Pere 2000
Pere 2000
Pere 2000
Original article
Abstract — Female pigs were assigned to three groups at 94 days of age: a control group (CTR), a
group undergoing the ligation and severing of the left oviduct (LIG), and a group undergoing right
hysteroovariectomy (HHO). They were inseminated at 307 days of age. At 35 days of pregnancy, an
ultrasonic transit time flow probe was implanted around the middle artery of one uterine horn in
33 sows and uterine blood flow was measured during thirteen 24-h periods between 44 and
111 days. Despite large differences in ovulation rate per uterine horn (4.8, 8.3 and 16.9 in the LIG,
CTR and HHO groups, respectively), variation of litter size was considerably reduced with advance-
ment of pregnancy (3.0, 6.6 and 10.8 foetuses per uterine horn at 35 days, and 3.0, 5.8 and 4.9 at
112 days (slaughter), respectively). Uterine blood flow increased linearly during pregnancy. It was
lower in the LIG sows (0.82 to 1.74 L.min–1.horn–1 from 44 to 111 days) than in the CTR and HHO
sows (1.22 to 2.84 and 1.09 to 2.63 L.min–1.horn–1, respectively). It was more closely related to lit-
ter weight than to litter size and amounted to 0.42 L.min– foetus–1 at 111 days. Uterine blood flow
per foetus decreased when litter size increased. It increased from 0.31 to 0.72, 0.26 to 0.60 and 0.20
to 0.43 L.min–1.foetus–1 from 44 to 111 days when there were 2 to 3, 4 to 5, and 6 to 8 foetuses in the
uterine horn, respectively. This explains why piglets from large litters are lighter at birth.
Résumé — Débit sanguin dans l’utérus chez la truie : effets du stade de gestation et de la taille
de la portée. Trois lots de cochettes ont été constitués à 94 jours d’âge : CTR, lot témoin ; LIG,
ligature de l’oviducte gauche ; HHO, hémi-hystéro-ovariectomie droite. Elles ont été inséminées à
307 jours. À 35 jours de gestation, une sonde de mesure du débit par ultrasons a été implantée sur
l’artère principale d’une corne utérine de 33 d’entre elles, et le débit sanguin utérin a été mesuré
pendant 13 périodes de 24 h entre 44 et 111 jours de gestation. En dépit de différences importantes
dans le nombre d’ovulations (4,8, 8,3 et 16,9 corps jaunes par corne utérine respectivement dans
les lots LIG, CTR et HHO), la variabilité de la taille de la portée se réduit considérablement pendant
la gestation (respectivement 3,0, 6,6 et 10,8 fœtus par corne utérine à 35 jours, et 3,0, 4,8 et 4,9
à l’abattage à 112 jours). Le débit sanguin utérin augmente de façon linéaire pendant la gestation.
Il est plus faible chez les truies LIG (0,82 à 1,74 L.min–1.corne–1 entre 44 et 111 jours) que chez les
truies CTR et HHO (respectivement 1,22 à 2,84 et 1,09 à 2,63 L.min–1.corne utérine–1). Il est plus étroi-
tement lié au poids de la portée qu’à sa taille, et s’élève à 0,42 L.min– fœtus–1 à 111 jours. Le débit
sanguin utérin par fœtus diminue lorsque la taille de la portée augmente. Il s’accroît de 0,31 à 0,72,
de 0,26 à 0,60 et de 0,20 à 0,43 L.min–1.fœtus–1 entre 44 et 111 jours respectivement pour des effec-
tifs de 2 à 3, 4 à 5, et 6 à 8 fœtus dans la corne utérine. Ces résultats expliquent que les porcelets de
portées importantes soient plus légers à la naissance.
