Uco July 2023-Web

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President's Report Beware Latest Scam!
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www.ucoreporter.com Section B


Hurricane Season Is HERE! BE PREPARED!
President's Report..................................2 July Property News................................9 Longest Running Radio Show..............22
Editorial.................................................3 July Tax Talk..........................................10 Fun Facts & Events for July...................23 REMINDER
UCO Officer's Reports.............................4 July Clerk Report..................................12 Notables Born in July...........................23
Property Manager's Report....................5 Organization News...............................16 Food for Thought..................................24 D E LE G AT E M E E T I N G
Transportation.......................................6 July Club List........................................16 Class Schedule......................................27 Friday 7/7/23
WPRF News............................................6 Welcome to Century Village.................17 Around the Bases.................................28
9:30AM in the Theater
Security..................................................6 Memorial Day Celebration....................18 Restaurant Review...............................31
Delegate Assembly Attendance..............6 The Latest Scam-Beware!.....................18 Nutrition and Health............................31 Email articles & comments:
Minutes Delegate Assembly...................7 Letters to the Editor.............................18 Entertainment.....................................35 ucoreporterwpb@gmail.com
Legal: New Laws in 2023..........................8 The Reader's Corner.............................20

The President’s
ReportBy Dave Israel
This and that

Kolter land and the golf course: HOPA Current requirements:

As you may recall, D.R. Horton flipped the erstwhile golf course to HOPA (Housing for Older Persons Act) requires associations to verify
Kolter Land. This should be kept in mind as we negotiate with Kolter. the ages of those residing in the buildings every two years.
What is to stop Kolter from flipping the property to who knows? Kolter Effective July 1, 2020, Section 760.29(4) of Florida Statutes was amended
intends to construct 621 housing units on the property. Kolter must also to delete the requirement that “housing for older persons communities,”
commit to contribute 15% of the maintenance costs of the South Canal, often called “55 and over communities,” register with the Florida
this cost to be built into the Reflection Bay documents. Meanwhile, Commission on Human Relations. The previous law required registration
back in January 2023, Kolter offered UCO a total of $250K for a drainage to be updated every two years. A registration fee was required.
easement. We are holding at $750K, negotiations continue. The association must still meet all other legal eligibility requirements.
These include the requirement that at least 80% of the occupied units
UCO Treasurer censured: be occupied by at least one individual over the age of 55, and that
UCO has received a formal employee complaint against Treasurer appropriate age verification procedures and updates are in place.
Ed Grossman. The Officers Committee, Executive Board and Delegate UCO President operates from home:
Assembly voted a motion to censure him because his behavior was After my TIA, recovery has been slow but steady. Thanks to my
threatening, offensive and intolerable. The censure requires a written computer, I can continue to contribute. I keep updated via Email, regular
apology. reading the UCO database, and attendance at key meetings via ZOOM.
Thanks to all at UCO who have enabled me to contribute. I hope to
return to UCO soon.


UCO Transportation Committee,
5400 Fairway Street (between
responding to CV unit owner
Bedford and Southampton sections)
requests, has worked with Academy
Bus and adjusted the exterior bus Hours: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
routes to accommodate riders who Monday thru Friday
want to travel to Holy Name of
Jesus Catholic Church on Military
Trail. The bus will continue to serve The Breezeline Broadband
Mary Immaculate Catholic Church dedicated Customer Service
number for Century Village
on Spencer Drive, as well.
residents is 844-489-7509.
Please use this number for any
inquiries regarding service,
billing, or technical support.
The State of Florida Requires all
The UCO Investigations Office is Contractors to be Registered or
closed on Tuesdays. The office will Be advised to Check License Numbers
return to Monday to Friday service with the State by Calling

after Labor Day. 1-850-487-1395 or on the Web at


The UCO Reporter POLICY
2102 WEST DRIVE, WPB The UCO Reporter promises to continue
its long held beliefs that this publication will
UCO Office, 2102 West Drive New Telephone Number for print articles to inform our residents of the
West Palm Beach, FL 33417 important issues concerning our Village. We
Tel: 561-683-9189 UCO Reporter Staff promise to seek the truth and to print both
Send email & photos to: sides of an issue, to open dialogue to inform
Office hours: 9 a.m. to noon, Mon.-Thurs.
Fri: By Appointment
(561) 683-9189 our readers, not to create controversy.
We promise to listen to your concerns and
to treat all our residents with courtesy and re-
spect. Your opinion is valuable to us and will
Your Volunteer Staff, UCO Reporter be considered in our decision for publication.
UCO OFFICERS These are the criteria for publication:
Editor-in-Chief.........................................Ruth Dreiss EXECUTIVE BOARD LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letters to
Staff Writers.............................................Ruth Dreiss, Peter Amato Richard Handelsman
Stew Richland, Lenore Velcroff, Bobbi Levin,
President David Israel the Editor should be limited to 250 words,
Treasurer Edward Grossman Diane Andelman Laura Hanley and must be e-mailed (ucoreporterwpb@
Business Manager................................ Fausto Fabbro
Kate Benoit Jackie Karlan gmail.com) to the Reporter by the 7th of the
Records.......................................... Roweena Bacchus Vice Presidents month prior to publication. Your opinions
Michael Bunk Bobbi Levin
Sports..................................................Irwin J. Cohen Patricia Caputo Domenic Guarnagia Marilyn Curtis Joyce Reiss are important to us, but please refrain from
Photographers.................................. Walter Johnson Stew Richland Fausto Fabbro gossip, innuendo, nasty or inflammatory re-
Production...........................................................OPS Maureen Debigare Flora Simpson
Corresponding Secretary marks. Letters deemed to be inappropriate,
Circulation................................................. Glow, Inc. Ruth Dreiss Jeffrey Skene
inflammatory or libelous will be returned by
David Boas David Forness Gerry Sutofsky the Staff for revision or removal. All letters
Recording Secretary George Franklin Gloria Tart must include the name, address and phone
JoAnne Robinson Dan Gladstone Mary Walsh number of the author. No letters from UCO
Reporter staff will be published. They may
however have the opportunity to submit an
opinion article also limited to 250 words.
ARTICLES: Articles for inclusion should
The UCO Reporter is a monthly publication distributed within Century Village in West Palm Beach. It be limited to 500 words, e-mailed (ucore-
is the official publication of Century Village. For advertising information, please call 561-683-9189. porterwpb@gmail.com) to the Reporter by
the 7th of the month prior to the month of
The UCO Reporter assumes no responsibility for the workmanship or services rendered by advertis- publication. All articles will be limited to one
ers. It is recommended that you confirm they are licensed prior to using their services. Check any per writer. The topic of your article is of your
references they supply. Editorial and Advertisement submissions are welcome, but subject to editing choosing, but the Staff has the discretion to
edit it with your approval or reject it based on
at the publisher's discretion and publisher may decline to publish any submission. Facts and state- the above stipulations. All articles must in-
ments expressed in the editorial content are not necessarily those of the UCO Reporter. All content clude the name, address and phone number
is copyrighted and may not be reprinted, copied or reproduced without written permission from the of the author.
Publisher. ©2015.


This will advise that the UCO Reporter does not consider any UCO Committee Meetings
submissions that are sent anonymously. And any email sent that
is unidentified is deleted and snail mail is automatically placed TUE 4 TRANSPORTATION 1:30 PM CANCELLED
in the “round file.” If you believe in what you are saying, own up
It would be nice to have some new writers in the UCO Re- FRI 7 DELEGATE ASSEMBLY 9:30 AM MCH AUDITORIUM
porter. Over the years, our paper has gone from 48 pages at
times, and now to 36 for most months. We continue to pub- FRI 7 SECURITY 1:00 PM CONF RM
lish a wonderful baseball column, “Around the Bases” by Irwin TUE 11 ADVISORY 1:00 PM ON HIATUS
Cohen and Lenore Velcoff’s Restaurant Reviews, Notables and
Book Reviews, approaching 18 years, along with Stew Richland’s WED 12 BROADBAND 1:00 PM ON HIATUS
old radio and TV programs. Years ago, we had a second sports
column that covered all sports, but unfortunately the writer
was unable to continue. We still have our loyal monthly writers, FRI 14 CERT 1:00 PM MCH RM TBD
but there is room for more. If you can write any
type of column of interest to the TUE 18 INSURANCE 1:00 PM CONF RM
community, please do. It helps WED 19 BEAUTIFICATION 1:00 PM ON HIATUS
to diversify the paper.
with your idea for TUE 25 OPERATIONS 1:00 PM MCH MTG RM C
a column at ucore-
porterwpb@gmail. WED 26 FINANCE 1:00 PM CONF RM
com. It will be
given consider-
Enjoy the
4th of July Committee Meetings are Subject to change.
Check with Committee Chair for updates/

by Ruth Dreiss, Committee Members and Officers preferred.

Editor-in-chief Limited seating available. Masks for attendees
UCO Reporter


instructions on how the building
should be maintained, or how the
Dom Guarnagia Board communicates to its Associ-
ation. Although the Board of Direc-
vicepresident2@unitedcivic.org tors are not personally responsible
for the Associations debts, they owe
Cambridge • Canterbury a duty to the Association to ensure
Chatham • Dorchester that all financial dealings are in the
Kent • Northampton • Sussex best interests of the Association.
However, Florida statutes can hold
Board members financially liable
Stew Richland for their decisions if it can be shown
that they personally profited from
vicepresident1@unitedcivic.org their management decisions.
This explains why UCO encourag-
Andover • Bedford • Golf’s Edge es all Board members to take the
Greenbrier • Kingswood • Oxford courses offered by the legal firms
Southampton • Dover that represent many of the Associa-
tions here in the Village, so that they
In my last posting I explained what
will be able to manage their Associ-
a corporation is and why each condo
ations in a professional manner in

i s
association here in Century Village

w a y t h is a registered corporation in the

order to resolve the many problems

that arise and ensure the financial

I a m y
State of Florida. The State of Florida
requires that all corporations have
solvency of the Association.

. E n j o by-laws. Basically, by-laws are the

Just a reminder that the hurri-

cane season has arrived. UCO has
formal procedures for operating the
made available to residents publica-

u m m e r . corporation and includes informa-

tion on types of meetings, and the
tions that will provide you with all

the s
the necessary information that you
collection of and how the Associa-
need to cope with the possible im-
tion’s money is spent.
pact that a severe storm can cause.
By-laws usually do not provide

for legal advice, but it is something

you need to include in your annual
budget. Today everybody wants to
Do not squander your time. Get in- sue, sometimes with no merit. That
volved in your Association, help a is why you need a lawyer to advise
neighbor, share a meal with someone you.
less fortunate, even if it is only a cup At the last Delegate Assembly, we
of soup. What legacy will you leave distributed a copy of the proposed
behind? water drainage easement. Please
Getting back to summertime, read it and discuss it with your unit
please make sure that you drink owners. You will be voting on this
plenty of water. It is serious business proposal at the July assembly. If you
to be dehydrated. A lot of people Fausto Fabbro have questions, come to see your
wound up in the hospital last year vicepresident3@unitedcivic.org quadrant VP.
because of it. Not to be redundant, I'm working with WPRF to edu-
Patricia Caputo but from June to November is hurri- Berkshire • Camden cate new residents coming into CV.
vicepresident4@unitedcivic.org cane season. Check to see if you have Hastings • Salisbury • Somerset Building officers should take the
enough canned food for several days, Wellington • Windsor time to educate new unit owners on
Coventry • Easthampton as well as a flashlight and batteries. where and how to make payments,
Norwich • Plymouth Also have enough water for the toilet The past few months have been and where to get their CV ID. UCO
and for drinking. very challenging to say the least. does not issue CV IDs. They are is-
Sheffield • Stratford • Waltham
Happy Fourth of July and have a UCO continues to function at a very sued by WPRF at the clubhouse.
It's hard to believe that it is already safe and wonderful summer. high level. The volunteers are do- The other major issue is that asso-
summer. Everyday is a gift from God. God bless you. ing a great job answering questions ciations that have no officers in the
on the phone. We are updating and building association make it impos-
installing new bar codes on a daily sible for COAs to be signed or rent-
basis. al extensions to be executed by the
New owner and building issues board.
come in on a steady basis. Some is-
sues are easy, but most require legal Happy July 4th.
opinion. The officers are well aware
that buildings don't want to pay

