Ajr v8 Id1157
Ajr v8 Id1157
Ajr v8 Id1157
Case Report
Spinal cord lipomas represent a group of rare and benign tumors.
It accounts for about 1% of all intramedullary tumors. These are
injuries associated with spinal dysraphisms. The absence of association
with dysraphism makes the lesion even rarer, representing about 1%
of cases of spinal cord lipomas. The case to be discussed is a child
diagnosed with intradural lipoma without associated dysraphism.
Case Presentation
The case reported is of an 8-month-old child, who started a
condition of excessive crying associated with stooped posture in
the cervical and thoracic region at 3 months of age, in a progressive
manner. Report evaluated by an orthopedist who discarded
Figure 1: Sagittal/T1 image - T1-weighted hyperintense lesion extending
pathological processes. She had motor development delay, with
from the craniocervical transition to the thoracic spine.
difficulty in supporting her neck, trunk, without sitting down
at 7 months. Hospitalized at 8 months due to gastrointestinal
symptoms, where fontanelle bulging was observed, and a blood CT
was requested, which showed an expansive lesion in the posterior
fossa with insinuation to the spinal canal. Blood MRI was performed
showing an image compatible with spinal cord lipoma, without signs
of associated dysraphism. She underwent a surgical procedure, where
the tumor was partially resected due to the extension of the lesion. He
is still hospitalized in ventricle bypass planning (Figure 1-4).
Medullary lipomas are very rare entities, especially when there is
no association with dysraphisms, representing about 1% of all spinal
lipomas and 5-7% in children, as reported in this case [1]. Most are
intradural (60%), while the rest are extradural (40%). The clinical Figure 2: Sagittal image/T2 - Lesion with marked drop in T2-weighted signal
presentation and its neurological component are quite variable extending from the craniocervical transition to the D4 thoracic vertebra.
depending on the size and location of the lesion, but it usually evolves
insidiously [2]. The case in question presented early symptoms with structures. They usually have a high signal on T1 and a low signal on
motor delay due to the significant tumor volume [3]. This condition T2. The treatment of these injuries is surgical, with the main objective
is more commonly located in higher regions of the spinal cord, of spinal cord decompression, without the need for complete excision
especially in the projections of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae. In the of the tumor, with several reports of worse postoperative results in
case reported here, there is involvement from the 4th vertebra to the case of total excision. Contraindicated in asymptomatic patients. In
posterior cranial fossa. MRI is the main diagnostic method, not only the case patient, a partial excision with spinal decompression was
for confirmation, but also for evaluating the involvement of adjacent performed [4].
Austin J Radiol - Volume 8 Issue 8 - 2021 Citation: Antonio GL Jr, Abreu NMP, Leal MVB, Rodrigues JPC, Malveira C, Gomes LVM, et al. Nondysraphic
ISSN : 2473-0637 | www.austinpublishinggroup.com Intradural Spinal Lipoma: A Rare Case in a Child. Austin J Radiol. 2021; 8(8): 1157.
Antonio et al. © All rights are reserved
Antonio GL Jr. Austin Publishing Group
3. Falavigna, Asdrubal, Segatto, Ana Claudia, & Salgado, Karine. A rare case
of intramedullary lipoma associated with cyst. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria.
2001; 59: 112-115.
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