Article 1648703466
Article 1648703466
Article 1648703466
*Dr. Raja Nakhli, Ghita Elghouat, Hicham Yahyaoui and Mohamed Chakour
Laboratory of Haematology of Avicenna Military Hospital, Marrakech Faculty of Medicine, University Cadi Ayyad,
Introduction: Chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (CLPD) are an heterogeneous group of diseases
characterized by uncontroled production of lymphocytes that cause clonal lymphocytosis, lymphadenopathy, and
bone marrow infiltration. Methods: A retrospective analysis (2014 to 2020) was carried out on the basis of 99
patients with lymphoproliferative disorders in the Laboratory of hematology of the Avicenne military hospital in
Marrakech to describe the epidemiological, clinical, cytological characteristics of lymphoproliferative disorders.
Results: Among 99 registered cases, there were 62 cases of multiple myeloma (MM) (62,62 %), 32 cases of
chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) (32,3%), 3 cases of Sézary syndrome (SS) (3 %), a single case of Hairy Cells
Leukemia (HCL) (1%) and a single case of prolymphocytic leukemia(LPB) (1%) were described. The median age
of the patients was 61 (range: 41 to 80) years. There were 76 males (76%) and 23 females (24%), Male-to-female
sex ratio was 3. Myelomas are the most frequently encountered in our series,bone pain is present in 78% of
multiple myeloma patients, 6% have vertebral compression and 7% present chronic renal failure. Monoclonal
gammopathy with kappa-type IgG is found in 60% of cases, IgG lambda in 26% of cases, IgA kappa in 5% of
cases, IgM kappa in 4% of cases, and kappa light chains in 5% of cases.We found 32 cases of CLL, the average
age is 65 years with extremes ranging from 45 to 78 years with a sex ratio of 5. Peripheral lymphadenopathy is the
most frequent revealing symptom of the disease in 31 cases (50%) associated with splenomegaly in 2 cases, 45 %
of cases were clinically asymptomatic. Conclusions: This retrospective study provides a clinical, epidemiological
and cytological description of lymphoproliferative disorders in 101 cases
proteins, Serum protein immune-fixation and In this series, the prevalence of myeloma is 62, 6%,
radiological signs. against 32,3% of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia , 3% of
Sezary syndrome, and prolymphocytic and hairy cell
Exclusion criteria leukemia are ranked last with 1% each (Figure 1).
Hyper lymphocytosis due to viral infections and chronic
polyclonal hyperlymphocytosis were excluded from the
present study.
Of the 99 registered cases, the median age of the patients
is 61 years (41 to 80 years). There is 76 males (76%) and
23 females (24%) Male-to-female sex ratio is 3.
Myelomas are the most frequently encountered in our Among 62 myelomas, 78% have bone pain, 6% vertebral
series. The average age is 55 with extremes of 41 to 80 compression and 7% have chronic renal failure. The
years. The sex ratio is 2.5. sedimentation rate is less than 30 mm at the first hour in
35% of patients, between 30 and 100 mm in 60% and
very accelerated exceeding 100 mm in 5%. (Table I)
Monoclonal gammopathy with kappa-type IgG is found Peripheral lymphadenopathy was the most frequent
in 60% of cases, IgG lambda in 26% of cases, IgA kappa discovery, revealing the disease in 16 cases (50%). They
in 5% of cases, IgM kappa in 4% of cases and kappa were associated with splenomegaly in 2 cases (5%). the
light chains in 5% of cases. rest were clinically asymptomatic (45%) (Figure 2).
The diagnosis of CLL is made by a complete blood count dl in 19 cases (54,5%), a platelet count between 70 and
that showed a hyperlymphocytosis of variable 130 G / l in 1 case (3%), and an association between an
importance, always greater than 5G / l. anemia and thrombocytopenia in 12 cases ( 34,5%).
(Table II)
The other lines were also affected in 32 patients (91%),
with a hemoglobin level varying between 8 and 11.5 g /
The myelogram carried out in 8 patients, shows a hyperleukocytosis at 200 G / L. The lymphoid cells on
lymphocyte infiltration of 30% to 91%, the other lines the blood smear are large with a dense chromatin
are quantitatively diminished. The lymphoid cells rounded nucleus and a prominent nucleolus. The
observed on blood smear and bone marrow smear had a percentage of these cells is 75%.
small size with normal morphology , with a nucleus
surrounded by a regular border of cytoplasm but little The prevalence of hairy cell leukemia is 1%. We
extended and weakly basophilic without granulations. reported a case of a patient with hepatosplenomegaly, a
hemorrhagic syndrome due to deep thrombocytopenia at
In our series, Sezary syndrome has a prevalence of 3% of 40 G / L, an infectious syndrome and normochromic
total chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes. The skin normocytic anemia. The successive haemograms of this
lesions are the most frequent sign, 2 of the 3 patients patient showed pancytopenia with 3% of hairy cells, the
present desquamating erythroderma with bone marrow smear showed poor material with 5% of
polyadenopathy, the other patient have parapsoriasiform hairy cells. The diagnosis is based on the morphological
lesions. Sezary cells represent 5 to 50% of the total identification of hairy cells, Flow Cytometry data
lymphocytes, which corresponds to 0.5-35 G / L in showed a combination of the three markers CD11c,
absolute numbers these atypical lymphocytes are of CD25 and CD103
variable size, mature, the nucleocytoplasmic ratio is high
with a nucleus hyperconvolute or "cerebriform" DISCUSSION
characteristic and a scanty cytoplasm, discreetly
Chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes(CLPD)represent
basophilic and without granulationsof the cases recorded,
a heterogeneous set of malignant hemopathies more
60% have normochromic normocytic anemia.
