PT100 2-1

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Calibration Certificate

Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control

Metrology Department - Physics Section
P.O. Box13032 Algaderia street, Baghdad ,Tel:7785180 - E-Mail :

Certificate No.: PHT /2023 ( QF - 7.8 - 01 ) Date of issue : 6/25/2022

Name: ‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬
Address: ‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬
Item under calibration
Description: PT100 Industrial Res. : ° C 0.001

Manufacturer: ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Model: ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Other identification: (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Serial number: 2
Date of reception: / /2022 Order No. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
Condition of reception: As Found
Standard(s) used in the calibration
Description: Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Calibration information
Date of calibration: 6/13/2023 Due to : One Year
Place of calibration: PH LAB . ( 1 ) calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Method(s) of calibration: Calibration method using : QP-7.2-01-C
The reported expanded uncertainty is based on UKAS M3003 Standard and the standard
Measurement uncertainty:
Uncertainty multiplied by coverage factor k=2 to give confidence level of 95%

The traceability of measurement results to the SI units is assured by the National standard
Metrological traceability: maintained at Central Organization for standardization and Quality Control through
calibration at :- UME (G1KS-0248)

Environmental conditions
Temp. 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%
of calibration:

Set Ref. ( R) UUC (M) ERROR Uncertainty
C° C° C° =(M)-( R) °C ± C°
0 -0.148 0.468 0.615 0.822
50 49.712 50.416 0.705 0.822
100 99.932 100.890 0.958 0.822
150 149.135 150.138 1.004 0.822
Observations , opinions or The Results in the table should be taken in to consideration
recommendations: according to your decision rule

Approved By :
Calibration Specielist : Reveiwed : Ban Omer Farooq
Khalid Naser Hanaa Mohammed Head of Physics Section
6/25/2022 6/25/2022 6/25/2022

This certificate is issued accordance to the laboratory accreditation requirements. It provides traceability of measurement to recognized national standards and to
the (SI) unit of measurement realized at the COSQC or other recognized national standards laboratories. This certificate may not be reproduced other than
photographic process. This certificate refers only to the particular item submitted for calibration
1 of 1
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
0 UP
-0.0840 0.467 0.467
-0.0840 0.467 0.467
-0.0840 0.467 0.467
-0.0840 0.467 0.467
-0.0750 0.466 0.467
-0.0750 0.466 0.467
-0.0750 0.466 0.467
-0.0750 0.466 0.467
-0.0750 0.466 0.467
-0.0770 0.468 0.468
-0.0770 0.468 0.468
-0.0770 0.468 0.468
-0.0770 0.468 0.468
-0.0770 0.468 0.468
-0.0790 0.468 0.469
-0.0790 0.468 0.469
-0.0790 0.468 0.469
-0.0790 0.468 0.469
-0.0790 0.468 0.469
-0.7600 0.467 0.468
-0.7600 0.467 0.468
-0.7600 0.467 0.468
-0.7600 0.467 0.468
-0.7600 0.467 0.468
-0.1476 Average 0.4672 0.4678
00 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
READER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 -0.078
857) -0.078
Uncertainty -0.078
0.000 -0.078
0.038 -0.088
0.035 -0.088
0.022 -0.088
0.040 -0.088
0.040 -0.088
Set. Stability Uniformity -0.079
-40 0.002 0.039 -0.079
-30 0.002 0.032 -0.08
-20 0.002 0.008 -0.08
-10 0.002 0.026 -0.08
0 0.002 0.048 -0.08
10 0.002 0.019 -0.08
20 0.003 0.016 -0.076
30 0.003 0.005 -0.076
0 0.002 0.022 -0.076
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER
0.003 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.028 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
SET Uncertainty
-40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫ الحمام الزيتي‬Heto

