Indian-Oil-VARIOUS POST Recruitment-2023-3

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No. HR/MED/24/2023-24 Walsndnterview for Part Tine ising Consultants and Paramedics at ala Indlan Oi Corporation Lined, Halla Rfiery lnvne nerestos candidates for engagerent as Part ‘Tne tig Onsutart & Pa Tin faeces OC Ha tery Hoga coral bese. git Ctra for Part Tne Veting Constanta & Premed: S| Specialization ‘Guaficstoniied. 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Go se cnesoesiy ty ae sreoa Garden, Toliygunge, Koka, Wort Benga 700 033, Fier wmars acc =| | waned candies ray sen er Bi-di aog ih sete cops of alte elevators creamed winters. ne =] | auger questo exorance ee onsZos ocr peor sas piyagh a be ndemetorad acwsed te.cun ere cit] | Saeress ox olown E-rai acre: Manager (ER), nan Ol Corporation Limited, Halla Refinery ect nee onc a|| Hoopal Han Towed Ent hbaapos, Pn -72 Yor erranginanal pact 2009 an paicowin || ry tat at of recap of ppiation wl be 17.06.2023 ‘rnp cit aaa waager| | Ate cu of doce, ge candies wl have to ppea fr watin‘nteiw wth og ‘eanctanen| | ocuont cos vaeton Al gt cancdses lb norma ebout he walkin rio trough Nertnent renter Ratey | | mal anc oer pone. iow Schece woud lobe arable under "Careers secon on or webs (© gensrerrmererecg] | wwlocicom. Fr cues co won 09224-22300/041004 S# CanadianSolar. Ihas come to our noe that carn malcousindiduaegroups have ‘Goeled deceptive. mebla apps and URLs flee om ‘Smpary. 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