Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris
Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris
Rangkuman Bahasa Inggris
A. Introduction
Before telephone and e-mail were invented, the only means of communication between
people was through letters. In general, there are two types of letters, formal and informal
Formal letters are written to convey official information Informal letters are to communicate
with friends and family Personal letters are informal letters. Nowadays, people rarely send
personal letters by post. They prefer sending personal letters by e-mail or chat. In this
chapter, we are going to leam mors about social function, structure, and language features of
personal letters.
B. Personal Lettres
Personal leners belong to short functional texts. They are leters you write to people you
know such as if you're taking to the person A personal letter is a type of letter (or informal
composition) that usually concerns personal matters and is sent from one individual to
another. The personal matters include personal experience, invitation, apology, gratitude,
congratulations, and sympathy.
A. Introduction
The boy did not study hard, so he did not pass the exam. This is an example of cause and
effect "Not studying hard is the cause, while "not passing the exam is the effect Cause and
effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen.
The law of cause and effect states that every cause has an effect and every effect becomes the
cause of something wise In English, there are some signal words to show cause and effect
relationship In this chapter, we are going to leam the social function, structure, and language
features of texts using cause and effect relationship.
There are three criteria of cause and effect that we should know .
a) The cause has to precede the effect in time. The cause has to occur before the
b) There are three criteria of cause and effect that we should know There has to
be an empirical relationship between the cause and effect. Whenever the cause
happens the effect must also occur .
c) Cause and effect relationship cannot be explained by other factors
Cause and effect is a common way to organize information in a text A test structured
as cause and effect explains masons why something happened of the effects of something.
The paragraphe can be ordered as causes and effects or as afects and then causes. The
cause and effect text structure is generally used in expository and persuasive writing
models A cause-and-effect essay shows the reader the relationship between something
that happens and its consequence or between actions and results. When we write an
academic text, we need to relate ten or more items and clearly state the relationship
between them. We can show the cause and effect as the followings.
Most cause and effect essays use signal words to show the cause-effect relationship
.the following are the signal words.
Cause effect
Because As a result
Due to therefore
Owing to consequently
since finally
Give rise to so
Bring about then
Contributed by thus
Because of is a two-word preposition meaning "as a result of Because of and because are
different. Because of is preposition, and because is a conjunction.
Structure :
Because of + noun
because + sentence
Example :
Due to is very similar to because of it gives a reason for why something is true. Due to can
be used with phrases and single words, but you can't use due lo with a clause.
Thanks to is used in positive situation. You can say what was responsible for something, or
what caused it, using thanks to In other words, we use thanks to to talk about the cause of
something good
Examples :
I can go home safely thanks to the GPS b We can renovate this park thanks to your
help and donation
Sometimes, thanks to can also be used ironically in a negative way. In other words,
we can use thanks to to talk about the cause of something bad
Examples :
A. Introduction
We must have ever listened to English songs. What song do you remember? Is there any
song that motivates you? Listening to songs can motivate, inspire, or encourage someone.
The key is that w understand the lyrics. Song lyrics contain beautiful words. Every song also
has a story to tell. When we are interested in a song, we would like to know the lyrics. To
understand the lyrics, we would like to lear more about social function and language features
of songs.Introduction.
B. Songs
song is defined as a short musical composition of words and music I yrics are words
that make up a song We can use songs to practice lots of different language skills. In this
case, we can learn English through songs. We would like to leam about how a song is
organized structure) and the social function of songs.
1. Structure of songs
The complete structure of a song consists of "Intro-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-
Bridge- Chorus
Intro or introduction. Intro is an opening section of a piece of song Intro
opens a movement
Verse .Verse is the main part of a song. It is the part of the song that tells a
story. It functions to give listeners more insight leading to the main message of
the song and it moves the story.
Chorus. Chorus is a part of the song that is repeated after a verse. It is the part
of a song that often sticks to the mind of a listener because it contrasts with the
Bridge. Bridge is a secondary verse which is different from the primary one. It
usually appears once or twice in a song: It should offer a reason why the final
chorus needs to be repeated.
