Article68 IJDL Final
Article68 IJDL Final
Article68 IJDL Final
Equal pay legislation and its impact on the gender pay gap
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2 authors, including:
Dr Sam Middlemiss
Robert Gordon University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dr Sam Middlemiss on 24 November 2014.
Equal pay legislation has been in existence for over forty years in the UK and the
legal rules dealing with equal pay have been consolidated and amended recently with
the implementation of the Equality Act 2010. However, despite this problems can still
be identified with equal pay in the UK most notably the continued existence of a
sizeable gender pay gap. This article will outline the current legal rules on equal pay
and analyse their effectiveness in addressing the issue of the gender pay gap. It is
clear that a problem such as the gender pay gap is often caused in society by deeply
causes of the gender pay gap militate against it being tackled solely by the law
analysis of the topic and establish to what extent the current law can facilitate the
necessary changes to eradicate this gap. In areas where it is not sufficiently robust to
do this we will analyse what further changes are required through adjustments in the
legal rules in the UK. Clearly much is to be gained from eradicating the gender pay
gap however, as will be seen there are a number of obstacles to achieving this.
*Ms Laura Gow, Graduate Student, Dr Sam Middlemiss, Reader in Law, Robert
Gordon University
Progress toward removal of the gender pay gap since the introduction of equal pay
legislation in the form of the Equal Pay Act 1970 i has been reasonably slow and this
lack of progress has been widely reported in the media with recent headlines noting
that efforts to remove the gender pay gap are ‘grinding to a halt’ ii and that ‘equal pay
The Equality Act 2010 was enacted last year with its main aim being to simplify and
harmonise the existing equality legislation. It was seen by the promoters of the
of the Act in respect of equal pay is that: “The Act’s provisions on equal pay and sex
discrimination are intended to ensure that pay and other employment terms are
However, there has already been criticism of the Act specifically relating to the
limited changes that it brought to the previous law and the various measures that
were introduced in the Act to deal with the gender pay gap that have been removed or
The following quote identifies other areas where the Equality Act 2010 is lacking.
“The JCHR was critical of the failure of the Government to make significant
changes to the existing provisions on equal pay, pointing out …that the Bill does not
establish new procedures for providing arbitration in equal pay disputes nor does it
impose positive duties on employers to take steps to monitor and respond to patterns
of pay inequality” The shortcomings of the legislation will be analysed later in the
article however, what follows is an analysis of the reasons for the gender pay gap and
A common explanation for inequalities between men and women in the workplace is
the sexual division of labour. This can be seen operating in society when traditionally
men were considered to have the right to be in employment while women were
expected to refrain from working and remain in the home. It became a common
perception that the most practical thing for a woman to do was not go to work and
stay at home and look after her children. x Another traditional view was that certain
jobs were for men or women solely and that women should not do a ‘man’s job’ and
vice versa. This is known as occupational segregation. xi These ideas are firmly rooted
in tradition and could easily be seen as outdated and irrelevant in modern working
life. However, they are still having an impact upon equality and more specifically
Clearly the sexual division of labour is less relevant today and the position of women
in employment has improved judging by the current figures for female employment in
the UK. These figures show that there are currently a record number of women
employed in the UK and the rate has steadily risen over the years. In 2008 there were
approximately 13.6 million jobs filled by women in the UK and a similar number of
men were in employment. This can be compared with the position in 1985 when men
filled 2 million more jobs than women. xiv Therefore, there are more women now
working in the UK than ever before. However, men still have a higher employment
rate than women with 79% of men being employed (employed?) compared to 70% of
women. Male employment rates have steadily risen since 1971 but have levelled off
in recent years. However, female employment rates have increased continuously
across the same period but, almost half of women in work are employed in part-time
positions compared to just 1 in every 6 men. This statistic starkly illustrates that
different employment patterns still exist between the sexes and occupational
segregation in terms of the availability of full time work is still a valid issue.
economic and social implications, not only in relation to pay inequality and the
potential cost to the Scottish economy of women not realising their full potential, but
One of the most important features of the sexual division of labour in modern times
(that contributes to the gender pay gap) is the disproportionately high number of
The fact that half of the jobs held by women are part-time can be linked to the
traditional view (held by both men and women) that women should place family
time work it complies with that notion. However, it could be argued that working
part-time is a personal choice for women. The statistics point to the fact that working
part-time can often be linked to an individual woman being responsible for looking
after a dependent member of her family. The figures taken from a report prepared for
the European Commission showed a 62.4% employment rate for women with
dependent children in Europe compared to an employment rate of 91.4% for men. xvii
This starkly illustrates that women are more likely than men to give up work (albeit
temporarily) when they have family commitments. This not only links back to the
traditional idea that a woman should stay at home and look after her family but also
the outdated concept that when in work (and often working part time) a woman play a
less valuable role than a man within employment. Although these stereotypical
attitudes are targeted by the equality legislation and are less in evidence nowadays
they still exist in some quarters and can be extremely harmful. One commentator
stated that: ‘the social construction of part-time work as secondary, less committed or
inferior to full-time work is thus inextricably linked with the undervaluing of women
in society.’ She reached this conclusion through analysing how organisations
commonly operate when there is a culture of long working hours. Employers will
often value long hours spent at a desk by their employees as a sign of commitment
and productivity. This commentator found that although a part-time worker may be
and this will often be reflected in him receiving a higher level of remuneration. As
women are more likely to be employed on a part-time basis than men they may find
they are being paid less than them for this reason. In fact, the GEO statistics
(considered in detail below) calculate that the gender pay gap between full-time men
and part-time women is 31%. Comparison between women working part time and
full time found that women working part-time in the UK had average hourly earnings
that were 25% less than women who worked full-time, with this gap widening
Another problem often arises when a woman wants to move from full-time to part-
time work but, find that she cannot remain in the same job to do this. The strongest
influence on women to downgrade their jobs was found to be the lack of part-time
positions available within a current occupation. (the following should be one sentence
with the previous one) whereas a woman’s personal characteristics, experience in the
labour market, level of education and the number of her children had a relatively
small impact. Therefore she has to accept a different job which requires a lower level
of experience or qualification than she has already attained and is consequently paid
less. xxi
The availability and quality of part-time work for women is an issue that can affect
the gender pay gap. Although part-time work is often seen as a positive way for those
with children to return to work, the gender pay gap will persist where women have to
individual has to work part-time at a level lower than they could have worked full-
time, it is said to be “underutilisation of their actual and potential human capital.” xxii
undermines and conflicts with strategies to improve education and workplace skills.
