PD QC 02
PD QC 02
PD QC 02
Certificate Number : EI230042
This certifies that the above instrument was calibrated in compliance with the Calibration Systems Requirement of
ISO /IEC 17025:2017 in accordance with referenced procedures. Standards used to perform this calibration are
certified by or traceable to National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) and/or other recognized national measurement
institutes which realizes the units of measurement according to the International System of Units (SI Unit) .
Measurement uncertainties at the time of test are given where applicable. They are calculated in accordance with
the method described in The Expression of Uncertainty and Confidence in Measurement (M3003) .
The reported expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
multiplied by coverage factor k=2 such that the coverage probability corresponds to approximately 95%. This result
of calibration was found accurate as shown on date and place of calibration only.
Standard Equipments
Description Serial No . Certificate No. Traceability Due Date
8.5 Digit Multimeter US28032615 TTH-0-36300 ANAB : AC-1736 .08 21- Mar-23
Digital Oscilloscope C018090 EL25758/22 ANAB: AC-2590 22-Jul-23
Authority of Calibration
Certificate Number : EI230042
Calibration Method
The Unit Under Calibration (UUC) was calibrated by direct measurement with the Standard Equipments. The
calibration has b een accomplished in an am bient environment controlled, base on the in-house calibration
procedure. The identification of the laboratory's calibration procedure employed are CP-7.2 -01 - 115.
Calibration Results
Discharge Calibration ( + ) *
UUC Range UUC Setting I Standard Reading Uncertainty (±) Tolerance Limit Values
(pC) (pC) (pC) (pC) (pC)
10 - 20 10 10.0
0 . 14 9 .5 - 10.5
20 ( 20.1 0.14 19.0 - 21.0
Discharge Calibration ( - ) *
UUC Range UUC Setting Standard Reading Uncertainty (±) Tolerance Limit Values
(pC) (pC) (pC) (pC) (pC)
10 - 20 10 10.0 0.14 9.5 - 10.5
20 20.0 0 . 14 19 .0 - 21.0
'-. -
Frequency Calibration
UUC Range UUC Setting Standard Reading Uncertainty (±) Tolerance Limit Values
(Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
15 - 250 50 .0 49 .996 0 .060 n/a - n/a
60.0 60 .002 0 .060 n/a - n/a
120.0 199 .996 0 .060 n/a - n/a
250.0 249.998 0.060 n/a - n/a