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Influence of Soil Moisture vs. Climatic Factors in Pinus Halepensis Growth

Variability in Spain: A Study with Remote Sensing and Modeled Data

Article  in  Remote Sensing · February 2021

DOI: 10.3390/rs13040757


9 214

4 authors:

Ángel González-Zamora Laura Almendra-Martín

Universidad de Salamanca University of Florida


Martin De Luis José Martínez-Fernández

University of Zaragoza Universidad de Salamanca


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remote sensing
Influence of Soil Moisture vs. Climatic Factors in Pinus
Halepensis Growth Variability in Spain: A Study with Remote
Sensing and Modeled Data
Ángel González-Zamora 1, * , Laura Almendra-Martín 1 , Martín de Luis 2 and José Martínez-Fernández 1

1 Instituto Hispano Luso de Investigaciones Agrarias—CIALE, University of Salamanca,

37185 Villamayor, Spain; lauraalmendra@usal.es (L.A.-M.); jmf@usal.es (J.M.-F.)
2 Department of Geography and Spatial Planning—IUCA, University of Zaragoza,
50009 Zaragoza, Spain; mdla@unizar.es
* Correspondence: aglezzamora@usal.es

Abstract: The influence of soil water content on Aleppo pine growth variability is analyzed against
climatic variables, using satellite and modeled soil moisture databases. The study was made with a
dendrochronological series of 22 forest sites in Spain with different environmental conditions. From
the results of the correlation analysis, at both daily and monthly scales, it was observed that soil
moisture was the variable that correlated the most with tree growth and the one that better identified
the critical periods for this growth. The maximum correlation coefficients obtained with the rest of
the variables were less than half of that obtained for soil moisture. Multiple linear regression analysis
 with all combinations of variables indicated that soil moisture was the most important variable,

showing the lowest p-values in all cases. While identifying the role of soil moisture, it was noted that
Citation: González-Zamora, Á.;
there was appreciable variability between the sites, and that this variability is mainly modulated by
Almendra-Martín, L.; de Luis, M.;
water availability, rather than thermal conditions. These results can contribute to new insights into
Martínez-Fernández, J. Influence of
the ecohydrological dynamics of Aleppo pine and a methodological approach to the study of many
Soil Moisture vs. Climatic Factors in
other species.
Pinus Halepensis Growth Variability
in Spain: A Study with Remote
Sensing and Modeled Data. Remote
Keywords: tree growth; Aleppo pine; soil moisture; climatic factors
Sens. 2021, 13, 757. https://doi.org/

Academic Editor: Duccio Rocchini 1. Introduction

It is generally appreciated that forests, especially those located in water limited areas,
Received: 23 December 2020 are one of the environments most affected by climate change [1]. At the same time, it is
Accepted: 16 February 2021 well known that ecosystems play a crucial role in the interactions between natural systems
Published: 18 February 2021
that face climate change and the atmospheric system [2]. Forests are directly involved in
critical issues for natural systems such as energy balance [3], carbon dioxide budget [4], or
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
freshwater availability [5], and forest evolution is sharply conditioned by climate change.
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
A better understanding of how environmental factors shape plant function is crucial
published maps and institutional affil-
for predicting the consequences of environmental change for ecosystem functioning [6].
Precise knowledge of the factors controlling vegetation dynamics is also essential for im-
proving ecosystem monitoring [7]. Climatic factors are identified as the main determinants
in vegetation distribution, and climate dynamics are considered to drive vegetation shifts
in many areas of the world [8,9]. Nevertheless, other factors, such as soil water content
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. or topography and its derived variables, may be of great importance in the interaction of
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
environmental factors affecting forest dynamics [10].
This article is an open access article
Global warming and the subsequent water scarcity may negatively impact forest pro-
distributed under the terms and
ductivity in extensive areas in many regions [11]. Forests of the Mediterranean region will
conditions of the Creative Commons
be among the most affected because climate change exacerbates Mediterranean stresses [12].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
A better understanding of tree growth responses to climate and to other related drawbacks
could provide valuable insight into the vulnerability of those forests.

Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13040757 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing

Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 2 of 20

Aleppo pine is the most widespread pine species in the Mediterranean basin [13,14],
and therefore is very representative of the bioclimatic conditions in this water-limited
environment [15,16]. For these reasons, Aleppo pine has captured the interest of many
researchers in recent decades from different points of view and all around the Mediter-
ranean [17–20]. The study of the influence of environmental factors on the growth of this
species has been approached from diverse perspectives, but in most cases has been focused
on climatic and terrain variables [21].
For example, in one location in southern Italy, [22] studied Aleppo pine growth com-
pared with weekly precipitation and the integrated temperature excess above 8◦ C. Ref. [23]
analyzed radial growth and wood density profiles with precipitation and temperature
variables in one location in southern France. Ref. [24] studied the Aleppo pine forest growth
response to climate by analyzing radial growth series and their relationship to precipitation
and temperature conditions at different spatial scales. Ref. [25] studied the wood formation
process and the intra-annual density fluctuations in Aleppo pines correlated with monthly
temperature and precipitation. Ref. [26] analyzed tree-ring widths and wood anatomical
features in tree rings under contrasting environmental conditions in Spain and Slovenia.
They applied principal component analysis to elucidate the relationship between those tree
parameters and climate, based on the monthly mean temperature and the monthly sums of
precipitation. Ref. [21] analyzed climatic variables and local site conditions, and concluded
that the local water balance was the main factor driving Aleppo pine productivity in their
study area in the South of France.
Usually, the few studies in which soil moisture has been used have been conducted
using in situ measurements or estimations at the forest stand scale, and with very short-
lived series, of a few growing seasons or years. Accordingly, very few studies have been
conducted using soil water content as a variable to analyze tree growth dynamics and
variability in large areas and with suitable long series. This fact is particularly relevant
considering that this variable refers to the volume of water supplied to plants [27], and
for that reason, it is generally considered a relevant factor. Annual growth of trees is
governed by numerous biotic and abiotic factors, with available soil moisture being one of
the most important [28], as has been known for a long time [29]. For example, [30] studied
the relationships between climate, soil moisture, and phenology in two woody areas in
West Africa using in situ soil moisture monitoring stations. Ref. [31] studied the role of
soil moisture, estimated by an ecohydrological model, in Aleppo pine growth-climate
relationships in four locations in Spain. Ref. [32] studied the relationship between soil
moisture and forest productivity in a small forest catchment in USA using a forest growth
model. The need to pay more attention to soil moisture is in line with the finding that
climate change will intensify the soil water content deficit in the coming years in many
regions of the world [33].
The lack of studies associating these topics with applied soil moisture is mainly due
to the difficulty in obtaining soil moisture databases with long series and over large areas.
Soil moisture monitoring requires costly sensors, is time consuming and, most of the
time, requires direct surveying. In the past, it has been very difficult to obtain long-term
observations because monitoring campaigns are usually linked to specific experiments for
one or several years, at best. In many cases, only point measurements are available, and
they are hardly applicable to areas of interest.
A suitable strategy to overcome these constraints could be the use of soil moisture
databases generated by remote sensing, hydrological modeling, or reanalysis. Several
satellites are now providing global soil moisture retrieval using both active [34] and
passive [35,36] microwave technologies. These satellite missions provide soil moisture
products for both the surface and root-zone layer, with suitable revisit times and at a
variety of spatial resolutions. Many of these databases still have a limited timespan for
use in long-term analysis. However, other satellite databases, such as the Climate Change
Initiative (CCI) Soil Moisture [37] series ongoing since 1978, allow long-term analysis
for multiple applications. Although it is known that the retrieval of soil moisture with
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 3 of 20