Song must have meaning To understand a song, we should know the meaning. The
following are ways to figure out a song's meaning
Song lyrics are like poems Both song and poem are described as a composition of words with
amilar nature. The major difference is that a song is set to music while a poem is not set to
music Words in the song are collectively known as lyrics Group of words in the poem are
known as stanzas
The two words poem and poetry are interchangeable seed although there a a difference betwe
poem and poetry. A poom is a piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas
is give terally work in which in the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by the
use of distinctiv style and rhythm
1. Rhyme
Rhymes identity in sound of some part, especially the end of words, or lines of verse.
In other words rhyme le a repetition of similar sounds.
Examples :
I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them but they were only satelites
2. Informal langugane
Informal language is language use characterized by spontaneous speech by atuations
that may be described as natural or real ite
Most lyrics use contractions. A contraction is a word made by shortening and
combining two words Nonstandard words or colloquial words can also be found in the
lyrics such as gonna ain’t gota, and wanna.
Examples :
Ain’t about how fast I get here
Ain’t about what’s on the other side
It's the climb
3. Mood
A mood is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through
words and descriptions Usually songs have a mood such as happy, sad calm energetic
anxious, and depressing
Some songs have language features as poems Poema do not have to rhyme, nor do
they have to follow any particular structure or include any particular style But, moet
poems do feature a few kay characteristics.
Sounds Songs and poems sometimes use alliteration (similar initial sounds) or
assonance (similar vocal sounds) Alteration is the repetition of usually inihal
consonant sounds in heo or three more neighboring words or syllables
Assonance is the repetition of the same or similar vowel sounds within words
phrases, or sentences.
Meter. The meter of a poem is the rhythm or pattem of speech with which you
read it, and it doesn't happen by accident. To find a meter of a song, you can
tap your foot along with the song to find the steady beat.
Figures of speech
Figures of speech Figures of speech or figurative language are ways of
describing or explaining things in a non-teral or non-traditional way. In other
words, a figure of speech is where a word or word are used to create an effect
often where they do not have their original or iteral meaning is used to
heighten or increase the state that they are describing
The following are some figures of speech.
o Metaphor (describing something by kening it to something else)
Example: He is the black sheep of the family
o Hyperbole (a frequently humorous exaggeration that hints at a larger
Example: She is starving (very hungry)
o Simile la comparison between two different things, designed to create
an unusual, emotional, or other affect often using like or as as)
Example : He is as brave as a lion
4. Imagery
Imagery Imagery is something concrete, like a sight, smell, or taste it describes what the
writer sees hears, or otherwise senses Imagery creates a picture that the reader or te his
The punctuation and format of the poem deal with how arranged on the page and how the
author intends for you to read A. Most of songs format or structure have verse, chorus,
and bridge. As a general rule, lyncs will be written with ittle punctuation The following is
an example of identifying language features in a poem and a songPuctuation and format.
A. Introducation
B. Explanation Text
A genre used to explain how something works or the processes involved in actions,
events, beha is called explanation genre It is also called factual genre. As a genre,
explanations detail and logically describe the stages in a natural, social, or technological
phenomenon of our world. In other words explanation text is a kind of text which tells or
axplains processes relating to forming of natural or phenomena or how something works.
1. Social fuction
The following are the social functions or purposes of explanation text
To tell why and how of the forming of the phenomena
To explain why things are as they are and how they are formed or
To explain the processes involved in the evolution of natural and social
phenomenon or tow something works
To explain how something works or the process involved in actions,
events, or behavice
C. Passive voice
Most explanation texts use passive voice. Passive voice is also called passive sentence.
Can you differentials passive voice with active voice? Look at the following table!
Passive voice is useful in academic writing because it is to highlight the most important
participants within sentences by placing them the beginning of the sentence. Using passive
voice is also a avoid informal personal pronouns.