Property Manager's Report


One of the important services be brought to the Association’s Property of ID’s and legible, fully filled out forms are very
provided by UCO to the Manager or Attorney. important to comply with Canadian government
Associations of Century Village regulations and to prevent delays in processing
is applicant investigations, or Association Officers who are considering of applications. Please check with our staff to
screening. UCO Investigations rejection of any applicant are encouraged to ensure that all paperwork is properly submitted.
Department, staffed by unit request a legal opinion from UCO’s Attorney (at For other international applications, it may take
owner volunteers, takes in no additional charge), or to consult with their longer for screening reports to be returned to
applications from Association own counsel, before making a final decision. UCO than with domestic applications.
By Donald board members and Community Please, do not put our volunteers on the
Foster, LCAM Association Managers. Real spot by asking for advice or guidance about The 150 dollar screening fee, collected from the
Estate Agents may not drop applications, screening reports, or matters of applicants by the Associations, and passed on
off applications at UCO Investigations; Association administration. to UCO, is set by State Statute. UCO can only
agents must deliver completed applications accept checks from Association accounts; no
to the CV Association Boards, who in turn There are several types of applications, depending money orders or checks from applicants.
deliver them to UCO Investigations. These on the type of transaction being reviewed
applications are checked over by staff, then (sale, rental, occupancy). Each application has Federal law prohibits inquiry about marital status
transmitted to a contract investigation agency. a top instruction sheet, with requirements for for purposes of housing, so UCO Investigations
This agent returns screening reports to UCO processing. Generally, each application must be staff may not inquire about an applicant’s
Investigations, which then passes the reports accompanied by five items: marital status, or require applicants to
back to the Associations for review. Only Board furnish copies of marriage licenses to
Members may pick up screening reports. All - Check to UCO from the Association determine the amount of screening fee.
documents handled by UCO Investigations are account- $150 dollars for an individual
treated as confidential material. applicant, or a married couple. Our Investigations staff has worked hard over
- Fully filled out first page of the the past few years to streamline the process,
As a strictly clerical operation, UCO Investigations application. improve customer service, and shorten the
Department processes applications and reports - Authorization page, signed by turnaround time for our clients, the Associations
on behalf of the Associations of Century Village. applicant and board member. of Century Village. Unit owners are encouraged
- Qualifying document (sales contract, to volunteer for service, especially if they have
Our volunteer staff are instructed not to offer rental lease, request for occupancy clerical or administrative experience, can
advice or guidance, suggest any applicant form). operate a computer, and enjoy working in a
income guidelines, and to not interpret or - Clear copies of government issued professional, confidential environment. During
analyze applications, sales contracts, leases, identification. the Summer months, UCO Investigations is
screening reports, or any other documents. closed on Tuesdays.
Our staff are also instructed not to offer For Canadian applicants, new Canadian
advice on condominium administration government requirements include clear copy of END OF REPORT
matters- questions of this type should passports, and an additional form. Clear copies



The Port of Palm Beach continues to be a search for newer -- not new if late, and no one will be stranded. There was a
excursion on June 7 had -- buses, as provided in the contract. These are request for bus supervision at the clubhouse front
40 signed up to go. There hard to come by, but there are already some in desk when buses return, to answer questions and
was a complaint regarding the fleet. give directions. The company is looking into
one person signup. Bobbi New bus schedules, as of May 1, are on the buses, supervisor IDs, so that riders can easily identify
reported that the signup at the clubhouse, the UCO office and in the UCO them.
By Ruth Dreiss rule of only one is not a good Reporter for the June issue only. When there are There will be coordination with ushers to let
plan because a husband and changes, the newspaper will publish them again. drivers know when movies run a little overtime,
wife, or two friends riding together should be able Two riders who attend Holy Name of Jesus so that the buses can be held. It is understood
to be signed up at the same time with one present Church and Mary Immaculate expressed thanks that some changes need to be made for better
with proper IDs. There was an instance where a and gratitude for the stops on the schedule. The accommodations. Academy will effect changes
spouse was not permitted to sign for the other first trip to the Holy Name of Jesus took place on whenever possible.
because both had to be present. A motion was Sunday when the schedule began just two days There must be a limit to the size of walkers
made to change this plan back to the original. earlier. It is too early to know how many riders on the bus. Oversized walkers must be held to
The motion was tabled for d\scussion at the next there are. The pickup time from Mary Immaculate shopping cart size because they are too large to
meeting. was changed in order to pick up riders at the right fit in the aisles. For safety, it is company policy
Academy Manager Omar reported that we time when Mass was over. to restrict walking on the buses when they are
are in the slow season, during which thorough When buses are returning from the church run, in motion. The driver will not move the bus if
maintenance of the buses is being done. There the connecting buses will wait for their arrival, anyone is walking.

Dear Residents, trying to SELL/SOLICIT anything on recreation company in to provide information. The lone
Another situation has property whether it be a pool deck, sporting resident scouring the pool decks for their next
crossed my desk that goes area or inside either Clubhouse is STRICTLY target is absolutely not allowed. Please protect
against the posted rules prohibited, as stated below in the Clubhouse and the quality of your time spent at the recreational
and that is solicitation by outlying pool rules and regulations: facilities by calling Security to come out and deal
another resident or guest. #24: NO SOLICITATION OR SALES OF with the person doing the soliciting. An incident
By Eva I believe this is happening ANY TYPE SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY ANY report will be written up, followed by a possible
Rachesky regularly, but complaints PERSON, GROUP OR ORGANIZATION AT suspension, if the resident has been warned
are not being lodged against THE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES UNLESS previously to stop. The resident that prompted
the offenders. SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY WRITTEN this article has been warned before and I will be
Imagine looking forward to time at the pool, CONSENT OF THE LESSOR, WHICH CONSENT seeking a suspension.
soaking up the sun, floating/swimming in the MAY BE WITHHELD WITHOUT EXPLANATION. Action can and will be taken…all we need is
pool, disconnecting from the stresses of daily Authorized consent has been given to clubs or YOU to get the ball rolling by making that call and
living and suddenly you have someone who is groups that, as an example, are trying to organize turning them in.
trying to sell you life insurance...NOT!!! Anyone a cruise for their members and invite a travel WPRF SECURITY: 561-640-3118

I have been appointed chairman of the The committee shall also administer all against threats such as crime. Agreements
Security Committee. The job of the Securi- security rules and regulations under agree- have been made with Platinum Security to
ty Committee, as described in the UCO By- ment with the West Palm Recreation Facil- supply this service. In addition, an agree-
laws, “shall be responsible for all security ity (WPRF) or its successors”. ment with PBSO has been in place for traf-
at Century Village, including the manned Security is being described as protec- fic enforcement. STAY SAFE!
security guard gates and roving patrols. tion of a person, building, or organization,
By John Hess

Delegate Assembly Attendance

Delegates Present June 2, 2023 Delegate Assembly
Andover C, E, I, M Kingswood D
Bedford A, G, H, J, K Northampton A, B, M, N, R, S
Berkshire E, H Norwich A, F, I
Cambridge C, D, E, F, G, H, I Oxford 100, 400, 700
Camden B, C, D, H, I, K, O Plymouth 4 (1 of 2)
Canterbury A, B, C, D, H Salisbury A
Chatham B, D, E, F, G, H, M, N, R, T, U Sheffield A, B, G, H, M, P, Q
Coventry B, D, G, I, J, K, L Somerset A, B, C, D, E, G, I, K
Dorchester C, D, H Southampton A (2 of 3), B (2 of 3), C
Dover (6 of 9) Stratford A, C, H, K, L
Easthampton G, H Sussex E, J
Golfs Edge (2 of 7) Waltham E
Greenbrier A (1 of 2), B Wellington A (1 of 2), D (1 of 2), F,
Hastings G G,, H, J, K (1 of 2)
Kent A, C, E, M Windsor C, D, F, K, L, P, Q, R

Thanks again to the delegates/alternates who contributed to attaining a

quorum for this meeting. Your interest is much appreciated.

Minutes Delegate Assembly

June 2, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 9:30AM by Acting Chairperson, Fausto season and we should be considering new roofs for those buildings that
Fabbro. need them, otherwise consider going to a shelter to ride out the storm.
Capt. Palenzuela, PBSO led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance. Stewart Richland – UCO VP, cautioned that we have a lot of rain coming
in the next few days, so please be sure to close your windows.
134 Delegate/Alternates were present constituting a quorum.
David Boas – UCO Corresponding Secretary, reminded everyone that
PBSO Law Enforcement Report – Capt. Palenzuela wants to remind after you have your board meetings and elect new officers to be sure to
us all that we are now in Hurricane Season and reminded us of some of bring a new form to the UCO office that is completely filled out, not just
the things to make sure we take care of to be prepared. The next issue the changes made.
that he wanted to talk about is the whole topic of Power of Attorney and
other legal documents that we should also pay attention to and make JoAnne Robinson – UCO Recording Secretary, announced that the
any changes necessary. He went on to the traffic report of 24 traffic stops UCO office has a new telephone system and this has made an improvement
with 37 citations, 10 written warnings and 4 accidents, one of those was a to the guest entry system. If there are any problems with the system,
hit-and-run. There were 215 calls for service and 31 cases written. Cases please let us know immediately so that we can address it quickly.
of note, he did not have a lot to go over. Fraud was the #1 issue. Personal
information was given over the phone in most of these cases. Ruth Dreiss – Editor-in-Chief, UCO Reporter, reports that we are ahead
$2,782, which is good, but we still need ads because they help a lot.
Fausto Fabbro – UCO VP, asked for a review of the minutes. Bob Rivera
noted that his comments regarding the roads and having some bumps put Fausto Fabbro – UCO VP, wanted to mention that a lot of people are
in were left out. Upon review of the video record it was determined that looking for their Insurance flash drives. If you have Seacrest, they have
since no action was taken on the issue discussed there was no requirement picked up the flash drives and will make sure they are distributed. If you
for inclusion in the minutes. Ed Grossman, UCO Treasurer stated that he do not use Seacrest come into the UCO office and you can pick it up from
read in its entirety, a statement from Richard Handelsman and asked that Mike Bunk.
it be included in the minutes. Upon review of the video, no such request Donald Foster – UCO LCAM, reports that this week you will be seeing
was made at the Delegate Assembly of 5/5/2023. Ed went on to declare that the paving repair crew making repairs. The week after that, painters will
the minutes were incomplete. A motion was made by Bob River, seconded be working on the Guardhouse roofs repainting.
by Marie Richardson, that “these minutes be amended and re-presented
at the next meeting.” No further action was taken on the motion. Upon Ed Grossman – UCO Treasurer, brought up a question regarding the tax
review of the video record of the Delegate Assembly, no additional business implications of the proposal for the old golf course. Donald will get the
was conducted, therefore, no amendments are being made to the record. request out to a tax attorney for an opinion. The financial report shows
that we are behind by $30,000 to $35,000 per month due mainly to the
Alan Plotnick – Century Village COP wanted to report that new increases in the insurance rates.
members have been added to the COP patrols giving us added security.
He also wanted to mention that a new phone scam has been going around Neils Heimeriks – Office of Gregg Weiss, Palm Beach County
called a “one ring” scam. Commissioner, Mayor, announced that Gregg has been named to head
a committee of the National Association of Counties to explore Artificial
Donald Foster – UCO LCAM reported that he has been instructed to read Intelligence (AI).
the email message attached to the agenda package with the subject of
“EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT”. Keith McIntosh – Office of Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional Tax
Collector, Palm Beach County announced that the office has published
A Motion to Censure Edward Grossman, UCO Treasurer, was made by this year’s Annual Hurricane Guide.
Bobbi Levin, seconded by Joyce Reiss. After considerable discussion, the
vote was taken using the “clickers” provided to every signed in delegate/ GOOD OF THE ORDER
alternate present. The results were as follows:
Stewart Richland announced that there are plenty of Hurricane Guides at
the UCO Office and invited everyone to come over and pick them up.
(Note: Prior to calling the vote, it was determined that 6 people had left the John Hess – UCO CERT Chairman, asking for the associations that have
meeting, leaving 128 members present at the time the vote was taken.) no representation, or there are questions about the representation, to
please get involved and help us to help you.
Donald Foster – UCO LCAM, continued his report by presenting the
“Contract Proposal from Kolter Homes”. He explained that this document The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 AM
is to be brought to the Delegates to be taken back to your boards and
considered for further discussion. Everyone is invited to come to the UCO Respectfully submitted by,
office with any questions or concerns they have about this proposal. JoAnne Robinson
UCO Recording Secretary
Domenic Guarnagia – UCO VP, pointed out that we are in hurricane