between treatments. The treatments were this technique is independent of vessel diam-
applied in order to have different potential eter, vessel shape, flow profile, or vessel
numbers of embryos per uterine horn. The alignment within the probe [15, 16]. This
experimental groups were as follows: con- technique then allows the measurement of
trol group (CTR); a group in which the left blood flow in growing vessels as is the case
oviduct was ligated and severed (LIG); a in the present experiment. The 8 RS flow
group in which a unilateral, right-side hys- probes are adapted to chronic measurements
teroovariectomy was performed (HHO). of blood flow lower than 10 L.min–1 in ves-
Surgeries were performed at 94 ± 6 days of sels with diameters contained between
age and 38 ± 6 kg live weight (mean ± sd) 4.4 and 8 mm. The cable of the flow probe
under general anaesthesia maintained with (2 m length) was covered with silicone tub-
2 to 5% halothane (Fluothane, Pitman- ing. A 2-cm segment of the middle uterine
Moore, 77100 Meaux, France). artery supplying one uterine horn was dis-
The gilts were inseminated with semen sected to separate it from the uterine vein.
from Large White boars at 307 ± 12 days The flow probe was implanted around the
of age and 161 ± 6 kg live weight after artery and secured within the broad liga-
oestrous synchronisation (Regumate, pro- ment with a decimal 2 polypropylene suture
vided by Roussel-Uclaf, Paris, France). At (Ethnor, 92200 Neuilly, France). The peri-
35 ± 1 days of gestation, a median laparo- toneum was then sutured with plaited deci-
tomy was performed under general anaes- mal 3 polyester (Braun, 92107 Boulogne,
thesia on 25 LIG, 32 CTR, and 27 HHO France). Oxytetracyclin (5 mg .kg–1 live
gilts. They were premedicated with atropine weight, Pfizer, 94107 Orsay, France) was
(20–1 live weight given i.v.), and injected into the peritoneal cavity. Decimal
anaesthesia was then induced with sodium 8 plaited polyester (Braun) was used to
thiopenthal (10–1 live weight given suture the opening in the muscles. The cable
i.v.). Anaesthesia was maintained with 2 to of the probe (2 m long) was then tunnelled
5% halothane in oxygen (3 L. min –1). A under the skin using a stainless steel trocar
20-cm midline incision was made through 50 cm long, and externalised through the
the abdomen, and the uterine horns were skin of the back, at the level of the lumbar
gently exteriorised. Ovulation rate was deter- vertebrae. In order to prevent infection along
mined, and foetuses were counted by pal- the cable, a 5 × 5 cm piece of Dacron® mate-
pation of the uterine horns. Thirty-three gilts rial was rolled around the silicone tubing of
were selected according to the number of the cable at the level of the exit site. It was
foetuses in one of the uterine horns: 2 to 4 in fixed to the cable with sterile tissue adhe-
the LIG group (n = 11), 8 to 15 in the HHO sive (Histoacryl®, Braun) and two silicone
group (n = 13), and an intermediary number rings, and introduced under the skin. The
in the CTR group (n = 9). An ultrasonic external part of the cable was wrapped up in
transit time flow probe (8 RS probe, Tran- a tissue bag sutured on the skin. The skin
sonic Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY, USA) was was sutured with decimal 3 plaited polyester
implanted around the middle artery irrigat- (Braun). Postsurgical antibiotic therapy con-
ing one of the two uterine horns. With wide- sisted of daily i.m. injections of Ampicillin
beam ultrasonic illumination, the receiving (10 live weight–1.d–1) during three
transducers of these probes integrate the days.
blood velocity over the vessel’s full width Blood flow measurements began about
and yield volume flow. Unlike the ultra- one week after surgery. A 3 m extension
sonic Doppler flow velocity technique, the cable was fixed at the end of the cable of
ultrasonic transit time technique then directly the probe and the connector was soldered. It
measures true flow and not blood velocity. was connected to a dual channel blood flow
It was shown that blood flow measured with meter (model T206, Transonic Systems Inc.)
