2april2020 Sedimentation.8554.1585198756.9453
2april2020 Sedimentation.8554.1585198756.9453
2april2020 Sedimentation.8554.1585198756.9453
1. Midterm
Overview (9 Jan)
Unit conversions (23 Jan)
Mass balances (30 Jan + 13 Feb)
Fluid statics + Quiz (20 + 27 Feb)
2. Final
Fluid dynamics and overall balances (12 Mar)
Reaction rates, reactors and flow meters (19 Mar)
Sedimentation Basic unit operations
Water Treatment
Conventional Surface Water Treatment
Raw water
Screening Filtration
sludge sludge
Rapid Mix Cl2 Disinfection
Flocculation Storage
Sedimentation Distribution
Clarification (sedimentation)
Clarification is designed to clear a water of
suspended materials as much as is desirable, or
possible, before it passes to filtration
- Settling
- Flotation
Aided flotation
external means are used to promote the
separation of particles
Separation of low density flocs
Vg s g 1
S l g g
V g minimum volume of gas
g gas density
S particle weight
s particle density
l liquid density
Stokes’s law for flotation
Removal Mechanisms (solid – liquid separation)
Foam Fractionation (also liquid-liquid/ gas-liquid)
Gravity separation
Settling tanks, tube settlers and hydro cyclones
Screen, Granular
media, or porous
media filter
Settling or Sedimentation
• Settling- a unit operation in which solids are drawn toward a source of attraction.
The particular type of settling that will be discussed in this section is gravitational
settling. It should be noted that settling is different from sedimentation.
• Sedimentation- The condition whereby the solids are already at the bottom and in
the process of sedimenting. Settling is not yet sedimenting, but the particles are
falling down the water column in response to gravity. Of course, as soon as the
solids reach the bottom, they begin sedimenting. In the physical treatment of water
and wastewater, settling is normally carried out in settling or sedimentation basins.
Solids Physical Characteristics
Advantages Disadvantages
• Simplest technologies • Low hydraulic loading rates
• Little energy input • Poor removal of small
• Relatively inexpensive to suspended solids
install and operate • Large floor space requirements
• No specialized operational • Re-suspension of solids and
skills leeching
• Easily incorporated into new
or existing facilities
Theory for sedimentation
• Whenever a particle is moving through a fluid, a number
of forces will be acting on the particle.
• First, a density difference is needed between the particle
and the fluid.
• If the densities of the fluid and particle are equal, the
buoyant force on the particle will counterbalance the
external force and the particle will not move relative to
the fluid.
• There are three forces acting on the body:
- Gravity Force
- Buoyant Force
- Drag Force
Analysis of
Forces Acting
On a Settling
Drag force
Mechanics of particle motion in fluids
v 2p
FG d gp
p FD CD Ap L
6 2
Drag type
• Flow inside pipe skin friction (wall drag) friction factor
• Flow outside pipe form drag drag coefficient
shear stress drag force per area
f CD
kinetic energy kinetic energy
unit volume of flow
unit volume of flow
( F / A) ( F / A)
f CD
1 2 1 2
mv mv
2 2 V
1 1
F fAv 2 F CD Av 2
2 2
Friction factor for fluids inside pipes
Pressure Drop and Friction Loss in Laminar
1. Pressure drop and loss due to friction.
• The pressure loss in pipe due to skin friction:
32 vL2 L1
p f p1 p2 f
where p1 is upstream pressure at point 1, N/m2;
p2 is pressure at point 2
v is average velocity in tube, m/s
D is inside diameter, m
L2 - L1 or L is length of straight tube, m
For English units, the right-hand side of equation is divided by gc
Pressure Drop and Friction Loss in Laminar
For constant , the friction loss Ff is
p1 p2 f Nm J
Ff or (SI)
kg kg
ft lb f
lb m
This is the mechanical-energy loss due to skin friction for the pipe is part of the F term for frictional
losses in the mechanical-energy-balance equation.
The term (p1 – p2)f for skin friction loss is different from the term (p1 – p2) which related to velocity head
or potential head changes.
• One of the uses of skin friction loss equation is in the experimental measurement of the viscosity of
a fluid by measuring the pressure drop and volumetric flow rate through a tube of known length
and diameter or metering of small liquid flows.
