Overview Manual: Bently Nevada™ Asset Condition Monitoring

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Overview Manual

Bently Nevada™ Asset Condition Monitoring

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM

2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set

Part Number 106833-01

Rev. C (11/09)
Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

Copyright 1992. Bently Nevada LLC.

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Mailing Address 1631 Bently Parkway South

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Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual


1. Introduction.....................................................................................................1
2. System Overview ............................................................................................2
2.1 System Description........................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Parts List................................................................................................................................................ 5
3. System Maintenance .....................................................................................6
3.1 Transducer System........................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Monitor System .................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 System Spare Parts .......................................................................................................................... 9
4. System Interconnect....................................................................................10

Section 1 - Introduction

1. Introduction
This manual presents an overview of the Bently Nevada™ 3300 Series Vibration
Monitoring System supplied with the Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 powered gas turbine
generator set. You can read this overview to get familiar with the monitoring system and
then use the individual monitor and transducer manuals for information on functions,
features, operation and maintenance procedures.

The individual manuals are:

80172 3300 System Installation Instructions
80173 3300 System Troubleshooting
89604-01 3300/03 System Monitor
89541-01 Serial Data Interface & Dynamic Data Interface
101256-01 3300/14 DC Power Supply

86130-01 3300 8mm Proximity Transducer System
88301-01 86517 Accelerometer Interface Module

88059-01 3300/95 Filter Module/Vibration Monitor Operation
88060-01 3300/95 Filter Module/Vibration Monitor Maintenance
88061-01 3300/17 Vibration Monitor Operation
88062-01 3300/17 Vibration Monitor Maintenance
86829-01 3300/16 Dual Vibration Monitor Operation
86830-01 3300/16 Dual Vibration Monitor Maintenance
Each manual describes installation, operation, calibration, functional testing, and field
wiring as appropriate. In addition, each monitor operation manual contains a section
titled Monitor Functions, which describes the functions and defines some vibration
monitoring terms. Schematics, circuit board drawings, and block diagrams are included
in the appendix of the monitor maintenance manuals and in the Power Supply and
System Monitor manuals. The Serial Data Interface & Dynamic Data Interface describes
the serial interface located in the System Monitor. The Serial Data Interface provides a
digital communication link using either Allen-Bradley® or Modicon Modbus® protocols.
The interface can be used to log monitoring parameters such as vibration levels and
channel Alarm and OK status.

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

2. System Overview

Section 2 - System Overview

2.1 System Description

Figure 1 illustrates the vibration monitoring system. The vibration monitoring requirements for
the LM 2500 are specified by General Electric in the Installation Design Manual (IDM). GE supplies
the speed transducers and accelerometers and the rest of the vibration monitoring system is
supplied by Bently Nevada LLC. The system consists of a transducer portion and a monitor

Transducer Portion

General Electric supplies two accelerometers on the LM 2500 gas turbine. The
accelerometers are termed the llfwd" and "aft" accelerometers and they are located on
the compressor rear frame and power turbine rear frame respectively. The charge
sensitivity of the accelerometers is 50 picocoulombs per g.

Accelerometer Extension Cable

The accelerometer extension cable connects the accelerometer to the accelerometer

interface module. The cable contains a single twisted, shielded pair, and is constructed with
special techniques to minimize triboelectric noise (electrical noise generated by physical
movement or vibration).

Accelerometer Interface Module

The accelerometer interface modules perform five basic functions:

• Convert the charge acceleration signal to a voltage acceleration signal and scale this
signal to 10 mV/g peak, (1.02 mV/m/s peak).

• Buffer the acceleration signal so that it can connect to diagnostic instruments. The
acceleration signal is connected to the 3300/95 monitor and can be observed at the
channel A or B Accel coaxial connectors on the front panel of the monitor.

• Filter the signal so that it is band limited between 25 and 350 hertz.

• Integrate the filtered signal to a velocity signal with a scale factor of 100 mV/in/s
peak (3.94 mV/mm/s peak).

• Buffer the velocity signal. This signal is connected to the 3300/95 monitor and is used
to monitor machine vibration. The velocity signal can be observed at the channel A
or B Velocity Direct coaxial connectors on the front panel of the 3300/95 monitor.
Proximitor sensor™/Probe

The proximity transducer system consists of a probe, extension cable, and Proximitor sensor.
The system monitors shaft relative vibration and the gap between the probe tip and the
generator shaft. Proximitor sensors are calibrated for either 5 metre or 9 metre cable
electrical length. The probe is the sensor of the system and directly observes the shaft. Each
Proximitor sensor outputs a displacement signal with a scale factor of 200 mV/mil (7.87
V/mm). The drive end Proximitor sensor signals go to the 3300/16 monitor in rack position 7

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual
and the exciter end Proximitor sensor signals go to the 3300/16 monitor in rack position 8.
The displacement signals from the Proximitor sensors can be observed at the appropriate
Buffered Transducer outputs on the front panel of the 3300/16 monitors.

