port.

Located in Angul in Odisha, NALCO’s 4.60 lakh TPA Aluminium
Smelter is based on advanced technology of smelting & pollution
control and comprises four potlines with 240 electrolytic potcells in
each, along with integrated facilities for casting of ingots, sows,
billets, strips, wire rods and chequered sheets. Smelter unit has a
45,000 TPA Rolled Products Unit(RPU) having facilities to produce
sheets and coils for a variety of end uses. This unit has the advantage
of direct molten metal transfer from the Smelter.


Close to the Smelter, a Captive Power Plant of 1,200 MW capacity has
been established for firm supply of power to the Smelter. The coal
demand of the plant is mostly met from a dedicated mine of
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited. The plant is also connected with State
Grid for sale of surplus power.
NALCO diversified into wind power with the commissioning of a 50.4
MW wind power plant at Gandikota, Andhra Pradesh in 2012. The
2nd Wind Power Plant of 47.6 MW at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan was
commissioned in 2014. Growing further in enhancing its renewable
energy portfolio, a 50 MW Wind Power Plant in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
and a 50.4 MW Wind Power Plant at Sangli, Maharashtra was
commissioned in FY 2016-17. The Total Wind Power Plant in
Operation is 198.4 MW. The Company has also utilised the available
roof top space in Corporate Office, township, Research centre,
training centre at Bhubaneswar for setting up of 310 kWp solar
power plant.


On the inner harbour of Visakhapatnam port on the Bay of Bengal,
NALCO has established mechanised storage and ship handling
facilities for exporting calcined Alumina and importing Caustic Soda.
The port is also used for export of aluminium metal and import of
normal as well as project cargoes. NALCO also uses the ports of
Paradeep and Kolkata for export of Aluminium. Besides, NALCO
operates own locomotives and wagons for surface transportation of
finished goods.
Registered with London Metal Exchange, the products of NALCO
enjoy worldwide reputation on account of their quality, reliability in
shipment backed by high standard customer service. NALCO is
among the most advanced manufacturing units in the world and its
products are sold in more than 20 countries.

• Calcined Alumina
• Alumina Hydrate
• Speciality Aluminas & Hydrates

Aluminium Metal
(CG, EC & LME grades)
• Standard Ingots (each approx. 20/18.5 / 22.5 kg)
• Sow Ingots (each max. 750 kgs)
• T-Ingots (each max. 650 kg)
• Wire Rods (in coil form, 9.5 / 11.95 mm dia, weight
approx. 2 mt)
• Billets (in six sizes :127 ± 1.5 mm, 152 ± 1.5 mm, 178 ±
1.5 mm, 203 ± 1.5 mm, 229 ± 1.5 mm, 254 ± 1.5 mm dia)
• Flat Rolled Products (coils & sheets)
• Chequered Sheet (Thickness: 0.30 mm to 3.0 mm)

Particulars 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18

Bauxite(MT) 751107 736500 720224 723054 702510
5 1 5 6 9
Alumina 212200 208550 216050 215250 210550
Hydrate(MT) 0 0 0 0 0
Aluminium(MT) 460000 418522 418373 440242 425515
Power(net) 5711 6441 6067 6256 6547
Wind 320 285 312 636 252
2.Export sales
Alumina (MT) 118468 124070 124425 127677 124310
0 4 6 5 3
Aluminium(MT) 192174 56898 38463 75847 100591
Alumina 42992 61000 73377 60641 51797
Hydrate (MT)
Aluminium 230643 338864 402134 350469 284926
Total Metal Sale 422817 395761 440597 426316 385518
Total Chemical 122767 130370 131766 133741 129490
Sale 2 4 3 6 0
Shri Sridhar Patra
Shri Sridhar Patra has been appointed as Chairman-cum-Managing
Director of the Company w.e.f. 17th December, 2019.

Shri Sridhar Patra joined the Company as Director (Finance) on

01.09.2018. Shri Patra was assigned the additional charge of
Chairman-cum-Managing Director w.e.f. 01.12.2019. Before joining
NALCO, he had served as Director (Finance) of THDC India Limited for
more than 5 years.

