Piston Engine 1 2017
Piston Engine 1 2017
Piston Engine 1 2017
4)A carburetor heat heat air valves is located ……..the carburetor for selecting an alternate warm air source to pecvent
carburetor icing.
a)up to the carburetor b)down c)anywhere can be fitted d) none
8)To be a true super charger ,it must boost the manifold pressure
a)above 30”of Hg b)below 30” Hg c)above 45”Hg d) below 45”Hg
11)When the waste gate is fully opened, nearly all of the exhaust gas pass overboard providing
30) What is the probable defect in induction system if an engine fails to start ?
a) induction system obstructed b) Air leaks c) Engine valve sticking d) Both a & b
1.The ice guard consist of coarse mesh screen located a short distance from the filtered air entrance
2.Naturally aspirated engine are fitted with turbocharger
3. Externally driven supercharger are called turbosupercharger
4.Both 1 & 3
33.Distribution impellers is ……
1.Attached directly to the end of rear shank of crankshaft
2.Operates at the same speed as crankshaft
3. Increases the pressure of the fuel air mixture
4.Both 1 & 2
34. What happens to the waste gate position , when the oil is bled back to the oil tank through oil outlet port ?
1. closes 2. Opens 3.Remains unchanged 4. None
35. Function of one way check valve ……………………………………………
1.Allows flow of oil in one direction 2.Prevents oil from draining back 3.Allows flow of oil in
both direction 4.Both 1 & 2
36. The density controller in turbocharger …………….
1. Limit the manifold pressure below the turbocharger critical altitude
2. Regulates bleed oil during part throttle operation
3. regulates bleed oil only at full throttle operation
4. Both 1 & 3
37. . The differential controller in turbocharger …………….
1. Limit the manifold pressure below the turbocharger critical altitude
2. Regulates bleed oil during part throttle operation
3. Regulates bleed oil only at full throttle operation
4. Both 1 & 3
38. What does density controller sense ?
1. Air pressure upstream & downstream of throttle valve
2. Pressure change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
3. Temperature change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
4. Both 2& 3
39. What does Pressure controller sense ?
1. Air pressure upstream & downstream of throttle valve
2. Pressure change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
3. Temperature change between the fuel injector inlet in the turbocharger compressor
4. Both 2& 3
40.Probable causes of aircraft fails to reach critical altitude
1. Exhaust system leaks
2. Bootstrapping 3.Oil inlet orifice blocked in waste gate actuator 4. Both 2 & 3