372 M.-Ch. Père, M. Etienne
which allows for about 170 measurements four or five foetuses (4–5 class) and more
per second. The flowmeter was connected to than five foetuses (6–8 class).
a microcomputer with an application pro- Blood flow was calculated per uterine
gram that integrates and stores the mea- horn and per foetus found at term at all
surements during 5-min periods. UBF was stages of pregnancy, and per kg foetus or
measured during 24-h periods once per week FPU at slaughter. Statistical effects of treat-
from 44 to 98 days of pregnancy and twice ment and litter size on UBF were tested at
per week thereafter. Sows were slaughtered each reference stage as well as the evolu-
at 112 ± 1 days of pregnancy. Genital tracts tion of blood flow during gestation. Data
were recovered and dissected. Ovulation were analysed by analysis of variance, using
rate, position in the uterine horns and weight the GLM procedure of SAS [52]. The model
of each foetus and placenta were recorded. used for the effects on the measurements
Age at death of mummified foetuses was made at slaughter after dissection of the
also estimated. The arteries of the broad lig- reproductive tract and on UBF at each preg-
ament were dissected in order to ensure that nancy stage included class (group or litter
the flow probe was correctly implanted and size) and replicate as the main effects.
that the total blood flow supplying the uter- Means of the classes were then separated
ine horn was measured. Length and weight by F-protected LSD. The variation of UBF
of the uterine horns were determined after during gestation was analysed according to
dissection of the broad ligament. the repeated measurement procedure of SAS
[52] including the effects of class, replicate,
and class × replicate interaction. Rates of
2.3. Calculations
variation of blood flow with pregnancy stage
and statistical analysis
were calculated by covariance analysis with
sow and class as main effects and pregnancy
All calculations were made on the uterine stage as a covariate, according to SAS [52]
horn bearing a flow probe. Number of foe- specifications.
tuses in the uterine horn, litter weight and
mean piglet weight at slaughter were deter-
mined. The mean weight of the foeto-pla-
cental unit (FPU) corresponding to the mean
weight of the foetus plus uteroplacenta, and
the ratio between uterine horn weight or Flow probes were implanted in 33 gilts.
length and number of foetuses in the uterine Two gilts broke the cable and three others
horn were calculated. aborted within a few days after surgery. As
a result, uterine blood flow was measured
The mean blood flow was calculated for in 28 gilts (8 CTR, 10 LIG, and 10 HHO).
each 24-h measurement. Blood flow at ref-
erence stages (44, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 84, 91,
98, 101, 105, 108 and 111 days) was calcu- 3.1. Reproductive performance, uterus
lated through linear interpolation between and uterine contents
the real measurement stages. The reference
stages corresponded to the more frequent Reproductive performance and charac-
real stages of measurement. The results were teristics of the uterine horns bearing flow
expressed according to two classifications: probes at 112 days of gestation are presented
the experimental group, and the litter size in Table I. The group × replicate interaction
at slaughter in the uterine horn bearing a was never significant. Ovulation rate and
flow probe. Three classes of litter size were number of foetuses at 35 days of pregnancy
defined in order to include similar numbers differed significantly between the three
of sows: less than four foetuses (2–3 class), groups. They were higher in the HHO group,
Table I. Reproductive performance and characteristics of the uterine horn bearing a flowprobe.
Groupa Statistical
Ovulation rate per uterine horn 4.75d 8.31e 16.91f 1.66 G** R+
Number of foetuses at 35 days 3.00d 6.63e 10.80f 1.61 G***
374 M.-Ch. Père, M. Etienne
and lower in the LIG group. Litter size did flow probe and in the opposite horns was
not vary between 35 and 112 days in the compared in the CTR and LIG groups. Their
LIG group, but decreased in the other groups, mean weight was similar (1.43 and 1.45 kg
particularly in the HHO gilts. Indeed, the in the CTR gilts and 1.56 and 1.57 kg in the
difference between the CTR and HHO LIG gilts in the horns with and without a
groups was no longer significant before term, flow probe, respectively). Similarly, the
and the difference found earlier with the LIG mean placental weight did not differ
group was reduced. The weights of litter and between the horns.