New laws in 2023/ Part 1

The governor recently signed into law SB 154, are only two stories. If you are not required to ation.” By way of example, if you have 20 units,
which made a number of changes in the law. The obtain a structural integrity reserve study, you a quorum would be 11 units. Before the change
ones that have the most immediate impact deal retain some flexibility regarding your reserve in the law, as few as 6 unit owners could have
with reserves. Before getting into the new laws, funding. While I personally think that all re- waived, reduced or changed the purposes of the
let’s recap what occurred last year, so that you serves should be fully funded to avoid the neces- reserves. Now, you would need a minimum of 11
understand the context within which the new sity of special assessing unit owners when the in- “yes” votes to make such a change (more votes
law was created. frastructure requires repair or replacement, the being required if additional voting interests
Last year, SB-4D became law and included a latitude with which members may make deci- show up at the meeting in person or by proxy).
provision which stated that after December 31, sions on this issue has been clarified. It can nev- The idea behind this change is that it is intended
2024, no condominium, regardless of the num- er be stated enough, as your buildings are older, not to be an easy vote. A handful of unit owners
ber of stories in the building, could waive, re- even though a 2-story building is not required to should not be able to determine this important
duce, or repurpose reserves funds after that date. have the structural integrity reserve study or the financial issue for all of the owners.
milestone inspection, the Board should still have I will report on the revisions to the laws for
No longer for all condominiums the building inspected to ensure that it remains the structural integrity reserve study in a future
Flash forward to 2023, the current law now safe, and any repair issues (e.g. cracks, spalling, column. There are some significant changes to
reads, “For a budget adopted on or after Decem- loose railings, leaks), should be inspected by an review.
ber 31, 2024, members of a unit-owner-controlled engineer and repaired immediately.
association that must obtain a structural integ- Mark D. Friedman, B.C.S. is a Board Certified
rity reserve study may not vote to use reserve No longer a majority of a quorum Specialist in Condominium and Planned Devel-
funds, or any interest accruing thereon for any It used to be that any waiver, reduction, or re- opment Law and a shareholder at the law firm of
purpose other than the replacement of deferred purposing of reserve funds would only require Becker. This article is not intended as legal advice
maintenance costs of the components listed” for the approval of a majority of a quorum. That is but is for educational purposes only. If you have
the structural integrity reserve study. This is a no longer the case. The law now requires that questions about your reserve funding, contact
significant revision, especially in Century Vil- this type of approve be obtained from “a majority your attorney. Mr. Friedman may be contacted at
lage, where a significant number of buildings vote of all the total voting interests of the associ- MFriedman@Beckerlawyers.com.

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July Property News

Dear Taxpayer: January 1. be mailed on June 28, 2023. The deadline to file a
Happy Independence Day! According to my office’s estimates delivered at petition with the VAB for an exemption is 5 p.m. on
the end of May, Palm Beach County-wide taxable July 28, 2023. The deadline to file a petition for the
Recently, my office announced the award of six property values have increased 13.36% from 2022 to denial of a portability benefit is 5 p.m. on September
college scholarships of $1,500 2023. The overall increase in value is similar to what 12, 2023. For questions about exemptions or porta-
each to outstanding high we saw last year. It is driven by continued demand bility, contact Exemption Services at 561.355.2866 or
school seniors in Palm Beach for properties of all types and near record new con- MyExemption@pbcgov.org.
County. struction.

• Kia Ghods Highlights include:

Graduating from Florida At- • Market Value - $481,467,712,919
lantic High School • Taxable Value - $288,752,577,607
Attending Princeton Univer- • Net New Construction - $4,311,391,070
sity • Percent Increase (taxable value) – 13.36%
• Maya Lopez • Real Property Parcels – 652,953
Graduating from Atlantic Community High • Total Tangible Personal Property Accounts –
School 58,709
Attending the University of Florida
• E’Rinze Murphy Once the tax roll receives approval from Florida’s
Graduating from Glades Central High school DOR, my office will notify all property owners of
Attending Florida Southern College both their home value and proposed tax rate in the
• Inari Larios Notice of Proposed Property Taxes mailed mid-Au-
Graduating from Royal Palm Beach Community gust. While state law requires my office to value
High School property based on the status of the market, your tax
Attending Florida Atlantic University rate is set by taxing authorities who answer to you.
• Jayden James Their public meetings are listed in your Notice.
Graduating from Palm Beach Lakes High School
Attending Oakwood University Where Do New PBC Homesteaders Come From?
• Zavion Gillyard When a new Palm Beach County resident files for
Graduating from Glades Central High School a homestead exemption, my office collects informa-
Attending Morehouse College tion about their previous home site to ensure that Agricultural Classification – Notifications of the
there is no homestead fraud. That information also status of your application will be mailed out on June
In addition to receiving a scholarship award, each offers an interesting look into what states our new 28, 2023. If your agricultural classification applica-
was offered an opportunity to participate in a paid neighbors used to call home. tion is denied, the deadline to file a petition with
summer internship in my office. It’s really a joy to Over the course of 2022, we had 27,357 new resi- the VAB is 5 p.m. on July 28, 2023. For agricultural
reward these incredible students. They have demon- dents file for homestead exemptions that came from classification questions, contact the Agriculture De-
strated excellence in academic ability, persistence, outside of Palm Beach County, compared to 31,431 partment at 561.355.4577 or MyFarm@pbcgov.org.
leadership, and service to others. Congratulations to the previous year. The vast majority of new home-
each of them and congratulations to the entire Class steaders in 2022 were from other parts of Florida, Offices Closed Due to Holiday
of 2023. accounting for about 73% of filed applications. The Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Of-
The scholarship program is very special to my of- fice including our five Service Centers, will be closed
fice. Since 1994, the PAO has awarded $170,000 in Application Status for Exemptions, Portability, on Tuesday, July 4, 2023, in honor of Independence
college scholarships, completely funded by employ- Agricultural Classifications Day.
ee donations. Have you submitted an application for an ex-
In this month’s newsletter, an update on the 2023 emption, portability or agricultural classification?
tax roll process, some interesting stats regarding My office is processing these applications and will
our new residents, and the status of applications for begin status notifications. If denied, you have the
exemptions and classification. right to file a petition for adjustment with the Value
Have a happy and safe Independence Day. Adjustment Board (VAB) through the Clerk of the
Circuit Court & Comptroller. They can be reached
2023 Tax Roll Update at 561.355.6289.
July is an important month as my office submits
the 2023 preliminary tax roll to Florida’s Depart- Property Tax Exemptions and Portability – If you
ment of Revenue (DOR) and the local taxing author- submitted an application on or before March 1 and
ities. Values are based on the status of market as of your application was denied, a Notice of Denial will

July Tax Talk To’s” for updating a driver license

and vehicle registrations through
the Tax Collector’s Office, to
ly, after a few months and at the
end of this annual program, em-
ployees are re-screened, and those
signing up for Homestead Exemp- results are compared to their initial
ANNE M. GANNON tion, important phone numbers, results. Those employees who are
C O N S T I T U T I O N A L TA X C O L L E C T O R P B C education options, and even fun successful in achieving healthi-
facts about our county. If you have er results are eligible to receive a
Dear Friends: Art? For details, visit https://www. friends or family planning a move reduction in their health insurance
Well, the heat is on as we enter norton.org/. to our county, an online version premiums for the entire year!
the height of the summer weather • For you water enthusiasts, there of the guide is available at www. I am so thrilled that we are able
here in South is swimming or surfing at our pbctax.com/welcome-guide. to offer this valuable wellness pro-
Florida. And wonderful beaches or perhaps an gram to the employees and "hats
while we all island adventure at Peanut Island JOURNEY TO GOOD HEALTH off" to their commitment to their
find comfort (https://discover.pbcgov.org/parks/ Employee health and wellness Journey to Good Health.
inside with the Locations/Peanut-Island.aspx). have remained a focus for me since
air conditioning There is plenty more to do being elected to office in 2006. SAY WHAT, I CAN RENEW MY
blasting, there around our fantastic community, The American Heart Association REGISTRATION AT PUBLIX?
are some won- so I encourage you to visit https:// previously awarded my agency the What does a Publix sub have in
derful outdoor www.thepalmbeaches.com/ to find "Fit Friendly Workplace" designa- common with your vehicle regis-
things to do that perfect summer adventure. tion. Furthermore, my office offers tration? Both can be conveniently
this time of year, especially now Enjoy your summer and have a Journey to Good Health, a wellness picked up at Publix Super Markets
that the tourist season is over and great Fourth of July holiday! initiative designed to reduce the in only a matter of minutes! Our
those of us that are “year-round- incidence of chronic disease. easy-to-use MV Express Kiosk
ers” can enjoy lesser crowds. For INTRODUCING THE WEL- Our Journey to Good Health pro- allows you to not only renew your
instance, there’s nothing like an COME GUIDE gram offered to employees features registration, but it will also print
early morning stroll on the beach When I first moved to Palm three key elements to help guide the registration with the decal
to watch the sunrise or an oppor- Beach County I remember how them to healthy living. First, in sticker, you will be on your way in
tunity to head out west to the edge intimidating it was to get settled February, employees were invited no time! Don’t believe me, check
of the Everglades to watch a beau- into a new area. Since then, there to participate in health screenings, out this video that walks you
tiful summertime sunset. There has been immense growth in our which are designed to target the through the process.
are many wonderful things to do in county. In 2022, more than 13,000 factors that influence cardiovas- MV Express Kiosk How to Vid-
Palm Beach County and here are a people made the move to Palm cular health, such as blood sugar, eo - https://www.youtube.com/
few ideas to get you started: Beach County. Settling into a new cholesterol, blood pressure, and watch?v=Jppdve90zWY
• Enjoy the many activities at our town comes with a lengthy to-do body mass index (BMI). Each par- Keep in mind, if you have a stop,
Palm Beach County parks, from list of tasks ranging from updating ticipant then received a Fitbit to hold or expired registration, you
camping, to playgrounds, and your driver license to registering track their daily steps, qualifying cannot renew your registration
water activities -- there is a variety to vote. Knowing who to contact them to be eligible for special in- using the MV Express kiosk. As of
of things to do. For more informa- for each item can be a daunting en- centives if they walk at least 10,000 right now, we have six MV Express
tion, visit https://discover.pbcgov. deavor. To make the process a little steps daily. Next, we provide onsite kiosks located in Publix Super
org/parks/pages/default.aspx. easier, our office is pleased to offer nutrition classes with our licensed Markets throughout Palm Beach
• For those that prefer the in- a “Welcome to Palm Beach County dietician, to teach participants County, to find the location nearest
doors, why not visit the current Guide”. This comprehensive guide about meal planning and eating you, visit www.pbctax.com/kiosks/.
exhibits at the Norton Museum of includes everything from “How- strategies to minimize risks. Final-

Clerk Report - July


Top 5 Frequently Asked Passport Questions: What You Need to Know

Thinking of traveling abroad this • Was your old passport issued between 1 inch and 1-3/8 inches (be- out international travel, these longer
year? If you need a passport, the when you were a minor (under 16 tween 25 and 35 mm) from the bot- processing times will be the norm for
Clerk’s office is here to help. years old)? tom of your chin to the top of your quite some time. Even if you’re only
As Clerk of the Circuit Court & To apply in person, you can make hair. The background must be white. thinking about traveling outside of
Comptroller in Palm Beach Coun- an appointment online or walk-in If you’re not comfortable taking the United States, now is the time
ty, one of my office’s important du- to our Belle Glade, Palm Beach Gar- the photo at home, we are more than to book your appointment and get
ties to the public is as an authorized dens, or Delray Beach locations and happy to take your photo during ahead of any delays.
passport acceptance facility, provid- our helpful Clerk staff will take care your appointment for a nominal fee, While the Clerk’s office is only a
ing the neces- of you. If you don’t meet the crite- or you may purchase a passport pho- passport acceptance facility, we are
sary services ria above, simply renew through the to at a retail store that offers passport more than happy to help you with
for U.S. citizens mail with the U.S. Department of photo services. your passport journey in any way
to obtain new State. How do I get a passport for my that we can, from scheduling your
passports. This What documents do I need to child? With school out, now’s the appointment, to taking your photo
service is avail- bring with me? perfect time to bring them to an ap- and making sure that your applica-
able at our Belle • Your completed DS-11 application pointment. Children under age 16 tion is filled out correctly. My office
Glade, Palm form, which must be completed in must apply for a passport in person will do whatever we can to make your
Beach Gardens black ink. with either 1) two parents or guard- experience as stress free as possible.
and Delray • Proof of U.S. citizenship such as ians, or 2) one parent or guardian Regards,
Beach locations. a birth certificate, Certificate of Citi- with a notarized Statement of Con-
We understand that this process can zenship or Naturalization. sent form. You must submit docu- Joseph Abruzzo
be confusing and overwhelming at • A valid government-issued photo mentation that lists the parent(s) or Clerk of the Circuit Court &
times, which is why I want to answer ID or passport. For minors getting legal guardian(s) of the child apply- Comptroller
five of the top questions we get asked a passport, both parents will be re- ing for a passport, such as an original
about passports here at the Clerk’s quired to be in person and provide or certified copy of a birth certificate, About the Clerk of the Circuit
office. identification. and the parents must bring their own Court & Comptroller, Palm
Do I need to apply in person • One 2X2-inch white background form of valid ID. Proof of citizenship Beach County
for my passport? If you can answer passport photo, or you can purchase is also required, such as a previous The Clerk of the Circuit Court &
“yes” to any of the following, you’ll a photo at our office. passport or birth certificate. Comptroller is Palm Beach County’s
need to apply in person: Can I take my own photo and How long does it take for me protector of public money and records
• Is this your first time applying for submit it? Of course! You may bring to get my passport? Routine pro- including marriage licenses, court
a U.S. Passport? with you one color photo, on matte or cessing time with the Department documents, financial reports and real
• Did you lose your most recent glossy photo quality paper that is 2 x of State will currently take between estate records. Visit www.mypalm-
passport book or card? 2 inches (51 x 51 mm). You must di- 10 to 13 weeks for routine and 7 to beachclerk.com and find us @ClerkP-
• Was your old passport issued rectly face the camera with a neutral 9 weeks for expedited passport ser- BC on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram,
more than 15 years ago? expression, and your head should be vice. As more and more people seek LinkedIn and Twitter.