frequently encountered in the elderly, with an incidence
that increases with age.[2] The diagnosis requires a
A single case of prolymphocytic leukemia B is reported,
multidisciplinary approach including both clinical,
the patient presented a splenomegaly without peripheral
histological, immunophenotypic and cytogenic aspects.[2]
lymphadenopathy, anemia, thrombocytopenia and
There is a significant heterogeneity of clinical the average prevalence of light chain myeloma in our
presentation and prognosis between the different hospital.[10]
The Salmon and Durie classification is the gold standard
Multiple myeloma for prognostic evaluation. Stage III is the most frequent
According to the American Cancer Society, there are in most series (50 to 96.5%).[11,12] Our results are
approximately 12,000 new cases of MM and about 9,000 consistent with the data in the literature (82%).
MM-related deaths each year in the United States (10%
of malignant hemopathy).[4] The diagnosis is based on Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
the presence of ≥10% clonal bone marrow plasma cells Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most
or a biopsy proven plasmacytoma associated to one or common of the Chronic lymphoproliferative syndromes,
more CRAB criteria (renal failure, hypercalcemia, lytic it is considered as an indolent disease, common in adults
bone lesions and anemia). The main manifestations of and accounts for 12% of all hematological diseases,[13]
myeloma result from the accumulation of malignant 6% in Japan, 1.5% in Korea.[14] The crudeincidence rate
plasma cells in the bone marrow, which leads to the per 100,000 individuals is 0.11in Korea.
production and secretion of a monoclonal protein in the
blood and/or urine, bone lesions, bone marrow failure Patients are initially asymptomatic and symptoms appear
with anemia and/or leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, as the disease progresses, a third of patients will never
immunosuppression with inhibition of normal need to be treated with a treatment, a third is
immunoglobulin production and increased susceptibility symptomatic and requires treatment, the last third will be
to infection. processed during the follow-up, it is recognized by its
clinical but also prognostic heterogeneity. The etiologies
In this series, the prevalence of myeloma is 62,6%. This are not well known.[15] CLL is defined by the presence
alteration of the general condition was often due to the and accumulation of small mature lymphocytosis in the
delay in consultation and mainly concerned the elderly. bone marrow, blood and lymphoid organs, more than 5
Bone manifestations (pain, pathological fractures) G/L clonal cells, lasting more than three months, with
frequently dominate the clinical picture. monotypic proliferation. CLL cells are small
lymphocytes with dense chromatin, a nucleus that
The frequency of osteoarticular manifestations is virtually fills the cell with no nucleoli.[16] The diagnosis
variable from one series to another, but they are almost of CLL is confirmed by the study of lymphocyte
constant (65-90%). In our study, bone pain was the main membrane markers and a Matutes score greater than or
revealing sign of the pathology (47 patients (78%), equal to 4 when examined by immunophenotyping, a
which concurs with the other series: Makni,[3] Bouataya score strictly inferior to 3 points towards another
and al.[4] Renal failure is found with a frequency of 7% in lymphoproliferative B syndrome.[17] The median age at
our series. Frequencies of (22% and 31%) were found in diagnosis ranges from 70 to 72 years.[18,19] The average
two large series of Blade and al,[5] and Hippe and al.[6] age in our series is 55 years old withextremes ranging
from 45 to 78 years which is in line with the results of
For the 3 cases with a peak at electrophoresis, it is most international series, in the Young-Woo series the median
often of type γ, regarding the isotypic distribution, the age is 59 with extremes from 60 to 80 years old. In the
IgG type is predominant. The prominent place occupied Young-Woo series the median age is 59 with extremes
by IgG in our series is also found in major international from 60 to 80 years old.[17] Patients at diagnosis are often
series where their proportion varies from 48 to 65%. In asymptomatic.[20] Two characteristics stand out in the
our series IgA ranks second with 5% of cases. This result study of our series, the sex ratio raised to 5 (1.5 to 2 in
is found in the Tunisian series of Mseddiet al.[7] and in Europe) (1 to 1.4 in korea).[17] and the late discovery of
the Spanish series of Giraldo et al.[8] where IgA accounts the disease at the stage of ganglionic and splenic
for more than 18% of cases. invasion in more than 90% of patients.[21]
While in most international series, IgM ranks second Patients have a good performance status at diagnosis.
with more than 20 to 33% of monoclonal gammopathies. Lymphadenopathy (cervical and axillary lymph nodes
These differences may in part be explained by the higher bilaterally and symetrical)may be observed in
prevalence of Waldenström disease in Western Europe approximately 80% of cases, in our series, Peripheral
compared to the Mediterranean basin. Other genetic and lymphadenopathy was the most frequent discovery
environmental factors that are not yet well known would revealing disease in 31 cases (50%), They were
be involved.[9] associated with splenomegaly in 2 cases (5%). the rest
were clinically asymptomatic (45%).
The second particularity of our series is the frequency of
light chain gammapathies which represent 5%. In Anemia and thrombocytopenia are observed in 15-30%
international series, the frequency of this type of of patients with CLL.[22] In our case we foundan
gammopathy varies from 2.7 to 14.13%, which shows hemoglobin level varying between 8 and 11.5 g / dl in 19
cases (54,5%), and a platelet count between 70 and 130
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