Although education is no longer held to be such an important cause of the gender
pay gap, the fact that women are more educated and the increased requirement on
their part for part-time work means that women are often overqualified which is
estimated to be responsible for them receiving around 11% lower wages than men.
Often an issue for a female part time worker is that although she may be
allowed to work flexibly and reduce her hours she may find that in turn she has to
intensify her pace of work so that she can accomplish what she would have done if
she had remained full-time. (Lewis, Taylor, 1996) This is unfair as it could mean
that a part-time worker in this position is paid less for completing the same amount of
The reality is that changing the traditional views and attitudes of employers and others
in society can be difficult and women will continue to be more likely than men to be
responsible for looking after children. As a result a woman may find herself; with
less work experience than her male colleagues, having to work part-time and needing
to take a career break or abandon her career. All of this is likely to create a severe
wage penalty for her. This links with the statistical findings below that show the
pay gap over a woman’s lifetime becomes most apparent and common at the age of
27 and peaks at 45 (around 28%) because it is during these years that childbearing is
most common that the pay gap becomes more significant. As part-time work has been
shown to be detrimental to a woman’s employment and earning level it will also have
a negative impact on the gender pay gap. What follows is an explanation of how
The gender pay gap is a statistical measure of the difference between the earnings of
percentage of mens.’ So the pay gap is the difference between whatever the womens’
figure is and 100 per cent of the mens’ figure. In 2008 the gender pay gap in the
United Kingdom was 21.4% which was one of the highest figures in Europe.
However, the statistical exercise of calculating the gender pay gap can be complicated
and the results can vary depending on the method used, the variables examined (i.e.
only full-time included or including part-time) and the type of pay looked at. To
illustrate the diversity of approaches used in arriving at this figure the Government
Equality Office (GEO) uses median hourly earnings, the Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC) uses the mean average and the Office of National Statistics
(ONS) reports on the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) which includes
both the mean and median measurements. xxxi Due to this variation in the methods
used the reported figures produced by these organisations can vary significantly
although as will be seen certain methods are regarded as more reliable than others for
measuring the gender pay gap. With respect to the approach of the GEO the
measurement of the median gender pay gap finds the midpoint in hourly rates of pay
but it excludes the lowest and highest rates to ensure that the figures are not distorted
by any unusually high or low rates of pay. However for calculating the gender pay
gap use of the median has been criticised precisely because it excludes figures for
those paid particularly high salaries (normally men) and those paid particularly low
Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), the Labour Force Survey (LFS) and
the New Earnings Survey (NES) panel data set (a single longitudinal data set dating
back to 1975) to analyse the gender pay gap. xxxv She identified that various methods
that can be used with her preferred method being hourly earnings of men and women
(excluding overtime and part-time employees). Her reasoning was that overtime and
part-time work should be excluded because more men do overtime and more women
work part-time and their inclusion could skew the results. xxxvi Her research
conclusions were that the gender pay gap in relation to women working-full time
compared with men working on the same basis had lessened. However, she found
there were variations in the gender pay gap which were determined by an individual’s
circumstances. Factors such as the type of occupation and the number of dependent
children that a woman has have a bearing on the size of the gap but as was seen
earlier not such an impact on the availability on part time work. Another important
finding was that in 1975 the gender pay gap between women and men was noticeable
from the age of 18. However, in 2006 the gap in pay between genders was not evident
until the age of 34. xxxvii This does highlight a positive change in the gender pay gap
with the problem not now being evident for women until a later age. The gender pay
gap might be expected to increase with age as a result of career breaks taken by
women during their working life. In 2006 this trend was identified as applying across
Europe when statistics showed a clear increase of the GPG corresponding with an
increase of the age of women across all of the member states of the EU. This was
illustrated by an average figure of 3.1% of a pay gap for female employees younger
than 30 years which increased to 17.5% for those 30-39 and to 23.8% for those 40-49
years old. It decreased slightly, however, for those 50 years and older (21.8%).
The Government Equality Office (GEO) also published research findings
examining the gender pay gap in the UK between 1995-1997 and 2004-2007 to
determine whether any changes had occurred. The researchers used the British
Household Panel Survey (BHPS) utilising panel regression techniques. They used a
wage model for each time period, controlled for all variables that could be associated
with pay disparity (education, unemployment, tenure). They also used a sex
segregation scale (measuring the male dominance in each occupational group) and
also controlled firm size, industrial sector, region, trade union membership and
researchers were also able to use the effect on the pay gap to calculate the main direct
drivers of the pay gap. xl The GEO report noted that the overall gender pay gap had
fallen between the two periods of 1995-1997 and 2004-2007 from 24% to 19%. When
comparing full-time men and full-time women in 2004-2007 the gap was 15% and
comparing full-time men and part-time women the gap was 31%. It was also
identified that the pay gap was insignificant at school leaving age, becoming an issue
(see earlier) at the age of 27 and then rising to a peak by the age of 45. xli By the use
of simulation to assess which variables impact the gender pay gap, the researchers
established that: 10% of the overall pay gap could be attached to occupational sex
higher average hourly wages. The type of industries in which men and women
worked accounted for 12% of the gap and 21% of the GPG was due to differences in
the number of years of experience of full-time work. The negative effect on wages of
having worked part-time before or having taken time off to look after family
accounted for 16% of the pay gap. They also found that 36% of the pay gap a sizable
amount could not be explained by any of the characteristics that were accounted for in
this particular study. This meant that even when a woman had the same work history
and education and was working in the same type of organisation and occupation as the
average man she would still most likely be paid significantly less. xlii This
unexplained difference is often known as the ‘pure gender effect.’ xliii The researchers
also examined the factors which had a positive impact on women’s pay. There were
more women than men working in the public sector over the period examined. This
was beneficial to women in particular and being a trade union member was beneficial
to both sexes in terms of its impact on pay (around 11% better off ). So where both
factors applied to women this could lead to a significant reduction in the size of the
Occupational segregation
major contributor to the gender pay gap and is an issue that is difficult and slow to
resolve because men and women tend to follow different career paths. Statistics show
that men are ten times more likely than women to be employed in skilled trades and