microwave remote sensing is complicated in areas with dense vegetation [38], there are
increasing numbers of examples where satisfactory results have been obtained [39,40].
Ref. [41] found that soil moisture estimates from microwave-based active and passive
satellites outperform several model-based products over vegetated areas analyzed at global
scale. Ref. [42] validated the CCI database under different environmental conditions in
the Iberian Peninsula and obtained good results over forest areas (correlation coefficients
around 0.9, and very low error and bias values).
Another way to apply soil moisture data in forest studies is to use databases obtained
from hydrological modeling or reanalysis. There are many options and modeling ap-
proaches that generate soil moisture as a model output and provide databases at a variety
of spatial resolutions, with long-term series and for many regions, or even globally [43–46].
In some cases, a hydrological model has been applied to a specific site [31] to generate
soil moisture outputs at forest stand scale. The main limitation is that the required infor-
mation at the desired scale and location is not always available. A suitable approach to
overcome that constraint is the use of available soil moisture databases obtained through
modeling [47], and previously validated in the area of interest.
Recently, [48] demonstrated that satellite soil moisture is sensitive enough to track
the Aleppo pine growth pattern along the year. The satellite soil moisture was able to
detect a bimodal pattern of tree growth with a maximum in May and a secondary peak in
autumn. This temporal pattern was much clearer than that obtained using the modeled soil
moisture or the precipitation. The study showed that, despite the limited spatial resolution
of microwave satellite databases, the products that are available, such as CCI, can be useful
for ecohydrological analysis and monitoring of this species. The opportunity to access
global and daily root-zone soil moisture via satellite databases provides a huge advantage
over other approaches that have been used so far.
The main goal of the present study was to investigate the role of soil moisture to
explain the variability of the Aleppo pine growth in 22 locations in Spain, with different
environmental conditions, from the north to the south of the country. With the aim of
analyzing the influence of soil moisture on tree growth, several statistical approaches were
applied, and two soil moisture databases, one from satellites and one from modeling, were
used for the first time. Accordingly, another goal of the work was to study the influence
of soil moisture compared with several climatic variables commonly used in this kind of
studies. The climatic variables and indicators analyzed were minimum and maximum
temperature, precipitation, standardized precipitation index (SPI), and potential evapo-
transpiration (PET). Finally, the role of soil moisture on tree growth was analyzed based
on the climatic characteristics of each location, to study whether there is environmental
modulation of the influence of the soil water content on Aleppo pine phenology.

2. Dataset and Study Area

2.1. Tree Samples and Study Area
We used a previously developed dataset, selecting the annual tree-ring width series of
22 Aleppo pine forest stands covering a wide range of environmental conditions across
the Iberian Peninsula (Figure 1 and Table 1). Site selection was based on the homogeneity
of the forestland cover and soil conditions (marls and limestone) at the sampled sites [48].
In each forest site, a total number ranging from 15 to 40 dominant or co-dominant Aleppo
pine trees, separated by at least 10 m, with no obvious signs of damage or disease, were
sampled. Trees were cored at 1.3 m height, at two perpendicular directions, using Pressler
increment borers.
using a negative exponential function followed by a cubic smoothing spline with a 50%
cutoff frequency and a 30-year response period [15,49]. The autocorrelation filter was then
applied to the detrended series to remove correlations between consecutive measure-
ments and to obtain residual series containing only the high-frequency variations in year-
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 to-year growth series. Finally, a bi-weight robust estimation of the mean was applied 4 ofto
construct each local residual chronology [50].

Figure 1. Locations of the Aleppo pine samples across the Iberian Peninsula.
Figure 1. Locations of the Aleppo pine samples across the Iberian Peninsula.
Table 1. Information on the locations of the Aleppo pine samples used in this study. MAP, MAT, and PET are the mean
Table 1. Information on the locations of the Aleppo pine samples used in this study. MAP, MAT, and PET are the mean
annual precipitation, temperature, and potential evapotranspiration, respectively.
annual precipitation, temperature, and potential evapotranspiration, respectively.
Number Sample Site Alt. MAP MAT◦ PET Lat. Long.
Number Sample Site (m) (mm) ( C) (mm) Lat. Long.
(m) (mm) (°C) (mm)
1 SPAIN_AYE_PIHA_M Ayerbe 924 630 12.2 1102 42.32 −0.84
924545 630289 12.216.3 1102
2 SPAIN_CAB_PIHA_M Cabecoesquí
Estación 545 289 16.3 1163 38.51 −0,40
3 SPAIN_CAM_PIHA_M 1676 600 9.0 1137 40.11 −1.04
Estación esquí Java-
SPAIN_CDG_PIHA_M Sierra de Genessies 1676525 600808 9.0 14.8 1137
1220 40.11
41.00 −1,04
5 SPAIN_CDM_PIHA_M Caldes de Montbui 340 588 15.3 1023 41.64 2.15
4 SPAIN_CDG_PIHA_M Sierra de Genessies 525 808 14.8 1220 41.00 0,81
6 SPAIN_CNC_PIHA_M PN Cazorla—C. Nuevos 960 636 13.6 1265 38.24 −2.76
SPAIN_CON_PIHA_M CaldesConfrides
de Montbui 340
1090 588853 15.313.4 1023
1163 41.64
38.70 2,15
Cazorla—C. Nue-
de la Figuera 680 359 14.8 1185 38.83 −0.93
636401 13.613.2 1265
Confrides 1090170
853599 13.415.8 1108
1163 41.31
38.70 1.97
11 SPAIN_HUT_PIHA_M Huetos 995 523 12.0 1125 40.75 −2.52
SPAIN_JAL_PIHA_M Font deJalance
la Figuera 680571 359387 14.814.3 1185
1193 38.83
39.19 −0,93
Figuera 1022540 401473 13.214.9 1185
1206 38.67
41.21 −0,54
Gavanorte 170845 599580 15.813.7 1185
1108 38.52
41.31 −0.64
Huetossur 995762 523371 12.015.7 1223
1125 38.50
40.75 −0.60
16 SPAIN_PDF_PIHA_M Puig de les Forques 185 747 14.5 1029 42.29 2.86
Pinar del Pla
387582 14.313.0 1193
PN Cazorla-P. de Segura 5401030 473679 14.915.0 1206
1265 41.21
38.36 0,73
SPAIN_SES_PIHA_M Maigmo norte
Sierra Espuña 845846 580387 13.715.1 1185
1221 38.52
37.87 −1.52
Maigmode Sant
surJordi 762235 371747 15.714.5 1029
1223 42.32
38.50 2.83
21 SPAIN_TOR_PIHA_M Torralba 1095 521 12.1 1161 40.30 −2.25
22 SPAIN_VAC_PIHA_M Valdecuenca 1441 601 9.7 1137 40.29 −1.45

