TOR - Purchase of Single Carpeta
TOR - Purchase of Single Carpeta
TOR - Purchase of Single Carpeta
The system also computes the Good Conduct Time Allowance in relation to Republic Act
No. 10592 also known as the "New Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) LaW' and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations.
To enhance/reprogram/update the Single Carpeta System to conform with the ruling of
the Supreme Court on the implementation of Republic Act No. 10592 also known as the
"New Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) Law" and perform various enhancements
on existing modules (specified in the attached Annexes) to improve system performance,
usability and adaptable to changes.
11. End-user Training for the implementing agencies on the enhancements applied
to the Single Carpeta System. Training venue, materials, and meals shall be
shouldered by the service provider during training.
12. Ensure compliance with the respective health protocols implemented by the
Department of Justice and Corrections Cluster Agencies concerning COVID-19 during
the delivery of the project.
Minor System Improvement Service providers shall make the Two (2) weeks upon approval
necessary improvements of System testing.
Implementation - Deployment Service provided shall install Two (2) weeks upon
for System Use updated features to servers of completion of Training.
implementing agencies Upon
completion focal persons to
issue appropriate certification
The service provider shall resolve software issues within the periods described in a
Service Level Agreement after it was reported by the implementing agencies through
fax, telephone, or email.
The service provider shall provide a portal intended for monitoring/discussion and
reporting on the stages of the development/enhancement and implementation of the
The service provider shall present any changes, updates, and enhancements to the focal
person/s of the implementing agency before deployment of said changes, updates and
enhancements, for approval (shall be made in writing) and proper documentation.
1. Must have relevant experience with similar projects like Single Carpeta System.
Shall use the same development tools and programming language used in the
development of the Single Carpeta System.
2. The service provider should have completed and implemented systems
development with a systems integration function.
3. Service providers should have a business presence in the Philippines of
providing ICT services for the last five (5) years.
a. Project Manager
• Must have extensive experience in ICT Project deployment.
• At least 5 years' experience as a Project Manager
• Knowledgeable in multiple database platform and analytic tools
Terms of Reference for the
Enhancements on the Single Carpeta System Page 13 of 8
b. System Analyst
• Knowledge and experience in Business Analytics and data warehousing,
SQL, and NO SQL technologies and the development of web applications.
• At least three (3) years' experience using Java Development tools
• Working experience in designing a Case Management System
c. Developers/Programmers
• Must have comprehensive experience in the development of case
management systems and other- related web-based applications.
• At least three (3) years' experience in web application development and
• Must have the knowledge and expertise in application database
management (e.g. MySQL, NoSQL, Hadoop, Cloud databases, and OLAP).
The Service Provider/Developer shall assume responsibility and shall be held responsible
for any damage and/or destruction of the system features, overall functions, and
processes of the project. The Service Provider/Developer shall be responsible for the
safety and protection of data/information during project development.
The defects liability period for the project shall be one (1) year upon final acceptance of
the project. During the period that Service Provider/Developer shall conduct debugging,
and re-coding of the system to the satisfaction of the end-user.
If the Service Provider/Developer fails to complete the project on the given time, the
company shall pay liquidated damages in accordance with the R.A. 9184 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations.
The total budget for the implementation of this project is FOUR MILLION EIGHT
HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P inclusive of taxes and shall be paid on the
following schedule:
Terms of Reference for the
Enhancements on the Single Carpeta System Page 14 of 8
Activity Schedule of Payment
System Development
System Testing 40% of Contact Cost
Prepared by:
Date 20200
Information Systems Analyst Il
Reviewed by:
Chief, ICT Applications Systems Division
Recommending Approval:
Enhancement for the Single Carpeta System - Web Portal shall include the following
1. Deploy the Single Carpeta System (SCS) - Web Portal to the iGovCloud service
of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT).
2. Shall incorporate a Task Management feature where users can view requests and
responses. Please see the following diagram:
STIMULUS / Insufficient information from the results of search and view
RESPONSE function
FEATURES • The Request form and data fields to be
• Send request
• Push notification through email
• Notification of approval/disapproval, state
reason for disapproval
• copy furnished the agency administrator the
request and notification approval
Exchange Platform
Data Exchange Platform —Task Manager
4. "Request and respond" shall have the capability to attach scanned documents
(e.g. official request, signed documents) in a PDF file format, with twenty-five (25)
megabytes (MB) maximum accumulated file size per attachment.