men are more likely to be employed as managers and senior officials. Women on
the other hand are more likely to be employed in traditionally lower paid jobs such as
administrative or secretarial work with 20% of women in employment being
employed in this area compared to 4% of men. xlvi Women are also more likely to be
employed in the personal services, sales and customer service sectors. xlvii So there is
workers. However there are some exceptions for example in secretarial and related
occupations, full-time women earn more than full-time men (-5.8% pay gap) and
female part-time workers in the health and social welfare associated professions also
earn more than part-time men (-22.5% pay gap). In these sectors, employees are
predominantly female but it is interesting that the gender pay gap can also
discriminate against men rather than women. A secretarial job is one that would be
traditionally associated with women rather than men, so if women tend to earn more
money in this type of job than men it may make them more inclined to work in this
area. When looking at figures relating to occupational segregation the data is shaped
by various factors such as the size of an organisation, its location and also the over
impacted upon by the public and private sector divide with figures from the Office of
National Statistics noting that 65% of public sector workers are female whereas 60%
of workers in the private sector are male. This divergence could have an impact on the
gender pay gap and equal pay. Another factor that might explain a woman receiving a
lower wage than a man is the element of personal choice. This would apply for
example when a woman may be more willing than a man to work in a more
service sector. l Women will be more inclined to take these jobs because the public
and voluntary sectors are perceived to offer a better work-life balance than the
causing major differences in pay levels between the sexes occupational segregation
can also have an impact on the process of equal pay claims. This is because female
not only impacts on the gender pay gap but it also affects the economy. It has been
estimated that if the Government could successfully remove the barriers to women
market participation that it could be worth between £15- £23 billion to the UK
economy. lii “ Outdated gender norms and stereotypes around men and women’s value
in the workplace still exist, which leads to women and men doing different types of
work. In addition, men’s work is generally given a higher value both socially and
caring, are undervalued and paid less than jobs traditionally done by men, such as
construction, transportation and skilled trades. “
It is important at this stage to consider the legislative provisions dealing with equal
The Equality Act was passed in 2010 and this repealed most of the existing law on
regarding equal pay the changes to the law have been minimal. To understand these
changes, the provisions regarding equal pay under the Equality Act 2010 will be
examined and compared with the previous law under the Equal Pay Act.
Although the UK was not a member of the European Union when the Equal Pay Act
was enacted, it has long been recognised that the Act after numerous revisions is the
means by which the UK gave effect to the Treaty. lv Under the previous and current
law a female employee can raise an action for equal pay if she could establish that she
and a male comparator are ‘in the same employment.’ A person can be a
establishment but common terms apply to them. lviii This latter point is illustrated by
the case of Leverton v Clywd County Council where nursery teachers were held to
work in common and in the same employment with clerical workers for the purposes
of the Equal Pay Act 1970 soley because they were governed by the same collective
agreement. This was despite the fact that male and female employees being
considered were working different hours, had different holiday entitlement and
different pay scales. A more striking example of this was in South Ayrshire Council v
Morton, lx where a female primary school head teacher sought to use a male secondary
school head teacher as a comparator in an equal pay claim on the basis that salaries
for primary school head teachers (where 75% were female) were lower than that of
secondary school head teachers (where 75% were male). lxi Ms Morton the claimant
was employed by South Ayrshire Council and her comparator a male secondary
school head teacher was employed by Highland Council. However both of their rates
agreement. Therefore, it was held that Morton’s comparator could be used because,
although the employers were separate education authorities, they were subject to a
national collective agreement which they both had to give effect to. This case applied
Belge de Navigation Aerienne that direct discrimination can have its origin in
legislative provisions or collective labour agreements and also where ‘men and
women receive unequal pay for equal work carried out in the same establishment or
service, whether public or private.’ lxiii As a consequence equal pay could be regarded
as discriminatory on the grounds of sex although the obvious way to enforce such
inequality of pay was through the Equal Pay Act rather than the Sex Discrimination
Act 1975. However, the Morton decision can be contrasted with the decision in the
case of Armstrong v Newcastle Upon Tyne NHS Trust where the Court of Appeal
held that as the claimants and the comparators were employed by two separate NHS
trusts and because different bodies determined their pay, there was no ‘single source
of employment’ and therefore unless the employer set the employment terms of both
claimant and comparator they could not be held to have the same employer for the
Methods of comparison
At this stage it is worth briefly pointing out that the comparison underpinning an
action will be on one of three grounds. It can be ‘like work,’ ‘work rated as
equivalent’ or ‘work of equal value.’ lxvi It will be held to be ‘like work’ if the
woman’s work compared with that of a man in the same employment is the same or
broadly similar and any differences are not of practical importance in relation to the
lxvii lxviii
terms of their work. In Capper Pass Ltd v Lawton the Employment Appeals
directors’ dining room providing meals for 10-20 people was entitled to equal pay
with two male assistant chefs who worked in the factory canteen and prepared 350
meals a day. This was despite differences such as the woman working less hours (40
hours per week unsupervised compared with the male chefs who worked 45 hours per
week under the supervision of the head chef). It did not matter that the work was not
exactly the same. Work is ‘rated as equivalent’ if a job evaluation study gives equal
value to both workers jobs in terms of the demands made on the worker, or would
have done if the evaluation was not made under a sex-specific system (where it sets
different values for men than it does for women). lxix Finally, work is of ‘equal value’
if it is not work rated as equivalent but, if the jobs being compared are equal in terms
of their value to the organisation and the demands made on men and women by the
job (with such factors as physical and mental effort, skill and decision-making being
taken into account). lxx The legislation ensures equal pay between men and women
but, what is pay? It has been defined by the European Court of Justice as: ‘...the
ordinary basic or minimum wage or salary and any other consideration, whether in
cash or in kind, which the worker receives, directly or indirectly, in respect of his
Prior to the 2010 Act, the Equal Pay Act 1970 only allowed for an actual comparator
to be used meaning that a claimant could only use a real person and not a hypothetical
comparator in comparing his position with her. In the past a comparator did not have
suffice. lxxv However this changed in the case of Walton Centre for Neurology and
Neuro Surgery NHS Trust v Bewley lxxvi the EAT held that the previous authority for
using a successor as a comparator in a claim for equal pay had been wrongly decided.