Monitor Portion

The rack contains eight positions (or slots), rack position one is the left most position when
facing the front of the rack. The Power Supply and the System Monitor always occupy
positions one and two respectively. Monitor positions start in the third rack position. The
Power Input Module (PIM) is located at the rear of the rack in rack positions one and two.
Input/Output connections for power, serial interface, Transient Data Manager, reset, OK relay
and other system functions are on the PIM.

Power Supply

The Power Supply accepts a 20.0 Vdc to 34.0 Vdc primary input through the PIM and
supplies the rack with regulated digital, analog, and transducer power supplies.

System Monitor

The System Monitor provides system functions, error checking and also contains the Serial
Data Interface (SDI). If connected, the serial interface provides a link to the control system for
trending of vibration parameters such as signal level, alarm status (Alert and Danger), and OK
status for each monitor channel. The SDI supports Modicon Modbus® and Allen-Bradley®

3300/95 Filter Module/Vibration Monitor

The 3300/95 monitor filters the velocity signals from the two interface modules at two
different frequency bands. Each signal is filtered so that it is limited to the casing vibration
signal component at the power turbine rotative speed (1X vibration), and each signal is also
processed by a bandpass filter with -3 dB corner frequencies at 75 Hz and 200 hz. The
bandpass filter corner frequencies are selected so that at normal operating speeds the gas
generator rotor 1X casing vibration signal is the dominant signal in the passband. The filtered
velocity signals are integrated to displacement signals with scale factors of 200 mV/mil (7.87
V/mm). The power turbine 1X casing vibration is monitored and displayed on the meter scale
of the 3300/95 monitor. The bandpass filtered displacement signals are connected to the BP
OUT" terminals on the 3300/95 Signal Input Module at the rear of the rack where they are
connected to the "IN" terminals on the 3300/17 Signal Input Relay Module. You can observe
the once per revolution power turbine speed signal at the coaxial connectors labeled Speed
on the front panel of the 3300/95 monitors. The alarm relay annunciation capability of the
3300/95 monitor can be inhibited by an external contact closure between terminals located
on the Signal Input Relay Module (SIRM) at the rear of the monitor. This feature is termed
Special Inhibit.

Section 2 - System Overview
3300/17 Vibration Monitor

The 3300/17 monitor receives the channel A and B bandpass filtered displacement signals
from the 3300/95 monitor in the adjacent rack position. The 3300/17 displays the signal levels
on the meter scale and provides alarm relay annunciation.

3300/16 Dual Vibration Monitor

Each 3300/16 monitor powers two Proximitor sensors and monitors the displacement signal
from the Proximitor sensors. The monitor displays the vibration level, and provides alarm relay

2.2 Parts List

Quantity Part Number Description
1 3300/05-27-01* 3300 Instrument Rack
1 3300/14-01-20-01* DC Power Supply
1 3300/03-02-01* System Monitor
1 3300/95-03-03-05-01-00-03-83-00-00-01*-01-00
Tracking Filter/Vibration Monitor
1 3300/17-02-0- -02-01 *-00 Gas generator Vibration Monitor
2 3300/16-02-0- -02-01 *-00-00 Dual Vibration Monitor
2 86517-01 -01 -01 -01 * Accelerometer Interface Module
2 45358-09 Accelerometer Extension Cable
1 80808-01 Accelerometer Interface Module
2 330100-50-01* 3300 Proximitor sensor, 5 Meter
(Exciter end)
2 330130-045-01-00 3300 Proximity Probe Extension Cable,
4.5 Meter (Exciter end)
2 330100-90-01 * 3300 Proximitor sensor, 9 Meter
(Drive end)
2 330130-085-01 000 3300 Proximity Probe Extension Cable,
8.5 Meters (Drive end)
1 72382-02-03 Nema 4 Proximitor sensor Housing
4 **21000-16-05-00-085-03-02 Proximity Probe Housing Assembly

* The 01 option indicates the product is approved by the Canadian Standards

Association. European or rectory Mutual approvals are alternatives and may be called
out on your system. Proximity probes are called out from the housing part number.

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

3. System Maintenance
Maintenance procedures are described in each transducer and monitor manual and are not
repeated in this overview. However these procedures are written so that they are applicable to a
variety of product configurations. The maintenance information presented in this section is
intended to supplement the information and procedures given in the appropriate section of the
applicable product manual.

The term "calibration" as used in this set of manuals does not imply calibration to a reference
standard traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Calibration as used here describes
adjustment of an instrument within the limits of the available test equipment.

You will need the following tools and instruments to maintain the 3300 system:

General Maintenance Equipment Recommended Equipment, (or equivalent)

Function Generator .1 Hz to 10 MHz, 0 to -10 Vdc

offset. Synchronous Output.

DC Power Supply Hewlett-Packard Model 6216C

Digital Multimeter Hewlett-Packard Model 3468A

5 1/2 Digit DMM

Test and Calibration Kit Bently Nevada LLC. Model TK3-2E or

TK3-2G. (Used with Proximity
Transducer System.)
Variable Resistor General Radio, 0 to 10 kO. (Used with
Proximity Transducer System)

0.01 Microfarad Capacitor Bently Nevada LLC. 00448308. (Used for

accelerometer interface module calibration.)