This issue of the

UCO Reporter is
brought to you by the
Fine Advertisers on
our pages.

Their advertising offsets

the cost of the paper.

Thank You

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Actors Studio of Century Village



a comedy written by Jody Lebel

It’s Century Village Night Court

and You are in the jury!

• Who swam naked in the Hastings pool?

• How many wives does that guy have?
• Two neighbors fighting over a shirt--or a man?
• Why did the ‘lady of the night’ up her rates?
• Are there space aliens on the golf course?

Tuesday, August 1st @6:30PM

in Meeting Room C

Free admission - Adult Humor

It’s not exactly Perry Mason!


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Susan turns
“Your Real Estate
“LISTED” into “SOLD”

Updated, Ground Floor, Corner, 2 Bed 1 1/2 Baths, Furnished,

Tile throughout

May Sales
301 WELLINGTON E 2/2 SOLD $209,900 156 ANDOVER F 2/1 1/2 SOLD $125,000
113 WELLINGTON B 2/2 PENDING $259,900 223 SOMERSET L 2/1 1/2 PENDING $295,000
10 HASTINGS A 1/1 1/2 PENDING $ 95,000 135 CANTERBURY F 1/1 1/2 SOLD $136,000
57 SHEFFIELD C 2/1 1/2 SOLD $174,900 50 PLYMOUTH F 1/2 SOLD $118,000
376 CAMDEN P 1/1 1/2 PENDING $131,000 231 COVENTRY J 1/1 1/2 PENDING $ 99,000

Recent Sales
342 CHATHAM Q 1/1 1/2 SOLD $128,000 453 SOUTHAMPTON C 1/1 1/2 SOLD $ 88,900
227 SOUTHAMPTON B 1/1 1/2 SOLD $100,000 110 WELLINGTON A 2/2 SOLD $222,500
189 EASTHAMPTON H 1/1 1/2 SOLD $125,000 9 HASTINGS A 2/1 1/2 SOLD $149,000
89 HASTINGS F 2/1 1/2 SOLD $139,000 10 KENT A 1/1 SOLD $ 97,000
19 CHATHAM A 1/1 SOLD $ 83,000 10 GOLFS EDGE A 1/1 1/2 SOLD $116,500
2 GOLFS EDGE E 2/2 SOLD $198,000 155 CHATHAM H 2/1 1/2 SOLD $180,000
155 STRATFORD L 2/2 SOLD $196,000 85 STRATFORD G 2/2 SOLD $211,000
11210 GREEN LAKES DR 2/2 SOLD $279,000 100 ANDOVER D 1/1 1/2 SOLD $135,000
209 WELLINGTON F 2/2 SOLD $275,000 5 GOLFS EDGE C 2/2 SOLD $212,000
241 CHATHAM L 2/1 1/2 SOLD $178,500 95 SOMERSET E 2/1 1/2 SOLD $195,000
111 PLYMOUTH N 2/2 SOLD $180,000 274 CAMDEN L 1/1 1/2 SOLD $115,000
94 PLYMOUTH F 1/1 1/2 SOLD $125,000 171 SOMERSET I 2/2 SOLD $195,000
120 COVENTRY E 2/1 1/2 SOLD $145,000 188 STRATFORD N 1/1 1/2 SOLD $229,000
172 NORWICH H 2/1 1/2 SOLD $138,000 64 COVENTRY C 2 /1 1/2 SOLD $175,000

Susan turns “LISTED” into “SOLD”



All Clubs are active as of revised date, Clubs may have been discontinued or cancelled
Rooms or dates may be subject to change or modification
Masks and Social Distancing Recommended; Some Clubs may have Additional Rules
Actor's Studio Meeting Room C Every Monday 7pm-9pm
Arts of Palm Art Room Every Tuesday 3pm-5pm
Baby Boomers (Summer) Meeting Room D 4th Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm
Ballroom Dance Practice Group Hastings Aerobic Every Monday 2pm-4 pm
Bible Study Club in Spanish Class Room A Every Tuesday 6:30 pm-8:30pm
Bible Study Meeting Room D Every Sunday 3pm-5pm
Camera Club Meeting Room C 2nd Tuesday 10am-12pm
C.E.R.T. Meeting Room A 2nd Friday 1pm-3pm
Computer Club Meeting Room A 1st Thursday 12:30pm-3pm
C.O.P. Class Room B 2nd Thursday 10am-12pm
C.V. Crafter's Club Meeting Room A 2nd & 4th Friday 9:30am-12pm
Dance Party Party Room Every Wednesday 7pm-10pm *
Falling Star Players Meeting Room C Every Tuesday 6:30 pm-8:30pm
Friends of Bill Wilson Craft Room Monday & Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm
Homestead Exemption Outreach Clubhouse Lobby 1st Thursday 1:30pm-2:30pm
Italian American Culture Club Party Room 3rd Wednesday 1pm-3pm
Karaoke Party Room Every Saturday 6pm -9pm
Latin American Club Mtg Meeting Room A 2nd Thursday 6pm-7:30pm
Latin American Club Party Room 3rd Sunday 6pm-8pm
Line Dancing Club Hastings Aerobic Monday & Friday 12pm-2pm
Polish American Social Club Art Room 1st Thursday 6pm-10pm
Quilting Club Craft Room Every Wednesday 1pm-3:30pm
Rummikub Club Art Room Every Monday 7pm-9:30pm
Russian-Ukraine Club Meeting Room A 2nd Monday 4pm-7pm
UCO Delegate Assembly Theater 1st Friday 9:30am-12pm
Note: Pickleball Court is always available to use. Please bring your own equipment. * Last Bus leaves at 9 pm

Organization News
Actors Studio 1: meets Monday 7-9 PM in the Room A, 12:30 pm, refreshments served, drawings 4-6, Margaritaville at Sea, interior & ocean view cabins
clubhouse. Openings for actors of all skill levels. for door prizes. Classes to learn new digital skills, start base rate $139.00 pp dbl. + gratuities + fuel ch.+
Writers and stage hands are welcome. Performances improve knowledge of computers, phones & port & tax. May 4-13 10-day 7 countries/land only,
every year. Participants read from scripts. Call tablets. Membership: $12 per yr. Share your skills England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
Marshall: 561-596-1738. with others as a volunteer teacher. For info: email France, Italy. Cosmos Budget Tour starting $2,359.00
cvccwpb@gmail.com. For Website: https://www.cv- pp dbl. Sept. 22-30 9-day Dublin to London land only,
Act 2: Meeting in Clubhouse Room C, Mondays. & computerclub-wpb.com/ Ireland, Wales, England. Cosmos Budget Tour starting
Wednesdays, 6 PM. See Kitty Muldoon-Gragg. $1,839 pp. dbl. Nov. 12 Jungle Queen sightseeing
Cong. Anshei Sholom: 5348 Grove St. Invites you to cruise, all you can eat dinner, show, bus. Approx. rate
African American Culture Club: business meetings join them for Shabbat Services Sat. morning, 9:15 AM
first Wed. each mo., 6:00 PM. Potluck 4th Sun. every $98.00 pp. For info & reservations: Beverly 561-283-
with a kiddush following. Our synagogue is cleaned 9777 Bevspriggs@aol.com. All rates subject to change
month, 3-6 PM. Play Hand, Knee and Foot, Mons. & & sanitized each week. Hand sanitizers available. For
Thurs., 5:30 pm. All skill levels invited, continue to without notice.
further information, please call the Synagogue office:
teach new players. For more details, contact Eula (561) 561-684-3212. Russian-Ukraine Club: meets 2nd Mon. of mo.,
718-7478 or Les (315) 529-1221. Meeting Rm. A, 4-7 PM. For info call Pres. Raisa Kogan
CV Friends of Bill W: Meetings Mon. & Thurs., 6:30 302-345-9627.
American Legion Post 141 Attention Veterans!! pm, Clubhouse 1st fl. Craft Room. Further info: 832-
And anybody connected to the military. Your service 819-7748, 631-889-2614. Sailing Club: Meets Nov.-April, 2nd Friday of the
is needed again. Join the American Legion, Post month, 10 AM, Room C. Monthly Potluck, 5:30 PM, 1st
141 and help support our Veterans & community Democratic Club of CV: Meetings 3rd Thursday Tuesday of month, Guest Pool, Nov.-April.
programs. For more info: Ron Rising, Commander, each mo., 1:30 pm. For more info please contact: Les
Post 141 561-460-5169, commanderpost141wpb@ Rivkin 315-529-1221. Shuffleboard Club: Summer Season May thru Oct.
gmail.com. Play Tues. 6:30 PM, changed from previous yrs. Winter
Falling Star Players: a CV acting group producing Season Nov. thru April, Tues., Wed., Thurs. Be ready
Baby Boomers: will meet each month May-Dec., 3 shows a year. Meets in Classroom C every Tuesday. to play at 1:15. Everyone is welcome. Equipment will
Clubhouse Room D, 3:30-4:30 pm to share upcoming 6PM. Can’t memorize lines? No problem. We take our be provided. Any questions, call Ed Wright: 561-632-
events and visit. Contact dixiedugan13@gmail.com scripts on-stage. Come join the fun! Call Jody Lebel 5268.
with questions. 561-531-3373.
Snorkel Club: has resumed meetings on the
C.E.R.T. (Community Emergency Response Irish American Club: meetings first Tues. of month, 3rd Friday of the month, 10AM in the Clubhouse,
Team): Meets 2nd Friday of month, CH Room A, 1 PM. November thru April, 1 PM in the clubhouse. More Classroom B. Please join us.
info: please call Carole 914-343-5547.
Christian Club: Meetings first Wed. of month, 1 PM Tennis Club: For 2023 season, team sponsorship
Clubhouse Party Room. For Club info call: Rae Boyle Italian American Club: July Meeting cancelled. to (2) two Senior Men’s League teams. Exclusive use
561-254-2290. Figgy’s Upcoming Trips: Aug. 5-13 For more info: call Fausto 561-478-1821. Upcoming of the “ball machine,” mixed match tournaments, 2
Lancaster Show & Philadelphia trip, Closing date: June Tours: Nov.25-Dec. 3, 2023 Bus Tour/Branson Show social/feast gatherings. Membership fee $10. See Les
2; Nov. 27-30 Amelia Island & St. Augustine, Closing Extravaganza, Dublin’s Irish Tenors, special guests Rivkin, Yvon Poulin or John Bagdonas to sign up.
date: Sept. 20. For additional info call: Figgy 561-707- The Celtic Ladies, 6 shows. Rate starting at $1,096
6548 or Nancy 561-629-4620. pp dbl. Jan. 29-Feb. 9, 2024 11-night Panama Canal Zoom Programs: Poetry, Karaoke, Yiddish Vinkl
& 6 Southern Caribbean destinations on new ship programs. Contact Marsha Love - mgmaita@aol.com
Computer Club: meets first Thursday.of mo., CH Celebrity Beyond, starting at $2,702 pp dbl. March

WELCOME TO Let’s Make a Date

Three different dates, all at the same location
CENTURY VILLAGE Each event starts at 11am
Choose the one that’s most convenient for you
BY BOBBI LEVIN Quattlebaum Funeral, Cremation & Event Center
5411- Okeechobee Blvd WPB, FL 34417
UCO and WPRF recently updated the Reservations Required through Regina 561-267-2071
“Welcome to Century Village” information ENJOY * Complimentary Lunch
packet. *No Obligation

July 2023 August 2023

The 2023 version is available in the UCO Office
and in the ID Office in the Main Clubhouse.