Born on 12.10.1964, Shri Patra is a member of Institute of Chartered

Accountants of India and rank holder graduate in Commerce from
Utkal University. Shri Patra is a seasoned Finance & Accounts
Professional with results-driven and team-oriented leadership and
have demonstrated commitment to organizational growth. He has
over three decades of experience in finance and accounts functions
of various Public Sector Undertaking like Odisha Mining Corporation
Ltd., Indian Rare Earths Ltd. and Mangalore Refinery &
Petrochemicals Ltd (A subsidiary of ONGC Ltd.) with exposure in
Corporate Accounts, Budgetary Control, Direct & Indirect Tax
Management, Strategic Financial & Business Planning, Financial
evaluation of Contracts, Cost Excellence and Treasury function. Shri
Patra has contributed significantly as an academician to professional
accounting institutions apart from his employment in PSUs.
Shri Sanjay Lohiya (IAS)
Shri Sanjay Lohiya, an IAS Officer of 1994 batch (Assam Meghalaya
cadre) took over as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines in October,
2020. He joined Indian Administrative Service (IAS) after graduating
from Delhi University. Before joining as Joint Secretary, Ministry of
Mines, he held the post of Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Govt.
of Assam. He worked in various capacities in Government of Assam.
He has already worked in Govt of India as Director, PMO and
subsequently as Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and farmers’
welfare during 2011-2016. During his tenure in Govt of Assam, he
worked in various departments like Finance, Agriculture, and urban
development in various capacities and has wide experience.


Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal belongs to 1998 batch of Indian Postal
Service (IPoS) of Government of India. She is currently working as
Joint Secretary dealing with Policy, Legislative Division and
International Co-operation in the Ministry of Mines, Government of
India, New Delhi.

Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal served in various capacities in the Postal

Department at all India level. She has joined as Director in the
Ministry of Mines in 2017 and got promoted as Joint Secretary in
2020. She has been associated with amendments to MMDR Act in
2020 and 2021 and the subordinate legislations to the Act. She has
deep understanding of mineral policy in India.
Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal has done B.Sc.(Agriculture), M.Sc.
(Horticulture) from Kerala Agriculture University and Ph.D in
Horticulture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi.
She has done Post Graduate Diploma in Public Policy from IIM,
Bangalore. She has undergone various short-term courses at the
National and International level.

Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal has abundant experience of working in

Government and Public Sectors.

Shri Radhashyam Mahapatro
Shri Radhashyam Mahapatro joined the Company as Director (HR)
w.e.f. 01.01.2020.

Shri Mahapatro has rich experience in Power, Oil and Coal Sectors in
different capacities and successfully shouldered varied and higher
responsibilities. He is a physics graduate from Khallikote College,
Brahmapur, Odisha and did his Post Graduation in Industrial Relation
& Labour Welfare from Berhampur University. Shri Mahapatro has
handled many areas of HR functions. During his tenure in NHPC,
Engineers India Limited and Central Coalfields Ltd, he was
instrumental in the introduction of Productive work culture through
Team Work.

Shri Mahapatro’s areas of interest include improving productivity,

human development, creation of employment through skill
development, sports, culture and improvement of human dignity. He
has passionately worked for reformation in administration to make it
responsive to the need and aspirations of the communities. His forte
includes transparency, leadership and teamwork.
Shri M.P. Mishra
Shri Manasa Prasad Mishra joined the Company as Director (Projects
& Technical) w.e.f. 01.11.2020.

Born on 19.07.1963, Shri M.P. Mishra completed his graduation in

Mechanical Engineering from University College of Engineering,
Burla, Odisha. He joined NALCO as a Graduate Engineer Trainee
(GET) in 1984. During his long service association of three and half
decades with NALCO, Shri Mishra has contributed significantly from
Technology adoption to absorption in the field of Aluminium
Technology. Shri Mishra has vast professional experience ranging
from project execution to plant operation at Smelter & Power
complex of NALCO and Business Development activities in Greenfield
& Brownfield aluminium projects, renewable projects etc. Shri
Mishra held the position of Executive Director at Smelter & Power
Complex, Angul before taking over as Director(Projects & Technical).

Shri Mishra is a Member of National Council of Indian Institute of

Metals (IIM), FIE of Institution of Engineers (India) and Aluminium
Association of India.

Shri Ramesh Chandra Joshi

Born on 12.04.1965, Shri R. C. Joshi has completed his professional
course from ICMAI in 1989. He has also completed Bachelor of Law
from Sambalpur University.

Shri Joshi is a seasoned Finance & Accounts professional

acknowledged for sound decision-making abilities, analytical and
problem solving skills, business acumen, result-driven and team-
oriented leadership. Shri Joshi has always demonstrated
commitment to organizational growth. He has also keen interest in
academics. He has a varied and rich experience in various areas of
Finance spanning over 32 years, which includes 27 years in NALCO in
the core areas of finance coupled with in-depth understanding of
financial, contractual and regulatory issues. He is also a nominee
director on the Board of M/s. Angul Aluminium Park Pvt. Ltd, a JV of

Shri Sadashiv Samantaray

Mr Sadashiv Samantaray has joined as Director (Commercial) of the
National Aluminium Company Limited, a Navaratana CPSE on

Born in the year 1965, Mr Samantaray had been a position holder all
throughout his education in schools and colleges. After completing
his B.Tech (Mechanical) with University Merit certificates in all the
four years of graduation from GB Pant University of Ag &
Technology, Panatnagar, now in Uttarakhand, he joined Nalco as
Graduate Engineer Trainee in the year 1985 (2 nd batch of GETs). He
has done his MBA from Utkal University with specialization in
Marketing Finance. He has also completed PG Diploma in Business
administration and PD Diploma in Marketing Management.