Keyphasor™ Multiplier/Divider Bently Nevada LLC. TK-16. (Used for

calibration of the 3300/95 tracking filter).

Oscilloscope 10 MHz, 20 mV/division (for setting 3300/95


Frequency Counter Hewlett-Packard 5307A (Optional, use to set

function generator output frequency)

Section 3 - System Maintenance

3.1 Transducer System

Adjustment of the interface module charge amplifier and verification of the velocity signal path is
covered in section 3.1 of the interface module manual. Adjustment to the factory settings for the
proximity transducer is covered in the proximity transducer system manual. A TK3 type test and
calibration kit and a variable resistor are required for the Proximitor sensor.

3.2 Monitor System

Each maintenance manual describes procedures to calibrate a channel, test channel alarms,
and test OK limits. The 3300/95 and 3300/17 manuals also include a test for the Special Inhibit

3300/95 Filter Module/Vibration Monitor

The calibration and test procedures in the 3300/95 maintenance manual require you to
determine various parameters, these are listed below:
Parameter Power Turbine 1X Applicability
(Both Channels)
Rotor Speed Events/ 83 Sec. 15 Calibration, Step 7
Revolution Sec. 16 Test 1X Alarms,
Step 7 Sec. 17 Test
Tracking OK, Step 3

Steady State Rotor 60 cps Sec. 15 Calibration, Step 8

Operating Speed Sec 16 Test 1X Alarms,
Step 8

*Full Scale Input 15 mils pp (2.82 in/s referred Sec. 15 Calibration, Step
Signal Amplitude to input, 0.200 Vrms at 60 Hz) 11 Sec. 16 Test 1X Alarms
Step 10.

Trip Multiply No Trip Multiply Sec. 15 Calibration, Step

Option 15 (calibrate to +5 Vdc)

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual
3300/17 Vibration Monitor

The vibration input signals to this monitor are the channel A and B bandpass filtered
displacement signals from the 3300/95 monitor. Because the transducer signals are processed
by the 3300/95 monitor before going to the 3300/17 monitor there are two methods of
calibration and verification. The first method involves inputting test signals directly to the
3300/17 monitor and is described in the 3300/17 maintenance manual in Section 11.1, Test
3300/17 OK Limits, and Section 12.1, 3300/17 Independent Calibration. The first method will
verify the 3300/17 monitor but will not test the signal path through the 3300/95 monitor. The
second method requires inputting the test signals to the 3300/95 monitor and is described in the
3300/17 maintenance manual in Section 11.2, Test Monitor System OK Limits, and Section 12.2,
Monitor System Calibration. This is the recommended calibration and verification method.

The test procedures in the maintenance manual require that you know certain parameters.
These are listed in the table below for both test methods described above.

Parameter Both Channels Applicability

Full Scale Input 10 mils pp Sec. 12.1 3300/17 Independent Calibration

Amplitude 0.707 Vrms at 130 Hz Step 3 and 4.

Full Scale Input 10 mils pp Sec. 12.2 Monitor System Calibration

Amplitude (4.08 in/s referenced to Step 3.
the input of the 3300/95
monitor. Input 0.288
Vrms at 130 Hz to the
Trip Multiply No Trip Sec. 12.1 Step 7
Option Multiply Sec. 12.2 Step 7

Section 3 - System Maintenance
3300/16 Dual Vibration Monitor

Calibration, zero position adjustment, and alarm testing is described in the maintenance manual.
Required parameters are shown below:

Parameter Drive End Exciter End Applicability

Both Channels Both Channels

Full Scale Input 5 mils pp 5 mils pp Sec. 12 Calibration

Amplitude 0.3535 Vrms 0.3535 Vrms Step 4.

Trip Multiply No Trip No Trip Sec. 12 Calibration

Option Multiply Multiply Step 5. (calibrate to +5 Vdc)

3300 Proximitor Lower Limit Lower Limit Sec. 11 Test OK Limits

sensor -2.7 Vdc to -2.7 Vdc to Step 5,7.
OK Limits -3.3 Vdc. -3.3 Vdc.
Upper Limit Upper Limit
-15.8 Vdc to -15.8 Vdc to
-16.8 Vdc. -16.8 Vdc.

3.3 System Spare Parts

You can order spare monitors or transducers by placing an order for a spare using the part
numbers shown in section 2.2, or, for the rack mounted instruments, you can order spares at the
circuit assembly level. To order spare circuit assemblies go to the Recommended Spare Parts
section in the appropriate maintenance manual and use the spare part numbers and ordering

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

4. System Interconnect
The following pages show the interconnect wiring for the vibration monitoring system. For
further detail on field wiring recommendations you should read the Field Wiring section in the
appropriate manual.

Section 4 - System Interconnect

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

Section 4 - System Interconnect

Vibration Monitoring System for Stewart & Stevenson LM 2500 Powered Gas Turbine Generator Set Overview Manual

Section 4 - System Interconnect


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