All new owners and renters are urged to come September 2023
to one of those locations and ask for a copy.
Association presidents should remind new
residents to get a copy of this handy packet.

It contains a copy of the -

• UCO By-Laws and
• Important UCO and WPRF phone numbers
• Phone numbers for local hospitals, FPL, TOP TEN
PBCWUD, Sheriff’s Office, etc.
• Rules for using the Bar Code System
• How to get a Gate Pass 1.
to preplan your final wishes
What you want, we take care of everything (more than just a will,
• What is CERT? to preplan
purchasing a cemetery your final wishes
1. You
What you want, we take
love care
their than just a will,
• Regulations for WPRF pools and Hasting 2. can talk to your
purchasing a cemetery property).
3. Choose your final disposition, cremation or traditional burial.
Fitness Center 2. You can talk to your love ones to incorporate their wishes.
4. Set a budget but you will receive the same level of compassionate and
3. caring
Choose your final disposition, cremation or traditional burial.

The information contained in this packet, and 5.4. Prepaying

Set a budget butinyou
locks will receive
today’s price. the same level of compassionate and
caring service.
6. Final expense insurance may not be enough, it does not protect
in the documents governing each individual 5. against
Prepaying locks in today’s price.
association, should be followed by all 7.6. Prepaid
Final expense
service is may not be enough,
considered it doesinnot
exempt assets protect
against inflation.
residents at all times. 7. You
8. Prepaid
may funeral service
be eligible is considered
for benefits exempt assets
from Veterans in Medicaid
9. You may be eligible for benefits from Social Security Administration.
8. You may be eligible for benefits from Veterans Administration.
Our Village is truly a wonderful place to live. 10. Dignity Memorial consistently rated 5 stars by the families we serve.
9. You may be eligible for benefits from Social Security Administration.
Following the rules will keep Century Village 10. Dignity Memorial consistently rated 5 stars by the families we serve.
WPB the community we are proud to call our We can arrange to meet in the comfort of your
home. home or via Zoom to discuss your final wishes.
We can arrange to meet in the comfort of your
home or via Zoom to discuss your final wishes.

I can tell you from my personal experience,
Shalo I put
m . my final arrangements in order
itI can
was tell
a tremendous
you from myrelief.
personal experience,
whenmeI help
put myguide
finalyou in finalizing in
arrangements your
arrangements that willrelief.
it was a tremendous afford you and
your family
Let me helpthe peace
guide youofinmind that you
finalizing your
truly deserve.
arrangements that will afford you and
Regina Collins
your family the peace of mind that you
Pre-Planning Advisor
truly deserve.
Regina Collins
is not just a name but a promise. Assuring comfort,
we will helpAdvisor
you plan your final wishes with the utmost compassion
and, of course, dignity.
is not today
Pre-Plan just a name but a the
to protect promise.
peopleAssuring comfort,
you love.
we will help you plan your final wishes with the utmost compassion
Please feel free to contact
and, ofme. We’ll arrange
course, dignity.an appointment at
your convenience. No Obligation.
Pre-Plan today to protect the people you love.
Phone: (561) 267-2071
Please feel | me.
free to contact We’llreginacollins@usa.com
Email: arrange an appointment at
your convenience. No Obligation.

Phone: (561) 267-2071 | Email: reginacollins@usa.com


Memorial Day Celebration

The Memorial Day Celebration, discussed, including religion as
organized by Dr. Esther and David love for humanity, focusing on
Holotanko, honored veterans, those martyrs who were killed
the deceased, family and friends, for the peace and prosperity of all
and historical figures of change. mankind. Many of the participants
Presentations included songs, concluded that we must examine
poetry, instrumental performances, ourselves to make sure we are not
and presentations. The circle of the problem, and for many, the
friends gathered, found common Memorial Day is a day of reckoning,
ground in respecting those who as well as honoring, personal, as
had played the role of “solution well as precious souls putting their
artists” and had sacrificed their lives on the line for the safety of
lives for the good of humanity. mankind.
In this setting, everything was

The Latest Scam - Beware!

Beware and be aware! This scam will come in the form of a contact by a Gift Cards at a store, open the cover and send the agent the back code clear
friend or relative on Facebook Messenger. It would appear that your friend picture for your grant money activation...example of the Gift Card photo shown
is giving you insight into a great prize that you can receive, offered by an in the email. Then you will be urged to run right out and buy these gift cards
Agriculture Commercial Service Grant Program, by an agent of that government to get your money in 24 hours. I might add that the friend who sent me the
organization. message said that a brand new Apple computer was also part of a gift chosen of
You will need to fill out a form to confirm your grant. The form will ask for $100,000...photo of the cash delivered also shown. A Winner’s Certificate is also
your name, address, email address, date of birth, male or female, occupation, emailed to authenticate the grant money winnings.
phone number, own or rent house and monthly income. You will see how How does the friend get involved with this operation? There are those so adept
quickly you are congratulated that your grant has been processed with claim at this scheme that they get into your mail and emulate how your friend or
number, grant number, batch number, serial number and delivery time after 24 relative writes to make it believable to you, using certain phrases and questions
hours of claiming and be sure to write down the info. You are going to get cash that your friend/relative might use. Having the confidence of this person is
sent by UPS within 24 hours. important to get things rolling. Of course, if you phone your friend to discuss
There is a most Important Notice: you must keep this benefit strictly from this, it’s game over because they won’t know what you are talking about. It is
public notice until your claim has been processed and the money delivered interesting to note that the agent, in his online conversation with you, uses very
to your doorstep. This is part of security protocol to avoid double claiming or poor grammar for a professional and puts a question mark after every sentence,
unscrupulous acts by beneficiaries of the program..and so that UPS will not whether or not it is a question. This should be a clue that you are a “mark.”
have a problem on their way coming to deliver your money. Would you believe This thread of conversation with the agent, if in fact, he exists, will be turned
it? over to PBSO, in case they have not yet heard about it. They may think it worthy
Now comes the rub. You have to pay 1% of your winning money (selected by of turning over to the State Attorney. It is hoped that you haven’t been a victim
you) for case file and shipping fees bitcoin activation. You choose your prize, of this scam. If the scammers get even a few “takers,” it has made their day.
anywhere from $50,000 to $1,000,000. Now you have to go and buy $500 Apple

to the I am aware that there is hostility between the Officers and Mr.
Grossman, which may or may not have prompted the decision to cen-
sure but I hope in the future, whether we like or dislike an individual,
we are able to set aside our prejudices and do the right thing. And,
At the June 2, 2023 Delegate Assembly, there was a motion on the the right thing is, when a person is accused of any infraction, they
floor to censure Ed Grossman, Treasurer of UCO for supposedly using should be entitled to see the evidence against them, in order for them
profanity against a co-worker. Although Robert's Rules were followed to defend themselves.
in making the decision to censure Mr. Grossman, the UCO Officers Olga Wolkenstein
refused to show the delegates the video “they said” was proof of Mr 361 Northampton R
Grossman's indiscretion. In not showing the delegates the video, the
delegates were expected to cast a vote for censure solely based on
evidence of opinion as opposed to actual video proof. Although Mr. Delegate meetings are in place to share information and discuss
Grossman's action was not criminal, it is customary, when a person concerns, in a civil manner, as to the future of Century Village.
is accused of an infraction, they should be entitled to fair represen- In the past year, these meetings have become angry dramas and
tation and for the accused to be shown evidence of a committed act. very uncomfortable to watch. We complain more than we compli-
Unfortunately, in this case Mr. Grossman was treated unfairly be- ment the volunteers who manage our condominium community, that
cause the Officers refused to show the video. Their excuse was it was frankly is the best deal in all of Florida.
too horrible and disturbing to watch and they did not want to upset Instead of negative comments, start sharing your reasons and
the delegates. stories, in the UCO Reporter, as to why you are glad to be here in
In today's milieu, how could “WORDS” possibly disturb us, when our Village. In over 50 years, our UCO management must have done
we turn on our TV sets and are exposed to nudity and fornication. something right to continue offering an affordable existence.
Unfortunately, the Delegates did not see the injustice in this matter
and the majority voted, without solid evidence, to censure Mr. Gross- Dianna Larosee

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Salisbury H 2nd floor – fully furnished – turnkey ready to move in ........... $95,000
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for making us #1
Northampton B 1st floor corner; washer/dryer ; Waterview ............................ $150,000
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Wellington B 3rd floor Fantastic open kitchen and new baths.................... $230,000
Northampton B 1st floor, rentable immed, step-in shower, tile floors ............. $139,900 in Century Village
Oxford 500 2nd floor, updated and ready to move in ............................... $159,900
for 2022.
Cambridge A 1st floor, remodeled, rentable immediately............................ $180,000
Coventry I 2nd floor corner – laminate floors t/o ceramic in baths ........ $164,900 We are working hard to earn your
business and trust to be #1 in 2023 too.
Canterbury H 1st floor corner, association patio, ready to move in.............. $172,900
Dorchester G 2nd Floor elevator, remodeled corner Central Air ................. $175,000
Coventry H 2nd Floor, Completely Renovated! New Baths & Kitchen...... $135,000
Windsor C 2nd floor, ceramic tile floors, fully updated ........................... $139,000 We deliver fast results for your rentals and sales.
Golfs Edge D 2nd Floor, Corner, Central A/C, Overlooks the Pool! ............ $255,000
Wellington G 4th Floor, Move in ready – new low price ............................... $257,000 Listing Offices
Wellington L 3rd Floor, Fantastic view, furnished, remodeled .................... $235,000 Date Between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2022
Status: Closed
Salisbury B 1st floor, 1/1 gorgeous must see to believe & walk-in shower ....$1,500
Rank Name Sides Volume Average
Sheffield K 2nd floor – building has elevator 1/1 .........................................$1,450
1. Real Estate Center of West Palm Beach (276544216) 91 5,087,824.00 55,910.15
Northampton G 1st floor 1/1 newly painted – updated ........................................$1,350
2. Masters Real Estate Inc, West Palm Beach (800412) 78 3,836,405.00 49,184.68
Northampton B 1st floor, step in shower, ceramic tile, waterview, 1/1.5..............$1,600
3. Re/Max Direct, Wellington (276562796) 44 5,604,100.00 127,365.91
Camden L 1st Floor – corner - 1 bedroom/1 bath ........................................$1,500
Golfs Edge 1st floor, rare two bedrooms/two baths, near clubhouse ...........$1,900
4. Re/Max Direct, Boynton Beach (276562786) 39 4,171,700.00 106,966.67
Coventry C 2nd floor, two /1.5 corner – SS appliances .................................$1,750
5. Signature International Real E, Boca Raton (802135) 36 2,763,425.00 76,761.81
Stratford J 1st floor, two bedrooms/two bathrooms ....................................$2,000 6. Re/Max Prestige Realty/WPB (607510) 21 456,450.00 21,735.71
7. Century Village Real Estate, West Palm Beach (802187) 20 1,611,300.00 80,565.00
RECENT SALES 8. Oasis Florida Properties, West Palm Beach (276530501) 8 857,000.00 107,125.00
182 Easthampton H ..................$88,000 22 Chatham A .........................$128,000 9. 610 Clematis Real Estate, West Palm Beach (276536445) 7 594,300.00 84,900.00
133 Norwich F ........................$130,000 19 Chatham A ...........................$83,000 10. Premier Brokers Int., Palm Bch Gardens (276537681) 6 611,500.00 101,916.67
135 Andover F ........................$100,000 312 Chatham O.......................$119,000
443 Southampton C ..................$96,500 329 Norwich N........................$120,000 “This data is not verified for authenticity or accuracy and may not reflect all real estate activity in the market.
321 Andover M .......................$119,900 205 Salisbury I ........................$120,000 Based on information ©2023 BeachesMLS, Inc.”
189 Easthampton H ................$135,000 4 Chatham A ...........................$190,000



A Spark of Light
The by Jodi Picoult
Reader’s With this review, I start my 18th year of book re-
views for the UCO Reporter. I hope you enjoy read-
ing these books as much as I do.

Whatever side you are on, this novel shines a light
on the shades of grey in the abortion debate which
divides many, in all countries. The central premise
of A Spark of Light involves a gunman holding hos-
tages within the confines of Mississippi's only abor-
BY LENORE tion clinic. We soon discover that the shooter is a
man called George whose daughter recently had an
abortion. The story takes place over a single day and
is told in reverse, moving through the perspectives
of many characters who all have different circum-
stances and agendas.
We learn the stories and hear from a variety of
people inside The Center. What brought these peo-
ple together on this fateful day. Hugh McElroy is a
hostage negotiator and has dealt with all types of
hostage takers. But this hostage situation is very
different. In fact, Hugh should have stepped down
and let someone else take over. Dr. Louie Ward is a
fifty-four-year-old ob-gyn. He decided to become an
ob-gyn, in honor of his mother. Dr. Ward attended
mass faithfully but also became an abortion provid-
er. George Goddard knew he hadn’t been the best
husband, but he was determined to be the best fa-
ther possible. Three hours away in another part of
Mississippi is seventeen year old Beth. She is terri-
fied and alone and has just found out that she’s be-
ing accused of a horrible crime.
Those are just a few of the characters we meet in
this story. Just like in real life, we have people with
many different views. I thought the characters
were well-developed, their stories intriguing and
heart-breaking. They are all very different, yet have possible.
more in common than they would have ever thought This was not an easy book to read, but I am glad I did.

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Wellington J ............. 2 BR / 2 BA .......................................$334,999 Waltham I ................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$199,000
Greenbrier C ........... 2 BR / 2 BA .......................................$249,999 Oxford 600 ............... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$135,000
Golfs Edge .............. 2 BR / 2 BA .......................................$227,900 Bedford D................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ......................................$97,000
Sheffiled O ............. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$195,000
Hastings F ................ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ......................................$77,000
Windsor E ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$189,000
Dorchester J ............ 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$185,000
Kent G ...................... 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$159,999
Windsor K ................. 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$154,990
Oxford 100 ............... 2 BR / 2 BA .......................................$151,900 SOLD
Northampton D ....... 2 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$145,000 Southampton C....... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$149,000
Windsor Q ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$139,999 Coventry .................. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$124,900
Coventry C .............. 1 BR / 1 BA .......................................$139,999 Sheffield L ................ 1 BR / 1 BA .........................................$89,000
Bershire B ................. 1 BR / 1 BA .......................................$138,900 Chatham N ............. 1 BR / 1.5 BA ......................................$85,000
Coventry I ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$129,000
Dorchester B ............ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ......................................$80,000
Canterbury F ........... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$115,000
Windsor M ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$110,000
Northampton K ....... 1 BR / 1.5 BA ....................................$104,500
Coventry I ................ 1 BR / 1.5 BA ......................................$99,900
Sussex H ................... 1 BR / 1 BA .........................................$99,000

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Old Time
Radio The Longest
Radio Show!

During the 1920s, 30s and 40s the American Thin Man, featuring the movie's actual stars, est theater in the world, the Lux Radio Theatre.
people went to their radios every night and lis- Myrna Loy and William Powell. The stars of our production tonight are Marlene
tened to news, music, comedy, and drama. Lux Dietrich and Clark Gable, and the play, "The Le-
Radio Theater, Gang Busters, Dick Tracy, The For two decades, from 1936 until 1955, Lux (the gionnaire and the Lady."
Goldbergs, The Pepsodent Show, and Bob Hope... family of soap products from Lever Brothers) Is it possible that the manufacturers of Lux
it was all entirely satisfying to them. They liked sponsored this highly successful program. The soap asked me to produce this series of pro-
the theater of pure sound. That’s what they were allure of Hollywood, the highly-paid big-name grams because of all the deluxe bathtubs that
used to and that’s what they wanted. stars and films were what got the audience to have been seen in my pictures? ... They should
Lux Radio Theatre, sometimes spelled Lux Ra- tune in; behind the scenes, however, it was pure have a soft spot in their hearts for me. But I think
dio Theater, a long-run classic radio anthology radio with a top collection of faceless radio play- the real reason goes back far beyond the recol-
series, was broadcast on the NBC Blue Network ers handling the lion's share of the work. lection of any of us. When William the Conquer-
(1934-35); CBS Radio (1935-54), and NBC Radio In 1945, DeMille left the hosting job over an ac- or whipped the Saxons at the Battle of Hastings
(1954-55). Initially, the series adapted Broadway tor's union dispute and was replaced for most of in Ten Sixty-Six, the Blount DeMille family crest
plays during its first two seasons before it began the next decade by William Keighley. The hour- was born. The motto on that crest is "Thy light,
adapting films. These hour-long radio programs long radio adaptations were generally quite well my life" which is, of course, in Latin and reads,
were performed live before studio audiences. done, and many ("It's a Wonderful Life" for ex- "Lux tua vita mea." ... So, you see, Lux has been
The series became the most popular dramatic ample) are extremely popular choices for audio a household word in the DeMille family for eight
anthology series on radio, broadcast for more theatre groups today. hundred and seventy years.
than 20 years and continued on television as the Below is some of the script of the show with
Lux Video Theatre through most of the 1950s. DeMille as the host. But producing a program like this is a privilege,
Initially, the series adapted Broadway plays SOUND: and an adventure, for truthfully, I - I'm a little
during its first two seasons before it began adapt- APPLAUSE awed at the responsibility. Sitting before me in
ing films. The primary sponsor of the show was ANNOUNCER: the Lux Radio Theatre is the most distinguished
Unilever through its Lux Soap brand. And more good news! We give you, as our Hol- and perhaps the most critical audience ever as-
Famed studio executive, film producer, and di- lywood producer, a man who will not only bring sembled in Hollywood. I see a lot of familiar fac-
rector Cecil B. DeMille was the host starting on you the greatest plays and players, but the very es. There's Joan Blondell, Gary Cooper -- he stars
June 1, 1936, continuing until January 22, 1945. spirit of Hollywood itself! That outstanding fig- in my next picture, "The Plainsman" -- Stuart
That initial episode with DeMille featured stars ure of the motion picture world, Mr. Cecil B. De- Erwin and his lovely wife June Collier, Al Jolson,
Marlene Dietrich and Clark Gable in “The Le- Mille! Ruby Keeler. There's Franchot Tone. Ah, and
gionnaire and the Lady.” On several occasions, SOUND: there's our mayor, Frank L. Shaw of Los Angeles.
usually when he was out of town, he was tempo- APPLAUSE And I - I think I see Freddie March. I fed him to
rarily replaced by various celebrities, including HOST: the lions the last time I directed him. ...
Leslie Howard and Edward Arnold as hosts, Greetings from Hollywood, ladies and gentle- And now we ring up the curtain on the play
Lux Radio Theatre strove to feature as many of men. There are two theaters in this town almost of the evening, "The Legionnaire and the Lady,"
the original stars of the original stage and film as famous as Hollywood itself. They are Grau- starring Marlene Dietrich and Clark Gable.
productions as possible, usually paying them man's Chinese and the Carthay Circle. Perhaps Virtually all of the radio shows produced by
$5,000 an appearance. In 1936, when sponsor it's a coincidence that a production of mine Lux are available and easily downloaded from
manufacturer Lever Brothers (who made Lux opened both of these theaters -- "The King of the many internet Old Time Radio web sites. It
brand soap and detergent) moved the show from Kings" raised the curtain at the Chinese; "The was said that 40 million tuned in each week to
New York City to Hollywood, the program began Volga Boatman" was the first theater ever shown listen to the show. It was the allure of Hollywood,
to emphasize adaptations of films rather than at the Carthay Circle-- first picture. the big named stars and the shows that were pre-
plays. The first Lux film adaptation was “The Le- sented that made it so long-lived. So tune in and
gionnaire and the Lady” with Marlene Dietrich And tonight it is my privilege to open a new enjoy radio's most successful program.
and Clark Gable, based on the film Morocco. Hollywood theater whose audience is greater
That was followed by a Lux adaptation of The than any four walls could encompass, the larg-

Presidents Born in July

as the sixth president of the Unit-
ed States. During his long diplo-
matic and political career, Adams
served as an ambassador and also
as a member of the U.S. Congress
representing Massachusetts in
both chambers.

Fun Facts & Events for CALVIN COOLIDGE served as

July the 30th president of the United

States. Coolidge gained a reputa-
tion as a small government con-
servative with a taciturn person-
ality and a dry sense of humor
BY RUTH BERNHARD - DREISS that earned him the nickname
“Silent Cal”.
July 3rd marks the beginning of the rities and royals have birthdays in
Dog Days of Summer. This 40-day July. These are Robin Williams, Sele-
GERALD FORD served as the
period traditionally brings the year’s na Gomez, Jennifer Lopez and, of
hottest and unhealthiest weather. course, the beloved Princess Diana. 38th president of the United
Those days once coincided with the Persons born in July have a de- States. He succeeded to the pres-
year’s heliacal (at sunrise) rising of creased risk for disease, according idency when Richard Nixon re-
the Dog Star Sirius. Ancient folks to a study from Columbia Univer- signed, but was defeated for elec-
thought that the “combined heat” of sity. They are more optimistic and tion for a full term. He was the
Sirius and the Sun caused summer’s they get to celebrate the 4th of July, only person to become president
swelter. as well as share a birthday with Prin- without winning an election for
July 4th is the time of Aphelion, cess Diana. They will likely grow up president or vice-president.
when the Earth is the farthest it will to be tall -- or so it is said.
get from the Sun for the entire year -- Leo marriages tend to be dramatic,
specifically we’ll be 94,509,598 miles passionate and filled with romance. GEORGE H.W. BUSH served as
away from our bright star! And finally, they are often left-hand- the 43rd president of the Unit-
Meet the stars of summer -- The ed. There seems to be more left- ed States. He previously served
three stars of the Summer Triangle handers with July birthdays. A fur- as the 43rd vice-president under
are Vega, Lyra the Lyre, the brightest ther study shows this is true of those President Ronald Reagan, in the
and Deneb which marks the tail of born from March to July. U.S. House of Representatives, as
Cygnus the Swan. There you have it -- so goes July! an ambassador to the United Na-
Some of the most iconic celeb- tions and as director of the CIA.


1. If a bottle of poison reaches its expiration date, is it more 15 As I've gotten older, people think I've become lazy. The
poisonous or is it no longer poisonous? truth is I'm just being more energy-efficient.

2. Which letter is silent in the word "Scent," the S or the C? 16. I haven't gotten anything done today. I've been in the
Produce Department trying to open this stupid plastic bag.
3. Do twins ever realize that one of them is unplanned?
17. If you find yourself feeling useless, remember: it took
4. Every time you clean something, you just make something 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of lives and four
else dirty. presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

5. The word "swims" upside-down is still "swims". 18. Turns out that being a "senior" is mostly just googling
how to do stuff.
6. Over 100 years ago, everyone owned a horse and only the
rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own 19. I want to be 18 again and ruin my life differently. I have
horses. new ideas

7. Why is there a 'D' in fridge, but not in refrigerator? 20. I'm on two simultaneous diets. I wasn't getting enough
food on one.
8. As I've grown older, I've learned that pleasing everyone is
impossible, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake! 21. I put my scale in the bathroom corner and that's where
the little liar will stay until it apologizes.
9. I'm responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
22. My mind is like an internet browser. At least 18 open tabs,
10. Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need 3 of them are frozen, and I have no clue where the music is
it the most never use it. coming from.

11. My tolerance for idiots is extremely low these days. I used 23. Hard to believe I once had a phone attached to a wall,
to have some immunity built up, but obviously, there's a new and when it rang, I picked it up without knowing who was
strain out there. calling.

12. It's not my age that bothers me - it's the side effects. 24. My wife says I keep pushing her buttons. If that were true,
I would have found mute by now.
13. I'm not saying I'm old and worn out, but I make sure I'm
nowhere near the curb on trash day. 25. There is no such thing as a grouchy old person. The truth
is that once you get old, you stop being polite and start
14. As I watch this generation try and rewrite our history, being honest.
I'm sure of one thing: it will be misspelled and have no

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30, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You may leave a voicemail after hours, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and we will return your call within one business
day. Español (Spanish): Esta información está disponible de forma gratuita en otros idiomas. Favor de llamar a Servicios para Afiliados al número que aparece
anteriormente. Kreyòl Ayisyen (French Creole): Enfòmasyon sa a disponib gratis nan lòt lang. Tanpri rele nimewo Sèvis pou Manm nou yo ki nan lis anwo an.