Thus, using the annual tree-ring width series of 22 Aleppo pine forest stands, the den-
drochronological database was derived using standard dendrochronological protocols [49].
Then, for each forest, a ring-width index (TRI) chronology was constructed by detrending
tree-ring width measurements to eliminate the biological age trend in the radial growth. To
preserve the inter-annual scale variability and eliminate the age-related trend in the radial
growth, we standardized the individual tree-ring width series data were standardized
using the ARSTAN program [49]. The long-term trends were removed using a negative
exponential function followed by a cubic smoothing spline with a 50% cutoff frequency
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 5 of 20

and a 30-year response period [15,49]. The autocorrelation filter was then applied to the
detrended series to remove correlations between consecutive measurements and to obtain
residual series containing only the high-frequency variations in year-to-year growth series.
Finally, a bi-weight robust estimation of the mean was applied to construct each local
residual chronology [50].

2.2. Soil Moisture

For this study, two soil moisture databases from satellites and modeling have been
used. The first one corresponds to version 4.4 of the CCI Soil Moisture Combined product
satellite database [51]. From the three different CCI soil moisture products available, the
combined product was selected for this study because it is the longest satellite database,
and it has given the best results in validations conducted worldwide, including the Iberian
Peninsula [42,52]. This database provides daily surface soil moisture from seven passives
and four actives satellites that have soil moisture measurements from November 1978 to
June 2018 over a regular 25 km × 25 km grid. A detailed description of the algorithm
used to obtain this product from the merge of the L2 products of these eleven satellites
can be found in [37,53]. In this research, the pixels corresponding to the 22 tree samples
were selected, and the surface soil moisture data was filtered applying the soil moisture
flag (‘no data inconsistency’), in order to use the values with highest quality. Once the
surface soil moisture time series from the CCI database were selected and filtered, the Soil
Water Index (SWI) model [54] was used to obtain the soil moisture in the root zone. This
model only uses as input the surface soil moisture and a parameter T related to the water
time travel through the soil profile. To obtain this parameter, the SMAP L4 Surface and
Root Zone product [55], which provides daily surface and root zone (0–100 cm depth) soil
moisture over a regular grid of 9 km × 9 km from March 2015 to December 2019, was used.
From this product, the surface and root zone soil moisture time series corresponding to
the 22 tree samples were selected. Then, the surface soil moisture was used as input in the
SWI model, and the T parameter was varied from 1 to 100 days to obtain 100 root zone soil
moisture time series for each tree sample. These 100 root zone time series from the SWI
model were compared with the root zone soil moisture from the SMAP L4 product to select
the best T parameter for each tree sample based on the highest correlation, according to the
study of [56]. Once the best value of T was selected for each tree sample, this parameter,
together with the surface soil moisture time series from the CCI combined product, was
used in the SWI model to obtain the CCI root zone soil moisture time series of the first 100
cm depth.
The second soil moisture database used in the present study is the set of soil moisture
estimations from the Lisflood (LF) model [47]. LF is a spatially distributed hydrological
rainfall-runoff model developed by the floods group of the Natural Hazards Project of the
Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission [57]. LF was validated by [58]
along Europe, with satisfactory results over the Iberian Peninsula. The soil moisture
provided by this model is used by the European Drought Observatory (EDO) monitoring
system. This hydrological model provides daily soil moisture data at three different layers
with a spatial resolution of 5 km × 5 km and is available from January 1991 to December
2018. Only the time series of the first two layers, named the topsoil [59], were selected
for the pixels corresponding to the 22 tree samples. The average of these two layers was
considered the root zone soil moisture, assuming a soil volume similar to that of the CCI
root zone, i.e., 0–100 cm depth, and in accordance with the root zone depth of the Aleppo
pine [60].
These two databases were compared in a previous study [48], and have been widely
used in studies with different soil moisture applications [61–64].

2.3. Precipitation and Temperature

Precipitation and temperature are the climatic variables most commonly used in
studies of the impact of environmental factors on tree growth and phenology [65,66] in
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 6 of 20

general and of Aleppo pine growth specifically [20,26,67]. The precipitation and tem-
perature data used in the present study were obtained from the Spanish PREcipitation
At Daily scale (SPREAD) and Spanish TEmperature At Daily scale (STEAD) databases,
respectively [68,69]. Both databases are provided on a 5 km × 5 km resolution grid over the
Iberian Peninsula, with daily data for precipitation, maximum temperature, and minimum
temperature. Both databases were created with measurements from more than 12,000 me-
teorological stations with reference values through generalized linear models. These were
based on the 10 closest measurement stations using latitude, longitude, and altitude as
covariates. A detailed description of this computational process to reconstruct the orig-
inal daily precipitation time series can be found in [68]. These two datasets have been
widely validated and used in many works since they are the spatially distributed databases
for these two variables with the greatest temporal coverage (1950–2012 for precipitation,
1901–2014 for temperature) over the Iberian Peninsula [69–72].
As for the soil moisture databases, only the time series of precipitation and maximum
and minimum temperature pixels corresponding to the 22 locations of the tree samples
were used in this research.