Through his sincerity, hard work, dedication and competence on

strategic management, he rose to the level of Executive Director
(Commercial) before being selected as Director (Commercial).

Mr Samantaray has more than 36 years of rich experience in Plants

and commercial areas. Working at Plants he was involved in erection,
commissioning, operations and production planning in CPP and
Smelter. Due to his strategies and  planning, Nalco could achieve
highest levels of production and productivity. He was involved in
many critical decisions and landmark achievements at Plants like
restoration of burnt single line coal cable belt at CPP in record time
to save Nalco from catastrophe, scientific spares planning, design
and implementation of MIS system, strategy for enhancing critical
equipment availability at smelter to increase productivity,
Optimization of logistics system etc.

Shri Pankaj Kumar Sharma

Shri Pankaj Kumar Sharma has joined Board of Directors of the
National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) as Director
(Production) on 01.02.2023. He graduated from IIT (BHU) in the year
1992 in B.Tech (Electronics) and joined NMDC Limited as Executive
Trainee (Electronics) in the same year. He has varied and rich
experience of working in all facets of the Open Cast Mining Industry.
During his association of more than 30 years with NMDC Ltd., he has
successfully completed challenging assignments in different key
positions. Before joining NALCO, he was acting as Head – Global
Exploration Centre of NMDC Ltd., CEO – NMDC CMDC Ltd. (a JV
company of NMDC Ltd.) and CEO – Bastar Railway Private Ltd. (a JV
company of NMDC Ltd.). He has, not only, immensely contributed in
the sustainable development of the operating Iron Ore Mines of
NMDC Ltd., but also, set milestones in the upcoming projects of the
subsidiary companies. His technical knowledge and strategic
expertise will help NALCO in achieving accelerated growth.
Post-employment training:
▪ Induction training.
▪ Executive/supervisory development training.
▪ Refresher courses.
▪ Specific technical skill training.
▪ Statutory training.
▪ Quality training.
▪ Safety training.
▪ Behavioural training.
▪ Computer training.
▪ Shop floor training.
▪ Apprenticeship programmes conducted under statutory
obligations of apprenticeship act.


Multi-skilling of the employees has been emphasized in NALCO since
the beginning as an important HR STRATEGY. In the panchpatmalli
bauxite mines at Damanjodi. The ITI trained personnel have been
recruited as junior maintenance-cum operative trainees, trained and
employed on both maintenance and operation of mining machinery.
Inter- disciplinary transfers have been practiced from time to time
among middle/senior level executives in order to prepare them for
taking up higher managerial responsibilities.

1. To capabilities in a congenial work and social environment through
opportunities for training recognition and career advancement.

2.To develop and nurture favourable attitudes among employees to

obtain their best contributions to the org by providing stable
employment, safe working conditions, job satisfaction, quick
redressal of HR OBJECTIVES:
1.To capabilities in a congenial work and social environment
through opportunities for training. recognition and career
2.To develop and nurture favourable attitudes among
employees to obtain their best contributions to the org by providing
stable employment, safe working conditions, job satisfaction, quick
redressal of grievances and through good pay.
3. To foster fellowship and sense of Belongingness among all
sections of employees through closer association of employees with
the management and by encouraging healthy trade union practices.
grievances and through good pay.

3. To foster fellowship and sense of Belongingness among all sections

of employees through closer association of employees with the
management and by encouraging healthy trade union practices.
▪ Drinking water
▪ Washing facilities
▪ Latrine and urinal
▪ Rest shelter
▪ Safety and occupational hazards
▪ Uniform and protective clothing
▪ Shift allowances
▪ Canteen
▪ Occupational health center
▪ Sanitation and cleanliness
▪ Better condition of employment

▪ Maternity benefit.
▪ Medical facilities.
▪ Educational facilities.
▪ Housing facilities.
▪ Recreation facilities.
▪ Holidays and leave travel facilities.
▪ Workers co-operatives including consumers co operative
stores, fair price shop, and co-operative credits.
▪ Vocational training for department of workers.
▪ Other programme for the welfare of women and
children growth.
▪ Transport to and from the place of work.
In-house training refers to the process of providing training and
development programs within an organization's premises or
facilities. Instead of sending employees to external training providers
or workshops, companies opt to conduct training sessions in-house.

