Northern Railways Recruitment 2023

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Northern Railway Office of Gati Shakti Unit (Delhi Division) DRM office, New Delhi CPM/GSU/Reengagement-3/2023.24 Dated: 26.06.2023 Category ‘S" Delhi Division NOTIFICATION Sub. Re-engagement of Retired Staff on monthly remuneration basis in Engineering, S&T and Electrical Exigencies of services for GatiShatki Unit (GSU) of Delhi Division, Northern Rail2Y- In terms of Railway Board's letter no, 2021/W-1/Genl./Gati Shakti dated 27.07.2022 it has been decided to fill up following posts in Gati Shakti Unit of Delhi Division by re-engagement of Staff, who have retired {rom Railway service. Therefore, applications of Staff, who fulfills the following terms & conditions and retired from Railway Service, are invited so as to reach in the office of Dy.CE/Gati Shakti Unit, ORM Ot Entry Road New Delhi, on or before 14.07.2023 e, State x ‘Approved | Required | Remarks Branch Designation eer Engineering | SSE/E 6 5 [cos7os 1 ° sav | SSE/E 5 3 [cos/os: 1 o Electrical | SSE/JE 4 3 [_cos/os 1 ° [ I Total | 38, it The following terms and conditions may kindly be note The Re-engagement will be valid for a period of one year from the date of engagement and will be extended time to time as per administrative requirements. 1. Retired Staff, who have retired from Railway and department for which notification is issued can apply. from the same category and same 2. The Re-engagement shall not be beyond attaining the age of 65 years. No Re-engaged employee should continue in service beyond 65 years of age.All the Railway Retired Supervisor Supervisors who have not attained 64 years 6 months on the closing date of potification (to ensure at least Six months service is available after re-engagement) for re- urpose will be eligible. engagement pt 5. The Administration is a liberty t0 terminate the services of the re-engaged employees even rae agrnae terion of his terms incase thelr work/conduct is found unsatisfactory by giving a caters ore month. The re-eN€96e6 “etited staff should give a notice of One month before discontinuing his services Contd....2 2s nor 4, The employee Removed/Dismissed/Compulsory retired as a result of disciplinary act!®} Pending vigilance cases or in review, are not eligible for re-engagement. 5. The re-engaged employees are entitled only for monthly fixed remuneration i.e, reducing Bension {rom his/her last pay drawn (i.e., Basis + DA) at the time of retirement. The monthly fixed remuneration plus full pension shall not exceed the last pay drawn at the time oF retirement. AS per Rallway Board letter no €(NG)-I/2007/RC-4/CORE/I Dt 24.10.19 un NRPS No.15250/2019 dated 18.11.2019 &. _ Retired employees being re-engaged, should not have been covered under the Safety Related Retirement Scheme/ Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS). 7. The Re-engaged employees are not entitled for any other benefit or facilities except the monthly fixed remuneration, 8. The retired employee shall execute an agreement to abide by all the terms and conditions of the re-engagement 9. Re-engagement shall be subject to prescribed medical fitness for the relevant category. 10. _Suitability/Competency of the applicant shall be adjudged by nominated committee by the way of personal interview before their re-engagement. 11. Copy of any of the following documents should be attached with the application and it is mandatory a) Service Certificate b) Pensioner Identity Card c) Pension Payment Order 12, The last date of submission of the application is 14.07.2023. Staff desires for re-engagement, may submit their application in the prescribed format as Annexure ‘A’ in the office of Dy. CE/Gati Shakti Unit, DRM Office, State Entry Road New Delhi on or before 14.07.2023 by fered post or submit personally. 13, Kindly note application received after 14.07.2023 will not be entertained. . oy C® Vee Dy.CEE/GSU/DLI Copy to: 1. Sr.DPO/DLI for information please. 2. dy.CPO/IT/HO/NDLS for uploading the above notification in NR/HQ/Website. 3. Sr.€DPM/DLI for uploading the above notification in NR/DLI website. 4. Divn, Secretary/NRMU/URMU/Delhi Division, 5. Divn, Secy/AIOBCREA/AIOSC/STREA/DeIhi Division, Annexure ‘A’ Application for Re-engagement in Delhi Division, Northern Railway (Notification No, CPM/GSU/Reengagement-3/2023-24 dated 26.06.2023) To, anti recent Dy. CE/Gati Shakti Unit passport ie Delhi Division colour photograph Northern Railway with signature State Entry Road New Delhi across the photo U hereby apply for re-engagement as _ (Name of Post) in department of Delhi Division, Northern Railway on monthly remuneration basis, fon terms and conditions mentioned in the said notification. My service particulars are as below: 1. Name 2. Designation at the time of retirement 3. Division/Unit/Department from where retired 4, Date of Birth 5. Date of retirement 6. Retirement on Superannuation/VRS/LARSGESS or any other retirement (specify) 7. Address for correspondence 8, Telephone/Mobile No. 9. Last Pay Drawn : Pay Band Rs. __ 10. P.P.O. No. 11. Enclosure (copy of documents) :_ a) Service Certi ate b) Pension Identity Card ¢)_ Pension Payment Order 1 declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and 1 am liable for punitive action if found false/incorrect. | also declare that | have gone through the terms and conditions stipulated in the Notification and | shall be abide by them. Signature of the Applicant Name : Place Date :____—

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