2.4. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)

The SPI is a meteorological drought index [73] and is calculated from the historical
record of the precipitation collected at a location, where the accumulated precipitation
during a specific study period is compared with the same period of time throughout the
long-term record history in the same location. This index is considered by the World
Meteorological Organization as the universal reference meteorological index [74].
The SPI generator application from the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC)
(https://drought.unl.edu/droughtmonitoring/SPI/SPIProgram.aspx, accessed on 22 De-
cember 2020) of the University of Nebraska was used to calculate the SPI-1. The SPI
obtained in this study is based on a representation of the historical record of precipitation
with a gamma distribution, where the positive values of SPI correspond to wet conditions,
while the negative values correspond to drought conditions. The long-term time series,
from 1950 to 2012, of SPREAD precipitation data from the 22 locations of the tree samples
were used as input to obtain the monthly value of SPI-1 in those locations. Only SPI-1 was
analyzed, since only daily and monthly temporal scales were considered for the rest of the
climatic variables used in this study. SPI was used even though precipitation itself was also
included because SPI is a suitable indicator of precipitation anomalies.

2.5. Potential Evapotranspiration

Evapotranspiration is an essential variable in the water balance and clearly identifies
the interaction of vegetation in the hydrological system. It is also well known that evap-
otranspiration is decisively involved in the growth of trees in different ecosystems [65].
In the present work, PET was correlated with Aleppo pine growth with the aim of studying
whether a temporal pattern or a critical period exists.
The Climatic Research Unit gridded Time Series (CRU TS) v4.03 is a database that
provides monthly data of a set of climatic variables over a regular 0.5◦ × 0.5◦ grid from
1901 to 2018 [75]. Due to this long-term time series, this dataset has been widely used
in different climatic studies worldwide [76–78]. For this study, PET time series from the
CRU TS were obtained from the pixels corresponding to each tree sample. This variable is
calculated through the Penman-Monteith equation [79,80].
Prior to analysis, and to test the suitability of using PET with such a spatial resolution,
CRU PET data were validated in all sampling sites. As sufficient climatic information was
not available in these areas for using the Penman-Monteith method, PET was calculated
with the STEAD database and the Thornthwaite method. The result of the comparison
between CRU PET and PET-Thornthwaite was very satisfactory, with an average R2 of 0.93.
Finally, in this study, CRU PET was used considering that the Penman-Monteith method
has more physical basis.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 7 of 20

3. Methods
3.1. Correlation Analysis
In order to study the role of soil moisture and climatic factors in Aleppo pine growth
and identify any temporal patterns, a correlation analysis was performed between the
annual TRI series and the different variables considered in this study. For this, Pearson’s
correlation coefficient (R) was calculated, and the statistical significance was settled for
p-values < 0.05. This analysis was carried out at daily and monthly temporal resolutions
and applied to a study period spanning from January 1979 (January 1991, in the case of LF)
to December 2012.
For the analysis at daily resolution, the soil moisture from both LF and CCI, precipita-
tion, and maximum and minimum temperature series were analyzed. The daily time series
of these variables were obtained by averaging the original daily time series with a 30-day
moving window. These values were only computed for those days when at least half of the
data in the window were available. By doing so, the variability of the original series was
smoothed, and the time patterns could be identified more clearly. Then, the annual TRI
series were correlated with the series of each day from the beginning of the hydrological
year, i.e., from 1st October of the previous year, to 31st December of the corresponding year,
as in [48]. Thus, 457 R values were obtained for each tree-ring chronology. In this way, it is
possible to identify any temporary pattern for each of the variables. Finally, the monthly
median of the 22 R values and the percentage of significant results for each day were also
calculated with the aim of simplifying and improving the representation of the results.
The same analysis was carried out for the monthly series. For the variables with daily
resolution series, monthly values were obtained by calculating the average in those months
where at least half of the daily data were available. The variables used for this case were
soil moisture from both LF and CCI, precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature,
SPI-1 and PET. The annual TRI series were correlated with the series of each month from
October of the previous year to December of the corresponding year. Thus, 15 R values
were obtained for each study site. In the same way, the median of the 22 resulting R data
sets and the percentage of significant results for each month were also calculated, similar
to the approach for the daily scale. In addition, for this analysis, the standard deviation
between samples for each month was calculated.
With the aim of investigating whether the relationship between soil moisture and
Aleppo pine growth dynamics is modulated by environmental conditions or whether
that relationship follows a geographical pattern, the R (LF vs. TRI) data obtained were
correlated with the mean annual temperature, maximum temperature, minimum tempera-
ture, precipitation (P), potential evapotranspiration (PET), P/PET ratio (aridity index), and
altitude, latitude, and longitude of every forest site.

3.2. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

With the aim of analyzing the influence of soil moisture on tree growth compared with
climatic variables, a multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis was performed. Monthly
series were used; the independent variables that were incorporated into the MLR model
were the soil moisture, precipitation, SPI, PET, and maximum and minimum temperature;
and the dependent variable was the TRI. Due to the data gaps in the CCI database during
the first half of the series, and therefore the difficulty of obtaining a sufficiently long
monthly series, this analysis was only performed with the LF database. Multicollinearity
between independent variables is identified as a problem when trying to study influences
on a dependent variable [81]. The variance influence factor (VIF) can detect the presence of
multicollinearity. Therefore, in order to avoid this issue, different MLR analyses combining
the independent variables were performed with the most correlated variables omitted and
ensuring a VIF < 5 for the remaining variables [82]. This resulted in six different MLR
analyses in which the soil moisture was maintained with the precipitation or SPI and the
PET, maximum temperature or minimum temperature. For each analysis, the p-value was
calculated for each independent variable, thus obtaining its importance in the MLR model.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 8 of 20

Therefore, a monthly p-value was obtained for each variable and each sample from October
of the previous year to December of the corresponding year. Finally, the median of the
22 resulting p-values and the percentage of p-values < 0.05 for each variable for each month
were also calculated.

4. Results
4.1. Analysis of the Influence of Soil Moisture and Climatic Factors
Figure 2 shows the temporal pattern of the relationship of each of the climatic variables
ens. 2021, 13, 757 9 of 20
studied with Aleppo pine growth, with soil moisture, from both CCI and LF, being most
highly correlated along the seasonal cycle.