Uniformity Set. Stability Uniformity
0.006 90 0.035 0.002
0.007 100 0.038 0.003
0.008 110 0.035 0.004
0.005 120 0.037 0.002
0.005 130 0.052 0.001
0.004 140 0.036 0.002
0.004 150 0.027 0.002
0.003 0 0.042 0.003
0.008 6022‫اـلحمام اـلزيتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.002 0.001
100 0.002 0.001
150 0.001 0.003
200 0.012 0.013
0 -0.003 -0.005
‫الحمام المائي‬
Set. Stability
10 0.003
20 0.003
30 0.003
40 0.004
50 0.004
60 0.004
70 0.005
80 0.005
85 0.006
0 0.002
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
50 UP
49.7100 50.416 50.417
49.7100 50.416 50.417
49.7100 50.416 50.417
49.7100 50.416 50.417
49.7130 50.416 50.417
49.7130 50.416 50.417
49.7130 50.416 50.417
49.7130 50.416 50.417
49.7130 50.416 50.417
49.7120 50.415 50.416
49.7120 50.415 50.416
49.7120 50.415 50.416
49.7120 50.415 50.416
49.7120 50.415 50.416
49.7100 50.418 50.417
49.7100 50.418 50.417
49.7100 50.418 50.417
49.7100 50.418 50.417
49.7100 50.418 50.417
49.7120 50.416 50.416
49.7120 50.416 50.416
49.7120 50.416 50.416
49.7120 50.416 50.416
49.7120 50.416 50.416
49.7116 Average 50.4162 50.4166
00 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
READER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 49.713
7857) 49.713
Uncertainty 49.713
0.000 49.713
0.038 49.712
0.035 49.712
0.022 49.712
0.040 49.712
0.040 49.712
‫الحمام الكحولي‬ 49.71
Set. Stability Uniformity 49.71
-40 0.002 0.039 49.71
-30 0.002 0.032 49.711
-20 0.002 0.008 49.711
-10 0.002 0.026 49.711
0 0.002 0.048 49.711
10 0.002 0.019 49.711
20 0.003 0.016 49.713
30 0.003 0.005 49.713
50 0.002 0.022 49.713
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER)
0.003 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.028 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
rift ‫و تاتي من الشهاد الجديدة و القديمة‬ SET Uncertainty
87857 ( ‫المرجعي الثانوي ذو التسلسل‬ -40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫ الحمام الزيتي‬Heto

Stability Uniformity Set. Stability Uniformity
0.003 0.006 90 0.035 0.002
0.003 0.007 100 0.038 0.003
0.003 0.008 110 0.035 0.004
0.004 0.005 120 0.037 0.002
0.004 0.005 130 0.052 0.001
0.004 0.004 140 0.036 0.002
0.005 0.004 150 0.027 0.002
0.005 0.003 50 0.042 0.003
0.006 0.003
0.004 0.005 6022‫اـلحمام اـلزيتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.002 0.001
100 0.002 0.001
150 0.001 0.003
200 0.012 0.013
50 0.000 -0.001
‫اد الجديدة و القديمة ‪ Drift‬هذه قيمة‬
‫ي ذو التسلسل ( ‪PT00 )887857‬لل‬

‫ام المائي‬
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
100 UP
99.9670 100.892 100.89
99.9670 100.892 100.89
99.9670 100.892 100.89
99.9670 100.892 100.89
99.9680 100.891 100.891
99.9680 100.891 100.891
99.9680 100.891 100.891
99.9680 100.891 100.891
99.9680 100.891 100.891
99.9690 100.892 100.889
99.9690 100.892 100.889
99.9690 100.892 100.889
99.9690 100.892 100.889
99.9690 100.892 100.889
99.9680 100.891 100.886
99.9680 100.891 100.886
99.9680 100.891 100.886
99.9680 100.891 100.886
99.9680 100.891 100.886
99.9670 100.891 100.884
99.9670 100.891 100.884
99.9670 100.891 100.884
99.9670 100.891 100.884
99.9670 100.891 100.884
99.9317 Average 100.8914 100.888
100 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
READER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 99.961
7857) 99.961
Uncertainty 99.961
0.000 99.961
0.038 99.63
0.035 99.63
0.022 99.63
0.040 99.63
0.040 99.63
‫الحمام الكحولي‬ 99.962
Set. Stability Uniformity 99.962
-40 0.002 0.039 99.962
-30 0.002 0.032 99.962
-20 0.002 0.008 99.962
-10 0.002 0.026 99.962
0 0.002 0.048 99.962
10 0.002 0.019 99.962
20 0.003 0.016 99.963
30 0.003 0.005 99.963
100 0.002 0.022 99.963
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER)
0.005 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.010 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
SET Uncertainty
-40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫ الحمام الزيتي‬Heto