In-house training offers several advantages for organizations:

1. Tailored to specific needs: In-house training allows companies

to design and customize training programs to address the
specific needs and requirements of their employees and
organization. The content and delivery of the training can be
aligned with the organization's goals, culture, and industry.
2. Cost-effective: Conducting training in-house can be more cost-
effective compared to sending employees to external training
programs. Companies can save on travel expenses, registration
fees, and other costs associated with external training
3. Convenience and flexibility: In-house training offers greater
convenience and flexibility in terms of scheduling. Companies
can arrange training sessions at times that are most suitable for
their employees, minimizing disruption to regular work
4. Focus on internal processes and systems: In-house training
allows organizations to focus on training employees on internal
processes, systems, and proprietary knowledge specific to their
operations. This ensures that employees are equipped with the
skills and knowledge required to excel in their roles within the
5. Team building and collaboration: In-house training provides an
opportunity for employees to interact and learn together,
fostering team building and collaboration within the
organization. It creates a shared learning experience that can
strengthen relationships and improve communication among

When conducting in-house training, organizations can utilize various

methods and resources, including:

 Internal trainers: Companies may have internal subject matter

experts or experienced employees who can deliver training
sessions. These individuals can share their knowledge and
experience directly with their colleagues.
 Training materials: Organizations can develop training materials
such as presentations, manuals, videos, and e-learning modules
to support the training process. These resources can be
customized to meet the specific training objectives.
 Practical exercises and simulations: In-house training can
include hands-on activities, role-playing scenarios, and
simulations to provide practical experience and reinforce
learning outcomes.
 Assessments and evaluations: Companies can use assessments
and evaluations to gauge the effectiveness of the training and
track the progress of participants. This helps identify areas of
improvement and measure the impact of the training on
employee performance.

In conclusion, in-house training is an effective way for organizations

to provide tailored and cost-effective learning opportunities to their
employees. It allows companies to address specific needs, maximize
convenience, and foster collaboration within the organization.
Onboarding training, also known as orientation or induction training,
is the process of familiarizing newly hired employees with the
organization, their role, and the expectations associated with their
position. The goal of onboarding training is to help new employees
integrate smoothly into the company, understand their
responsibilities, and quickly become productive members of the
team. It typically takes place within the first few days or weeks of a
new employee's tenure.

Here are some key components and considerations in onboarding


1. Introduction to the organization: New employees should be

provided with an overview of the company's mission, values,
history, and organizational structure. This helps them
understand the company's culture and how their role
contributes to the overall goals of the organization.
2. Role-specific training: Onboarding should include training on
the specific tasks, responsibilities, and expectations associated
with the new employee's position. This may involve explaining
job duties, demonstrating processes, and providing access to
relevant tools, software, or resources.
3. Company policies and procedures: New employees should
receive information about important company policies, such as
those related to code of conduct, safety, security, and
confidentiality. They should also be made aware of any
procedures or protocols specific to their role or department.
4. Introduction to colleagues and key stakeholders: It is beneficial
to facilitate introductions between new employees and their
team members, supervisors, and other key individuals within
the organization. This helps build relationships, promote
collaboration, and create a support network for the new
5. Workplace culture and values: Onboarding training should
emphasize the organization's culture, values, and expected
behaviors. This includes promoting inclusivity, diversity, and a
positive work environment. Sharing examples and stories that
illustrate the desired culture can help new employees
understand and align with the company's expectations.
6. Benefits and resources: New employees should be informed
about the employee benefits package, including health
insurance, retirement plans, and any other perks or resources
available to them. They should also be provided with
information about HR policies, such as leave policies, time
tracking, and performance evaluation processes.
7. Ongoing support and mentorship: Onboarding training should
not be limited to the initial few days or weeks. Organizations
can provide ongoing support and mentorship to new
employees to help them acclimate to their roles and continue
their professional development. Assigning a mentor or buddy
to guide and support the new employee can be valuable in this
8. Evaluation and feedback: It is helpful to periodically assess the
effectiveness of the onboarding training and solicit feedback
from new employees. This allows organizations to make
improvements and address any areas where the onboarding
process may be lacking.

Onboarding training plays a crucial role in setting the stage for a

positive employee experience and long-term success within the
organization. By providing new employees with the necessary
knowledge, tools, and support, organizations can increase employee
engagement, retention, and productivity.

