Piston Engine 1 2017

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1)The air coming out from the throttle is reffered to as ………………?

a)intake air pressure b) ram air pressure c)manifold pressure d)none

2)An updraft induction system consist of

a) one runner & a balance tuebe b)two runner & a balace tube
c) as in 1) with intake pipes for each cylinder
d)as in 2)with intake pipes for each cylinder

3)The balance tube is used

a) to increase pressure of air intake in manifold
b)to decrease pressure of aior intake in manifold
c)to reduce pressure imbalance between the two side induction runner
d)to increase pressure imbalance between the two side induction runner

4)A carburetor heat heat air valves is located ……..the carburetor for selecting an alternate warm air source to pecvent
carburetor icing.
a)up to the carburetor b)down c)anywhere can be fitted d) none

5)The carburetor air filters screen consist of

a)aluminum alloy b) stainless steel
c) as in 1) & a deeply crimped screen
d)as in 2) & a deeply crimped screen

6)How throttle icing can be minimized ?

a)by equipping with controllable pitch propeller
b)by equipping with fixed pitch propeller

7)Internally driven supercharger compress

a)air/fuel mixture b) air only
c)as in 1)& after it leaves the carburetor
d) as in 2) & before it leaves carburetor

8)To be a true super charger ,it must boost the manifold pressure
a)above 30”of Hg b)below 30” Hg c)above 45”Hg d) below 45”Hg

9)The compressor assembly of turbocharger made up

a) impeller b)diffuser c)a casing d)AOTA

10)The diffuser converts

a)high velocity of air to high pressure
b)low velocity of air to low pressure
c) none

11)When the waste gate is fully opened, nearly all of the exhaust gas pass overboard providing

a)little boost b) no boost c) over boost d)either a) or b)

12)The differential pressure controller reduces the unstable condition known as

a)bootstrapping b)vapor lock c)over boost d)either a) or b)
13) Throttle ice is formed on the _____side of throttle,usually when the throttle is in ___position.
a) rear,fully opened b) back,Fully closd
c) Rear,partially closed d) Back, partially opened

14)The use of the carburetor air heater when it is not

needed causes
A-a very lean mixture.
B-excessive increase in manifold pressure.
C-a decrease in power and possibly detonation.

15) As manifold pressure increases in a reciprocating

engine, the
A-volume of air in the cylinder increases.
B-weight of the fuellair charge decreases.
C-density of air in the cylinder increases.

16) If the turbocharger waste gate is completely closed,

A-none of the exhaust gases are directed through the
B-the turbocharger is in the OFF position.
C-all the exhaust gases are directed through the turbine

17) What is the purpose of the density controller in a turbocharger system?

A-Limits the maximum manifold pressure that can
be produced at other than full throttle conditions.
B-Limits the maximum manifold pressure that can
be produced by the turbocharger at full throttle.
C-Maintains constant air velocity at the carburetor

18) What directly regulates the speed of a turbocharger?

B-Waste gate.

19) What is the purpose of a turbocharger system for a

small reciprocating aircraft engine?
A-Compresses the air to hold the cabin pressure
constant after the aircraft has reached its critical
B-Maintains constant air velocity in the intake manifold.
C-Compresses air to maintain manifold pressure
constant from sea level to the critical altitude of
the engine.
20) What are the three basic regulating components of a
sea-level boosted turbocharger system?
1 . Exhaust bypass assembly.
2. Compressor assembly.
3. Pump and bearing casing.
4. Density controller.
5. Differential pressure controller.
a) 2,3,4
b) 1,4,5
c) 1,2,3

21) The differential pressure controller in a turbocharger

A-reduces bootstrapping during part-throttle operation.
B-positions the waste gate valve for maximum
C-provides a constant fuel-to-air ratio.

22) What i s used to drive a supercharger?

A-Exhaust gasses.
B-Gear train from the crankshaft.
C-Belt drive through a pulley arrangement.

23) When starting an engine equipped with a carburetor air

heater, in what position should the heater be placed?

24) The application of carburetor heat during engine operation will

A-decrease the weight of the fueVair charge.
B-decrease the volume of air in the cylinder.
C-increase the density of air in the cylinder.

25 ) Inan airplane equippedwith an altemateair system, i f the

mainair duct air filter becomes blocked or clogged, the
A-system will automatically allow warm, unfiltered
air to be drawn into the engine.
B-flow of air into the engine will be slowed or cut
off unless altemate air i s selected.
C-system will automatically allow warm, filtered
alternate air to be drawn into the engine.

26) The action of a carburetor airscoop i s to supply air to

the carburetor, but it may also
A-cool the engine.
B-keep fuel lines cool and prevent vapor lock.
C-increase the pressure of the incoming air by ram

27) A carburetor air pre-heater i s not generally used on

takeoff unless absolutely necessary because of the
A-loss of power and possible detonation.
B-possibility of induction system overboost.
C-inability of the engine to supply enough heat to
make a significant difference.
28) what does CAT gauge indicate if the temp. bulb is located at the engine side of carburetor?
a) Temp of Air b) Temp. of Fuel and air mixture c) either a) or b) d) none

29) Carburetor air filter should be checked ?

a) Regularly b) During 50Hrs of inspection c) During 100 Hrs of inspection
d) None

30) What is the probable defect in induction system if an engine fails to start ?
a) induction system obstructed b) Air leaks c) Engine valve sticking d) Both a & b

31. Artificial aspirated engines are ……….

1.Fitted with turbocharger 2.Fitted with turbo super charger
3.Otherwise called Naturally aspirated engine 4.Both 1& 2

1.The ice guard consist of coarse mesh screen located a short distance from the filtered air entrance
2.Naturally aspirated engine are fitted with turbocharger
3. Externally driven supercharger are called turbosupercharger
4.Both 1 & 3
33.Distribution impellers is ……
1.Attached directly to the end of rear shank of crankshaft
2.Operates at the same speed as crankshaft
3. Increases the pressure of the fuel air mixture
4.Both 1 & 2
34. What happens to the waste gate position , when the oil is bled back to the oil tank through oil outlet port ?
1. closes 2. Opens 3.Remains unchanged 4. None
35. Function of one way check valve ……………………………………………
1.Allows flow of oil in one direction 2.Prevents oil from draining back 3.Allows flow of oil in
both direction 4.Both 1 & 2
36. The density controller in turbocharger …………….
1. Limit the manifold pressure below the turbocharger critical altitude
2. Regulates bleed oil during part throttle operation
3. regulates bleed oil only at full throttle operation
4. Both 1 & 3
37. . The differential controller in turbocharger …………….
1. Limit the manifold pressure below the turbocharger critical altitude
2. Regulates bleed oil during part throttle operation
3. Regulates bleed oil only at full throttle operation
4. Both 1 & 3
38. What does density controller sense ?
1. Air pressure upstream & downstream of throttle valve
2. Pressure change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
3. Temperature change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
4. Both 2& 3
39. What does Pressure controller sense ?
1. Air pressure upstream & downstream of throttle valve
2. Pressure change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
3. Temperature change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
4. Both 2& 3
40.Probable causes of aircraft fails to reach critical altitude
1. Exhaust system leaks
2. Bootstrapping 3.Oil inlet orifice blocked in waste gate actuator 4. Both 2 & 3

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