5sampling Methods and Sampling Distribution

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College of Engineering and Architecture

Chapter Five : Sampling Methods and

Sampling Distributions

Luzale D. Henson, R.E.E., M.B.A.,Ph.D.

Module 5:Sampling Methods and
Sampling Distributions
When you have completed this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Explain why a sample is the only feasible way to learn about a

2. Explain methods for selecting a sample.
3. Define and construct a sampling distribution of the sample

Why Sample the Population?

● The physical impossibility of checking all

items in the population.
● The cost of studying all the items in a
● The sample results are usually adequate.
● Contacting the whole population would
often be time-consuming.
● The destructive nature of certain tests.
What is meant by
‘The SWS said it
Margin of Error surveyed 1,200
adults and the results
have a ± 2% margin
of error?
● The lower and upper bounds of the
confidence interval, how much error is
● If the sample differ from the true
population by more than this
percentage, then there might have been
a sampling error
A 44%
Sampling Error B 33%
C 15%
Sample size 2,100
● A sampling error is Margin of Error ± 2%
the difference between a sample statistic
its corresponding parameter.
● Ex:
● This implies that in the population, the votes
for candidate A could range from 42% - 46%
if election was held that day
● If during election, the votes for A is
● 45%, was there a sampling error?
● 40%, was there a sampling error?
● 50%, was there a sampling error?

Causes of Sampling Error

● Chance
◦ When an abnormally large number of
unusual portion in the population were
chosen in a sample
● Sampling bias
◦ A result of poor sampling plan.

What is systematic bias?
Intentional or unintentional procedures used by the
researcher that bias the results.
• Includes poor methods for deciding how participants
are assigned to levels of the IV
• Using measurement tools that are not calibrated
• Research designs that hide or exaggerate effects of the
• Not accounting for time of day or time of year effects
What is double blind method?
A procedure where both the person administering
the treatment and the participant don’t know
which treatment the participant is receiving
• Helps minimize experimenter bias
• Another member of the research team keeps
track of which condition each participant has
been assigned to
• The double-blind procedure also helps
researchers better understand real side effects
from placebo side effects

Probability Sampling
● A probabilitysample is a sample
selected in such a way that each item
or person in the population being
studied has a known likelihood of
being included in the sample.
In manufacturing process, a random sample
is selected (say each hour) to check the
quality of the product. If the resulting
sample does not satisfy the specified
standard, the manufacturing process will be
shut down.

How should a sample be selected

from a population

It is more likely a sample will resemble

the population when:
● The sample size is larger
● The method used to select the sample
utilizes a random process
● Non-random sampling methods often
lead to results that are not
representative of the population

Determining Sample Size

● Using Published Articles: Using published
tables which provide the sample size for a
given set of criteria. You may visit this site

● Using G-Power: G*Power is a tool to

compute sample size for 10 different
statistical tests. G*Power can also be used
to compute effect sizes and to display
graphically the results of power analyses.

● The act or process, or technique of
selecting an appropriate sample, or a
representative part of a population for
the purpose of determining the
characteristics of the whole population


Types of Sampling Techniques

Non-Probability Sampling Probability Sampling

(Biased Sampling) (Unbiased Sampling)

Convenience Simple

Quota Systematic

Purposive Stratified


Methods of Probability Sampling

● Convenience Sampling: Ex. Gathering of

data through telephone to know the average
income of a certain community by using
telephone numbers to select a sample.
● Quota Sampling: Ex. To get the most
popular noontime show, each field
researcher is given a quota of 200 viewers
per area
● Purposive Sampling: Ex. The research is all about
the maturity of teenage parents in particular
school. Hence, only teenage parents in that school
will be the respondents.

Methods of Probability Sampling

● Simple Random Sample: A sample

formulated so that each item or person in
the population has the same chance of
being included.
● Systematic Random Sampling: The items or
individuals of the population are arranged in
some order. A random starting point is
selected and then every kth member of the
population is selected for the sample.

Methods of Probability Sampling

● Example: Systematic Random
Suppose our population is 9,000 students
and we want to sample 1,200 students.
● Since, 9000/1200 = 7.5, we can perform a 1-
in-7 systematic sample. Or, we should
sample every 7th student. We can pick a
starting point randomly from 1 to 600 and
sample every 7th student from that on until
we have reached 1200 samples.

Methods of Probability Sampling

● Stratified Random Sampling: A population is
first divided into subgroups, called strata,
and a sample is selected from each stratum.
● Cluster Sampling: A population is first
divided into subgroups (clusters) by some
means such as geographic area, and a
sample of these clusters is selected and
uses all members of the selected clusters
as subjects of the samples. This is used
when the population is large.

Methods of Probability Sampling

● Stratified Random Sampling

◦ Proportion Allocation
◦ Equal Allocation
● Ex. Survey of families living in a certain city
in favor of DAP
Strata Number of Families
Class A 1,000
Class B 1,500
Class C 2,500

Methods of Probability Sampling

● Stratified
Random Sampling
● Say using G-power, the calculated
sample size is n = 370

Strata Number % Proportion Equal Allocation

of Allocation 370 / 3 groups
Class A 1,000 20% 0.2(370) =74 123
Class B 1,500 30% 0.3(370)=111 123
Class C 2,500 50% 0.5(370)=185 123
N=5,000 n=370 n = 369

Methods of Probability Sampling

● ClusterSampling
● Ex. Survey of the average daily
expenses of families in a certain city of
300 barangays
Draw a certain
Draw 30 number of families
brgys out from each of 30 brgys
of 300 by chosen
simple Or draw an intact
random group that is
sampling representative of the

Selecting a Sample Size

● There are 3 factors that determine the

size of a sample, none of which has
any direct relationship to the size of
the population. They are: Estimate of error
◦ The degree of confidence selected.
◦ The maximum allowable error.
◦ The variation of the population.

Interval Estimates
● An Interval Estimate states the range
within which a population parameter
probably lies.
● The interval within which a population
parameter is expected to occur is
called a confidence interval.
● The two confidence intervals that are
used extensively are the 95% and the

Standard Error of the Sample Means

● The standard error of the sample means is
the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution of the sample means.
● It is computed by σ
● σx =
● σ x is the symbol for the standard error of the
sample means.
● σ is the standard deviation of the population.
● n is the size of the sample.

Sampling Distribution of the Sample


● The sampling distribution of the

sample means is a probability
distribution consisting of all possible
sample means of a given sample size
selected from a population, and the
probability of occurrence associated
with each sample mean.

Sample Sample Sample All other

1 2 3 Samples

𝑋¯ 1 𝑋¯ 2 𝑋¯ 3 ¯
Many more 𝑋

Sampling distribution of sample means


● The certain construction firm has five partners. At their
weekly partners meeting each reported the number of
hours they charged clients for their services last week.

Partner Hours
1. Tito 22
2. Vic 26
3. Joey 30
4. Jose 26
5. Wally 22

● The population mean = (22+26+30+26+22)/5 = 25.2

● If two partners are selected randomly, how many
different samples are possible?

nCr =
EXAMPLE 1 continued
r !(n − r )
● This is the combination of 5 objects taken 2 at
a time. That is, 5 c2 = (5!) /[(2 !)(3!)] = 10
Partners Total M ean
1,2 48 24 Note that
the mean
1,3 52 26
for each
1,4 48 24 combi-
1,5 44 22 nation is
not equal
2,3 56 28
to popula-
2,4 52 26 tion
2,5 48 24
3,4 56 28
3,5 52 26
4,5 48 24

EXAMPLE 1 continued

● Organizethe sample means into a

sampling distribution.
Sample Frequency Relative
Mean Frequency
22 1 1/10
24 4 4/10
26 3 3/10
28 2 2/10

EXAMPLE 1 continued

● Compute the mean of the sample

means and compare it with the
population mean:
◦ The mean of the sample means = [(22)(1)
+ (24)(4) + (26)(3) + (28)(2)]/10=25.2
◦ The population mean =
(22+26+30+26+22)/5 = 25.2
◦ Observe that the mean of the sample
means is equal to the population mean.
1. A sample
A. Is a part of the population.
B. Has more than 30 observations.
C. Is determined by selecting every 5th observation.
D. All of the above.
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason for sampling?
A. The destructive nature of certain tests.
B. The physical impossibility of checking all the items in the population.
C. The adequacy of sample results.
D. All of the above are reasons for sampling.
3. Which of the following is NOT a method of probability sampling?
A. Random sampling. B. Systematic sampling.
C. Stratified sampling.
D. All of the above are methods of probability sampling.
4. In a simple random sample
A. Every kth item is selected to be in the sample.
 B. Every item has a chance to be in the sample.
 C. Every item has the same chance to be in the sample.
 D. All of the above.
5. Suppose a population consisted of 20 items. How many different sample of n = 3
are possible?
A. 6840 B. 1140
C. 20 D. 120
6. The difference between the sample mean and the population mean is called
A. Population mean. B. Population standard deviation.
C. Standard error of the mean.  D. Sampling error.
7. The mean of the all the sample means and the population mean will
A. Always be equal.
B. Always be normally distributed.
C. Characterized by the standard error of the mean.
D. None of the above.
8. Suppose we sample from a population of 10,000 items. The sample size should
A. Always be at least 10 percent of the population.
B. Always be at least 30
C. Always be less than 30.
D. None of the above.


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