External training refers to training programs and courses that are
conducted by external providers, outside of an organization's
premises. Instead of developing and delivering the training
internally, companies send their employees to external training
providers or workshops to enhance their skills, knowledge, and

Here are some key aspects and benefits of external training:

1. Expertise and specialized knowledge: External training

providers often specialize in specific areas and have expertise in
delivering training programs. They bring in-depth knowledge,
industry best practices, and the latest insights to the training
sessions. Employees can benefit from the expertise of trainers
who are well-versed in their respective fields.
2. Exposure to new perspectives: External training offers
employees the opportunity to interact with professionals from
other organizations and industries. This exposure allows them
to gain fresh perspectives, share experiences, and learn from
diverse viewpoints. It broadens their horizons and encourages
innovative thinking.
3. Up-to-date content and trends: External training providers are
usually at the forefront of their respective industries and stay
updated with the latest trends, technologies, and practices.
Attending external training sessions ensures that employees
receive current and relevant information that can be applied
directly to their work.
4. Networking opportunities: External training programs provide a
platform for employees to network with peers, professionals,
and experts from different organizations. Building a network
can lead to valuable connections, collaborations, and
knowledge-sharing beyond the training session.
5. Intensive and focused learning: External training programs are
often designed to provide intensive and focused learning
experiences. They may include interactive workshops, case
studies, simulations, and practical exercises that allow
employees to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world
6. Customization and variety: External training providers offer a
wide range of training programs catering to various skill sets,
industries, and job roles. Companies can choose the most
suitable training options for their employees based on their
specific needs and development objectives.
7. Certification and credentials: Some external training programs
offer certifications or credentials upon successful completion.
These certifications can add value to employees' resumes,
enhance their professional profiles, and demonstrate their
commitment to ongoing learning and development.
8. Motivation and engagement: Sending employees to external
training can be motivating and engaging for them. It shows that
the company invests in their growth and development, which
can boost employee morale, job satisfaction, and loyalty.

When considering external training, organizations should:

 Research and select reputable training providers with a proven

track record and positive reviews.
 Align the training programs with the organization's goals,
strategic objectives, and employees' development needs.
 Communicate clear expectations and objectives to employees
attending external training programs.
 Evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the external training
to ensure a return on investment.

Overall, external training complements internal learning and

development initiatives by providing employees with specialized
knowledge, exposure to new ideas, and networking opportunities. It
contributes to their professional growth, enhances their skills, and
ultimately benefits the organization by increasing employee
capabilities and performance.

Foreign training refers to training programs or courses that take
place in a foreign country, usually outside of an employee's home
country. It involves sending employees to other countries to receive
training, develop new skills, or gain exposure to different cultures,
practices, and business environments. Foreign training opportunities
are typically provided by organizations to broaden employees'
perspectives, enhance their global competencies, and facilitate
cross-cultural understanding.

Here are some key aspects and benefits of foreign training:

1. Cross-cultural exposure and understanding: Foreign training

provides employees with firsthand exposure to different
cultures, customs, and work practices. This experience helps
them develop a broader perspective and a better
understanding of global business environments. It fosters
cultural sensitivity, adaptability, and the ability to work
effectively with diverse teams and clients.
2. Global networking and collaboration: Attending training
programs in foreign countries allows employees to connect and
build relationships with professionals from various backgrounds
and industries. This networking can lead to future collaboration
opportunities, business partnerships, and knowledge exchange.
3. Access to specialized expertise: Foreign training programs often
feature renowned trainers, industry experts, and academic
institutions with specialized knowledge and expertise in specific
areas. Employees can benefit from learning directly from these
experts and gaining insights into cutting-edge practices and
4. Exposure to international best practices: By participating in
foreign training, employees can learn about international best
practices, innovative approaches, and emerging trends in their
field. This knowledge can be applied to their work and
contribute to organizational improvement and
5. Language and communication skills development: Foreign
training provides employees with opportunities to improve
their language skills, particularly if the training is conducted in a
language different from their native language. Enhancing
language proficiency can enhance cross-cultural
communication and facilitate international business
6. Personal and professional growth: Foreign training experiences
can be transformative for employees on both personal and
professional levels. Living and working in a different country
challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, adapt
to new situations, and develop resilience. It can also boost
confidence, self-reliance, and problem-solving skills.
7. Enhanced global market knowledge: Foreign training exposes
employees to different markets, business practices, and
economic landscapes. They gain insights into market dynamics,
consumer behavior, and industry trends of the host country.
This knowledge can be invaluable for organizations expanding
into international markets or working with global clients.
8. Retention and employee engagement: Providing foreign
training opportunities demonstrates an organization's
commitment to employee development and can significantly
enhance employee retention and engagement. Employees
appreciate the investment made in their growth, which can
foster loyalty and motivation.

When planning for foreign training, organizations should:

 Identify the specific training needs and objectives for

employees and match them with appropriate training programs
in foreign countries.
 Ensure employees are adequately prepared for the cultural and
logistical aspects of living and working in a foreign country,
such as visa requirements, health and safety considerations,
and cultural orientation.
 Provide support and resources to employees during their
foreign training, such as language training, cultural awareness
programs, and access to local contacts for assistance.
 Establish mechanisms to capture and share the knowledge and
experiences gained during the foreign training to maximize
organizational learning and benefit other employees.

