Success - Writing and Vocabulary
Success - Writing and Vocabulary
Success - Writing and Vocabulary
1 A: There are eight of us. Why didn’t you book two taxis?
B: sorry. / Oh, / You / were / on a call / a / so / couldn’t
/ with you. / check / I
C ongratulations. - the birth of your
new baby. I can’t w ait to m eet him!
WRITING SKILL Prepositions in nnessages Thanks fo r inviting m e to your party. I’d love to
6 Match the two parts of the text messages. com e.
1 Bad luck □
2 Thanks □
3 Congratulations Q Bad luck on Steve missing the concert. I hope he
4 We’re pleased □ feels b etter soon.
5 Good news □
6 Apologies □
7 Well done □ G ood new s fo r m y lost wallet - som eone found
8 Shame □ it!
a about your excellent marks in school. Good work!
b for the invitation.
c about your driving test, but maybe you’ll pass next time, Congratulations a bout the new job. I’m happy
d on finishing your course, fo r you!
e for that. I was having an off day.
f on finding a flat. It looks lovely,
g about your new job. I’m sure you’ll love it.
Apologies fo r missing th e m eeting. I w as really ill
h about losing your keys. I hope you find themi
that day.
7 Complete the text messages. Use the correct
Well done on passing your exams. What will you
do now?
Shame ^ . missing out on the job.
Writing 2 a note
IDEAS 3 Read the note again. Are these statements true (T)
or false (F)?
1 Tick ( /) the things you would expect to see in a short
note of apology between friends. 1 James lost the TV remote control. □
2 Joe moved some furniture. □
a a sentence that explains the reason for writing □
3 James replaced the TV remote control. □
b a subject line that gives the topic of the message □
4 There are now three remote controls. □
c a description of something the writer has done to □
5 James is sorry because the TV isn't working now. □
fix the problem
d a closing with the name of the person who wrote □
the note
e a request for money □ 4 Read the notes. In each message ...
f the name of the person who receives the note O
1 underline the sentence that gives the main reason for
g an explanation of what happened □
2 Hniihle underline the sentence that gives more detail or
MODEL a reason.
2 Match parts 1-5 of the note with a description (a-g) from 3 put a dotted Jijie under the suggestion.
Exercise 1.
-H i J-tAk,
’Joe, T M n k s fo v mt f o r ({in n .tr o k but I 'w
^I'm very sorry, hut I ’ve broken the remote controlfo r the TV. 1cAn't OOW.I. I Mue a con.{irM t ii^ All
^ moving the table /V/ the livirty room, / dropped it. IfiiikinJ,. t/ii ARO'tke.r iimi?
But don’t tvorry. I've botiyht a neu> one. It isn’t the same as A ll tk t b ts t,
^Best wishes,
Hi Pam,
Sorry, b u t I d id n 't g e t tickets for Saturday's
1 □ fo o tb a ll m atch . I w aite d to o long, a n d now they
2 □ have all been sold. I tried eBay, b ut they're too
expensive. W ould you like to c o m e to my house
3 □
a n d w a tc h if on TV?
4 □
5 □
5 Complete the notes. Use the words and phrases in
the box. 8 Write a sentence for a note th a t...
1 says you’re sorry that you ate the cake in the fridge.
Can we Can you I had I need
I think I’m sorry It was There are
Hello Nancy, 2 says you didn’t realize it was for Tom’s birthday.
9 Your friend Mel lent you a book, but you lost it. Write a
note to her. In your email you should
Hi Penny,
• include a greeting and her name.
_ I've left my mobile at Luke’s house, so • apologize and say that you lost the book.
. to go back there. ’______________ make • explain that you took the book on holiday with you,
dinner for the kids?®_ two pizzas in the but you left it on the beach.
freezer and some vegetables in the fridge. Thanks! • say that you have bought a new book to replace it.
See you around 6.00! • close your note.