It held that a successor could not be used as a comparator in a claim for equal pay and
their employment. So, the requirement for an actual comparator meant the Equal Pay
Act 1970 was much less effective than it could have been. lxxvii “This requires not
simply that they do the same type of work, but that they be employed by the same
common terms and conditions of employment are laid down for the two
establishments …The restrictive nature of this test has prompted many claimants to
try their luck under directly effective European Community law.” lxxviii
The main problem was that in industries or workplaces where there was occupational
the opposite sex was often not possible. In Meeks v National Union of Agricultural
and Allied Workers a part-time secretary was paid less per hour than those
employed full-time, as only those working 35 hours per week qualified for the higher
hourly rate. Although the Employment Tribunal said this requirement was indirectly
discriminatory, neither the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 nor the Equal Pay Act 1970
could be successfully used by her because the 1975 Act did not cover the payment of
money and there was no male comparator to satisfy the comparator requirement in the
1970 Act as all the secretaries were female. lxxx This case emphasises the problems in
noted that there is a close correlation between low pay and the proportion of female
employees in a company and in many of the lowest paying companies there is a 100%
The Equality Act 2010 provides that the provisions apply to terms of a person’s
employees are included whether they work full-time or part-time. Self employed
persons can also be included under the provisions as in Quinnen v Howells
where a self-employed man could be included because he was being paid less than
two fellow self-employed female workers who were doing similar work at a
department store.
The Equality Act 2010 provisions apply when a person is being employed to do work
that is equal to work being done by a comparator of the opposite sex. Although the
comparator can now be used in certain limited situations. The benefit of using a
hypothetical comparator may be lost if an employee cannot prove their case to a high
enough level. The provisions are also limited to cases of direct sex discrimination and
therefore equal pay cases involving indirect sex discrimination would still require an
actual comparator.
Interestingly section 71 of the Equality Act 2010 allows for a claim of sex
discrimination in relation to contractual pay on the ground of sex. Such a claim would
not have been possible under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 because contractual
pay was outside its scope. Therefore this provision would allow an employee to raise
an action where there was no comparator available, but where there was evidence of
direct discrimination on grounds of sex allowing for a claim under section 13 of the
Act. Therefore, although there have been changes to the law on comparators the effect
that the new provisions will have on equal pay and the gender pay gap is likely to be
There is also provision for a ‘sex equality clause.’ lxxxvii The sex equality clause is
treated as being included in the terms of a workers employment and means that where
make it not less favourable. lxxxviii Similarly, if a comparator has a benefit in their
terms of employment that the other worker does not, the sex equality clause will
operate to include such a term. lxxxix However, this useful provision also requires an
actual comparator, so if a workplace had no male comparator doing equal work the
A further equal pay provision that needs to be examined is the material factor defence.
Under the previous legislation the defence had been available when the employer
could prove that the variation between a man and woman’s pay was genuinely due to
a material factor. xc A genuine material factor was one that justified the reasoning
behind what would otherwise have been indirectly discriminatory levels of pay given
to a woman. A notable change brought in by the Equality Act in relation to this
defence is that the word genuine no longer appears and it is now simply known as a
material factor defence. The Government omitted this word on the basis that it did not
consider that the term genuine added anything to its meaning. xcii Although the sex
equality clause implies into all employment contracts it will not have any impact if the
employer can show that the difference is in pay is due to a material factor, reliance on
which: (a) does not involve treating the employee less favourably because of their sex
legitimate aim. xciii Therefore, if an employer can show that the difference is because
of a material factor which is not related to the claimant’s sex, this would provide them
with a defence and the sex equality rule would have no effect. xciv There is no
justification needed if the reason for the pay inequality is not gender related. This
was confirmed by the Court of Appeal in Glasgow City Council v Marshall and
Redcar & Cleveland BC v Bainbridge & ors; Surtees & ors v Middlesbrough Council
CA. However, when the pay disparity is sex related it is necessary to show that it
was justified. The case law from the ECJ has highlighted that employers may
different sexes doing work of equal value. This can apply even where there is no
evidence that the employer has intentionally discriminated against women in terms of
pay and there are no apparent barriers to equal pay. xcix In Enderby v Frenchay Health
Authority and Secretary of State for Health c a female speech therapist claimed equal
pay on the basis that it was an overwhelmingly female profession and that in other
the pay was higher. The ECJ stated that where there was a significant difference in
pay between jobs of equal value and where one job was predominantly female and the
other predominantly male, that a prima facie case of discrimination would be made
always objectively justify their use of the defence. The need to justify pay differences
was affirmed in Gibson and others v Sheffield City Council when the Court of
Appeal held that an employment tribunal was wrong to find that a pay differential
between male street cleaners and gardeners and female carers was not discriminatory
on the ground of sex because it had been caused by a productivity bonus given to the
cleaners and gardeners but not the carers as it was inappropriate due to the nature of
the womens’ work. As a result of the impact of these decisions the test for the
material factor defence where the difference in pay is sex related has become stricter
for employers. This is because an employer is required to show that the difference in
pay is necessary and sensible rather than just genuine and this development is
defence as easily. The Equality Act 2010 has clarified the law in this area and the
Although, recent changes to the equal pay provisions have been reasonably limited,
the availability of hypothetical comparators in certain situations (see below) and the
development of a stricter test for employers relying on the material factor defence will
Although the Equality Act 2010 made changes to the existing equal pay provisions as
highlighted it has also introduced some new provisions that deal with the gender pay
gap more directly. These provisions revolve around transparency which is clearly an
important element in tackling the gender pay gap as otherwise the true extent of the
problem may not be realised. Transparency in this context refers to clarity in the
method of calculating pay and in the underlying reasons for employees being
Comparators have already been considered but need further analysis to assess what
impact their availability or non availability can have. It has been argued that not
being able to use hypothetical comparators under the previous legislation restricted
the law’s ability to reduce the gender pay gap. civ Under section 71 of the Equality Act
2010 it allows employees to bring sex discrimination claims, relying on hypothetical
for the purpose of equal pay claims. This will make it easier for the claimants to
establish a claim particularly where there are no male comparators around because of
occupational segregation. This ability to pursue a claim on this basis should serve to
reduce the gender pay gap over time. The law is very recent so it is difficult to know
how the courts and employment tribunals will deal with cases brought under s71 of
the Act. However, there is no six-year back pay limitation period for compensation
specified for s71 claims (as there is in other equal pay claims) and compensation
In the meantime, the important message is that a lack of a comparator may no longer