Foreign training can be a valuable investment for organizations and

employees alike. It promotes global perspectives, cultural
competence, and professional growth, while also positioning the
organization for success in the global marketplace.


A skill development program is a structured initiative designed to
enhance the knowledge, abilities, and competencies of individuals in
specific areas. These programs focus on developing specific skills that
are relevant to an individual's role or desired career path. Skill
development programs can be implemented by organizations,
educational institutions, government agencies, or professional
associations. They aim to bridge skill gaps, improve performance,
and support personal and professional growth.

Here are some key aspects and considerations of skill development


1. Identification of skill gaps: Skill development programs begin

with a thorough assessment of the skills required for a
particular role or industry. This assessment helps identify the
gaps between the existing skills of individuals and the skills
needed to perform effectively.
2. Targeted skill development: Once skill gaps are identified, skill
development programs are designed to address those gaps.
They are tailored to the specific needs of individuals or groups,
focusing on enhancing specific technical, interpersonal,
leadership, or industry-specific skills.
3. Training methodologies: Skill development programs can be
delivered through various methodologies, such as classroom
training, workshops, e-learning modules, on-the-job training,
mentoring, or a combination of these approaches. The choice
of methodology depends on the nature of the skills being
developed and the learning preferences of participants.
4. Curriculum and content: Skill development programs have
structured curricula or content that cover the necessary
concepts, techniques, and practices related to the targeted
skills. The content may include theoretical knowledge, practical
exercises, case studies, and real-world applications.
5. Experienced trainers and experts: Skill development programs
are typically delivered by experienced trainers or subject
matter experts who possess deep knowledge and expertise in
the specific skill areas. These trainers provide guidance,
facilitate learning, and offer practical insights to participants.
6. Continuous learning and practice: Skill development programs
often emphasize the importance of continuous learning and
practice. Participants are encouraged to apply their newly
acquired skills in their work environment, seek feedback, and
engage in ongoing self-improvement to reinforce and refine
their abilities.
7. Assessment and evaluation: Skill development programs may
include assessments or evaluations to measure participants'
progress and competence in the targeted skills. These
assessments help gauge the effectiveness of the program and
provide feedback for further improvement.
8. Certification or recognition: Some skill development programs
offer certifications, credentials, or recognized qualifications
upon successful completion. These certifications can serve as
evidence of individuals' proficiency and can be valuable for
career advancement or professional recognition.
9. Lifelong learning: Skill development programs can promote a
culture of lifelong learning within organizations. Encouraging
employees to continuously develop their skills ensures they
stay relevant in a rapidly changing business landscape and
fosters a culture of innovation and growth.

When implementing skill development programs, organizations


 Align the skill development programs with the strategic goals

and objectives of the organization.
 Involve relevant stakeholders, such as supervisors, managers,
and employees, in the identification and planning of skill
development initiatives.
 Provide resources, support, and infrastructure necessary for
the successful implementation of the programs.
 Monitor and evaluate the impact of the skill development
programs on individuals' performance and organizational
 Encourage participants to apply their newly acquired skills and
provide opportunities for further practice and growth.

Skill development programs play a crucial role in enhancing

individuals' capabilities, boosting job performance, and supporting
career advancement. They contribute to organizational success by
ensuring a competent workforce that can adapt to evolving demands
and excel in their roles.

An apprentice program is a structured training initiative that
combines on-the-job training with classroom instruction to provide
individuals, often referred to as apprentices, with the skills and
knowledge required for a specific trade or profession.
Apprenticeships are typically offered in industries such as
construction, manufacturing, healthcare, information technology,
and skilled trades.
Here are some key aspects and considerations of an apprentice

