Gy Div 0
Gy Div 0
Gy Div 0
Feed Stock
Percent (MT/Day) m3 per ton M3
Pressmud 100 0
Sludge 12 0
CattleDung 50 0
Napier Grass / Poultry
Litter 135 0
#DIV/0! Potato / Food Waste
#DIV/0! Wood 0
#DIV/0! MSW 100 0
Revenue (CNG) 0
Revenue (Fertilizer) 0
Revenue (Electricity) 0
Item Lakhs
Agitator 15
Heating Arrangement 12
Digestor Nos. 0
No. of Agitators 0
Pump, 0
Agitator for
Agitator Required
4 For 22 Dia
6 For 32 Dia
Biogas Yield
From Various Feedstock
Biogas Yield Profitable Landing Cost
Feed Stock
m3 per Ton (INR) per Ton
Pressmud 100 800
CattleDung 50 400
Napier Grass 100
Poultry Litter
135 1000
Potato / Food Waste
Paddy Straw
(Not Confirmed at a 300 1500
Commercial Scale)
Methane Methane
Biogas BioCNG
(Gas) (Liquid)
Stage 1 Manipulaton 2
No. of Cylinder 20
Density After
KL=Ton=m3 for water Compression
Storage Req. (kg) 5000
No. of Cascade Req. 23.1
Arrangement in a x b 5 Area Req.
L 5 20
W 5 20
Primary Digestor
3000 20.6 9.0 0.43675508
Digestor 7235 32.0 9.0 0.28125
Buffer Tank
50 3.0 7.1 2.359046945
Balloon VC in meter
15.5 Diameter 31
Height 2
Volume 758.57
1 cylinder = 6m3
(Oxygen Plant)
5 TPD 70
10 TPD 105
15 TPD 185
20 TPD
25 TPD 160
30 TPD
40 TPD
50 TPD 440
42 TPD
43 TPD
20 90 26 KW 1000 m2 3 m3/day
65 170
20 Cyl 8.5
4 Cyl 1.25