01-English Literature MCQs Set-01
01-English Literature MCQs Set-01
01-English Literature MCQs Set-01
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1. Name the English poet of 18th century Answer: Option C. Ahmed Salman Rushdie
whose works included Rape of the Lock,
Dunciad and Essay on Man? 6. In Chaucer’s Legend of Good Women,
A. Nelson Mandela how many legends are there?
B. Winston Churchill A. 7
C. Alexander Pope B. 8
D. None of these C. 9
Answer: Option C. Alexander Pope D. None of these
Answer: Option C. 9
2. Thomas Chatterton was _____ years old
when he dies. 7. Period in English Literature from 1901 to
A. 19 1910 is called___________?
B. 18 A. The Pre-Raphaelites
C. 17 B. The Post Modern
D. 16 C. The Edwardian Period
Answer: Option C. 17 D. The Georgian Period
Answer: Option C. The Edwardian Period
3. Who wrote ‘The Colossus’ in 1960?
A. Chinua Achebe 8. The meaning a word within a language?
B. Toni Morrison A. Sense
C. Ahmed Sulman Rushdie B. Common Sense
D. Sylvia Plath C. Essence
Answer: Option D. Sylvia Plath D. Sense
Answer: Option D. Sense
4. The author of The Bluest Eyes (1970)
is__________? 9. The term Implicature might refer
A. Chinua Achebe to_________?
B. Toni Morrison A. Text Structure
C. Ahmed Sulman Rushdie B. Double meaning
D. Sylvia Plath C. Conversational structure
Answer: Option B. Toni Morrison D. None of these
Answer: Option C. Conversational
5. Shame (1983) is written by__________? structure
A. Chinua Achebe
B. Toni Morrison 10. Who called Chaucer the father of English
C. Ahmed Salman Rushdie literature?
D. None of these A. M ArnaldB
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30. The study of language and mind, which 34. Noam Chomsky was born in _________?
has greatly advanced our understanding of A. December 7, 1928
the way in which we acquire language B. December 8, 1928
is_________? C. December 9, 1928
A. Sociolinguistics D. December 10, 1928
B. Psycholinguisctics Answer: Option A. December 7, 1928
C. Biolinguistics
D. None of these 35. Father of modern linguistics is
Answer: Option B. Psycholinguisctics ________?
A. Noam Chomsky
31. Who argues that language is a unique B. Ferdenand De Sassure
evolutionary development of the human C. None of these
species and distinguished from modes of D. Both A and B
communication used by any other animal Answer: Option A. Noam Chomsky
species ?
A. Ferdenand de Sassure 36. The theory of Biolinguistics is given
B. Albert Chomsky by__________?
C. Noam Chomsky A. Noam Chomsky
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46. The character of Delia in Zora Neale 50. Harriet Jacobs wrote Incidents in the
Hurston’s “Sweat” was influenced Life of a Slave Girl to
by______________? show______________?
A. Her relationship with a patron. A. That female slaves were escaping more
B. Her mother. frequently than men.
C. Her best friend. B. How slavery was worse for men.
D. Her job as a waitress. C. How females were affected by slavery.
Answer: Option A. Her relationship with a D. That female slaves were more valuable
patron. than male slaves.
Answer: Option C. How females were
47. The trickster figure is affected by slavery.
A. Amoral (neither good nor evil) 51. In Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “When
B. Christian Malindy Sings,” what kind of music is
C. Evil Malindy singing ?
D. None of these A. Cakewalk tunes.
Answer: Option A. Amoral (neither good B. Gospel.
nor evil) C. Jazz.
D. Blues.
48. In Chapter XV of William Wells Brown’s Answer: Option B. Gospel.
Clotel, Clotel is described as a quadroon.
What does this mean ?
A. She is one-quarter Black.
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D. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was used by C. Making sure that what is written makes
abolitionists. sense.
Answer: Option A. Stowe’s novel is D. Lying to mislead the reader.
sentimental. Answer: Option A. Giving words double
meaning that appear differently to white
59. Which characteristic of the slave and black readers.
narrative did Frederick Douglass include in
the first chapter of his Narrative ? 62. According to Larry Neal, the primary
A. Narration of a deserved punishment. goal of the Black Arts Movement
B. Depictions of a beautiful rural is_______________?
environment. A. To speak to the spiritual and cultural
C. Descriptions of the kinds of food and needs of African Americans.
clothing slaves were given. B. To raise awareness of violence in African
D. The author’s father is often a white man. American youth.
Answer: Option D. The author’s father is C. To support the Back to Africa Movement.
often a white man. D. To raise money for Sickle Cell Anemia
60. Frederick Douglass argued that slaves Answer: Option A. To speak to the
sang spirituals for all of the following spiritual and cultural needs of African
reasons except______________? Americans.