Another significant change brought in by the Equality Act 2010 was clarification of
the application of the material factor defence. As already seen the case law on the
application of the material factor defence lacked clarity at times and left the parties
somewhat confused about when it applied. If the reason for the inequality of
treatment in terms of pay was the claimant’s sex then the employer had to objectively
justify any differences in pay between men and women by showing a material factor
accounted for the difference The law has now been clarified and an employer can
only justify a pay difference with a "material factor" if the material factor itself does
not directly or indirectly discriminate against women. For example if a particular pay
practice does on the face of it indirectly discriminate against women, then the
employer will need to justify the difference on the basis that it is a proportionate
means of achieving a legitimate aim. The Equality Act 2010 also provides that when
there is inequality in pay but the employer's long-term objective is to reduce
inequality between men and women in their terms and conditions (e.g. pension
would still have to show that a particular practice was a proportionate means of
In this context the importance of transparency and monitoring pay systems can be
seen in Hastings v Davisons Solicitors where a female paralegal claimed equal pay
with a male paralegal at the same firm who had been taken on a year after her on a
salary of around £3000 more, with the pay gap being maintained when both their
salaries increased. The employer tried to use the genuine material factor defence
based mainly on differences in the comparator’s (a male paralegal) role to the role of
the claimant, his more substantial prior experience than the claimant and his better fee
performance than her. cvi However, the tribunal rejected the defence noting that the
claimant was as able as the comparator to do the work and that in practice she was
given fewer cases and more cases that did not reach completion. “We conclude that if
the explanation for the disparity in pay is a sham, it matters not whether the true
reason is tainted by sex...The sham or non genuine explanation which is a false one
does not have to be deliberate. It can be unconscious, and this is a matter of fact for
the tribunal to determine. “ cvii The tribunal stated that the problem of unequal pay had
arisen because the company did not have a transparent pay system. cviii This case
exemplifies the importance for companies of monitoring and organising their pay
systems so that they are transparent and fair if they want to avoid equal pay claims.
Secrecy Clauses
Under section 77 of the Equality Act 2010 it provided that a term which prevents or
terms of his work is unenforceable. cix Secrecy or ‘gagging’ clauses have become
popular amongst employers with the Equal Opportunities Commission finding that
nearly a quarter of employers included such a clause in their employment contracts. cxi
claim. cxii Otherwise an employee may not be aware of the variations in pay in relation
to gender or she may fear disciplinary action for having breached a secrecy clause.
However, the right only applies to a ‘relevant pay disclosure’ which is defined as one
ascertain whether or to what extent there is a connection between pay and gender. cxiii
This particular aspect of the provision has been criticised because it may be hard to
perceived discrimination against them or not. cxiv An employer may not be certain as
to the employee’s intentions if they do not expressly state them. Therefore this could
cause confusion for an employer who may be uncertain as to whether or not the
employee is protected by section 77. This negative aspect was most likely not
intended by Parliament. However, it highlights another issue with the legislation that
The Equality Act 2010 had contained a provision under section 78 which had required
employers with over 250 employees to publish information relating to the pay of their
employees to determine if there are any differences between the pay for men and
women. However, the Government announced in December 2010 that it would not
implement the gender pay reporting measures while it is working with business to
Organisations are being encouraged to voluntarily report on the pay gap between the
level of pay between male and female employees. The Government does not intend to
review this voluntary arrangement until 2013 at the earliest. They will then decide
mandatory. cxv It is clear that the provision will only be brought back in if voluntary
disclosure proves to be unsuccessful. cxvi The Coalition Government are not taking a
strong stance with regard to tackling the gender pay gap through encouraging
transparency. This is perhaps not surprising given the Conservative party’s pro
business stance and cost-cutting agenda. The Equality and Human Rights
Commission (EHRC) has noted that to tackle the gender pay gap it needs to be
identified and measured at an organisational level. cxvii However, they believe that
businesses can voluntarily change and embrace greater transparency on pay without
the need for section 78 being brought back into force. cxviii The Discrimination Law
Review (DLR) is a governmental body that was set up to provide the framework for
reforming equality laws in the UK. They were also against mandatory equal pay
reviews on the basis that they tackle only one cause of the gender pay gap, this being
gender pay discrimination. cxix They recommended instead the spread of good practice,
although there was some criticism of their view given that they had in reaching it
ignored clear evidence of the ineffectiveness of voluntary measures. cxx It is clear that
because of the current views of the Government and independent statutory bodies,
such as the EHRC, gender pay reporting will remain voluntary for the foreseeable
future and there is some indication that some companies have already decided to carry
out voluntary reporting. Employers are now more appreciative of the need to tackle
equal pay because shareholders, consumers and employees are increasingly more
selective when choosing companies to contract or deal with and some of the more
progressive companies in the UK are already carrying out pay audits and adopting the
they are part of the finance sector which is the employment sector that has the largest
gender pay gap in the UK. However, HBOS have been carrying out equal pay
reviews since 2003. These audits had shown that although they had no pay bias
against women they did find that they employed fewer women than men in higher-
paid specialist or senior roles. cxxiv HBOS took the findings from their audit and
formulated a plan to tackle equal pay. cxxv It demonstrates that a large company can
commit to tackling the gender pay gap and companies may find HBOS’s actions a
helpful model. Particularly, if they are keen to pre-empt the Government making this
review process a legal requirement. However, it is clear only a minority of
companies are reporting voluntarily and the EHRC gathered evidence showing that
‘few private sector companies are taking action to close the gender pay gap.’ cxxvii
Even if section 78 of the Act was enforced, the Fawcett Society have identified that of
the 4.7 million businesses in the UK only around 6000 have more than 250
reintroduced in their current form. cxxviii It is important that in the unlikely event that
this provision is brought into force it should be amended to include businesses with
fewer than 250 employees. A suitable example can be found in Sweden where
businesses with 25 or more employees have to carry out an equality action plan every
three years. This has proved to be successful with a gender pay gap of only 3% in
The general equality duty in the public sector
The gender pay gap varies between the public and private sectors and one notable
difference between them is that the gender equality duty that was introduced for
public sector organisations in 2007. However before that the disability equality duty
came into force under the Equality Act 2006 and the racial equality duty even earlier
in 2001. These duties were introduced in a bid to tackle discrimination in public
sector organisations and it required them to promote equality and not just avoid
discrimination. It also shifted the burden of taking action against discrimination from
individuals to organisations. cxxxi This has now been replaced by a new more general
duty under the Equality Act 2010 which extends to all grounds of discrimination and
provides that a public authority must have due regard to: ...eliminate discrimination...