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written information about our qualifications & experience.

Century Village Class Schedule These Classes are

on Hiatus
July 2023
TAI CHI FLOW on hiatus till


hiatus till August


DANCE STEPS (Beginners)
MONDAY, JULY 17 on hiatus till September"


STEPS (Intermediate)
CANASTA FOR BEGINNERS is Back!! on hiatus till September"
Signups begin Monday, June 19 STAINED GLASS on hiatus
till the Fall
Class Registration Information ESL/ENGLISH on hiatus till
the Fall
Classes are for Residents Only
Register Prior to the Start of the First Class
hiatus till the Fall
Register for Classes from Mon to Fri 9 to 12 & 1 to 4:15 in Class Office,
located in the Ticket Office "ATTENTION DANCE
Make checks out to W.P.R.F., Inc. - $25.00 Service Charge on all Returned Checks AEROBIC ROOM
No Refunds after first class unless class is cancelled THIS FOOTWEAR ALLOWED
No New Registrations after the end of the 1st Class ROOM:
All Classes are subject to change, cancellation or modification SNEAKERS, SOCKS, SUEDE
Room Location Subject to Change or Modification
Please do not rearrange the tables and chairs in any room BAREFOOT (NOT IDEAL) -
Please call Class Office with questions: 561-640-3120 option 0 NO OTHER TYPE OF SHOE
Masks may be required for some classes at the Instructor's discretion
(***) This symbol indicates Materials Needed. Please Purchase Materials Prior If you are interested in
teaching a class come into
to Start of First Class.
the Ticket Office Monday
thru Friday, 9 to 12 and 1 to
WEDNESDAY CLASSES 4 to see Melissa at the Class
Office Desk.
Course Name Start Date Time Cost # Weeks Room Materials Instructor

B A L L R OOM D A N C E B E G I N N E R & I N T E R M E D I A T E classes run 7/5 thru 7/26

07/05/23 4 to 5 pm $25 4 Hastings Aerobic Natalia Bragarnik
Learn Ballroom & Latin Dances with a Professional Dancer/Teacher. Includes: Waltz, Swing, Fox-Trot, Tango, Salsa, Merengue,
Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Quick-Step & Samba!

Course Name Start Date Time Cost # Weeks Room Materials Instructor

C A N A S T A F OR B E G I N N E R S classes run 7/6 thru 7/28

07/06/23 10:00 to 12:00 $20 4 to be determined Diane Andelman

Description: Come in and learn to play this exciting card game! Class Dependent on Minimum Class Size

Around the Bases with

By now most of us are used to for foul language and bumping an the information and a year before hours every morning before the
and happy with the changes Major umpire. The main reason is to get he introduced the box score in 1858, games," Bender recalled. "We knew
League Baseball implemented this the ball, strike call correct and not he wrote baseball's first rule book. which batters were hitting well and
season to speed up the pace of play have a player called out for a pitched In 1873, he started the first baseball which ones were in a slump. We
during games. As you recall, pitchers ball outside the strike zone and weekly, "The Ball Player's Chronicle." memorized what the batters did in
have 15 seconds to get into motion vice-versa. Chadwick, who was born in En- the few days before we faced them."
to deliver the pitch with the bases I hope it's implemented in the gland in 1824 and came to Amer- In the first movie about Jackie
empty and 20 seconds if there is a major leagues by next season. I ica when he was 13-years-old, got Robinson released in 1950, starring
runner on base. wouldn't tinker any more with our his first job covering cricket for the Jackie himself. veteran character
Pitchers can only throw twice to a great game. I keep thinking of the Long Island Star. While covering actor MInor Watson, plays the fast-
base in an attempt to keep a runner two great comments by sports writer cricket in 1856 he noticed some boys talking, cigar-chomping, Branch
from stealing. If a pitcher throws a Red Smith. "Baseball is dull only to playing baseball at the far end of a Rickey, part-owner and general
third time and the runner makes it those with dull minds," and, 'Ninety field and was bitten by the baseball manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers,
back safely, the runner automatical- feet between the bases is the closest bug. He dropped covering cricket who convinces Robinson to become
ly advances to the next base. So far to perfection that man has yet to and focused solely on baseball and the first black player in the major
games have been about 20 minutes achieve." wrote for several New York papers leagues. Watson as Rickey makes
shorter than in past seasons. You can argue that the box score and others around the Eastern part a passionate speech to Robinson
A change that I'd like to see and is is man's best achievement. Think of the country. Henry Chadwick be- about the box score. "A box score is
being tried in Triple-A, the highest about it, as veteran broadcaster of came editor of the Spalding Baseball real democratic, Jack," Watson says
level of the minor leagues this sea- the Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Gi- Guide in 1888 and remained in that to a seated Robinson. "It doesn't tell
son, is a computerized strike zone. ants, Baltimore Orioles, Ernie Har- position until his death at 84 in 1908. you what color you are, how big you
Without it, different home plate um- well used to say, "the box score is the One of the best pitchers that Chad- are or how your father voted in the
pires interpret the strike zone a bit perfect condensation of a game. No- wick lived to see was a native Ameri- last election, or what church you at-
differently and being human, some- where in any other sport can we get can, Chief Bender of legendary man- tended. It just tells you what kind of
times change as the game wears on. such a succinct summary. ager Connie Mack's Philadelphia ballplayer you were on that day."
The Automatic Ball-Strike system Henry Chadwick, the baseball Athletics. Bender won 212 games
calls balls and strikes by computer editor of the New York Clipper fa- with a low 2.46 earned run average Author, columnist Irwin Cohen
and relays it to the home plate um- thered the box score in1859 while in a career that spanned from 1903 headed a national baseball publica-
pire. That eliminates arguments, covering a game in south Brooklyn. to 1914 and often told reporters how tion for five years before accepting a
and temper tantrums from players He borrowed some information from he and other pitchers studied box front office position with the Detroit
and managers which delay a game a scorecard he kept and used while scores to gain knowledge of the team Tigers where he earned a 1984 World
and could lead to an umpire from covering cricket. He tinkered with they were about to face. Series ring.
throwing someone out of the game it through the years to streamline "We used to study box scores for

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1 BED / 1 BATH 2 BED / 1 BATH 2 BED / 2 BATH
Ceramic Tile, Garden View, Unfurnished, Unfurnished, Garden View, Ceramic Tile
Beautifully Done, Unfurnished, Porcelain
WINDSOR M Tenant in Place, Near West Gate / Camden $84,900 COMING SOON TBD COMING SOON Flooring, Rentable, Pet Friendly, Renovated TBD
Tile, Walk Right In
Pool, Tenant in Place Condo, Pet Friendly, Well Taken Care of

Ceramic Tile Flooring, Canal View, Great

WINDSOR B Location , Close to Parking, Tenant in Place, $79,900
Near Okeechobee Gate

1 BED / 1.5 BATH 2 BED / 1.5 BATH

Beautiful Condo with Serene Waterview
Unfurnished, Tenant in Place ($1100 /month),
off Patio, Furnished, Ceramic Tile
CANTERBURY F Cul De Sac, Ceramic TIle Flooring, Near $85,000 CAMDEN F $169,900
Flooring, Rentable, Close to Kent Pool,
Dorchester Pool
Near the West Gate
Impact windows, Fully Furnished,
Ceramic Tile, Turn Key, Patio off Living
COVENTRY D Immaculate, Walk Right In, Great Location, $139,900 NORTHAMPTON K $174,900
Room, Waterview, Impact Windows

NORWICH A Beautiful Garden View, Rentable Building $65,000


1 BED / 1.5 BATH 2 BED / 1.5 BATH
Furnished, Ceramic Tile Flooring, Impact
Completely Updated, Ceramic Floors,
Windows, Cul De Sac, Near Haverhill Gate,
COVENTRY D $129,900 NORTHAMPTON K Plantation Shutters, Tastefully Furnished, $184,900
24hr Gated Community, Transportation,
Private Rear Patio with Water View
Pools, Fitness Center
Outside Corner Unit. Ceramic Tile Flooring.
CANTERBURY K $75,000 CANTERBURY B 1st Floor, Corner Unit $159,000
Steps to Pool. Central A/C.

1 BED / 1 BATH 2 BED / ( 1.5 or 2 ) BATH
Unfurnished, Ceramic Tile Flooring, Cul De Fully Furnished, Rentable Building,
Sac, Near Transportation, Close to Elevator in Building, Extra Large Patio,
Dorchester Pool, Active Clubhouse and Development has its Own Pool, Laundry,
Fitness Center Large Spacious Rooms
Furnished, Tile Throughout, Beautifully Absolutely amazing, Great Style,
Decorated Decorator's Delight
Largest in Building, New Kitchen,
OXFORD 400 $199,900
Enclosed Patio, Garden View
Best Water View Around, Natural Habitat
SOMMERSET A $275,000
View from Patio, Central A/C


2 BED / ( 1.5 or 2 ) BATH
Delight, Furnished Beautifully, Ceramic Tile,
Furnished, Great Condition, Outside
CAMBRIDGE I Knock Down Kitchen, Near Pool, Central Air, $224,900 COMING SOON TBD
New Windows and Doors
Unfurnished, Garden View, Ceramic Tile
Unfurnished, Excellent Condition,
NORWICH K Flooring, Rentable, Pet Friendly, Renovated $149,000 COMING SOON TBD
Outside Corner
Condo, Pet Friendly, Well Taken Care of

1 BED / 1 BATH 1 BED / 1 BATH 1 BED / 1 BATH
Ceramic Tile, Unfurnished / Partially
Absolutely Beautiful, Unfurnished, Beautifully Done, Unfurnished, Porcelain Tile,
BERKSHIRE I Furnished, Garden View, Near West Gate / $1,500 HASTINGS E $1,650 STRATFORD K $1,800
Excellent Condition, Outside Corner Walk Right in, Both Baths Renovated
Kent Pool
Absolutely Perfect! Newer floors and
Furnished, Great Condition, Garden View, Furnished, Garden View, Central Air,
NORTHAMPTON S $1,500 COMING SOON TBD WINDSOR H updated throughout. Garden View, Central $1,600
Kitchen and Bathroom fully Renovated Near Pool
A/C. Close to West gate.
Central A/C, Garden View from Patio,
Furnished, Garden View, Central Air, Near Unfurnished, Great Condition, Wood Floor
COMING SOON TBD GOLF'S EDGE E Galley Kitchen, 24-hr Security, Fitness $1,550 GOLFS EDGE C $1,500
Pool Throughout, Central Air
Center, Community Pool
2 BED / 2 BATH 2 BED / 1.5 BATH 2 BED / 2 BATH
COMING SOON Unfurnished, Ceramic Tile, Newer Kitchen TBD CAMDEN E Waterview, Furnished, Outside Corner $1,575 STRATFORD K Unfurnished, Ceramic Tile, New Bathroom $1,650

Fully Furnished, Garden View, Central

DORCHESTER C $1,600 CANTERBURY G Central A/C, Community Pool, Tennis $1,500
Air, Near Pool, Well Taken Care Of


1 BED / 1.5 BATH 2 BED / 1.5 BATH
Inside Corner, Ceramic Tile, Ceramic Tile, Waterview, Furnished, Outside Corner,
WINDSOR H Furnished, Near West Gate / Camden Pool, $1,600 SHEFFIELD C Close to Haverhill / Fitness Center, $1,650
Garden View Ceramic Tile Helping you Buy, Rent, & Sell
Tastefully decorated with ceramic tile in
Unfurnished, Ceramic Tile, Central Air, Private
Pool and Laundry
$1,550 CANTERBURY B main areas and carpeted bedrooms. $1,500 exclusively in Century Village
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Inside Corner, Ceramic Tile, Ceramic Tile,
WALTHAM E $1,550
Furnished, Near Haverhill Clubhouse
Central Air, Large and Spacious, Carpet and
NORWICH J $1,500
Ceramic Tile, Cable Included