A. To impress the horrors of slavery on
listeners 63. Native Son was written
B. To ease their pain by___________________?
C. To pray for deliverance A. Jean Toomer.
D. To show that they were content in their B. Richard Wright.
work C. Ralph Ellison.
Answer: Option D. To show that they D. James Baldwin.
were content in their work Answer: Option B. Richard Wright.
61. In the poem “When Malindy Sings,” Paul 64. One of the functions of protest poetry
Laurence Dunbar uses irony and caricature was to________________?
to “signify” on white assumptions about A. Urge African Americans to fight their
African Americans. What does Henry Louis oppressors.
Gate’s term “signify” mean ? B. Encourage societies strive for equality for
A. Giving words double meaning that appear all.
differently to white and black readers. C. Extol the virtues of living in the free
B. Fixing words with very specific meanings. North.
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67. Why is the couple in Arna Bontemps’s “A 71. Who introduced the character of the
Summer Tragedy” getting dressed up ? “tragic mulatto” ?
A. To go to a party. A. William Wells Brown
B. To go pay old man Stevenson. B. Lydia Maria Child
C. To end their lives. C. Harriet Jacobs
D. To go to church. D. Harriet Beecher Stowe
Answer: Option C. To end their lives. Answer: Option B. Lydia Maria Child
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79. Although different in tone, Soujourner C. When slaves traveled the Underground
Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” and David Railroad.
Walker’s “Appeal in Four Articles” are similar D. When African Americans migrated to the
in what way ? South from the North.
A. Their belief in necessary violence. Answer: Option A. A period of time when
B. Their belief that women should have African Americans moved North in large
equal rights. numbers.
C. Their appeals to Christians.
D. Their belief that African Americans should 83. Some critics argue that the use of
govern themselves. dialect by such authors as Paul Laurence
Answer: Option C. Their appeals to Dunbar and Charles Chesnutt did all of the
Christians. following except_______________?
A. Strengthened the African American’s
80. In Lucille Clifton’s “wishes for son,” the place in the world of literature
narrator lists what wishes her sons ? B. Perpetuated stereotypes
A. That they learn from her mistakes. C. Allowed African American authors to sell
B. That they have richer lives than hers. their works more widely to white audiences
C. That they have all they ever wished for D. Showed that African Americans couldn’t
themselves. speak properly.
D. That they experience all the pain and Answer: Option D. Showed that African
embarrassment of being a woman. Americans couldn’t speak properly.
Answer: Option D. That they experience
all the pain and embarrassment of being a 84. African American dialects grew out
woman. of_______________?
A. The 1960s protest movements
81. W.E.B. Du Bois accuses Booker T. B. The attempts of African slaves to
Washington of being______________? communicate with each other
A. A Christian. C. Slave owners teaching slaves Elizabethan
B. A radical. English
C. An accomodationist. D. Slaves’ attempts to keep their
D. A coward. conversations secret
Answer: Option C. An accomodationist. Answer: Option B. The attempts of African
slaves to communicate with each other
82. What was the Great Migration ?
A. A period of time when African Americans 85. In writing Beloved, Toni Morrison drew
moved North in large numbers. on what for inspiration ?
B. When African Americans settled Liberia. A. Her own memories of slavery.
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B. Stories her grandmother told her. D. She loves the beauty of it.
C. The television series Roots. Answer: Option C. She wants to display it
D. Slave narratives. for her friends to see.
Answer: Option D. Slave narratives.
90. In “125th Street and Abomey,” Audre
86. Slave narratives were shaped Lorde references images from
by_____________? ________________?
A. Captivity narratives. A. African mythology.
B. Abolitionist newspaper accounts. B. African American folktale.
C. Folktales. C. Greek mythology.
D. African mythology. D. Contemporary female artists.
Answer: Option A. Captivity narratives. Answer: Option A. African mythology.
87. Brer Rabbit is an example of what kind 91. What source did David Walker rely on
of character ? the most for support in “Appeal in Four
A. Trickster Articles” ?
B. Victim A. The Bible.
C. Representation of the slave master B. Greek history.
D. “Uncle Tom” character who feels slavery C. Slave narratives.
is best for the African American D. Abolitionist newspapers.