placentas in the uterine horn were higher in
the CTR group, and did not differ between
3.2.1. Effect of group
the HHO and LIG groups. Piglets in the
HHO gilts were significantly lighter than in
the CTR and LIG gilts (minus 18 and minus Irrespective of the experimental group,
25%, respectively). The hierarchy between UBF varied during the daily measurements.
the three groups was the same for the FPU An example of registration is given in Fig-
weight. Placental weight per kg foetus was ure 1. The intra sow × stage coefficient of
similar in the three groups. Uterine horns variation was about 10%. Uterine blood flow
in the LIG gilts were lighter than in the CTR increased steadily in the three groups during
gilts and shorter than in the HHO gilts, but gestation (Fig. 2, Tab. II). At 111 days of
uterine weight per foetus was higher than
in the other groups. The length of the uterus
per foetus did not differ significantly
between the groups.
Table II. Effect of treatment on uterine blood flow in gilts during pregnancy (L.min–1).
Groupa Statistical
Table III. Effect of litter size on uterine blood flow in gilts during pregnancy (L.min–1).
Classa Statistical
Litter size in the uterine horn 2–3 4–5 6–8 RMSEb significancec
for UBF at 111 days of pregnancy when second half of pregnancy [8, 35].
expressed per kg foetus or per kg FPU Christenson and Prior [10] reported that
(Tab. III). UBF increased from 958 to 1 358 mL.min–1
between 105 and 123 days of pregnancy in
3.2.3. Relationships with blood flow ewes. Huckabee et al. [30] with goats and
Peeters et al. [39] with guinea pigs found
Uterine blood flow at 111 days of preg- that–1 FPU does not change during
nancy was correlated with litter weight the second half of pregnancy, which means
(r = 0.79, P < 0.001), litter size (r = 0.56, that absolute UBF increases. In cows,
P < 0.05), weight of placentas (r = 0.76, Reynolds et al. [49] and Reynolds and
P < 0.001), length (r = 0.52, P < 0.05) and Ferrell [45] reported that UBF increases
weight of the uterine horn (r = 0.48, exponentially during gestation (4.5-fold
P < 0.05). At this stage, an important part of greater at 250 than at 137 days of gestation).
the variation of UBF (mL . min –1 ) was All these results show that uterine blood
explained by the weight of the litter in the flow increases during a period of intense
uterine horn (LW, g) and the length of the development and growth of the foetuses.
uterus (UL, cm), which can be expressed This change is partly explained by a faster
by the following equation: heart rate of the mother, as shown in ewes
[11, 50], and by a redirection of blood flow
UBF = 92 (± 487) + 0.24 (± 0.05) LW to the uterus at the expense of other tissues
UBF = + 4.78 (± 2.28) UL (R2 = 0.72). and organs, like skin and carcass (ewe:
Rosenfeld et al. [50]; cow: Ferrell and Ford
[20]; guinea pig: Peeters et al. [39]). The
4. DISCUSSION increase in blood volume during pregnancy
shown in pigs [2, 36, 51], and the greater
4.1. Variation of UBF with pregnancy uterine artery endothelial production of the
stage potent vasodilatators, prostacyclin and nitric
oxide, demonstrated in pregnant sheep [34],
Irrespective of the group or class, UBF may also be involved.