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WEST PALM BEACH| (561) 557-4168
Surprise! This small (from the Rolls cha gio petite golden brown
outside) Vietnamese restaurant has egg rolls stuffed with vegetables
some big food flavor. and plum sauce on the side. My
friend enjoyed these. The green
Their specialty is Pho - a type of papaya salad was recommended to
Vietnamese soup, typically made us by another friend. At first it was
from beef stock and spices to which nothing special, I thought, but once
noodles and thinly sliced beef you mix in that spicy sauce that's
or chicken are added. The best sitting at the bottom of the plate,
thing about pho is that it’s such a it makes the whole dish! It has
restorative food—the comforting shredded green papaya, shrimp and
soup is savory and rich, while still pork, chopped herbs finished with
feeling clean and refreshing at the crushed roasted peanuts, served
same time. You know you're onto with house dressing.
something good when they bring They have Rice Plates served
a heap of herbs and vegetables to with steamed jasmine rice, served
your table for your soup. I ordered with lettuce, tomato, cucumber,
it with chicken because I was afraid Vietnamese radish, and carrot
of fatty meat. It's available with pickle. You can have it with pork
hot sauce, chili sauce, sweet sauce, chop, chicken or shrimp. Or try
lemon and jalapeno peppers for a Bun (rice vermicelli noodle,
you to personally customize your choice of meat served with lettuce,
pho. Mine was so delicious and so cucumber, bean sprouts, mint and
much (I ordered a medium) that I our savory sauce finished with
took some home for the next day. It crushed roasted peanuts.
was also available with Eye Round If you are looking for something
Rare Steak or as a combination with different, try this local spot. I think
Brisket of Beef, Meatballs or Flank. you will like it. By the way, Pho is
First try one of their appetizers pronounced fuh, like duh.
– such as Vietnamese Fried Eggs

Nutrition andHealth
ABC's of Vitamin A

Vitamin A is naturally found in Plant sources such as carrots, vitamin A supplements. Certain
a variety of foods. This ubiquitous pumpkin, and sweet potatoes medical conditions may increase
nutrient is needed to perform many are rich in provitamin A the amount of vitamin A you
functions in the body. Making sure (carotenoids). Carotenoids give would need. Remember to always
we get enough is a good way to help fruit and vegetables their beautiful ask a doctor before taking any
us stay healthy. hues. Our bodies convert some supplements.
carotenoids from our food into grated carrots. Canned pumpkin
What Does Vitamin A Do For vitamin A. Other carotenoids help Ways to Add More Vitamin A and cooked sweet potatoes can also
Me? protect the body from cell damage Into Your Diet Naturally boost nutrients. These additions
and maintain health. Lycopene and • A spoon of canned pumpkin can can also work in pancakes.
Eye health beta-carotene are probably the ones add a nutritional boost to many • Make pizza fancy and more
Deficiencies can lead to night you are most familiar with. foods like oatmeal or cream of nutritious with the addition of
blindness, making it more and more wheat cereal. spinach or other greens with your
difficult to see in the dark. How Much Do I Need? • Some foods, like cereals, are usual toppings
Immune system Vitamin A is measured in units fortified with vitamin A. During • Serve a side of cantaloupe with
Vitamin A helps keep our immune called micrograms (mcg) of food processing, vitamin A is added cottage cheese.
cells working properly. It also aids retinol activity equivalents (RAE). to the food item. The nutrition label • Eggs are a good source of
in maintaining skin, which is a first According to the National Institute on the package will be able to show vitamin A. Hard-boiled, they can
barrier of protection. of Health, adult men would need you how much vitamin A is present. make a filling and healthy snack,
Protection of cells from dam- 900 mcg RAE daily and for adult • If you are indulging in French convenient to pack with you. Eggs
age women 700 mcg RAE. fries, switch regular white potatoes can also be great for a quick and
Vitamin A is an antioxidant, for sweet potato fries. delicious dinner
which can help protect cells from Can I Take a Vitamin A Supple- • Add frozen mango to your
damage. ment? shakes, smoothies, and yogurt, Jeanie W. Friedman is a Registered
Forms of Vitamin A Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, fresh or frozen Dietitian and nutritionist licensed
There are two types: Preformed meaning that it can be stored by the • Sauté chopped bell peppers and in the State of Florida. This article
vitamin A and Provitamin A. body. High amounts of vitamin A tomatoes to add to your scrambled is intended for educational purposes
Preformed vitamin A is mainly can be detrimental to your health. eggs or omelets. only and is not intended as a
found in animal sources like liver, There can also be interactions • Bump up the nutrition in baked substitute for consultation with your
dairy, eggs, and fish. between certain medications and goods like muffins and breads with health care.

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Call / text me: 561.452.8683

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West Palm Beach - Century Village
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JULY 2023
WEST PALM BEACH dance schedule

Alfonso Aranda
JULY 2023 Friday, July 07
WEST PALM BEACH dance schedule
Bill DeRenzo
Friday, July 14

DJ David
Alfonso N
Friday, July
Friday, July 07

DJ Charlie
Bill D
Friday, July
July 28

DJ David N
Friday, July 21
The 2023-2024 Season
The 2023-2024 Brochure
Season Brochure willwill be available
be available toClubhouse
to view at the
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9 am.
view at andthe Clubhouse
online starting and
online starting
Dances will be held in the Party Room from 7:00 - 10:00 pm.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9 am.

DJ Charlie D
Resident ID or Guest Pass is required for admittance to shows, dances and movies. No one under the age of 16 is permitted
Friday, July 28
to attend shows or movies. No one under the age of 21 is permitted to attend dances.

Dances will be held in the Party Room from 7:00 - 10:00 pm.
All programs are subject to change and/or modification without notice. Photography, audio or videotaping is strictly
prohibited. No shorts are permitted for all live performances.

Resident ID or Guest Pass is required for admittance to shows, dances and mo-
vies. No one under the age of 16 is permitted
The Summer Brochure is available online at: www.twitter.com/cvtheaters
www.centuryvillagetheater.com/west-palm-beach www.instagram.com/cvtheaters
to attend shows or movies. No one under the age of 21 is permitted to attend https://gateaccess.net
The 2023-2024 Season Brochure will be available to view at the Clubhouse and online starting
dances. Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9 am.

Dances will be held in the Party Room from 7:00 - 10:00 pm.
All programs are subject to change and/or modification without notice. Photo-
Resident ID or Guest Pass is required for admittance to shows, dances and movies. No one under the age of 16 is permitted
graphy, audio or videotaping is strictly
to attend shows or movies. No one under the age of 21 is permitted to attend dances.

prohibited. No shorts are permitted for all live performances.

All programs are subject to change and/or modification without notice. Photography, audio or videotaping is strictly
prohibited. No shorts are permitted for all live performances.

The Summer Brochure is available online at: www.twitter.com/cvtheaters
www.centuryvillagetheater.com/west-palm-beach www.instagram.com/cvtheaters


UCO OFFICE .............................................................683-9189

HOURS 9 - 1PM - MON -THUR. • FRI. - 12 - 3PM.

UCO REPORTER.........................................................683-9189


VISITORS CALL IN.....................................................689-1759

WPRF CLUBHOUSE...................................................640-3120

HASTINGS CLUBHOUSE..........................................687-4875

CV SECURITY..............................................................689-0432


COMMUNITY SERVICES..........................................211

WEST PALM HOSPITAL...........................................842-6141

ST. MARY’S HOSPITAL.............................................844-6300

VA HOSPITAL..............................................................422-6838

GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL...............................655-5511

JFK MEDICAL CENTER.............................................965-7300

WELLINGTON REGIONAL........................................798-8500


Staff & Class Office................................................. Ext. 0
Ticket Office............................................................. Ext. 1
WPRF Maintenance Office................................... Ext. 2 BAR CODES & GATE PASSES
WPRF Accounts Receivable Office.................... Ext. 3
I.D. Office................................................................... Ext. 4 Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Administrative Office............................................ Ext. 5
Main Clubhouse Security..................................... Ext. 6 Friday 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Hastings Clubhouse Security............................. Ext. 7
Aerobic Instructor.................................................. Ext. 8
Gym Trainers............................................................ Ext. 9
Operator, Please Press Zero
Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Friday 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Friday 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Saturday, July 8 at 8 pm Saturday, July 15 at 8 pm Saturday, July 22 at 8 pm Saturday, July 29 at 8 pm

Yesterdayze - The Gerard Esposito “Vegas To Michael McGeehan The Dazzling Dynamic Duo
Ultimate ‘60s Experience Broadway” Highlighting The Classic Songs Of Featuring David Orson &
A Non-Stop Blast From The Past! His Peers Call Him A ‘Singer’s Singer’ The ‘50s, ‘60s & ‘70s Gary Clark
A Musical Adventure Taking You From Ballads
To Broadway & From Opera To Country.
All programs are subject to change and/or modification.

Tickets will be sold month

to month on the 22nd of the
previous month online at
www.gateaccess.net and at
the Ticket Office. Please see • • J U LY 2 0 2 3 M OV IE S • •
Clubhouse Happenings for
monthly dates. All programs When available, new movies will be presented with captions on the first 1:45
are subject to change and/
or modification without
showing on Sunday. No charge for residents.
notice. Sun. July 02 1:45 pm SHE SAID R, 2 HOURS, 9 MIN
All programs are subject to The film is based on a New York Times investigation by reporters Megan Twohey and
change and/or modification Jodi Kantor that broke the silence of sexual assault in Hollywood. Their reporting
ignited a movement, shattering decades of cover-up. The movie stars Carey Mulligan,
without notice. Zoe Kazan, Patricia Clarkson and Lola Petticrew.

Take advantage of our Sun. July 02 6:30 pm THE WHALE R, 1 HOUR, 57 MIN.
4 for 3 Summer special! Mon. July 03 6:30 pm (RATED R FOR LANGUAGE, DRUG USE AND SEXUAL CONTENT.)
Purchase tickets for 3 Sun. July 09 1:45 pm In a town in Idaho, Charlie, a morbidly obese and unhealthy English teacher, is a
recluse who is eating himself to death. He desperately wants to reconnect with his
shows and receive 1 daughter as his last chance at redemption. The movie stars Brendan Fraser who won
free show in the same an Oscar for his performance, Sadie Sink and Ty Simpkins.
month. This offer is valid
for residents ONLY and Sun. July 09 6:30 pm WOMEN TALKING PG-13, 1 HOUR, 44 MIN.
MUST be purchased at the Mon. July 10 6:30 pm Based on a true story, the women of an isolated religious community come together to
grapple with reconciling a brutal reality about their faith. They have to decide whether
Ticket Office. To receive Sun. July 16 1:45 pm they stay or leave. The film stars Frances McDormand, Rooney Mara, Claire Foy and
the free ticket, it must Jessie Buckley.
be processed at the time
of purchase. Caregiver Sun. July 16 6:30 pm 80 FOR BRADY PG-13, 1 HOUR, 38 MIN.
Passes, New Owner and The movie takes its inspiration from the true story of 4 best friends who were die-hard
Mon. July 17 6:30 pm New England Patriots fans. They made it their life-long mission to go to the Super Bowl
Volunteer Vouchers are Sun. July 23 1:45 pm and meet NFL superstar Tom Brady. Making their dream come true, comedy and chaos
excluded from the special. ensues as they get into the best kind of trouble! The all-star cast includes Jane Fonda,
No reprints - No refunds Rita Moreno, Sally Field and Lily Tomlin.
- non-transferrable.
Sun. July 30 6:30 pm PLANE R, 1 HOUR, 47 MIN.
Effective for April –
October 2023. Mon. July 31 6:30 pm (RATED R FOR VIOLENCE AND LANGUAGE.)
In this action/thriller, a plane is struck by lightning in a terrible storm. The pilot is able
to make a risky landing on a war-torn island but the surviving passengers are then
taken hostage by dangerous rebels. The movie stars Gerard Butler, Mike Colter and
“R” Rated Movies Tony Goldwyn.
“R” Rated (under 16 requires
accompanying parent or adult Sun. July 30 6:30 pm WHITNEY HOUSTON: I WANNA DANCE WITH
Additional ratings for this movie are:
Mon. July 31 6:30 pm SOMEBODY PG-13, 2 HOURS, 24 MIN.
V for Violence Telling the story of Whitney Houston’s journey from obscurity to superstar, the film
L for Language (strong language and is a joyous, emotional, heartbreaking celebration of her life and music. The movie
drug content) (Continued in August) stars Naomi Ackie, Stanley Tucci, Ashton Sanders and Tamara Tunie.
N for Nudity (graphic nudity)
SC for Sexual Content (pervasive
language including sexual references and
An “R” rated motion picture, in the view
of the Rating Board, contains some adult
lmaterial. An “R” rated motion picture may
include adult themes, adult activity, hard Entertainment information is provided by W.P.R.F.
language, intense or persistent violence,
sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or Any questions regarding Clubhouse entertainment should be directed
other elements. Due to a wide viewing
audience, WPRF will not censure “R” rated
to W.P.R.F. at 640-3120.
movies. Therefore, if you find any of the
above offensive, WPRF suggest you “OPT
OUT” of seeing this movie.


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