Answer: Option A. Trickster Answer: Option A. The Bible.
88. In Jean Toomer’s “Her Lips Are Copper 92. What is the character of Delia most of
Wires,” a kiss is compared afraid of in Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat” ?
to_______________? A. Rabid dogs.
A. A waterfall. B. Her husband.
B. Electricity. C. Snakes.
C. A war. D. Bertha.
D. A factory. Answer: Option C. Snakes.
Answer: Option B. Electricity.
93. Spirituals like “Go Down Moses” were
89. Why does Dee want the quilt in Alice important to African Americans
Walker’s “Everyday Use” ? because_______________?
A. She is proud of her heritage. A. They showed that a hero would deliver
B. She doesn’t want Maggie to have it. them from slavery.
C. She wants to display it for her friends to B. They gave hope that God would deliver
see. them from slavery.
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C. They helped them do their work faster. 97. In Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem, “we real
D. They were based on African songs. cool,” the Golden Shovel
Answer: Option B. They gave hope that is_______________?
God would deliver them from slavery. A. The name of a restaurant the pool
players cannot enter.
94. Arna Bontemps’s “A Summer Tragedy” B. A metaphor for colossal lies they have
attacks the institution been buried with.
of________________? C. A metaphor for the pool players who are
A. Sharecropping. trying to dig out of their neighborhood.
B. Slavery. D. The name of a pool hall.
C. Segregation. Answer: Option D. The name of a pool
D. Prostitution. hall.
Answer: Option A. Sharecropping.
98. The importance of Lucy Terry’s “Bars
95. David Walker’s “Appeal in Four Articles” Flight” is________________?
argues that_________________? A. The poem’s form of rhymed tetrameter
A. The races should not intermarry. couplets.
B. Christians the only ones not to blame for B. The poem shows her future work as a
the existence of slavery. advocate of civil rights.
C. Blacks have the duty to resist slavery. C. The poem is filled with Christian
D. Blacks should return to Africa. symbolism.
Answer: Option C. Blacks have the duty to D. The fact that the poem is the most
resist slavery. accurate account of the 1742 Indian-White
engagement in Deerfield, Massachusetts.
96. Slave owners resisted abolition for what Answer: Option D. The fact that the poem
reason ? is the most accurate account of the 1742
A. Slaveholders objected to losing leisure Indian-White engagement in Deerfield,
time. Massachusetts.
B. Slaves outnumbered non-slaves and
might rebel. 99. What is the subject of Lucille Clifton’s
C. Slaveholders felt economic security rested “the lost baby poem” ?
on the system of slavery. A. A child dying of SIDS.
D. B and C. B. The stillborn death of a child.
E. A and C. C. Abortion.
Answer: Option D. B and C. D. A murdered child.
Answer: Option C. Abortion.
100. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from C. It was published by Frederick Douglass.
Birmingham Jail,” King D. It argued for a separate African American
advocates_______________? community in America.
A. Breaking the law. Answer: Option B. It was the first African
B. Using violence when necessary. American newspaper.
C. Waiting for times to get better.
D. Disobeying unjust laws. 104. All of the following are characteristics
Answer: Option D. Disobeying unjust of the African American tradition of the toast
laws. except_____________?
A. Toasting is oral
101. In Charles Chesnutt’s “The Goophered B. Toasting is a male event
Grape Vine,” why does Uncle Julius tell the C. Toasting glorifies women
Northern visitors the story of the spell put D. Toasting provides cultural identification
on the grapes ? Answer: Option C. Toasting glorifies
A. To describe the horrors of life on the women
Post-bellum plantation.
B. To explain his religious views. 105. In Chapter 11 of The Autobiography of
C. To amuse the narrator’s sickly wife. Malcolm X, how does Malcolm X survive
D. So they won’t interrupt his income from prison ?
the neglected grape harvest. A. Getting an education.
Answer: Option D. So they won’t interrupt B. Fighting.
his income from the neglected grape C. Making friends with the guards.
harvest. D. Contacting famous authors.
Answer: Option A. Getting an education.