increased gradually between 44 days of In contrast, a constant UBF during the
pregnancy and term. When considering the last part of gestation was found in some
individual sows, it increased until 98 days of experiments. Ferrell and Ford [20] measured
gestation in all the sows, and continued to UBF in cows from 30 to 240 days of preg-
increase until term in 20 of them, without nancy and reported that it was constant from
differences between classes. Total conju- 178 days onward. In sows, a constant UBF
gated oestrogens in the plasma of gilts was recorded between day 50 and day 90
increase between 70 and 110 days of ges- of pregnancy [29], during the last 22 days of
tation [5, 26], and it is well established that pregnancy [26], or between 70 and 110 days
through dilatation of the uterine blood ves- of pregnancy [48]. Methodological differ-
sels, oestrogens have a positive effect on ences with earlier experiments on sows may
UBF [6, 14, 23]. Increase of UBF at day partly explain this discrepancy. Reynolds
12–13 and before day 30 of gestation was et al. [48] measured UBF in anaesthetised
described in relation to the presence of sows which differed between the three
embryos in sows [24] and cows [25]. An stages of measurement. In these experi-
increase of UBF during later stages has been ments, UBF was determined using electro-
described in many species. In rabbits, a magnetic blood flow transducers which may
2.5-fold increase was reported between day be less adapted to blood flow measurements
24 and 30 of gestation [28]. In sheep, UBF on developing vessels as is the case for the
increases linearly over time during the middle uterine arteries during pregnancy.
378 M.-Ch. Père, M. Etienne
For instance, Reynolds et al. [49] showed gestation by Ford et al. [26] (1.57 L.min–1)
that UBF increased until 250 days of ges- and by Reynolds et al. [48] (1.51 L.min–1).
tation in cows by using the steady-state dif- When related to the number of foetuses mea-
fusion procedure with deuterium oxide, sured at term, UBF amounted to 0.24 and
whereas Ferrell and Ford [20] did not find 0.31 L.min–1.foetus–1 in these experiments,
any increase of UBF after day 178 when respectively. Reynolds et al. [46] reported
measured with electromagnetic transduc- that electromagnetic transducers gave esti-
ers. Moreover, UBF varies with time dur- mates of bovine UBF that were 32 to 42% of
ing the same day, with sow position, and those obtained by steady-state diffusion of
between night and day (Père, unpublished D2O or antipyrine. Similarly, bovine UBF
data), and it was measured during 10 min estimated by using antipyrine [22] was con-
per day by Ford et al. [26] and Reynolds siderably higher than when measured with
et al. [48] instead of 24 h as in the present electromagnetic transducers [20]. Values of
study. UBF measured with antipyrine in ewes are
The rise of UBF during gestation appears in the same range as those estimated in the
as an adaptation allowing to increase the present experiment: 0.33 to 0.42 L.min–1.
nutrient supply to the foetuses. However, foetus–1 [10], 0.32 L.min–1.foetus–1 (calcu-
UBF increased linearly between 44 and lated from the data obtained by Makowski
111 days of pregnancy in the present exper- et al. [35]), 0.49 L.min–1.foetus–1 (calcu-
iment whereas foetal growth was exponen- lated from the data obtained by Meschia
tial. When combining UBF measured in the et al. [37] for sheep and goats).
CTR group of this experiment with the vari-
ation of foetus weight during pregnancy In the present experiment, UBF increased
calculated according to Salmon-Legagneur with litter size at all the pregnancy stages
[51], the UBF per litter weight ratio considered. The rate of increase during preg-
decreased from 1.77 to 0.91 and to nancy was lower in the 2–3 class than in the
0.39 L.min––1 at 44, 78 and 111 days two others, and was similar in the 4–5 and
of gestation, respectively. Variation of UBF 6–8 classes. Reynolds et al. [48] reported
may then be possible within limited values that UBF was correlated with the number
only. Reynolds et al. [48] also suggested of foetuses per uterine horn. Christenson
that there may be a limit to maximal UBF in and Prior [10] found that UBF at 105 days
the sow. As in other species, complemen- was greater in ewes with triplets than in
tary maternal and foetal adaptations like ewes with twins and tended to be lower in
insulin resistance [18], variation of the blood ewes with a single foetus. Ferrell and
content in substrates and hormones [40], Reynolds [21] measured a lower UBF in
and increased uptake of substrates by foe- cows with a single foetus than with twin