characteristic and persons who do not share it and foster good relations between
persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
This duty came into force under the Equality Act 2010 on 5 April 2011. cxxxiii The
Act also allows for the creation of what are known as "specific duties" to be placed on
public authorities under sections 153-155 of the 2010 Act. These duties help those
bodies to fulfil their responsibilities under the general duty. Equality Duty means
public authorities need to be proactive. Although the public sector now has more of a
specific duty in relation to equality than the private sector, criticism has been raised in
the past over the wording of the public sector duties. The duty uses the phrase to have
‘due regard’ which suggests that an authority is only required to consider the need to
eliminate pay discrimination rather than actually taking action to eliminate it. cxxxiv
However, specific duties were introduced in the UK which required all listed public
bodies to produce a gender equality scheme that informs how they will fulfil both the
general duty and the specific duties. cxxxv All public authorities in Scotland are subject
to the general duty, but only some public authorities (for example, the Scottish
Government, Local Authorities, Health Boards etc) are subject to the specific duties.
However, the Scottish Government have decided to postpone its operation until later
in 2011. cxxxvi The Scottish specific duties will include a requirement for listed public
bodies with 150 or more employees to publish an equal pay policy statement and
aim to tackle the gender pay gap by requiring public authorities to report on it and
provide statistics to back it up. However, the impact of this requirement is
specified and the duty to provide it can be enforced. The exclusion of public bodies
with less than 150 employees from undertaking the specific duties should be
Representative Actions
claim under the Act rather than a group of claimants who are all affected in the same
or similar way by inequal pay. This has led to calls for the Government to introduce
representative actions. Representative (the term used in the UK) or class actions
(used in the US) are essentially the same and can be taken where a group of people
with the same common legal interest collectively bring a claim to a tribunal or court.
The Equality Act 2010 made no provision for representative actions despite the fact
that they would assist in equal pay claims by reducing the number of cases brought
claimants. cxlii Representative actions are not common in the UK and particularly not
in employment law as they are still thought of as a feature of the American legal
systems in member states that are based on individual rights. cxliii There seems to be a
consensus that representative actions should be introduced but, it has been regarded as
“one of the least controversial areas for potential reform.” cxliv Why has it not been
done then if it is not controversial? The strongest argument for their introduction into
UK equal pay law relates to the recent mass of claims arising from changes to
payment systems in the health and local government sectors. It seems incredible that
where thousands of employees are employed by the same organisation and are
affected in the same way in terms of inequality of pay any claim must still be brought
on an individual basis. There are examples of large group actions in the public sector
where employees have had to ‘opt in’ to be included as a claimant. However, this can
be a lengthy process with claimants having to wait on the outcome of test cases. cxlv It
basis whereby every woman would be included as a claimant unless she specifically
opted out. cxlvi Despite clear support for the introduction of representative actions,
there has been no indication that the Government intends to introduce them in the near
future. One commentator raised the question of who would bring a representative
action. Would it be bodies such as the EHRC, trade unions or other interested
action on behalf of all the employees affected by inequality of pay and not just on
behalf of those employees who are members of the union? There is nothing to
stop a lawyer bringing a representative claim and where this happened only those
persons who signed up with him and agreed to pay his costs would be represented. It
has been argued that despite the obvious benefits of class or representative actions
they may be difficult to implement. This is particularly true when an employer brings
equation’ between a claimant and her comparator. Differences in the length of service
or the quality of work undertaken by male and female comparators may not be able to
The objectives of the equal pay provisions of the Equality Act 2010 were identified in
the EHRC code of practice as addressing the following points: “ the full-time
gender pay gap has narrowed since 1975 when equal pay legislation first came
into force but there remains a gap of over 16 per cent between women’s and
men’s pay.” Historically, women have often been paid less than men for doing
the same or equivalent work and this inequality has persisted in some areas.
The Act’s provisions on equal pay and sex discrimination are intended to
ensure that pay and other employment terms are determined without sex
The Act introduced some new provisions that were intended to be more suitable than
previous legislative measures for reducing the gender pay gap. The introduction of
the hypothetical comparator will get over some of the evidential hurdles faced by
some claimant in these cases most notably those that are subject to occupational
segregation. The changes to the material factor defence, while narrowing the
proving an equal pay claim. It is too early to know the impact of removal of the
secrecy clauses from employment situations but, it can only increase transparency in
terms of pay systems and allow people to discuss issues concerning pay more freely.
The downside might be more equal pay claims where employers are unwilling to
However, many ideas and recommendations for improving equal pay legislation that
have been suggested in the past were not introduced. For example the continued
operation of the individualistic nature of the employment law claims in this context
(and refusal to allow representative actions) is likely to limit the impact that the
legislation will have on efforts to close the gender pay gap. However the European
favourable response from member states it could lead to changes in the law in the UK.