102. Uncle Julius is a character developed
by______________? 106. Sekou Sundiata is considered what kind
A. Harriet Beecher Stowe of poet ?
B. Joel Chandler Harris A. A Modernist poet
C. Richard Wright B. A performance poet
D. Charles Chesnutt C. A classical poet
Answer: Option D. Charles Chesnutt D. A traditional poet
Answer: Option B. A performance poet
103. The importance of Freedom’s Journal
was____________? 107. Although Charles Johnson’s Oxherding
A. It was the first African American novel. Tales is based on his Buddhist beliefs, he
B. It was the first African American meant the novel to be a reworking of an
newspaper. American genre, the slave narrative. In what
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121. In what way is Jane Toomer’s Cane an Answer: Option A. Having a bathroom
example of Modernism ? with warm water.
A. Its fractured, collage effect.
B. Its insistence on plot. 125. The narrator of Langston Hughes’s
C. Its focus on landscape. “Weary Blues” is
D. Its focus on modern city life. describing__________________?
Answer: Option A. Its fractured, collage A. Negro spirituals being sung in the cotton
effect. fields.
B. The call and response of an African
122. In Nella Larsen’s novel Passing, why is American church congregation.
Clare afraid to have another child ? C. African American toasting on a city street
A. She almost died in childbirth with her first corner.
child. D. Blues being played in a Harlem bar.
B. She doesn’t want to lose her figure. Answer: Option D. Blues being played in a
C. Her husband has threatened to leave her. Harlem bar.
D. She is afraid it may have dark skin.
Answer: Option D. She is afraid it may 126. What unforgivable action does Mag
have dark skin. Smith take in Chapter One of Our Nig ?
A. She tries to pass as White.
123. In Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild,” The B. She washes clothes for White women.
Tlick keep the humans happy C. She lets a man help her out.
by_______________? D. She marries a Black man.
A. Supplying them with narcotic eggs. Answer: Option D. She marries a Black
B. Letting them choose their own mates. man.
C. Freeing the males after they are hosts.
D. Paying them very well. 127. According to Henry Louis Gates, Jr.,
Answer: Option A. Supplying them with reconstructing black people into the “New
narcotic eggs. Negro” has been a matter
124. In Gwendolyn Brooks’ poem, A. Redefining black people in terms of a
“kitchenette building,” what is most presence, not an absence.
important to the building’s inhabitants ? B. Working against the existing racist
A. Having a bathroom with warm water. stereotypes.
B. Following one’s dreams. C. A struggle ongoing since 1619.
C. Getting food on the table. D. All of the above
D. Finding a mate. Answer: Option D. All of the above
128. Neo-Slave narratives are contemporary C. White institutions should reform to meet
novels written about slavery. Toni Morrison’s African American needs.
Beloved is about the ghost of a baby the D. African Americans will have to help
character Sethe murdered to keep her from themselves by becoming educated.
being recaptured by their master. The Answer: Option D. African Americans will
opening chapter of the novel represents the have to help themselves by becoming
neo-slave narrative by educated.
A. Discussion of race relations in the North 131. For Booker T. Washington, racial uplift
and South. means_______________?
B. Condemnation of the plantation myth. A. Rejecting all White assistance.
C. Examination of the psychological damage B. Allowing Whites to help African
of slavery. Americans to reach their potential.
D. Insistence on desegregation. C. Calling for violent uprisings.
Answer: Option C. Examination of the D. Separating Blacks by income level
psychological damage of slavery. Answer: Option B. Allowing Whites to help
129. Charles W. Chesnutt used vernacular Americans to reach their potential.
speech to________________?
A. Explain how African Americans could not 132. The mask in Paul Laurence Dunbar’s
learn standard English poem, “We Wear the Mask,”
B. Make his written inaccessible to white represents_____________?
audiences A. The persona that the characters show the
C. To encourage feelings of pride in African world.
American readers B. The carved masks of African gods.
D. Challenge American stereotypes about C. Characters from the Bible.
race D. Who the narrator wishes to be.
Answer: Option D. Challenge American Answer: Option A. The persona that the
stereotypes about race characters show the world.
Answer: Option A. Get an education. B. Slave owners did not allow their slaves to
live as married couples.
134. The supportive network of female C. Slaves were given limited civil rights.
slaves led to_______________? D. Most slaves were not Christian.
A. Resistance to the overseers. Answer: Option A. Most slave children
B. Learning to be midwives. lived in two family homes.
C. Resistance against dehumanization.
D. Lower suicide rates. 138. The characteristic of Naturalism that is
Answer: Option C. Resistance against most present in the first chapter of Ralph
dehumanization. Ellison’s Invisible Man is_____________?