1. Duration and structure: Apprentice programs are typically

structured as long-term training programs, spanning several
months to several years. The duration may vary depending on
the industry and the complexity of the trade. Apprentices
spend a significant portion of their time working under the
guidance of experienced professionals on real-world projects,
gaining hands-on experience and practical skills.
2. Classroom instruction: In addition to on-the-job training,
apprentices receive structured classroom instruction to
complement their practical learning. The classroom component
covers theoretical knowledge, safety procedures, technical
concepts, and relevant regulations and standards. This
classroom instruction is delivered through formal training
sessions, workshops, or online learning platforms.
3. Mentorship and supervision: Apprenticeships involve close
mentorship and supervision by experienced professionals who
serve as mentors or trainers. These mentors provide guidance,
support, and feedback to apprentices, ensuring they acquire
the necessary skills and knowledge in a hands-on environment.
The mentors also assess the progress of apprentices and
provide regular performance evaluations.
4. Progressive skill development: Apprentice programs are
designed to allow apprentices to progressively develop their
skills and expertise over time. They start with foundational
skills and gradually advance to more complex tasks as they gain
experience and proficiency. This progressive approach ensures
a well-rounded skill set and prepares apprentices for higher-
level responsibilities within the trade or profession.
5. Industry-recognized certifications: Apprentice programs often
lead to industry-recognized certifications or qualifications upon
successful completion. These certifications validate the skills
and knowledge acquired during the apprenticeship and can
enhance career prospects and employability in the industry.
6. Compensation and employment: Apprentices typically receive
compensation for their work, often in the form of a salary or
stipend. As they progress in their training, their compensation
may increase to reflect their growing skills and contributions. In
some cases, apprentices may secure full-time employment with
the same organization after successfully completing their
7. Collaboration with educational institutions: Many apprentice
programs involve partnerships between employers and
educational institutions, such as vocational schools or
community colleges. These collaborations ensure that
apprentices receive a well-rounded education that combines
practical training with academic instruction.
8. Benefits for employers: Apprentice programs offer several
benefits to employers. They enable organizations to develop a
skilled and competent workforce tailored to their specific
needs. Apprenticeships also promote loyalty and retention as
apprentices tend to stay with the organization after completing
their training. Furthermore, apprenticeships can help address
skills shortages within the industry and contribute to the
development of a highly skilled workforce.

When establishing an apprentice program, organizations should:

 Define clear learning objectives and competency requirements

for the apprenticeship.
 Establish a structured curriculum that integrates on-the-job
training and classroom instruction.
 Select qualified mentors or trainers who have the necessary
expertise and experience.
 Provide adequate resources and support for apprentices'
learning and development.
 Regularly assess apprentices' progress and provide constructive
 Ensure compliance with applicable regulations and standards
related to apprenticeships.

Apprentice programs offer a valuable pathway for individuals to

enter and excel in various trades and professions. By combining
practical experience with classroom instruction, apprenticeships
equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary for a
successful career in their chosen field.


A company’s employee retention rate acts like a thermometer for
humans, hypothetically measuring the company’s culture as healthy
or too hot (with a fever). Suffering from a “high temperature” in the
form of high attrition damages a company’s reputation, onboarding
capabilities, training efficacy, and overall performance. 

On the other hand, when a company’s attrition is low or “healthy,”

the company is in a comfortable state where employees enjoy
spirited competition, tight work relationships, and a thriving work,
training, and cooperative environment. Employees who are well-
taken care of lead to a low attrition rate, thus yield exciting,
exemplary, and engaging results.

The bottom line is that employee turnovers are costly, further

exacerbated by the fact that employees leaving can influence others
to do the same. The Center for American Progress found that a
turnover can cost companies anywhere from 16% to 213% of the
leaving employee’s salary.
To prevent this, companies must revisit their training processes and
engagements. And where do these all start? From the very first
contact points with a prospective employee: onboarding and training
development offerings.


A good onboarding training makes an outstanding first impression on
your new hires, getting them excited for their new career and
enticing them to stay for the long haul. But these first two phases
don’t end after a couple of weeks or when HR says it is. Training and
employee development must be nurtured throughout their careers
to seek advancement and make them feel valued in the company.

Numerous studies support the importance of employee training in

retention. Here are some employee retention statistics reported in a
recent Talent Lyft infographic.

 51% of employees are thinking of switching to a new job,

according to a Gallup survey.
 A recent workplace study found that 87% of employers plan to
prioritize employee retention over the next five years.
 An Allied Workforce Mobility Survey found that 25% of
employees leave their job within the first year.
 According to the Society for Human Resources Management
(SHRM), 69% say that a great onboarding experience increases
the likelihood of employees staying in a company for three
 MRI Network found that 72% of surveyed employees say their
number one reason for switching jobs is career advancement.

It’s better to assume that employees are constantly looking for new
opportunities. However, it’s the company’s responsibility to divert
their attention away from thoughts of quitting and shift it towards
enthusiasm and internal employee development.
Employees face a variety of challenges in their daily lives and make
decisions that could have an impact on your business operations. It is
necessary for companies to consider their life outside of work and
create ways to support their goals.

Here are some advantages of proper employee training:

1. Training can improve workplace engagement and productivity.

 According to Gallup, 85% of employees worldwide are

disengaged or actively do not participate at work. Although
there are numerous factors why employees are disinterested in
their jobs, the accountability of maximizing retention always
falls on the company as a whole, their leaders, Human
Resources (HR), and the prevailing company culture.

 To address this, company leaders must establish an

environment that genuinely cares for employees’ voices and
growth—investing in employee development and training. This
can open more opportunities for both the employees and the
company. Additionally, it can reduce unwanted habits at work
like showing up late, demonstrating careless behavior, sloppy
energy, and more. In return, it creates a more efficient,
competitive, and engaged workforce.

 Training that aims to improve employee investment and aids in

helping the employee identify with the organization will
increase one’s overall commitment to the company. Ultimately,
this makes an organization better able to keep its employees.

2. Training can help your company stay competitive in the industry.

 Apart from having good compensation, benefits, perks, and a
positive work environment, one important factor that
motivates employees is competitiveness. Looking forward to
goals and participating in them feels better than doing
something repetitive, endless, and pointless.

 Investing in employee training prepares them to take on bigger

roles. Nurturing experts, enhancing your workforce, and
broadening your horizons for more opportunities can produce
loyal employees who stay longer, thus minimizing attrition
while maximizing retention.

 In addition, career-driven individuals (who likely have

competitive networks) recommend companies that invest in
employee development. With this, your company may attract
top-tier candidates, as well.

3. Training can help your company stay competitive in the industry.

 Apart from having good compensation, benefits, perks, and a

positive work environment, one important factor that
motivates employees is competitiveness. Looking forward to
goals and participating in them feels better than doing
something repetitive, endless, and pointless.

 Investing in employee training prepares them to take on bigger

roles. Nurturing experts, enhancing your workforce, and
broadening your horizons for more opportunities can produce
loyal employees who stay longer, thus minimizing attrition
while maximizing retention.

 In addition, career-driven individuals (who likely have

competitive networks) recommend companies that invest in
employee development. With this, your company may attract
top-tier candidates, as well.

4. Training is a worthwhile investment.

 Some companies or HR departments downplay or
underestimate the power of proper training, worrying that
employees could easily and quickly leave with all the
knowledge and skills the company spent on. However, a study
by SHRM found that training directly reduces employee
turnover and absenteeism.

 In addition, a recent LinkedIn Learning report showed that 94%

of employees are more likely to stay at a company that invests
in their career development. Companies need to take
advantage of this insight and take care of the learners for them
to stay.

 While a good and comprehensive training program for

employees is important, it is also necessary to consider what
kind of development they value. Get feedback on how to
improve your training program and develop it to meet your
company’s goals and your employees’ expectations. More than
doubting whether to invest in employee training or not, it is
more important to show that you care. Being disconnected
from your employees results in more loss than gain.

Today’s workforce believes in its own worth and seeks to work for
companies that share the same belief. It’s no coincidence that
companies that make the list of the “Best Companies to Work
For” are also those that invest heavily in employee development
and training.

Planning to improve employee engagement, providing

opportunities for career advancement, and creating a positive
work culture is the perfect formula to increase employee

Improving employee retention directly benefits your organization

and allows it to thrive more. Your employees all have a direct
contribution to your operations and performance. Whatever
happens to them affects you directly as well. It’s time to put the
spotlight on the workforce that carries the business and how
much more opportunities it can provide for both the company and
your employees. If you approach training in the right way while
regarding and respecting your employees, they’ll have little to no
reason to leave at all.

Training and development upgrade not only the productivity
of employees but also of the organization. It has
appropriately been stated, employee development is the way
to authoritative practical turn of events. Organizations must
have employees who can quickly adapt to an ever-changing
world market. Organizations need to invest into on-going
employee training and development in order to both keep
employees and be effective. The 21st century will be good for
those organizations, which can learn quicker and also adapt
to changes than their competitors
In conclusion, training and development affecting on
employee productivity has improve the wellbeing of
organizations, but also help the prosperity of most countries
that has placed into consideration the plan and delivery of
training and development of workforce at public level. As the
public strategies intend to improve country’s human
resources, this optimally in turn results to the economic
growth of the country. In any case, it is recommend for
management of organizations to provide training and
development of employees a priority in order to get the best
out workforce as well as improving the organization’s
productivity. Further research studies is additionally
suggested on the training and development of employees to
have a more extensive comprehension of its important


The study is limited to the corporate HR, NALCO,

Bhubaneswar. So te study is subject to the limitation of the
area. The time period of the study was only 4 weeks which
may provide a developed picture in comparison of the study
based on long run. Sampling size of the study was only 20
because only these people have attended the soft skill
development training Corporate HR, NALCO only provides
soft skill development training, not skill based (product/
process) training. So how can one evaluate the skill based
training is still unresolved The study as based only on
secondary & primary data so lack of keen observations and
interactions were also the limiting factors in the proper
conclusion of the study

- NALCO Website [nalcoinda.com]
- Year book of NALCO
- Previous year reports
- Research Papers about HRM

I Purushottam Rath, a student of Odisha University of

Technology and Research Bhubaneswar, department of I MSc,
do hereby declare that I have done the project entitled
‘TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT’ which I am submitting to the
NALCO. This project is not submitted to any other institution
or published anywhere else.

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