Equality Act to deal with the pay gap. Most notably the removal of the legal
To underline the importance of the issue of the Gender Pay Gap a recent reported
statistic highlighted that women are severely disadvantaged due to it. An average
woman working full-time from the age of 18-59 is estimated to lose out on £361,000
over the course of her working life compared to an equivalent male. cl This is clearly a
significant difference in pay and it can be seen that the UK still has a long way to go
The new general equality duty in the public sector will be of assistance in removing
inequality in pay. However, there is a large pay gap in the private sector which will
not be addressed by this. Accordingly the Government should look at extending such
a duty to the private sector. One commentator noted that: ‘...there is a strong
argument for extending the proactive equal pay duty to the private sector.’ cli She
concluded that the existence of a ‘two tier system’ with different rights for public and
private sector employees was irrational with those in the private sector not having
their rights to equal pay fulfilled unless they could afford to raise an expensive and
The following quote highlights the present position and the challenges ahead: “even
though legislation on implementing equal pay has been in place for 40 years, the
gender pay gap in Britain remains among the highest in the European Union. We still
have a shocking gender pay gap of 15.5% that hurts women, society and the
men and increasing women's participation in the labour market could be worth
between £15 and £23 Billion or 1.3 to 2% of GDP. “ cliii Interestingly, the position in
the United States is considerably worse. In 1996 women in the US only earned an
average of 59% of the wages that men earned. However, by 2008 (although the
position had improved) women still only earned an average of 77% of men's wages.
A Consultation on Modern Workplaces was published on May 16, 2011 which
made clear that legislation was the route by which a number of coalition agreement
commitments will be implemented. This covers further steps to tackle the gender pay
gap. The equal pay proposals are designed to ensure employers who have breached
the law take appropriate action to rectify the problem. This would be achieved by
conduct a pay audit, unless the tribunal is satisfied it would not be productive to do
so. clvi If this change is implemented it will improve things but the gender pay gap
cannot and will not be closed until more is done to deal with the underlying issues.
Now Equality Act 2010
BBC News. Gender pay gap progress ‘grinding to a halt’ 11 Oct 2010
Allan K ‘Equal pay not likely for women till 2067, says research’ The Guardian (19 Aug 2010)
Equality and Human Rights Commission, Equality Act 2010 Code of Practice on Equal pay
Fawcett Society (2010) Coalition plans around Equality Act 'Endorse Pay Gap '
Joint Committee on Human Rights of the Institute of Employment Rights
Aileen McColgan, Institute of Employment Rights, 8 December 2010 paragraphs 24 – 30 at para. 24
Bradley, A Men's Work, Women's Work: A Sociological History of the Sexual Division of Labour in
Employment (Feminist Perspectives) (1989) Polity Press
M Connolly, Townshend-Smith on Discrimination Law: Text, Cases and Materials 2nd edition,
(2004) Cavendish Publishing, London, p. 42
Hakim, C Occupational segregation: a comparative study of Britain, the United States and other
countries. (1979) Research paper, No.9 Department of Employment should there be a reference to a
website? Couldn’t find one
Macpherson S Tackling Occupational Segregation in Scotland (2008) Employment Equality Unit
However, it is still relevant when examining the division between men and women having part time
and full time jobs in the UK and at the level of senior management
Office for National Statistics (ONS) Focus on gender – working lives 26 Sep 2008
Ibid paragraph 1.1.5
European Commission. Gender pay gap: What are the causes?
S Lewis. ‘Restructuring workplace cultures: the ultimate work-family challenge’ Women in
Management Review (2001) Vol. 16 (1) 24
Ibid p. 24
Manning, A Petrongolo , B ‘The part-time pay penalty for women in Britain’ The Economic Journal
(2008) Vol. 118 Issue 526 pp 28-51 at p 28
Ibid p 47
S Connolly, M Gregory. ‘Moving down: women’s part-time work and occupational change in
Britain 1991-2001’ The Economic Journal (2008) Vol. 118 Issue 526 pp 52-76 at p 52
Ibid p. 52
Olsen, W et al, ‘The Gender Pay Gap in the UK 1995-2007: Part 2 – Policy-related factors
offsetting women’s low pay in the UK 2004-07’ (2010) GEO pp 4 and 8
Supra 19 p 52
Lewis, S. and Taylor, K. (1996) Evaluating the impact of family-friendly employer policies: a case
study in Lewis, S and Lewis, J. eds. Family Challenge: Rethinking Employment Sage Publications,
London p 26
Ibid p. 27
S Fredman. ‘Reforming equal pay laws’ Industrial Law Journal (2008) Vol. 37 Part 3 pp 193-218
at p 193
D Leaker. ‘The Gender Pay Gap in the UK’ Economic & Labour Market Review (2008) Vol. 2 No.