Figure 2. Temporal
Figure 2.evolution
Temporalof the R median
evolution of the(blue continuous
R median line), its 25th
(blue continuous andits
line), 75th percentiles
25th (blue dashed lines) and
and 75th percentiles
the moving(blue
average of the
dashed percentage
lines) and theofmoving
significant (p-value
average < 0.05)
of the cases (gray
percentage line) from(p-value
of significant the comparison between the daily
< 0.05) cases
(gray line)
moving window from the
averages of 30comparison between
days for (a) Climatethe daily moving
Change Initiativewindow averages
(CCI), (b) of 30
Lisflood days
(LF), (c)for (a) (d) Tmin, and
(e) precipitation, andChange Initiative
TRI series. (CCI),correspond
Asterisks (b) Lisfloodto(LF),
data(c) Tmax,
from the (d) Tmin, year,
previous and (e)
the red linesand
correspond to the
TRI series. Asterisks correspond
significance threshold (p-value < 0.05). to data from the previous year, and the red lines correspond to
the significance threshold (p-value < 0.05).
For the satellite soil moisture database, the maximum correlation was obtained during
For the LF spring,
Aprilwith highest
to June, alongcorrelation spans from
with the increment in April to August,
significant cases. The maximum
with correlations ranging
of both fromR0.4
median to 0.6,
value reaching
(0.78) 80% ofof
and number significant
was reached in mid-
identified as critical
May. In addition, all correlation coefficients exceed the significance CCI
for the Aleppo pine growth, starts in spring, as shown for the level during these
database, but lasts until Ref.
months. mid-summer. However,
[31] obtained similarthe secondary
R values peak was
for Aleppo pinenotsamples
detected by
located in semiarid
LF. This might areas
be because the LF model
of the southeast Iberianwas not ableAtosecondary
Peninsula. adequately peakreproduce
was also the soil in October of
water recharge the
takes place after
year, theRsummer
with values atunder Mediterranean
approximately conditions.
0.5; although In fact,
it does not reach the level
[31], which alsoofused modeled soil
significance, moisture,
it coincides found
with both the in
an increase main
number period extending
of significant samples, as seen
to mid-summerinand the
[48]. secondary
These resultsautumn
detecting peak
thisseen with the
secondary CCIare
peak database. Regarding
in agreement with those obtained
the number of significant samples, the difference obtained between the two soil moisture
databases might be due to the smaller number of data points available in the CCI database
along the first half of the series. Another difference observed between the two sets of soil
moisture database results is the variability between samples. The 25th and 75th percentiles
of the correlation coefficient with the LF database differ from the median by between 0.2
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 9 of 20

in the study carried out by [83]. These authors found two growth phases in Aleppo pine,
coinciding with the critical soil moisture periods detected in this study. The first one was
observed in spring, the period of maximum correlation of soil moisture. The second one
was observed in autumn, coinciding with the time when the soil water recharge occurs
under this kind of climate condition.
For the LF database, the period with highest correlation spans from April to August,
with correlations ranging from 0.4 to 0.6, reaching 80% of significant cases. This period,
identified as critical for the Aleppo pine growth, starts in spring, as shown for the CCI
database, but lasts until mid-summer. However, the secondary peak was not detected
by LF. This might be because the LF model was not able to adequately reproduce the
soil water recharge that takes place after the summer under Mediterranean conditions.
In fact, ref. [31], which also used modeled soil moisture, found both the main spring period
extending to mid-summer and the secondary autumn peak seen with the CCI database.
Regarding the number of significant samples, the difference obtained between the two soil
moisture databases might be due to the smaller number of data points available in the
CCI database along the first half of the series. Another difference observed between the
two sets of soil moisture database results is the variability between samples. The 25th and
75th percentiles of the correlation coefficient with the LF database differ from the median
by between 0.2 and 0.3 for the whole period, while with the CCI database, this difference
reached 0.7 in mid-July days. This might be related to the different spatial resolutions of
the two products used.
When the climatic variables were considered in the daily temporal scale analysis,
the R values obtained did not exceed 0.4 in either case (Figure 2c,d,e). Some temporal
patterns can be observed in the relationship of these factors with the growth of Aleppo pine
when an increase in the correlation coefficients coincides with an increase in the number of
significant samples. Nevertheless, these correlations are weaker than those obtained for soil
moisture, and the variability found between the different samples was also smaller than
that obtained for this variable. The precipitation showed a peak of correlation between
May and June (R = 0.37), exceeding the significance threshold on a few days, but was
much lower than that obtained during the critical period identified with soil moisture.
This correlation vanishes in summer, coinciding with the period when the cambial activity
of the pine ceases due to dry conditions [25,83]. In the study carried out by [31], it was
observed that the precipitation also showed a high correlation with tree growth in spring
months. Ref. [84] determined that this variable was the main factor influencing the Aleppo
pine growth with correlation values of approximately 0.4 in spring. In addition, [85,86]
obtained similar results in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, as did [87] in the northeast. A
similar temporal pattern was obtained by [88] for Aleppo pine trees located in Greece. This
period, when precipitation seems to have more influence on tree growth, coincides with
the period observed to coincide with soil moisture in those months when it seems to be
more determinant. However, all the R values obtained for precipitation in the previously
cited works, and in this study, are lower than those obtained for the soil moisture, both
with CCI and LF.
In the case of temperature, a temporal pattern of correlation can be seen, with two
peaks of relative importance, but moderate R values (Figure 2c,d). The first one, with
positive R values (0.36), is observed with the minimum temperature in February, and the
second peak, with negative R values (−0.34), is observed with the maximum temperature
in July. Similar results were obtained in other works [31,86,89–92]. This implies that
high temperatures have a negative influence on the growth of Aleppo pine in summer,
while warm minimum temperatures have a positive influence in winter [87,93]. This
could be in agreement with the well-described plasticity in the annual rhythms of cambial
activity of the Aleppo pine in response to seasonal climatic variations [83,94,95]. Thus,
the growth of the species during the growing season is usually subject to “double stress”,
characterized by two stops or slowdowns in cambial activity, one during winter, caused by
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 10 of 20