tuses likely appear during the last part of foetuses. In our study, UBF per foetus
gestation of the sow in order to ensure a har- decreased when litter size increased. Its rate
monic development of the litter until term. of increase during pregnancy was higher in
the 2–3 class and did not differ for the two
other classes. A negative relationship
4.2. Variation of UBF with litter size between UBF per foetus and the number of
foetuses per uterine horn was found in sows
In the present experiment, UBF by Reynolds et al. [48]. Present data sug-
amounted to 2.40 to 2.84 L .min–1 in the gest that UBF adapts to litter size, but within
CTR gilts between 98 and 111 days of ges- limits, and that there may be a maximal UBF
tation, and 0.56 L.min–1.foetus–1 at 111 days. in the sow. Indeed, UBF increased at a lower
These values were higher than those extent than the number of foetuses in the
obtained in sows during the last part of uterine horn, and then to the nutrient demand
Uterine blood flow in pregnant sows 379
with results indicating that foetal mortality mice [53]. The greater mortality rate after
after 35 days is high when litter size at that day 35 of pregnancy in the HHO gilts is
stage exceeds uterine capacity [17, 40]. most likely not related to the implantation of
the probes because in the other groups, foetal
The foetuses in the HHO group were mortality in instrumented sows was very
lighter than in the other groups at the end low and foetal growth rate was not affected.
of pregnancy, as in the studies of Legault
et al. [32] and Père et al. [40]. However, the In conclusion, this study describes the
difference was greater in the present gilts. evolution of UBF during the last two thirds
The greater litter size at 35 days of the HHO of pregnancy of three groups of sows that
gilts may have increased intrauterine com- differed by their embryo potential. Foetal
petition. The lower placental weight in the growth was closely related to UBF, which
HHO group supports this hypothesis, and increased steadily during pregnancy until
suggests that maternal-foetal exchanges of term. It also increased with litter size. Uter-
nutrients and hormones were more limited in ine blood flow is a major adaptation of the
these gilts. dam to pregnancy and allows to respond to
the increasing nutrient and hormone demand
There was no difference in absolute UBF of the uterus. However, this adaptation is
or UBF per foetus between the CTR and limited because when litter size exceeds five
HHO groups from 44 days of gestation foetuses per uterine horn, UBF increases
onward. This contrasts with the difference in less than the number of foetuses. Their
litter size which was 39% smaller in the growth rate is then reduced. The limitation
CTR than in the HHO gilts at 35 days of of litter size by uterine capacity seems to
pregnancy. Part of this discrepancy can be occur during the first third of pregnancy. In
related to a lower mean weight of the foe- order to determine the role of UBF in this
tuses in the HHO group due to uterus crowd- phenomenon, it would be necessary to mea-
ing in the early stages of gestation, as is the sure it from the beginning of pregnancy.
case near term. Another explanation could The variation of UBF throughout gestation
be that supernumerary foetuses of the HHO and the important differences between gilts
gilts died before the first measurement of already suggest that UBF is a critical ele-
UBF, i.e. before 44 days. Rankin et al. [43] ment for the survival and growth of the foe-
showed that UBF was reduced 24 h after tuses.
clamping a branch of the umbilical arterial
tree in sheep or killing a foetus in the mid-
dle of one uterine horn in rabbits. Unilat- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
eral or bilateral occlusion of the middle uter-
ine artery of gilts during mid-gestation This study was carried off within the frame-
reduced foetal survival and development work of a research program on “Genetic vari-
ability of embryonic survival”, which was
[38]. These results show that UBF decreases planned and financed by INRA. The authors
when foetuses die. In the present experi- gratefully acknowledge V. Beaumal, C. David,
ment, there was no dramatic variation of J.C. Hulin, Y. Lebreton, and M. Massard, for
UBF in any gilt after 44 days of gestation. their efficient technical assistance, and J. van
Foetal mortality in the HHO group may then Milgen for his help in the English translation.
have occurred between 35 and 44 days of
pregnancy. A few mummified foetuses were
found at slaughter. This also suggested that REFERENCES
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