A. The theme of man against nature.
135. Alice Walker’s story, “Everyday Use,” B. The theme of man against man.
includes which “Womanist” concern ? C. The theme of heredity.
A. The importance of men to the African D. Nature as an invisible force.
American family. Answer: Option B. The theme of man
B. The negative consequences of feminism against man.
on the African American family.
C. The importance of African religious 139. The “tragic mulatto”
influence in America. myth_________________?
D. The importance of African American A. Led to novels of passing.
craftsmanship. B. Existed only in fiction by White authors.
Answer: Option B. The negative C. Developed in the 20th century.
consequences of feminism on the African D. Existed only in fiction by female authors.
American family. Answer: Option A. Led to novels of
136. Who is the author of the novel Passing
? 140. Why did Marcus Garvey spearhead the
A. William Wells Brown “Back to Africa Movement” ?
B. Nella Larsen. A. Because in was cheaper to live in Africa.
C. Charles Chesnutt B. Because he did not feel African Americans
D. James Weldon Johnson would ever achieve equality in America.
Answer: Option B. Nella Larsen. C. He was asked by African countries to
bring African Americans to Africa.
137. Which of the following statements D. He had to leave the country.
about slavery is true ? Answer: Option B. Because he did not feel
A. Most slave children lived in two family African Americans would ever achieve
homes. equality in America.
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D. Macbeth B. L. Tolstoy
Answer: Option A. The Mousetrap C. A. Pope
D. H.G. Wells
150. What do you mean by Diction ? Answer: Option A. W.B. Yeats
A. choice of words for writing
B. choice of characters 155. ‘The Excursion’ was written
C. choice of rhythms by________________?
D. choice of simile and metaphor A. Coleridge
Answer: Option A. choice of words for B. Blake
writing C. Shelley
D. None of these
151. The age tended to favour the taste and Answer: Option D. None of these
search for truth in art______________?
A. Classical 156. What is Epistolary Novel ?
B. Romantic A. a novel of short length
C. Victorian B. a novel personal feelings
D. Elizabethan C. a Novella
Answer: Option B. Romantic D. a novel of correspondence among the
152. How many chapters are in the Quran ? Answer: Option D. a novel of
A. 42 correspondence among the characters
B. 67
C. 98 157. A person who writes about his own life
D. 114 writes ______________?
Answer: Option D. 114 A. a diary
B. a biography
153. Who is the writer of The Augustan C. an autobiography
Period ? D. a chronicle
A. Robert Herrick Answer: Option C. an autobiography
B. Jeremy Taylor
C. Samuel Richardson 158. Which one of the following poets was
D. Thomas Hobbes appointed Poet Laureate in the year 1813 ?
Answer: Option C. Samuel Richardson A. Tennyson
B. Byron
154. Famous Irish poet and dramatist C. Southey
is______________? D. Wordsworth
A. W.B. Yeats Answer: Option C. Southey
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D. John Milton
159. Wordsworth is a ______________ poet Answer: Option B. Ben Johnson
A. classical 164. “To be, or not to be, that is the
B. modern question”- Where do you find this quotation
C. romantic ?
D. Greek A. Macbeth
Answer: Option C. romantic B. Hamlet
C. As You like It
160. The earliest play written by D. Othello
Shakespeare according to Oxford Answer: Option B. Hamlet
Shakespeare 1988 is______________?
A. The Taming of the Shrew 165. ‘The Revolt of Islam’ was written
B. As you Like it by________________?
C. Two Gentlemen of Verona A. Wordsworth
D. Titus Andronicus B. Coleridge
Answer: Option D. Titus Andronicus C. Shelley
D. None of these
161. What the term Renaissance refers ? Answer: Option C. Shelley
A. revival or rebirth
B. representation 166. ‘The quality of Mercy is not strained’
C. presentation the line is taken from________________?
D. rebel A. Merchant of Venice
Answer: Option A. revival or rebirth B. Two gentleman of Verona
C. Midsummer’s Night Dream
162. Who is called the Bird of Avon ? D. Anthony and Cleopatra
A. John Dryden Answer: Option A. Merchant of Venice
B. William Shakespeare
C. John Milton 167. Hyperion is a/an
D. None of these poem_________________?
Answer: Option B. William Shakespeare A. Elegy
B. Epic
163. “not of an age, but for all time”-was C. Lyric
told about Shakespeare by whom ? D. None of these
A. Marlowe Answer: Option C. Lyric
B. Ben Johnson
C. King Henry
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