4, pp 19-24 at p 19 see also Proposals for measuring and publishing information on the gender pay gap,
Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010)
xxx Eurostat
2008 the EU average was estimated at 17.5%
‘Statistics’ Close The Gap, Working Paper 4 (2010) Close the Gap is an impartial body that
provides advice about equal pay to employers and trade
Supra 26 D Leaker p 19
Supra 26 D Leaker
Supra 26 D Leaker
Supra 26 D Leaker p. 19
Supra 26 D Leaker p 20
Supra 26 D Leaker p. 24
GEO (2008) Olsen, W Gash, V Grimshaw, D and Vandecasteele L The gender pay gap in the UK:
1995 to 2007
Ibid. p. 4
Ibid. p. 1
Ibid. p 1
K Mumford, P Smith The Gender Earnings Gap in Britain, The Manchester School (2007)
Vol. 75 (6) pp 653-672
Office of National Statistics Focus on gender – working lives 26 Sep 2008
Supra 26 p 22
C Cotton, D Worman. The effect of occupational segregation on the gender pay gap (2005) CIPD
Fawcett Society. ‘Equal Pay: Where Next?’ (2010) p.9
Fawcett Society.Equal Pay – The Facts
Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Sex Discrimination Act 1986, Employment Act
1989 (ss. 1-7, 9), Equality Act 2006 (ss. 25,25, 33, 43, Part 2, 81, Part 4 and part of Schedule 3)
Steele, I Sex Discrimination and the material factor defence under the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the
Equality Act 2010 (2010) Industrial Law Journal Vol. 39 (3) pp 264-274
Or a hypothetical comparator in limited circumstances under the Equality Act 2010 (considered
Equality Act 2010 s. 79 (3)
Equality Act 2010 s. 79 (4)
(1989) IRLR 28
(2002) ICR 956
Ibid. p. 956
(1976) ICR 547
Ibid p 566 paragraphs 21 and 22
(2005) EWCA Civ. 1608
Equality Act 2010 s.65
Equality Act 2010 s 65 (2)
(1977) QB 852
Equality Act 2010 s. 65 (4), (5)
Equality Act 2010 s. 65 (6)
Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange Assurance Group (1991) 1 QB 344
Macarthys Ltd v Smith (1980) IRLR 210
Diocese of Hallam Trustee v Connaughton (1996) ICR 860
(2008) IRLR 588
Heavily criticised by the Fawcett Society and UNISON
Steel, I Tracing the Single Source: Choice of Comparators in Equal Pay Claims (2005) Industrial
Law Journal Vol. 34, Issue 4 pp 338 – 344 at p 338
(1976) IRLR 198
Morris A, Nott S Working Women and the Law – Equality and Discrimination in Theory and
Practice, (1991) Routledge, London p. 70
Supra 7 p 386
Equality Act 2010 s. 80
Quinnen v Howells (1984) I.C.R. 525
Previously the equality clause see Glasgow City Council v Marshall (2000) ICR 196
and Redcar & Cleveland BC v Bainbridge & ors; Surtees & ors v Middlesbrough Council CA (2008)
EWCA Civ. 885, CA.
Equality Act 2010s. 66 (2) (a)
Equality Act 2010s 66 (2) (b)
Equal Pay Act 1970 s.1(3)
Supra 7 p 409
Keen, S Pre-employment health questions & equal pay’ News Section, New Law Journal, October
2010 pp 1327-1333 at p 1332 look at explanatory notes as well?
Equality Act 2010 s 69 (1)
Equality Act 2010 s 69 (4)
Strathclyde Regional Council v Wallace (1998) 2 WLR 259
(2000) ICR 196
(2008) EWCA Civ. 885, CA see also Armstrong v Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Hospital Trust (2006)
IRLR 124,
Enderby v Frenchay Health Authority and Secretary of State for Health (1993) IRLR 591
B Perrins et al, Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law (2010) Issue 211, LexisNexis,
at K-19 para 8
(1993) IRLR 591
Supra 88
(2006) ICR 218
(2010) IRLR 277
M Connolly. ‘The gender pay gap, hypothetical comparators and the Equality Act 2010’
Employment Law Bulletin (2011) Issue 101 p 6
22 September 2009, Case nos. 1305947/08 and 1309616/08 M commented on in ‘Genuine material
factor defence fails’ Equal Opportunities Review (2010) Vol. 198, p 32
Ibid Case nos. 1305947/08 and 1309616/08 Paragraph 3
Ibid Case nos. 1305947/08 and 1309616/08 Paragraph 46
Ibid Case nos. 1305947/08 and 1309616/08 Paragraph 51
Equality Act 2010 s. 77 (1)
Predecessor to the Equality and Human Rights Commission
‘Equality Act 2010’ Health & Safety at Work (2010) 16 (9) p 8
‘Will the Equality Act bring equal pay closer?’ IDS Pay Report (2010) Issue 1059 p12
Equality Act 2010 s. 77 (3)
Thomas, D ‘Closing the gap’ Employers’ Law (2010) 7 July p 14
‘EHRC proposals for gender pay reporting’ Equal Opportunities Review (2010) Issue 198, p 16
R McDonald, S Buckley. ‘Equal pay’ Employment Law Bulletin (2010) Issue 96 (Apr), 8
EHRC. ‘Proposals for promoting greater transparency in the public sector: a consultation on
improving gender equality in the workplace’ EHRC (2009) p. 9
Ibid p. 9
Supra 25 p. 215
Supra 25 p. 215
It has been identified that what is needed is as a move away from a remedial model to one of
positive obligations imposed on organisations.
R Lewis, S Smee. ‘Closing the gap: Does transparency hold the key to unlocking pay equality?’
(2009) Fawcett Society p. 9
K Godwin. ‘Equal pay reviews in action’ Equal Opportunities Review (2008) 174, 8
Ibid. p. 10
The costs of gender pay reporting and equal pay audits are one of the main arguments against
implementing section 78 – Minster for Equalities, Lynne Featherstone, stated that it may place a
‘burden on business.’ Will the Equality Act bring equal pay closer?’ IDS Pay Report (2010) 1059, 12
Supra 106 p 16
Supra 113 p. 9
Supra 114 p. 10
By amendment to the Race Relations Act 1976
EHRC. (2010) Background to the public sector duties
Equality Act 2010 s. 149
EHRC. (2010) The new Public Sector Equality Duty
Supra 25 p 213
EHRC. (2010) Gender equality duty
EHRC (2010) Interim advice on the Equality Act Scottish Specific Duties
The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011
At organisational level, relevant information would include sex-specific information on for
example: numbers of employees, categories of employment, duration of employment contracts,
proportions of part-time workers, wage levels, types of jobs, proportions in management positions,
take-up of family leave policies, access to training. This information can be collected analysed by the
company management.
‘Will the Equality Act bring equal pay closer?’ IDS Pay Report (2010) 1059, 13
Hodges, C. ‘From class actions to collective redress: a revolution in approach to compensation’
(2009) Civil Justice Quarterly Volume 28 , issue 1 , pp. 41-66
Supra 130
M Rubenstein. ‘Representative actions and equal pay’ (2008) EOR Issue 174 p 31
Ibid. p. 31
Ibid p. 31
Ibid p. 31
Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress, European Commission SEC
(2011) 173 (Final)
Fawcett Society. ‘Equal Pay: Where Next?’ (2010) p. 9
Supra 25 p 218
Supra 25 p 218
Fawcett Society (2011) Equal Pay – The Facts
The Wage Gap: A History of Pay Inequity and the Equal Pay Act (2008) President Obama has vowed to
reduce the wage gap between the genders in the United States.
The consultation closed on August 8, 2011