Pressure Drop and Friction Loss in Laminar
2. Use of friction factor for friction loss in laminar flow
• A common parameter used in laminar and especially in
turbulent flow is the Fanning friction factor, f which is
defined as the drag force per wetted surface unit area
(shear stress s, at the surface) divided by the product of
density times velocity head or ½v2
• The force is pf times the cross-sectional area R2 and
the wetted surface area is 2RL
• Finally, the relation between the pressure drop due to
friction and f is as follows for laminar and turbulent flow
p R 2
v 2
f 2s f
v / 2 2RL 2
Pressure Drop and Friction Loss in Laminar
Flow p R v 2
f f
Rearranging: 2RL 2
L v2
p f 4 f (SI)
D 2
L v2
p f 4 f (English)
D 2gc
p f L v 2
Ff 4f (SI)
D 2
L v 2
Ff 4 f (English)
D 2gc
32 vL 16 16
For laminar flow p f
N Re Dv
Pressure Drop and Friction Factor in Turbulent
• In turbulent flow, it is not possible to predict theoretically
the Fanning friction as it was done for laminar flow.
• The friction factor must be determined empirically
(experimentally) and it not only depends upon the Reynolds
number but also on surface roughness of the pipe.
• In laminar flow the roughness has essentially no effect.
• A large number of experimental data on friction factors of
smooth pipe and pipes of varying degrees of equivalent
roughness have been obtained and the data correlated.
• For design purposes, the friction factor chart can be used.
Pressure Drop and Friction Factor in Turbulent
• Friction factor obtained from the plot is then used to predict
the friction loss using previous equations:
L v2
p f 4 f (SI)
D 2
L v2
p f 4 f (English)
D 2gc
p f L v 2
Ff 4f (SI)
D 2
L v 2
Ff 4 f (English)
D 2gc
shear stress drag force per area
f CD
kinetic energy kinetic energy
unit volume of flow
unit volume of flow
( F / A) ( F / A)
f CD
1 2 1 2
mv mv
2 2 V
1 1
F fAv 2 F CD Av 2
2 2
Metering of Small Liquid Flows
16 16
• Friction factor: f 0.0338
N Re 473
L v 2 4(0.0338)(875)(0.317 )(0.275) 2
p f 4 f 640 N/m 2
4.46 10 3
So the flow is turbulent
For commercial steel pipe from the table in previous Figure, the
equivalent roughness is 4.610-5 m.
4.6 10 5 m
D 0.0525 m
For NRe = 4.310104 the friction factor from Figure is f = 0.0060
Substitute in to equation:
L v 2 4(0.0060 )(36.6)( 4.57 ) 2 J ft lb f
Ff 4 f 174 .8 58.5
D 2 (0.0525 )( 2) kg lb m
FB d p3 g L
v 2p
FG d gp
p FD CD Ap L
6 2
When terminal velocity is reached, vs is constant (vterm),
and Fnet = 0:
d g p L CD Ap L
6 2
d p2 g p L
Laminar (Stokes) vs. Turbulent (Gibbs) settling
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Diameter, cm
Stoke’s Law has several limitations:
i) It applies well only to perfect spheres.
Temp. m r vt
°C Ns/m2 Kg/m3 mm/s
Stoke’s Diameter (dS): the diameter of a sphere with a Stoke’s settling velocity
equal to that of the particle.
f P gds
Set ds = dP and solve for dP.
f P g
Zone in settling tank
1. Inlet zone
decrease velocity of incoming water
distribute the flow evenly
2. Settling zone
provide calm area for the suspended materials to
3. Outlet zone
provide a smooth transition from settling zone to
effluent flow area
currents or eddies should not develop in this area
(could stir up any settled solids and carry them into
the effluent)
4. Sludge zone
receive the settled solids
keep them separate from other particles
Types of settling
1. Discrete settling
2. Flocculent settling
4. Compression settling
Gravity separation can obviously be applied only to
those particles which have density greater than water.
But this density must be significantly greater than that
of water due to particle surface effects and turbulence
in the sedimentation tanks.
Goals of gravity sedimentation: