Itt206 Database Management Systems, July 2021

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Reg No.:


Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (20
Course Code: ITT206
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
(Answer all questions; euclt question carries 3 marks) Marks
1 Why do we need weak entity sets? How can we convert a weak entity set into a (3)
':' strong entity set?
z List the important functions of a Database Administrator. (3)
c. J State a few reasons for the occurrence of NULL values in a relation. (3)
4 Give three unary operations in relational algebra. (3)
5 Write SQL queries for the following: (3)
i. Add a column 'designation' to the table Employee and later drop the

ii. Find the sum of the salaries of all employees, the maximum salary, the
minimum salary, and the average salary.
6 What are the different types of SQL Join? (3)
7 State first normal form. (3)
8 Why are some functional dependencies called trivial? (3)
9 List the different types of transaction failures for which recovery is required. (3)
t0 Define NoSQL database. Give an example. (3)
(Answer one fall question from each module, each question csrries 14 marks)
Module -1
l l a) Design an E-R diagram for keeping track of the scoring statistics of your (6)
favourite sports team. You should store the matches played, the scores in each
match, the players in each match, and individual player scoring statistics for each
match. Summary statistics should be modelled as derived attributes with an
explanation as to how they are computed.
b) Illustrate three schema architecture and explain how it helps to achieve data (8)

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12 a)
Discuss the different types of user-friendly DBMS interfaces and the types of Q)
users who typically use each.

b) consider a University database for the scheduling of classrooms for final (7)
exams.This database could be modelled with details as:
. course has name, department, and c-number
o section for each course has s-number and enrollment
. roorn has r-number, capacity, and building name
. exam has exam-id and time

\ Illustrate an E-R diagram for this database.

Module -2
13 a) Consider the following database schema with three relations: (10)
Suppl iers(slD, sNarne, address)

Parts(plD, pName, colour)

Catalog(qlLdD, price)
Write the relational algebra expressions for the following queries:
i) Find the names of allgreen parts
ii) Find all prices for parts that are red.
iii) Find the sIDs of all suppliers who supply a parl rhat is black or white.
iv) Find the names of all suppliers who supply ir part that is green.
b) Differentiate entity integrity constraint and referential integrity constraint. (4)
14 a) consider the following ER diagram for a car insurance company. Transform the {7)
diagram to appropriate relations and attributes in relational schema.


b) Consider the Employee database given below. (7)

EMPLOYEE (lD, person_name, street, city)
WORKS (lD, company_name, salary)

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e:iEr. j!1

COMPANY (company_name, city)

Give an expression in the rerationar argebra
for the foilowing queries:
i) Find the name of each emproyee who rives
in city Miami.
ii) Find the name of each emproyee whose
sarary is greater than $ r00000.
iii) Find the name of each employee who lives
in Miami and whose salarv is
greater fhan $ 100000.

Module -3
15 a) consider the tabre student (stud_code, stud_name,
subject, marks). write sel (4)
procedure to display all records
of Student table whose marks are greater than
\ 70 and count all the table rows.
b) Define views in sel. write sampre SeL queries to create a view, update view (r0)
and drop view.
16 a) consider the foilowing rerations which are
part of the University database. (g)
Instructor ( id, name, dept_name, salary)
Course &eusg._!_d, titl e, dept_name,
cred its )
section(cogsq-id.sec id.semest,buirding,room-number,time's|ot
Write SQL queries for the given questions:
i) Find the titres of courses in the IT department
that have 4 credits.
ii) Find all instructors earning the highest
iii) Increase the sarary of each instructor
in the IT department by r0%.
iv) Delete all courses that have never been
b) Consider the bank database.
account (qaqaul!q!q!9r,
branch_name, balance
depositor (cuslomer name. account
customer (customer name, customer_street,
write an sQL trigger to carry out the foilowing
action: on derete of an account,
for each customer-owner of the account,
check if the owner has any remaining
accounts, and if she does not, derete
her from the depositor reration.
Module -4
l7 a) Decompose the reration clASS(course_id,
titre, dept_name, credits, sec_id, (8)
semester. year, building, room-number,
capacity, time' srot_id) into murtipre
relations so that the resultant relations
are in BCNF.

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b), a, stt sf functiorul dependen*cs {FDs) for the relatisn sch€tr}s R{A,B,C,D) (6)

18 a) With examph &crihe the inss$ion, updation and deletiair. arsnrsli€s, in (9)
relational database fu ign.
b) With example, explain lossless decomposition. (5)
ldodule -5
- 19 .e) Coasider a database trcnsction to'ftnsfer 'x' doll*rs from Account A to (10)

'\ ,A,ccotxit B. Illustrate *€ rd tCI ensuFe all the ACID.proBerties in a @rsrction

wi$ this examse.
t\ b) What do you mean by trvo phase loeking protocols in concurrency co*rol? (4)
Zg' a) Illu*rate deadleck and stervation in &tahse transactions. (10)
b) Wk are the features ef *adow paging? (4)



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