Stability Uniformity Set. Stability Uniformity
0.003 0.006 90 0.035 0.002
0.003 0.007 100 0.038 0.003
0.003 0.008 110 0.035 0.004
0.004 0.005 120 0.037 0.002
0.004 0.005 130 0.052 0.001
0.004 0.004 140 0.036 0.002
0.005 0.004 150 0.027 0.002
0.005 0.003 100 0.042 0.003
0.006 0.003
0.006 0.002 6022‫اـلحمام اـلزيتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.002 0.001
100 0.002 0.001
150 0.001 0.003
200 0.012 0.013
100 0.003 0.003
‫ام المائي‬
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
150 UP
149.1350 150.139 150.137
149.1350 150.139 150.137
149.1350 150.139 150.137
149.1350 150.139 150.137
149.1360 150.139 150.139
149.1360 150.139 150.139
149.1360 150.139 150.139
149.1360 150.139 150.139
149.1360 150.139 150.139
149.1320 150.138 150.138
149.1320 150.138 150.138
149.1320 150.138 150.138
149.1320 150.138 150.138
149.1320 150.138 150.138
149.1330 150.137 150.139
149.1330 150.137 150.139
149.1330 150.137 150.139
149.1330 150.137 150.139
149.1330 150.137 150.139
149.1290 150.138 150.137
149.1290 150.138 150.137
149.1290 150.138 150.137
149.1290 150.138 150.137
149.1290 150.138 150.137
149.1346 Average 150.1382 150.138
00 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
READER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 149.14
7857) 149.14
Uncertainty 149.14
0.000 149.14
0.038 149.137
0.035 149.137
0.022 149.137
0.040 149.137
0.040 149.137
‫الحمام الكحولي‬ 149.137
Set. Stability Uniformity 149.137
-40 0.002 0.039 149.137
-30 0.002 0.032 149.13
-20 0.002 0.008 149.13
-10 0.002 0.026 149.13
0 0.002 0.048 149.13
10 0.002 0.019 149.13
20 0.003 0.016 149.137
30 0.003 0.005 149.137
150 0.002 0.022 149.137
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER)
0.005 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.010 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
SET Uncertainty
-40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫ الحمام الزيتي‬Heto

Stability Uniformity Set. Stability Uniformity
0.003 0.006 90 0.035 0.002
0.003 0.007 100 0.038 0.003
0.003 0.008 110 0.035 0.004
0.004 0.005 120 0.037 0.002
0.004 0.005 130 0.052 0.001
0.004 0.004 140 0.036 0.002
0.005 0.004 150 0.027 0.002
0.005 0.003 150 0.042 0.003
0.006 0.003
0.008 -0.001 6022‫اـلحمام اـلزيتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.002 0.001
100 0.002 0.001
150 0.001 0.003
200 0.012 0.013
150 0.006 0.006
‫ام المائي‬
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
100 UP
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8780 Average 100.1576 100.1542
00 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
READER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 99.8719942157
7857) 99.8719942157
Uncertainty 99.8719942157
0.000 99.8719942157
0.038 99.879752142
0.035 99.879752142
0.022 99.879752142
0.040 99.879752142
0.040 99.879752142
‫الحمام الكحولي‬ 99.879752142
Set. Stability Uniformity 99.879752142
-40 0.002 0.039 99.879752142
-30 0.002 0.032 99.8694082402
-20 0.002 0.008 99.8694082402
-10 0.002 0.026 99.8694082402
0 0.002 0.048 99.8694082402
10 0.002 0.019 99.8694082402
20 0.003 0.016 99.8745801911
30 0.003 0.005 99.8745801911
100 0.002 0.022 99.8745801911
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER)
0.003 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.004 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
SET Uncertainty
-40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫ الحمام الزيتي‬Heto

Stability Uniformity Set. Stability Uniformity
0.003 0.006 90 0.035 0.002
0.003 0.007 100 0.038 0.003
0.003 0.008 110 0.035 0.004
0.004 0.005 120 0.037 0.002
0.004 0.005 130 0.052 0.001
0.004 0.004 140 0.036 0.002
0.005 0.004 150 0.027 0.002
0.005 0.003 100 0.042 0.003
0.006 0.003
0.006 0.002 6022‫اـلحمام اـلزيتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.002 0.001
100 0.002 0.001
150 0.020 0.080
200 0.024 0.025
100 0.008 0.019
‫ام المائي‬
Reading Of REF. ˚ C Set ˚ C Reading Of UUC ˚ C
100 UP
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8770 100.158 100.157
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8750 100.156 100.156
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8800 100.157 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8850 100.158 100.153
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8880 100.159 100.152
99.8780 Average 100.1576 100.1542
00 + READER) Res.
Reading Of REF
EADER) Ref. Error UP
0.000 99.8719942157
857) 99.8719942157
Uncertainty 99.8719942157
0.000 99.8719942157
0.038 99.879752142
0.035 99.879752142
0.022 99.879752142
0.040 99.879752142
0.040 99.879752142
‫الحمام الكحولي‬ 99.879752142
Set. Stability Uniformity 99.879752142
-40 0.003 0.002 99.879752142
-30 0.052 0.001 99.8694082402
-20 0.086 0.004 99.8694082402
-10 0.085 0.001 99.8694082402
0 0.213 0.002 99.8694082402
10 0.080 0.001 99.8694082402
20 0.079 0.003 99.8745801911
30 0.078 0.002 99.8745801911
100 0.089 0.002 99.8745801911
Bath Stability Ref. Uncertainty (PT100 + READER)
0.003 0.100
Bath Uniformity Drift (PT100 + READER)
0.004 0.300

PT100 ( 887857)
SET Uncertainty
-40 0.000
0 0.038
50 0.035
100 0.022
150 0.040
200 0.040

‫الحمام المائي‬ ‫الحمام الزيتي‬

Stability Uniformit Set. Stability Uniformit
y y
0.000 0.080 90 0.011 0.051
0.002 0.076 100 0.012 0.050
0.001 0.071 110 0.007 0.032
0.001 0.065 120 0.014 0.026
0.002 0.058 130 0.015 0.020
0.002 0.052 140 0.002 0.014
0.002 0.047 150 0.020 0.008
0.004 0.041 100 0.005 0.120
0.002 0.036
0.003 0.030 6022‫اــلحمام اــلزيـتي‬
SET Stability Uniformity
50 0.028 0.011
75 0.024 0.011
100 0.032 0.005
150 0.037 0.080
180 0.006 0.054
200 0.024 0.025
‫ام المائي‬
QF-7.8-02-C-1 : ‫وثيقة رقم‬
‫ (الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية‬COSQC ) 01 : ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫ قسم المقاييس‬/ ‫دائرة التقييس‬ 2022-5-15 : ‫تاريخ االصدار‬
‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ 2022-6-1 : ‫تاريخ التفعيل‬
Data Sheet For PT100
‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ Certificate No. : PHT /2023 Date of issue : 6/25/2022
Customer :
‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬ Date of calibration : 6/13/2023 Validation : One Year
Description : PT100 Industrial Calibration method : QP-7.2-01-C
Manufacturer : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Model : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Standard ref. : Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Serial No. : 2 Place of calibration : PH LAB . ( 1 )
Range : (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Date of Reception : / /2022 Order no. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
Digital : √ Analog : Res. : ° C 0.001 Calibration conditions : Temp. : 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%

BATHS PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857

Drift PT
Alcohol Water Oil (HETO) Oil (Fluke ) 0.22 0.21 0.01 0.3 0.3
Stability 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.003 PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857
Un. PT
Uniformity 0.020 0.028 0.010 0.004 0.29 0.28 0.06 0.2 0.1

SET 100 mm 80 mm 60 mm 40 mm 20 mm
UP Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC
-0.078 0.467 -0.088 0.466 -0.079 0.468 -0.080 0.468 -0.076 0.467 Bath Stability
-0.078 0.467 -0.088 0.466 -0.079 0.468 -0.080 0.468 -0.076 0.467 0.003
-0.078 0.467 -0.088 0.466 -0.079 0.468 -0.080 0.468 -0.076 0.467
-0.078 0.467 -0.088 0.466 -0.079 0.468 -0.080 0.468 -0.076 0.467 Bath Uniformity
Bath :‫مـائـي‬ -0.078 0.467 -0.088 0.466 -0.079 0.468 -0.080 0.468 -0.076 0.467 0.028
SET 20 mm 40 mm 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm
DOWN Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Drift PT
-0.084 0.467 -0.075 0.467 -0.077 0.468 -0.079 0.469 -0.760 0.468 0.3
-0.084 0.467 -0.075 0.467 -0.077 0.468 -0.079 0.469 -0.760 0.468
0 -0.084 0.467 -0.075 0.467 -0.077 0.468 -0.079 0.469 -0.760 0.468 Uncertainty PT
-0.084 0.467 -0.075 0.467 -0.077 0.468 -0.079 0.469 -0.760 0.468 0.1
QF-7.8-02-C-1 : ‫وثيقة رقم‬
‫ (الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية‬COSQC ) 01 : ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫ قسم المقاييس‬/ ‫دائرة التقييس‬ 2022-5-15 : ‫تاريخ االصدار‬
‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ 2022-6-1 : ‫تاريخ التفعيل‬
Data Sheet For PT100
‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ Certificate No. : PHT /2023 Date of issue : 6/25/2022
Customer :
‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬ Date of calibration : 6/13/2023 Validation : One Year
Description : PT100 Industrial Calibration method : QP-7.2-01-C
Manufacturer : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Model : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Standard ref. : Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Serial No. : 2 Place of calibration : PH LAB . ( 1 )
Range : (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Date of Reception : / /2022 Order no. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
0 : √ Analog : Res. : ° C 0.001 Calibration conditions : Temp. : 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%