5. Provide additional "widgets".
a. Statistics on decongestion rates
b. List of most active users
6. Enhance the audit trail capability to include "request and respond" transactions.
Shall be able to generate reports on transactions (date range) that will include user
name, agency, date request, date respond, list of attachments, among others.
Enhancement for the Inmate Management Information System (IMIS) — Bureau of
Corrections (BuCor).
1. Shall update the library of crimes being used by IMIS. The service
provider shall use the Philippine Crime Index.
2. Update the Single Carpeta System in the computation of GCTA and any
computations/functions/features on the modules of the Single Carpeta System that
are affected by the ruling of the Supreme Court mentioned above. The service
provider shall keep as a reference the old computation.
3. Shall create a necessary management module to provide users of IMIS a tool
to manage crimes specifically those that are not included in the Philippine Crime
Index specifically violations of local/city ordinances and complex crimes (i.e. two or
more crime committed).
5. Shall have the feature that the user can encode information into the system
even if the internet connection is weak/loss and able to send/push data when the
internet connection is restored seamlessly without user intervention (for
deployment into colonies).
6. Shall be able to "tag" and/or "mark" those persons deprived of liberty (PDL)
a. committed heinous crimes
b. recidivist
c. child in conflict with the law (CICL)
d. high profile PDL's
e. high-risk PDL's
f. high profile and high-risk PDL's
7 Additional requirements are as follows:
1 Dashboard Widget title change Shall make Widget Names to be editable
2 Dashboard Status of Commit and Release Shall ensure that as a support for the widget
"Data on Commit and Release", add another
widget that will show the modes of releases
and the number for each.
3 Dashboard Expired Sentence Notification Must have a notification that flashes the
number of PDLS with minimum and/or
maxtmum sentences is about to expire.
Shall be able to generate and print the list
of PDLs with sentence are about to expire
4 Receiving Maximum PDL per Batch Change the maximum PDL per Batch Number
Number to FLEXIBLE
5 ARPDMD & IDPS Type of Custody Under the PDC's profile, the "Type of
- PDL Profile Custody" field must be dropdown. The
values can be modified using system
6 ARPDMD & IDPS PDL Time Credit for heinous Shall ensure that there be a way to mark the
- Time Credit crimes Crime as heinous. If the PDL is under a case
OR that is marked as a heinous crime, time
Offenses credit shall not be given to him/her
7 ARPDMD & IDPS Revise "Pending Case/s" and Shall revise "Pending Case/s" to "Other
- Pending Cases "Add Pending Case" to "Other Case/s"
Case/s" and "Add Other Case"
8 ARPDMD & IDPS Case Status Shall add a field "Status" for each Case
- Pending Cases
9 ARPDMD & IDPS Change "Official Version of the Shall revise the "Official Version of the Case"
- Case Case" to "PDL Version of the to "PDL Version of the Case"
10 Reports CC Forms 3, 4, 5, 6 Shall ensure that the mentioned reports are
merge/replace into 1 to be merged/replaced into 1 report. BuCor
will provide a list of reports to retain, the
new title of that report, and the final format
for that report.
12 Reports Generate all CC Forms for a Shall ensure that the system shall have a
PDL feature to print all CC Forms for a selected
15 Reports Generate a report for release Shall be able to generate and print list of
PDL's with minimum and/or maximum
sentence that are about to expire
16 Users Required Confirm Password Shall ensure to make the Confirm Password
17 ARPDMD & IDPS Revise "Gang Marks" to Shall ensure to revise "Gang Marks" to
- PDL Profile 'Vertillon Marks" 'Vertillon Marks"
The implementing agencies may be allowed to provide a "counterpan developer that will
act as the observer during the enhancement and may recommend necessary
steps/procedures to achieve the desired outcome, specifically to the implementing agency
Enhancement for National Inmate Monitoring System (NIMS) — Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology (BJMP).
d. Field Officers
Regional Directors
Administrator Case Management
Records Division
h. Case Management and Records Unit
Prepared by:
Information Systems Analyst Il
Noted by: