Answers To The Quaestions Asked in PNS Student Convention
Answers To The Quaestions Asked in PNS Student Convention
Answers To The Quaestions Asked in PNS Student Convention
Twenty seven (27) Questions asked by the students during the Students’ Convention
held at IIU, Islamabad on 20th May 2023. The questions/ answers are as follows:
It is not true. The whole electricity production of nuclear power plants is sent
to national grid and not a single kilowatt-hour is used in PAEC colonies. During first 9
months of the current financial year (1st July 2022 - 31 March 2023), nuclear power
plants provided 21% of grid electricity in the country [Source: Pakistan Economic
Survey 2022-23 issued on June 8, 2023]. Its means, on average, every fifth house of
the country used electricity produced by nuclear power.
There is no nuclear power plant at Nilore but the institute at Nilore has
research reactors which are not for electricity generation. Worldwide, research
reactors are located in research centers and universities. IAEA and PNRA define
Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB) and Low Population Zone (LPZ) around nuclear
power plants but not around nuclear research reactors. Even in case of nuclear
power, annual radiation dose at a plant boundary is much lower than dose from
natural sources (cosmic rays from outer space, ingested radionuclide from food &
water, inhaled radon from air, terrestrial radiation from the ground).
Any country can become member of NSG (i) Having ability to supply items
being used in nuclear industry and goods/technology for dual-use. (ii) Adherence to
one or more of the treaties such as NPT or an equivalent international nuclear non-
proliferation agreement and full compliance with the obligations of such agreement's,
(iii) Supportive of international efforts towards non-proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and of their delivery vehicles.
Applications of Pakistan and India for membership of NSG have been held
since 2016 because of their non-NPT status and difference between NSG members
over the admission criteria. Through US- India 123 Agreement in 2008, doors were
opened to India for nuclear trade, transfer of nuclear materials, equipment,
components, and related technologies and cooperation in nuclear fuel cycle
activities. For Pakistan, things have been different – mostly a policy of denial.
India is making efforts to enter NSG with the help of its western allies while
eight of its nuclear power plants, fast breeder reactor, fuel cycle facility reside
outside IAEA safeguards. If India becomes member of the Group without Pakistan
then the global efforts on non-proliferation suffer and nuclear power programme of
Pakistan will also suffer and it would be difficult to achieve the country's targets of
sustainable electricity mix, carbon emissions and socio-economic development.
Question – 8 (No Name)
Sir who told us about radiations if you can explain how radiations help for
cancer patients I have seen the process in NORI, Give us little details about it.
Radiations helps in both ways; diagnostic and therapeutic. High energy
gamma radiations from C0-60 are used for destroying cancer cells and stop their
multiplication with healthy cells. Linear Accelerators can also be used for this
purpose. For details, pl. read some basic book on radiotherapy.
2- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: widely used in chemistry
to determine the structure, dynamics, and composition of molecules. It relies
on the magnetic properties of atomic specifically those of certain isotopes like
hydrogen (proton) and carbon-13.
3- Isotopic Labeling: Isotopic labeling involves substituting specific atoms in a
molecule with their isotopic counterparts. This technique allows researchers to
study the behavior and transformation of individual atoms within a compound.
4- Nuclear Activation Analysis (NAA): NAA is a sensitive analytical technique
used to determine the elemental composition of a sample. By bombarding the
sample with neutrons, certain isotopes within the sample become activated
and emit characteristic gamma rays.
5- Radiochemistry: It involves the synthesis, study, and application of radioactive
materials. Radioactive isotopes are used in various chemical processes, such
as radiopharmaceutical production for medical imaging and therapy, as well
as in research for tracing and studying chemical reactions.
the training. In case of an emergency situation, the person is sent on leave as
precautionary measure and not as a remedy.
At PIEAS, we are committed to provide high quality education and training
necessary for PAEC and even other strategic organizations. Furthermore, PIEAS
also provides jobs to students after completion of masters with several benefits
including earlier promotion (2 years as compared to 5 years for direct inductees).
PNS provides a platform where scientists, students, and even the general
public come in contact and we try to answer concerns about nuclear technology and
its use for the benefit of mankind and particularly how PAEC has served the nation
since its inception. Within this platform, we will be able to help students make more
informed decisions about their future by having seminars and workshops. We have
been conducting visits/seminars at various universities all over Pakistan in order to
play a positive role in this direction.