-0.084 0.467 -0.075 0.467 -0.077 0.468 -0.079 0.469 -0.760 0.468
BATHS PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857
Drift PT
Alcohol Water Oil (HETO) Oil (Fluke ) 0.22 0.21 0.01 0.3 0.3
Stability 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.003 PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857
Un. PT
Uniformity 0.020 0.028 0.010 0.004 0.29 0.28 0.06 0.2 0.1

SET 100 mm 80 mm 60 mm 40 mm 20 mm
UP Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC
49.713 50.416 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.415 49.711 50.418 49.713 50.416 Bath Stability
49.713 50.416 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.415 49.711 50.418 49.713 50.416 0.003
49.713 50.416 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.415 49.711 50.418 49.713 50.416
49.713 50.416 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.415 49.711 50.418 49.713 50.416 Bath Uniformity
Bath :‫مـائـي‬ 49.713 50.416 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.415 49.711 50.418 49.713 50.416 0.028
SET 20 mm 40 mm 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm
DOWN Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Drift PT
49.710 50.417 49.713 50.417 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.417 49.712 50.416 0.3
49.710 50.417 49.713 50.417 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.417 49.712 50.416
50 49.710 50.417 49.713 50.417 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.417 49.712 50.416 Uncertainty PT
QF-7.8-02-C-1 : ‫وثيقة رقم‬
‫ (الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية‬COSQC ) 01 : ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫ قسم المقاييس‬/ ‫دائرة التقييس‬ 2022-5-15 : ‫تاريخ االصدار‬
‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ 2022-6-1 : ‫تاريخ التفعيل‬
Data Sheet For PT100
‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ Certificate No. : PHT /2023 Date of issue : 6/25/2022
Customer :
‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬ Date of calibration : 6/13/2023 Validation : One Year
Description : PT100 Industrial Calibration method : QP-7.2-01-C
Manufacturer : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Model : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Standard ref. : Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Serial No. : 2 Place of calibration : PH LAB . ( 1 )
Range : (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Date of Reception : / /2022 Order no. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
Digital : √ Analog : Res. : ° C 0.001 Calibration conditions : Temp. : 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%
49.710 50.417 49.713 50.417 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.417 49.712 50.416 0.1
49.710 50.417 49.713 50.417 49.712 50.416 49.710 50.417 49.712 50.416

BATHS PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857

Drift PT
Alcohol Water Oil (HETO) Oil (Fluke ) 0.22 0.21 0.01 0.3 0.3
Stability 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.003 PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857
Un. PT
Uniformity 0.020 0.028 0.010 0.004 0.29 0.28 0.06 0.2 0.1
SET 100 mm 80 mm 60 mm 40 mm 20 mm
UP Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC
99.961 100.892 99.630 100.891 99.962 100.892 99.962 100.891 99.963 100.891 Bath Stability
99.961 100.892 99.630 100.891 99.962 100.892 99.962 100.891 99.963 100.891 0.005
99.961 100.892 99.630 100.891 99.962 100.892 99.962 100.891 99.963 100.891
99.961 100.892 99.630 100.891 99.962 100.892 99.962 100.891 99.963 100.891 Bath Uniformity
Bath :‫اــلزيـتي‬ 99.961 100.892 99.630 100.891 99.962 100.892 99.962 100.891 99.963 100.891 0.01
SET 20 mm 40 mm 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm
DOWN Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Drift PT
99.967 100.890 99.968 100.891 99.969 100.889 99.968 100.886 99.967 100.884 0.3
99.967 100.890 99.968 100.891 99.969 100.889 99.968 100.886 99.967 100.884
QF-7.8-02-C-1 : ‫وثيقة رقم‬
‫ (الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية‬COSQC ) 01 : ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫ قسم المقاييس‬/ ‫دائرة التقييس‬ 2022-5-15 : ‫تاريخ االصدار‬
‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ 2022-6-1 : ‫تاريخ التفعيل‬
Data Sheet For PT100
‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ Certificate No. : PHT /2023 Date of issue : 6/25/2022
Customer :
‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬ Date of calibration : 6/13/2023 Validation : One Year
Description : PT100 Industrial Calibration method : QP-7.2-01-C
Manufacturer : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Model : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Standard ref. : Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Serial No. : 2 Place of calibration : PH LAB . ( 1 )
Range : (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Date of Reception : / /2022 Order no. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
Digital : √ Analog : Res. : ° C 0.001 Calibration conditions : Temp. : 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%

100 99.967 100.890 99.968 100.891 99.969 100.889 99.968 100.886 99.967 100.884 Uncertainty PT
99.967 100.890 99.968 100.891 99.969 100.889 99.968 100.886 99.967 100.884 0.1
99.967 100.890 99.968 100.891 99.969 100.889 99.968 100.886 99.967 100.884

BATHS PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857

Drift PT
Alcohol Water Oil (HETO) Oil (Fluke ) 0.22 0.21 0.01 0.3 0.3
Stability 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.003 PT 1 PT 2 PT 3 3408 887861 887857
Un. PT
Uniformity 0.020 0.028 0.010 0.004 0.29 0.28 0.06 0.2 0.1
SET 100 mm 80 mm 60 mm 40 mm 20 mm
UP Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC
149.140 150.139 149.137 150.139 149.137 150.138 149.130 150.137 149.137 150.138 Bath Stability
149.140 150.139 149.137 150.139 149.137 150.138 149.130 150.137 149.137 150.138 0.005
149.140 150.139 149.137 150.139 149.137 150.138 149.130 150.137 149.137 150.138
149.140 150.139 149.137 150.139 149.137 150.138 149.130 150.137 149.137 150.138 Bath Uniformity
Bath :‫اــلزيـتي‬ 149.140 150.139 149.137 150.139 149.137 150.138 149.130 150.137 149.137 150.138 0.01
No.4 SET 20 mm 40 mm 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm
DOWN Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Ref. UUC Drift PT
149.135 150.137 149.136 150.139 149.132 150.138 149.133 150.139 149.129 150.137 0.3

QF-7.8-02-C-1 : ‫وثيقة رقم‬
‫ (الجهاز المركزي للتقييس والسيطرة النوعية‬COSQC ) 01 : ‫رقم االصدار‬
‫ قسم المقاييس‬/ ‫دائرة التقييس‬ 2022-5-15 : ‫تاريخ االصدار‬
‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ 2022-6-1 : ‫تاريخ التفعيل‬
Data Sheet For PT100
‫ مختبر الحرارية‬/ ‫شعبة القياسات الفيزياوية‬ Certificate No. : PHT /2023 Date of issue : 6/25/2022
Customer :
‫ بغداد‬- ‫العراق‬ Date of calibration : 6/13/2023 Validation : One Year
Description : PT100 Industrial Calibration method : QP-7.2-01-C
Manufacturer : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ calibration quantity : Temperature ° C
Model : ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Standard ref. : Super Daq (1586 A) With PRT PT100 (3407)
Serial No. : 2 Place of calibration : PH LAB . ( 1 )
No.4 : (-40 ----- 200) ˚C Date of Reception : / /2022 Order no. : ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
Digital : √ Analog : Res. : ° C 0.001 Calibration conditions : Temp. : 32.51 ° C RH.% 35.8%

149.135 150.137 149.136 150.139 149.132 150.138 149.133 150.139 149.129 150.137
150 149.135 150.137 149.136 150.139 149.132 150.138 149.133 150.139 149.129 150.137 Uncertainty PT
149.135 150.137 149.136 150.139 149.132 150.138 149.133 150.139 149.129 150.137 0.1
149.135 150.137 149.136 150.139 149.132 150.138 149.133 150.139 149.129 150.137

Signature Signature
Calibration Specielist : Name Khalid Naser Reveiwed : Name Hanaa Mohammed
Date 6/13/2023 Date 6/25/2022

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