low temperatures, and one during the summer, triggered by high temperatures and a lack
of precipitation [96,97].
Temperature has been an environmental factor commonly used to explain the vari-
ability of Aleppo pine growth. Correlation values similar to those obtained in the present
study were obtained in other works [89,90,92]. However, the results obtained both in this
study and in those cited above, indicated less correlation than that obtained with the soil
The results obtained at monthly temporal resolution (Figure 3) showed similar tempo-
ral patterns to those obtained with the daily analysis. Once again, soil moisture was the
variable that was the most highly correlated with Aleppo pine growth, and this was seen
with both CCI and LF. The maximum correlation period in this analysis was identified
from April to June with the CCI database, while with LF, it extended to August. Moreover,
the R median values were greater for the CCI database during the period when soil mois-
ture seems to be critical for Aleppo pine growth. However, the secondary peak observed
in autumn with the satellite database in the previous analysis was not clearly observed
here. For LF soil moisture results, both correlation coefficients and significant cases lightly
decreased for the entire period at this time resolution. This would indicate that daily scale
would be preferable as the temporal scale for this kind of analysis, as critical periods could
be shorter than one month. Ref. [31], using the same time scale for their analysis and
modeled soil moisture, obtained stronger correlation results than the LF results and similar
results to those of the CCI, but using different soil depths (from 30 to 50 cm). When the
variability of the results between samples was studied, for CCI, the standard deviation
ranged between 0.4 to 0.2, while in LF, these values ranged between 0.3 and 0.2 throughout
the period, similar to that obtained in the daily scale analysis. In addition, when the CCI
soil moisture reached its maximum correlation values, a decrease in the standard deviation
was observed, indicating that soil moisture has a more homogeneous influence on Aleppo
pine growth between samples during this period.
As in the analysis carried out at the daily scale, this analysis also showed a lower
relationship between climatic variables and TRI series than those obtained with the soil
moisture (Figure 3). The R values obtained were always lower than 0.3, and barely 40%
of significant samples were found in those months where R reaches its maximum value.
Regarding the variability, an almost constant standard deviation ranging between 0.1
and 0.2 was observed for the climatic variables, exceeding in several months the mean
R value, similar to the variability results obtained in the study by [24]. Precipitation and
maximum and minimum temperature reached the maximum correlation coefficients in
the same months as in the daily analysis, although with lower values: 0.25, -0.29, and
0.26, respectively. PET reached its maximum correlation in February (R = 0.23) and July
(R = −0.26), coinciding with the periods of maximum correlation for both maximum and
minimum temperatures. The correlation values obtained were similar to those obtained
with precipitation and temperatures; however, these maximum correlations were not even
half of that obtained for soil moisture. In the case of SPI, the variable reaches its maximum
correlation values in January and May (R = 0.28 in both cases). Recently, several drought
indices have been used to study the impact of extreme climatic situations on tree growth,
and in some cases, a temporal pattern was detected [92,98–101]. In the present study, no
temporal pattern was clearly identified with this variable, but the results obtained were
consistent with those obtained by [102]. The Aleppo pine has been shown to be more
resistant to more extreme drought conditions than other pine species [92]. However, it is
interesting to highlight that an increase in this variable indicates better conditions in terms
of water availability and positively affects tree growth [100]. The results obtained in the
present study show a slight influence of this precipitation anomaly in winter and spring
periods, although its relevance is much lower than that observed for soil moisture itself.
CCI soil moisture reached its maximum correlation values, a decrease in the standard d
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 viation was observed, indicating that soil moisture has a more homogeneous influence
11 of 20 o
Aleppo pine growth between samples during this period.

Figure 3. Monthly median correlation coefficients between the monthly time series of (a) CCI, (b) LF, (c) Tmax, (d) Tmin,
Figure 3. Monthly median correlation coefficients between the monthly time series of (a) CCI, (b) LF, (c) Tmax, (d) Tmin,
(e) precipitation, (f) PET, and (g) SPI-1, and TRI series (blue bars), percentage of significant (p-value < 0.05) cases (red
(e) precipitation, (f) PET, and (g) SPI-1, and TRI series (blue bars), percentage of significant (p-value < 0.05) cases (red dots),
dots), and standard deviation of the results from the 22 tree samples (orange line). Asterisks correspond to data from the
and standard deviation of the results from the 22 tree samples (orange line). Asterisks correspond to data from the previ-
previous year.
ous year.
Therefore, the critical period for soil moisture coincided with the period when the
maximum correlationcarried
As in the analysis values ofoutprecipitation and scale,
at the daily SPI were reached.
this However,
analysis the cor- a low
also showed
relation of the climatic variables at any temporal scale was even less than a half of that
relationship between climatic variables and TRI series than those obtained with the so
obtained with both soil moisture databases. The results of the correlation analysis seem to
moisture (Figure
indicate 3). fundamental
that the The R values obtained
variable were pine
for Aleppo always lower
growth thanavailability,
is water 0.3, and barely
and 40%
the keysamples
variable were
seems found
to be theinsoil
those months
water content where R reaches
[100]. This becomesits maximum
more evident forvalue. R
gardingthe the
spring and mid-summer,
variability, coinciding
an almost with the
constant growth phases
standard [83]. ranging between 0.1 an
0.2 was4.2.observed for the climatic
Combined Influence variables,
of Soil Moisture exceeding
Together in Factors
with Climatic several months the mean R valu
similar to From
the variability results obtained in the study by [24]. Precipitation and maximu
the results obtained with the different combinations of variables in the MLR
and minimum temperature
analysis (Figures 4 and 5), reached the maximum
it was observed correlation
that soil moisture was thecoefficients
most importantin the sam
months as in the daily analysis, although with lower values: 0.25, -0.29, and 0.26, respe
variable, showing the lowest p-values in all cases. In the spring and summer months,
tively.median p-values are
PET reached itslower than thecorrelation
maximum significance threshold, and the
in February (Rpercentage of significant
= 0.23) and July (R = −0.26
samples exceeds 50%. In all cases, the minimum p-value was reached in June, ranging from
coinciding with the periods of maximum correlation for both maximum and minimu
0.02 to 0.04. These results are in agreement with that obtained in the correlation analysis,
temperatures. The correlation
and the period when the amount values obtained
of water wereinsimilar
available the soil to thosethe
reaches obtained with preci
most critical
and temperatures;
for the growthhowever,
of trees wasthese
identified. correlations were not even half of th
obtained for soil moisture. In the case of SPI, the variable reaches its maximum correlatio
values in January and May (R = 0.28 in both cases). Recently, several drought indices ha
been used to study the impact of extreme climatic situations on tree growth, and in som
cases, a temporal pattern was detected [92,98–101]. In the present study, no temporal pa
tern was clearly identified with this variable, but the results obtained were consistent wi
those obtained by [102]. The Aleppo pine has been shown to be more resistant to mo
extreme drought conditions than other pine species [92]. However, it is interesting to hig
light that an increase in this variable indicates better conditions in terms of water avail
bility and positively affects tree growth [100]. The results obtained in the present stud
of soil moisture in the MLR models. The results obtained from the correlation analysis
showed that soil moisture plays a fundamental role in tree growth, and this stood out
when considering all environmental factors studied together. These results confirmed the
Sens. 2021, 13, 757raised by [100], that soil water availability better estimates Aleppo pine growth
12 of 20
than other variables such as precipitation.

Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 13 of 20

correspond to the median p-values and red dots corresponds to the percentage of significant re-
sults (p-value < 0.05). Asterisks corresponds to data from the previous year.

Other studies have incorporated different climatic variables into models, commonly
precipitation and temperature, in order to simulate tree growth [65,103]. However, soil
Figure 4. Monthly results from the multiple
moisture linear regression analysis for LF,ItSPI, andbeTmax (first row),toLF, SPI, and Tmin
Figure 4. Monthly results from has
thenot been
multiple used for this
linear purpose.
regression would
analysis a good
for LF, option
SPI, anduse soil
Tmax moisture
(second row), and LF, SPI, and PET (third row), respectively. Blue bars correspond to the median p-values
as an adequate variable to investigate tree growth, as it has been shown from the results and red dots
row), LF, SPI, and Tmin (second row), and LF, SPI, and PET (third row), respectively. Blue bars
corresponds to the percentageobtained with the MLR.
of significant results (p-value < 0.05). Asterisks corresponds to data from the previous year.

Figure 5. 5.Monthly
Figure Monthlyresults
from the
the multiple
multiple linear regressionanalysis
linear regression analysisfor forLF,
precipitation,andand Tmax
Tmax (first
(first row), LF, LF,
precipitation, andandTmin
(second row),
row), and LF,
LF, precipitation,
PET (third
(thirdrow). Blue
row). barsbars
Blue correspond to thetomedian
correspond p-
the median
values and red dots corresponds to percentage of significant results (p-value < 0.05). Asterisks corresponds to
p-values and red dots corresponds to percentage of significant results (p-value < 0.05). Asterisks corresponds to data from data from
thethe previous
previous year.

4.3. Environmental Modulation of the Role of Soil Moisture in Aleppo Pine Growth
It has been seen so far that soil moisture plays a predominant role in relation to the
other environmental variables studied in the present work and those that are commonly
used in studies investigating the effects of climate factors on Aleppo pine growth [66]. It
is also of interest to investigate whether this relationship follows a spatial or environmen-
tal pattern. From the results analyzed, it has been seen that there is variability between
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 13 of 20

Conversely, the climatic variables used did not show a clear influence on Aleppo pine
growth in this analysis (Figures 4 and 5). The percentage of significant samples never
exceeded 40%, and the median p-values were always higher than the significance threshold.
This reveals a strong influence of soil moisture on Aleppo pine growth with respect to
the climatic variables, which becomes clearer in spring and summer months. In addition,
the p-values obtained with the climatic variables with different combinations in the MLR
analyses were very similar. This could be due to the high correlation between precipitation
and SPI, on the one hand, and between maximum temperature, minimum temperature,
and PET on the other. Although climatic variables exert influence on the growth of Aleppo
pine when they are analyzed individually [26,89], when all factors analyzed are considered
together, the effect of the climatic variables was masked because of the higher weight
of soil moisture in the MLR models. The results obtained from the correlation analysis
showed that soil moisture plays a fundamental role in tree growth, and this stood out
when considering all environmental factors studied together. These results confirmed the
hypothesis raised by [100], that soil water availability better estimates Aleppo pine growth
than other variables such as precipitation.
Other studies have incorporated different climatic variables into models, commonly
precipitation and temperature, in order to simulate tree growth [65,103]. However, soil
moisture has not been used for this purpose. It would be a good option to use soil moisture
as an adequate variable to investigate tree growth, as it has been shown from the results
obtained with the MLR.

4.3. Environmental Modulation of the Role of Soil Moisture in Aleppo Pine Growth
It has been seen so far that soil moisture plays a predominant role in relation to the
other environmental variables studied in the present work and those that are commonly
used in studies investigating the effects of climate factors on Aleppo pine growth [66]. It is
also of interest to investigate whether this relationship follows a spatial or environmental
pattern. From the results analyzed, it has been seen that there is variability between
samples and that not all places show the same degree of relationship. It is therefore
interesting to know whether this relationship between soil moisture and Aleppo pine
growth is modulated by the environmental or geographical conditions of the places where
it has been analyzed. It is also important to determine whether there is a predominant
factor that accentuates or attenuates the role of soil moisture. To investigate this issue, the
R (LF vs. TRI) data obtained were correlated with the annual mean temperature, maximum
temperature, minimum temperature, precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, P/PET
ratio, and altitude, latitude, and longitude, of every location. P/PET is a common aridity
index, usually used to characterize the degree of water limitation of an ecosystem or
region [104].
The results of this analysis show that almost no relationship exists with the thermal
conditions of the areas (Figure 6a–c). Only mean and minimum temperature show a
significant and direct relationship with the R values of October of the previous year. This
could be related to the secondary peak of TRI in autumn [48], indicating that such a
pattern in the relationship between soil moisture and tree growth is more evident where
the conditions are warmer in that season. However, the R values between LF and TRI
are clearly correlated with environmental factors that express the water availability of
the sampling sites. Precipitation and P/PET show an inverse relationship, whereas in
the case of the PET ratio, the relationship is direct (Figure 6d–f). This is consistent, as it
indicates that the relationship between soil water content and tree growth is closer as water
availability is lower at a given location. The relationship is very clearly expressed, as it is
statistically significant (p < 0.01) in the spring and summer months, the time of maximum
biological activity and aridity under Mediterranean conditions. A similar pattern was
observed by [31], who found that the relationship between soil moisture and Aleppo pine
growth was stronger in more arid sites.
Remote Sens.
Remote 2021,
Sens. 13,13,
2021, 757757 1520
14 of of 20

Figure 6. Monthly mean correlation coefficient between R (LF vs. TRI) and (a) mean annual maximum temperature, (b)
Figure 6. Monthly mean correlation coefficient between R (LF vs. TRI) and (a) mean annual maximum temperature, (b)
mean annual minimum temperature, (c) mean annual temperature, (d) precipitation, (e) potential evapotranspiration, (f)
mean annual minimum temperature, (c) mean annual temperature, (d) precipitation, (e) potential evapotranspiration, (f)
ratio P/PET,
P/PET, (g)(g) altitude,
altitude, (h)(h)latitude,
longitude of
of every
every sampled
sampled site.
site. Significant
cases(black dots).
(black dots).
Asterisks: Data from the previous
Asterisks: Data from the previous year. year.

It is noticeable that no relationship was found with altitude (Figure 6h,i), considering
5. Conclusions
that the variability of cases is high (Table 1), ranging between 170 and 1676 m.a.s.l. It is
known thethat
approaches applied
has great in this study,
importance in plantunivariate
phenologyand multiple
[105], linear
especially regres-
sion analysis, it was seen that soil moisture is the most important
it controls and modulates thermal conditions. It is also known that altitude interferes variable in Aleppo pine
with tree compared
growth, but with the climatic
usually factors analyzed.
this is because this terrainThis work
factor found that
conditions the such
aspects influence
those variables,for light or nutrients
commonly used[106]. In the
for this kindpresent study,isthe
of study, results
lower show
than thatthat altitudefor
soil no relevance in It
itself. relation
was alsowithseen
the influence of soil water
how the variables content
related to on
waterAleppo pine growth.
dynamics (precip-
However, geographical location seems to be clearly related.
itation or SPI) showed a clearer relationship than other climate factors with the growth Both the latitude and of
the trees. Previous studies showed that factors such as temperature conditions had athe
longitude of the sampled sites show a clear, inverse relationship with R (Figure 6). As con-
latitude decreases, the value of R is higher, and the link between
siderable influence, while this study showed a much less clear relationship than that ob- soil moisture and tree
growth is stronger. This is clearer in the months of April to June, where the correlation
tained for soil water content.
is statistically significant, and it is precisely in the months when the correlation between
When soil moisture was taken into account together with the different climatic vari-
soil moisture and growth is higher (Figures 2 and 3). The longitude results are similar,
ables through multiple linear regression analysis, the results pointed in the same direc-
since in this case, both latitude and longitude are related. Owing the configuration of the
It partclearly observed
of the Iberian how soil
Peninsula moisture
(Figure is the
1), as the variable
latitude that plays
decreases (to the the most
south), theim-
portant role in the growth of Aleppo pine. In fact, soil moisture
longitude does as well (to the west). Therefore, the geographical location of the samples outperforms the other
becomes considered,
a modulating and no significant
factor for the influence
role of soilwas observed
moisture. Thiswhenis inthey weretoused
relation in the
the fact
that, in this region, aridity increases to the south and, especially, to the southeast [107].
is analysis of the relationship
clearly consistent with whatbetween
we observed soil moisture
in relation andto tree growth,
indicators suchremark-
able variabilityorwas
precipitation observed
P/PET between
ratio (aridity the studied
index). Therefore, sites. For that
again, reason, itthat
it is observed wasthe
role of
soil moisture
whether in the
the link growth
between of Aleppo
both variables pinewas
is modulated
modulated bybythe
thearidity or water availability
environmental conditions.
From the correlation of that relationship with the climatic characteristics and the geo-
graphical location of the forests where the samples were obtained, it was determined that
thermal conditions have no influence. However, the relationship with the variables that
define the availability of water, mainly the amount of precipitation and the aridity index,
is very clear, especially at the time of year when, according to the characteristics of the
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 15 of 20

5. Conclusions
From the two approaches applied in this study, univariate and multiple linear regres-
sion analysis, it was seen that soil moisture is the most important variable in Aleppo pine
growth, compared with the climatic factors analyzed. This work found that the influence of
those variables, commonly used for this kind of study, is lower than that observed for soil
moisture itself. It was also seen how the variables related to water dynamics (precipitation
or SPI) showed a clearer relationship than other climate factors with the growth of the trees.
Previous studies showed that factors such as temperature conditions had a considerable
influence, while this study showed a much less clear relationship than that obtained for
soil water content.
When soil moisture was taken into account together with the different climatic vari-
ables through multiple linear regression analysis, the results pointed in the same direction.
It was clearly observed how soil moisture is the variable that plays the most important
role in the growth of Aleppo pine. In fact, soil moisture outperforms the other factors
considered, and no significant influence was observed when they were used in the analysis.
From the analysis of the relationship between soil moisture and tree growth, remark-
able variability was observed between the studied sites. For that reason, it was determined
whether the link between both variables was modulated by the environmental condi-
tions. From the correlation of that relationship with the climatic characteristics and the
geographical location of the forests where the samples were obtained, it was determined
that thermal conditions have no influence. However, the relationship with the variables
that define the availability of water, mainly the amount of precipitation and the aridity
index, is very clear, especially at the time of year when, according to the characteristics of
the Mediterranean climate, water scarcity is greater. Therefore, the soil water content is
decisive for the growth of Aleppo pine, and this variable is much more determinant as
the environmental conditions are more arid. This result is very relevant considering that
most climate change projections show an increase in water deficits in regions such as the
Mediterranean, where water-limited ecosystems are predominant.
The results obtained in this study have shown that the role of soil moisture is decisive
for this tree species, which is characteristic of the vegetation in water-limited environments,
and that it is possible to undertake its study using approaches and methodologies, such as
satellite or modeled soil moisture, that are fully available for almost any territory and at ap-
propriate temporal and spatial scales. The use of these new approaches allows knowledge
of the inherent environmental conditions of forest areas to be advanced. These tools can
also be very useful to better understand the functioning of ecosystems as sensitive as forests
and to face the challenges of climate change. In addition, recent studies highlighted the
potential of Aleppo pine as a suitable climate proxy able to reconstruct past precipitation
conditions on semiarid areas of its distribution area [16]. Despite its importance, informa-
tion on past soil moisture conditions is extremely scarce, and our study demonstrates the
high potential of dendroclimatological studies to be used to improve our knowledge of soil
moisture evolution over the last few centuries in highly sensitive areas.

Author Contributions: The initial idea for this research was conceived by J.M.-F. The different
datasets were prepared by Á.G.-Z., M.d.L., and L.A.-M., who also collected all the results. The
four authors have equally contributed to the analysis and the interpretation of the results. The first
manuscript was prepared by Á.G.-Z., in collaboration with the other authors. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
(Project ESP2017-89463-C3-3-R), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the project
Unidad de Excelencia CLU-2018-04 co-funded by ERDF and Castilla y León Government.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 757 16 of 20

Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the European Space Agency, the University of East
Anglia, and the European Flood Awareness System.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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